Mail Auction 15 / Picture Postcards

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42664 - 1919 CHESS, drawn scene from Orientu,  B/W, Us, light rounde
1919 CHESS, drawn scene from Orientu, B/W, Us, light rounded corners
Starting price: CZK
40043 - 1920 VII. Sokol festival, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, official color
1920 VII. Sokol festival, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, official color postcard with Hradčany franking, both Us, 1x advertising label on reverse, bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
41163 - 1920-48 comp. 8 pcs of motive Ppc : VII. festival, VIII. fes
1920-48 comp. 8 pcs of motive Ppc : VII. festival, VIII. festival, Vinohradská Sokol house, chief A.Hájek, mayor A.V.Prágr, 3x XI. festival, 6x color, 1x used, good condition to nice
Starting price: CZK
43881 - 1922 Festival Orel (movement)   in Brno, color drawn postcar
1922 Festival Orel (movement) in Brno, color drawn postcard, Un, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
42653 - 1936 Congress Moravian-Silesian of scouts in Zlín,  B/W, on
1936 Congress Moravian-Silesian of scouts in Zlín, B/W, on reverse text but Un, light wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
41799 - 1936 Scouting   postcard issued to Jubilejnímu country cong
1936 Scouting postcard issued to Jubilejnímu country congress Union Scouts of scouts and scout-girls Republic of Czechoslovakia in Prague, monochrome, used, light fold in corner otherwise preserved
Starting price: CZK
41800 - 1946 SCOUTING    B/W drawn postcard (P.Joubert) issued to Sc
1946 SCOUTING B/W drawn postcard (P.Joubert) issued to Scout congress in Prague 1946, on address-side 3x special postmark ditto, without address and text, sought author, very fine
Starting price: CZK
44182 - 1944 VITICULTURE / BZENEC - centre jihomoravského vinařstv
1944 VITICULTURE / BZENEC - centre jihomoravského vinařství and zelinářství, advertising B/W print on address-side PC, Drogerie Max. Vytonský, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40511 - 1900 DUNLOP - Die Perle aller Pneumatic! (Perla all pneumati
1900 DUNLOP - Die Perle aller Pneumatic! (Perla all pneumatik!). Všichni jezdí on/for pneu Dunlop - Old Nick also angels. long address, Us, on reverse big hint of sticking.
Starting price: CZK
40849 - 1900 Les Magasins de L'INCROYABLE, Rue Léon Houtart, HOUDEN
1900 Les Magasins de "L'INCROYABLE", Rue Léon Houtart, HOUDENG-GOEGNIES. long address, Un, in front label, superb.
Starting price: CZK
40835 - 1902 PITTSBURG-VISIBLE- věhlasný rychlopisný typewriter w
1902 "PITTSBURG-VISIBLE"- věhlasný rychlopisný typewriter with otevřeným type. Collage "pulled up piece newspapers". long address, Us, bumped corners, zdařile repaired corner.
Starting price: CZK
40844 - 1910? Albert Michler's Original BUCHSDORFER, Factory feinste
1910? Albert Michler's Original BUCHSDORFER, Factory feinster Liköre, promotional Ppc likérky from Bukové (dist. Jeseník), Un, light bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
37889 - 1912 Prostějov - advertising postcard Grand-Hotelu, Un, lig
1912 Prostějov - advertising postcard Grand-Hotelu, Un, light bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
42875 - 1915 Continental - Aeroplanstoff, aircraft, painted vicebare
1915 Continental - Aeroplanstoff, aircraft, painted vicebarevná lithography., Us with cancel. German FP 2.Marine-Div.; slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
29926 - 1920 Chocolat Suchard - color advertising with motive of Pra
1920 Chocolat Suchard - color advertising with motive of Prague, Czech coat of arms and costumed pair. Us, stains.
Starting price: CZK
40845 - 1925 Joseph VESELÝ, factory likérů, Prague VII, Belcredih
1925 Joseph VESELÝ, factory likérů, Prague VII, Belcrediho road. 534. Un, light stains.
Starting price: CZK
44598 - 1930 Lanol - parfumerie Pilnáček, drawn advertising, small
1930 Lanol - parfumerie Pilnáček, drawn advertising, small format, Un, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40709 - 1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover,
1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover, drawn postcard, selský yard, man with selaty in/at podpaží. Used, fold, light stains.
