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1928 Zastávka near Brno, Sokol house, B/W photo postacard, Un, good condition1898 Tišnov, 6-view collage (Slovák Kroměříž), long address, dumb postmark "B" (Brno, Klein 80bd. ), arrival postmark Brno 1/ 24.12. 98, bumped corners1900 Břeclav - Lundenburg, train station, used. Good condition! 1908 HUSTOPEČE (Auspitz) - collage "ivy", lithography color, embossed; Us, good condition U:A5
1945 Moravská Nová Ves - color single-view, Us, wrinkled corners, otherwise preserved1937 Moravská Nová Ves - B/W 2-views, general view and square, Us, bumped corners, 1 corner fold1900 Pavlov - Gruss aus Pollau , Deutsch-Mähren , economic buildings and church. Us. Lightly bumped corners 1922 Luž (Lausche ) - lithography, restaurant on/for top (of) and circle outlook after/around surroundings; Us, wrinkled corners, light fold1900 PEKLO - blue postcard imprinted on/for Austrian PC 5h, extraordinary matter, postally Us, CDS Holice/ 16.3.00, arrival postmark. Kladruby n./L./ 17.3.00, address side stainsU:A5
1930 Dívčice , B/W 3-views, used, unstuck stamp, preserved1930 Rudolfov , excursion restaurant, colored postcard, used, unstuck stamp, good condition1899 Benešov nad Ploučnicí (Bensen) - 6-view lithography, railway-station, shooting range, castle, square, Castle street, city coat of arms; long address, Us, preserved1903 Česká Kamenice (Bohemian Kamnitz) - top view in the square; long address, Us, good condition1901 Georgswalde (Jiříkov), coloured view of square, long address, used, good condition 1899 Chotěboř, color lithography, multi-view collage, long address, used, well preserved1900 Krucemburk (Cross), color lithography, multi-view collage, i.a. spáleniště after fire community, long address, used, good condition1920? Krucemburk with Ranskem , color panorama, unfolded, on reverse hints of mounting, light bumped corners1934 Olešná - B/W 4-view, village square, church, school, pub, Us, light dusky margin, otherwise good condition1910 Archlebov - Salute from Archlebova , B/W 4-view, school, pub, dairy works and general view, Us, rounded corners, good condition1907 Bzenec - Salute from Bzence , B/W two-piece panorana , long address, Us, viewing of quality recommendedU:A5
1932 Hodonín ferry over river, color, Us, only slightly bumped corners1903 Hodonín street, barvený , long address, Us, on reverse slightly faded1901 Hodonín - Göding, Deutsche Landes-Oberrealschule , higher real school, B/W, long address, Us, slightly rusty spots in front also on reverse1945 Nevojice (dist. Vyškov) - B/W 4-views, school, vicarage, 2x village square, Un, light bumped corners1900 Salute from Ždánic - single-view, village square with church, long address, Us, issued Lopour , R light squashed, otherwise good condition 1912 Ždánice - color 2-views, Habrovská street and Below Habrůvky , Us, light bumped corners and 1 more/larger fold1908 Ždánice - Salute from Ždánic , obituary notice from haltýřů , B/W single-view, Us, bumped corners, in picture side light dirty, slightly rusty spots1903 Ždánice - salute from Ždánic , multi-view color lithography., i.a. sugar-factory, parish cathedral, palace courtyard, issued Lopour , Us, light bumped corners 1916 Ždánice - centre městečka , color single-view, Us, bumped corners, LR corner stripped1898 Ždánice - castle, facade, forerunner postcard, picture additional printing on postcard 2 Kreuzer. Us. Very good condition. 1899 Kukleny - lithography, sugar-factory firm Komárek & Co., church, main street, Pardubská street, village square; long address, Us, bumped corners1900 Nový Bydžov , private commercial PC with blue background print square in/at N.Bydžově , long address, used, interesting, good condition1907 Mariánské Lázně in/at future, color, Us, described also from the front, light bumped corners 1905 Mariánské Lázně , Café Rüberzahl , color, used, preservedU:A5
1910? Mariánské Lázně , hotels Weimar and Stern and katolickým church, light abraded the bottom edge, UnU:A5
1909 Cheb (Eger) - castle, view of town over river; Us, oxidized vertical margins, bumped cornersU:A5
1901 Cheb - houses jirchářů by river; long address, Us, unstuck stamp, light bumped corners1900 Cheb - Gruss aus Eger, lithography, Valdštejn, house skonu , Black Tower, general view; long address, Us, bumped corners, fold in the place text1910 Königsberg a.E. (Kynšperk n./O.), B/W collage, Un, note. "245" ink by pencil, dusky margins and light bumped corners 1898 Chomutov (Komotau) - hotel Reiter and hotel Adler; long address, Us, light bumped corners1902 Chomutov (Komotau) - Marktplatz and Steingasse ; long address, Us, broken corner1902 Chomutov (Komotau) - square, figures, carriage; long address, Us, unstuck stamp, light bumped corners1900 Údlice (Eidlitz bei Komotau) - castle, square; long address, Un, light bumped corners1906 Vejprty (Weipert) - Karlsbaderstrasse , apothecary's; long address, Us, unstuck stamp, light bumped corners1900 JABLONEC N. N. (Gablonz and. N. ) - view of street; long address, Us, pulled-down stamp, light bumped cornersU:A5
1900 Jablonec nad Nisou - Gruss aus Gablonz, lithography, power station Brandl, railway-station, tram; long address, Us, bumped corners, stains1900 Karlsthal (Orle ), Isergebirge , interesting view on/for village; long address, Un, superb1901 Kořenov - Gruss aus Bad-Wurzelsdorf , bathhouse; long address, Us, bumped corners1900 Mšeno n./N. - "Gruss aus Grünwald a.d. Neisse! ", tram. long address, Us, very light bumped corners, very light stains.1926 Bukovice (Buchelsdorf ), B/W photo postcard, memory on/for christening of bells, used, stamps partially stripped/pull-down, otherwise clear 1938 Dětřichov - Dittersdorf, 2-views, general view and restaurant, green shade, Us, railway pmk Milotice-Vrbno in Silesia, rounded corners, good condition1920 Mikulovice - Niklasdorf , railway-station, B/W single-view, Us, light bumped corners1900 Prachov rocks, color lithography, 3-views collage, long address, used, well preserved1898 Vidochov , lithography, railway-station (Horka by/on/at Stará Paka), church. long address, Us, bumped corners1899 Jihlava, color collage lithography, multi-view, i.a. rainbow (! ), thin/light oxidation in corner, else preserved1909 Jihlava, ceremonial opening transport electric railway, decorated tram. Us, bumped corners, light stain in the picture1898 Karlsbad, lithography, long address, Us.1900 Karlovy Vary, Karlsbad-Fischern , view over bridge, on reverse advertising added print Karlsbader ORPHEUM ; Un, bumped corners1903 Karlovy Vary, view of part kolonády (Stará and new louka ), tinted, long address, used, light bumped corners and stainsU:A5
1907 Karlovy Vary, wider view of centre, tinted, used, good conditionU:A5
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