19431943 Terezín souvenir sheet issued for a visit of Red Cross delegation, GREEN colour(!!!!), Pof.PrA1c, numbered 100 (!), Guarantee Certificate Dr. Benes, very good quality, small marks. It is not known how many pieces are in the world collections, however in Czech republic only 3 unused pieces are known.
Extreme Rarity!! Excellent investment opportunity.
1900-20selection of 129 pcs of stamp. from various colonies on/for stock-book sheet A4, from that 23 pcs of large format markovky, mainly clear hinged, only several pcs used
1947FOGLAR Jaroslav Rychlé šípy heading letter with postmark journal Vpřed with signature writer, supplemented with udělenými embroideries Badge of honour and For/Behind pracovitost, perfect condition
1941-69 PERSONALITIES comp. 14 pcs of paper slips with signatures important Czech personalities: F.X. Svoboda, J.S. Machar, V. Talich, G. Preisová, L. Dostálová, F. Halas, J. Seifert, R. Hrušínský, J. Marvan, J. Vojta, F. Filipovský, J. Trnka, gen. Svoboda., E. and D. Zátopkovi, well preserved, clear
1945 POLITICIANS Klement Gottwald + V.Široký + V.Kopecký, autographs on the back side of service card for R.Plešner, who practiced his job in the 1st Region conference of communist party in Prague. Well-preserved
1918-20CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of plate flaws and printers waste on pages in 5 boxes, chosen and described defects according to Monograph, mainly complete all values according to plate, very nice elaborated, clear good condition
1937-42 GERMANY selection of 31 pcs of pictorial post cards and p.stat propagandistic Ppc (3 pcs of), contains i.a. Mi.P269, P285 set, P246, P239 etc.., mainly Un with special postmark, 5 pcs of Us
1930-50postcard collection of ca. 2500 pcs of topographical photo postcard only small format, mainly tourist places Czechoslovakia in/at smaller míře from countries Europe, all in larger box, total 10kg of material, profitable offer piece 0,40CZK
1945Maps postal kursů in Bohemia, K. Jirotka, supplemented with other maps post. kursů complete Czechoslovakia + whole Europe and world; good condition
1928 Postal traffic regulations, issued by ministry post and telegraphs, contains detailed manual for post. transport, bound, 480 sides, slightly abraded backbone, but inside clear and intact binding, sought
1919 Postal service výkonná (J.Pšenička), manual for post offices in Czechoslovakia and handbook to/at zkouškám postal, issue II, contains much additionally written or paste-in dodatků, 240 sides, good condition, very sought
1895railway map Austria - Hungary with návazností on/for surrounding states, folded on/for small format to plates, rozložená 97x76cm, nepodlepená, some corners worn through or torn, after all well readable, covers signs of age, extraordinary offer for railway specialist
PROTECTIVE COVERS selection of used transparent covers on stmp and entires, paper slips and clamping pockets on stmp., full box from office papers, total 7kg
19192 letters, 1x franked with. mixed franking Austrian. and Czechosl. stamps (12+10h), MC Prague/ 12.I.19, 1x franked with. two Austrian. stamps (20+20h), CDS Prague 19/ 22.2.19, on/for both letters Austrian stamps by hand přepsány "Czechoslovak post", overfranked, both on reverse sealed, signs of age, long format
1919commercial PC franked with. Austrian. stamps Mi.187 + pair express stmp Mi.2x 219, CDS Eger 2/ 13.I.19, on reverse rest of hinge and owner's mark., good destination
1919 selection 10 pcs of larger parts postal orders, 8x franking Hungarian and 2x Austrian stamps, various CDS, viewing of quality recommended especially back side/party
1919 Reg letter to Plzeň franked with. Austrian. stamp. Mi.224 and Postage due stamps Mi.48, 49, both with overprint FRANCO, CDS Jablunkau 15.1.19, Austrian Reg label, good condition
1919 Reg letter sent from Bohumín to Polish Ostrava, franked with Austrian stmp Mi.224 and postage-due Mi.41 with overprint FRANCO, CDS Oderberg 2/ 21.1.19, Austrian Reg label, 2x vert. fold, from that 1x through/over franking Mi.224, still preserved
1919 selection of 20 pcs of cuts Hungarian post. dispatch-notes and orders franked with Hungarian stmps.., used in Slovakia as Czechosl. forerunner and parallel, mostly well readable postmark
1919larger part (2/3) international credit notes, franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.213+187 (white čísla!!), 3x CDS Eperjes/ 919 JAN.24 (Prešov), on reverse arrival postmark. broken out and nevylámané CDS Moravská Ostrava 1/ 27.I.19, good condition
1918Pof.RV119-132 Skalice overprint, line 14 pcs of, 2x hinged, all with expert's mark, mostly Kraus, but also Novotný, Mrňák, also commercial marks Stach, Topič, mostly good quality