Starting price: CZK
40711 - 1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover,
1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover, drawn postcard, soldier on/for motorcycle with zapřaženým trakařem. Un, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40710 - 1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover,
1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover, drawn postcard, animals on/for korbě car. Us, special postmark, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42695 - 1939 Procházkovy Pilsner restaurant, advertising postcard o
1939 Procházkovy Pilsner restaurant, advertising postcard on/for beer, large format, Us, bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
44707 - 1939 STUTTGART  Reichs - Gartenschau Stuttgart 1939, promoti
1939 STUTTGART Reichs - Gartenschau Stuttgart 1939, promotional Ppc to zahradnické exhibition, large format, Un, with memorial postmarks, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42616 - 1940 beerhouse Bavaria St. Pauli (St. Pauli-Brauerei) Hambur
1940 beerhouse Bavaria St. Pauli (St. Pauli-Brauerei) Hamburg, beer glass, in background town; large format, Us, bumped corners, cross fold
Starting price: CZK
40839 - 1960? ROLLS ROYCE - For nejdůležitější day vašeho živ
1960? ROLLS ROYCE - For nejdůležitější day vašeho života... Mějte svatbu in/at white Rolls-Royce. Un, very good condition.
Starting price: CZK
42534 - 1917 Amerikai Kossuth-Dollár, coats of arms and flags USA a
1917 Amerikai Kossuth-Dollár, coats of arms and flags USA and Hungary, embossed, Us, bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
45519 - 1905 bank-note on Ppc, Hundert kronen; Un, wrinkled corners
1905 bank-note on Ppc, "Hundert kronen"; Un, wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
42535 - 1915 Bankovka ZEHN KRONEN and mushrooms, Un, bumped corners
1915 Bankovka ZEHN KRONEN and mushrooms, Un, bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
40960 - 1915? Y.M.C.A. postcard with printings flags countries bojuj
1915? Y.M.C.A. postcard with printings flags countries bojujících against Trojspolku, issued. Neubert Prague, Un, small tearing, otherwise clear, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
42659 - 1900 coins on postcards, Austria - Franz Joseph I., embossed
1900 coins on postcards, Austria - Franz Joseph I., embossed lithography, Un, nice
Starting price: CZK
31336 - 1929 vějíř 5 cards with flags in/at hands, Us, good condi
1929 vějíř 5 cards with flags in/at hands, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40695 - 1899 Tagen des wilden Mannes, Geschichtlisches Festspiel, au
1899 "Tagen des wilden Mannes", Geschichtlisches Festspiel, aufgeführt vom German Turnverein (sport club) Schluckenau and. 27/8 1899. long address, Us, light abraded.
Starting price: CZK
40969 - 1900 Liberecký club/association, Art Nouveau motive, long a
1900 Liberecký club/association, Art Nouveau motive, long address, Us, light stains.
Starting price: CZK
40475 - 1900 Moravská Třebová - Mähr. Trübau, Heil der German l
1900 Moravská Třebová - Mähr. Trübau, Heil der German labour! Lithography, long address, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40714 - 1915 For care about/by children and youth in Silesia, Un, ve
1915 For care about/by children and youth in Silesia, Un, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
46104 - 1925 comp. 15 pcs of reproduction artistic work with women's
1925 comp. 15 pcs of reproduction artistic work with women's nude French origin
Starting price: CZK
42261 - 1902 girl with wings  vážky above ulitou with sailing-ship
1902 girl with wings vážky above ulitou with sailing-ship, color lithography, embossed, long address, used, stains after postmark, partially described
Starting price: CZK
42637 - 1910 Take-off aeroplane Czech aviator p. engineer. Kašpar f
1910 Take-off aeroplane Czech aviator p. engineer. Kašpar from Pardubice, B/W 2-views (aircraft + aviator), 2 corners promáčklé from photoalbum, light bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
37892 - 1915? Brno-Husovice - zvonařská works R. Manoušek and spo
1915? Brno-Husovice - zvonařská works "R. Manoušek and spol.", bells issued on/for court, in background tower husovického church, Un, bumped corners, light stains.
Starting price: CZK
40961 - 1913 figure postman/-en with brašnou (evidently from post L
1913 figure postman/-en with brašnou (evidently from post Liboc), B/W, used, several fly-spots, otherwise well preserved
Starting price: CZK
42612 - 1938 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak repub
1938 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, from that 1x collage, Un, mounted stamp., postmark Parliament N.S., 30.XI.38, good condition
Starting price: CZK
41762 - 1938 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak repub
1938 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, paste-in to cover with two stamps and CDS Prague 10 Castle and Prague 29 Parliament, both with date 30.XI.38, nice
Starting price: CZK
41760 - 1938 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak repub
1938 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, Un, mounted two stamps in picture side and CDS Prague 10 Castle and Prague 29 Parliament, both with date 30.XI.38, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
41164 - 1921 Hybeš Joseph, senator, memorial on/for Brno cemetery,
1921 Hybeš Joseph, senator, memorial on/for Brno cemetery, B/W, Un, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
43919 - 1920? John ŽIŽKA from Trocnov - plastic postcard in golden
1920? John ŽIŽKA from Trocnov - plastic postcard in golden color, issued Association for zbudování Žižka's monument on/for Žižkově, bumped corners and light stains on reverse
Starting price: CZK
42841 - 1921 MASARYK, tomáš Garrigue, president, by/on/at Vysoké
1921 MASARYK, tomáš Garrigue, president, by/on/at Vysoké school technical, provázen rektorem Novákem, B/W photo postcard, Un, on reverse by hand description, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42618 - 1940 dánský King Kristian X. on/for projížďce Kodaní m
1940 dánský King Kristian X. on/for projížďce Kodaní mounted; Us, ribbed corners
Starting price: CZK
42656 - 1938 count Zeppelin, color painted portrait (author Emerich)
1938 count Zeppelin, color painted portrait (author Emerich), large format, issued to 100. Anniv his birth and to exhibition Zeppelinové post, on reverse special postmark Konstanz 9.7.38, Un, good condition
Starting price: CZK
45239 - 1900 NAPOLEON I.  color lithography. postcard Stengel, repro
1900 NAPOLEON I. color lithography. postcard Stengel, reproduction picture Napoleon and family Murat, Luis Ducis, Un, wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
43827 - 1939 princess Olga and princ-regent Paul (Yugoslavia), TESTE
1939 princess Olga and princ-regent Paul (Yugoslavia), TESTER B/W postcard on the occasion of state visit in Germany, on reverse franked with. German stamp. Mi.694, 2 various special postmark to this event/-s, Un, 1 corner broken, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40763 - 1911 RÁKOCZI II. Ferenc - portrait with využitím optické
1911 RÁKOCZI II. Ferenc - portrait with využitím optického klamu. Us, light bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
41893 - 1914 varietní artista střílející from opěradla chair,
1914 varietní artista střílející from opěradla chair, B/W., Us burdened with postage-due, good condition
Starting price: CZK
43877 - 1915-25 selection of 24 pcs of, mostly motive Costumes, seve
1915-25 selection of 24 pcs of, mostly motive Costumes, several pcs with motive of Girl, good condition
Starting price: CZK
41261 - 1900-10 comp. 5 pcs of color Ppc with motive of angel, from
1900-10 comp. 5 pcs of color Ppc with motive of "angel", from that 4 pcs of embossed, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
39855 - 1915 HUNTING  color lithography postcard as hunting invitati
1915 HUNTING color lithography postcard as hunting invitation, used, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
44600 - 1912 HUNTING  invitation to honbě, monochrome lithography,
1912 HUNTING invitation to honbě, monochrome lithography, issued Dmych Litomyšl, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
45821 - 1920? comp. 7 pcs of color Ppc Prague holubi, printing O.Svo
1920? comp. 7 pcs of color Ppc Prague holubi, printing O.Svoboda, Un, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
42662 -  1925? Funny color postcard against light držeti, with ciga
1925? Funny color postcard "against light držeti", with cigar, Un, light bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
40589 - 1902 Old Nick, embossed postcard, long address, Us, good con
1902 Old Nick, embossed postcard, long address, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40536 - 1914 Old Nick on/for red background, embossed postcard. Us,
1914 Old Nick on/for red background, embossed postcard. Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40500 - 1911 Old Nick, greeting from Old Nick, embossed postcard, Us
1911 Old Nick, greeting from Old Nick, embossed postcard, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK