Mail Auction 15 / Collector`s Literature

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40207 - 2005 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993 - 2004
2005 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993 - 2004 (yellow), just new
Starting price: CZK
42538 - 2001 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993-2004, P
2001 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993-2004, PĚNKAVA specialized stamp catalogue of Czech Republic 1993-2003, slightly worn
Starting price: CZK
42540 - 2001 POFIS specialized catalogue Czechoslovak p.stat 1918-19
2001 POFIS specialized catalogue Czechoslovak p.stat 1918-1992, I. and II. part, good condition
Starting price: CZK
41012 - 2002 POFIS specialized catalogue Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, g
2002 POFIS specialized catalogue Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, good condition
Starting price: CZK
41011 - 2000 POFIS specialized catalogue Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVI
2000 POFIS specialized catalogue Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 1939-1945, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42539 - 2000 POFIS specialized catalogue Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVI
2000 POFIS specialized catalogue Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 1939-1945, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42541 - 1997 TROJAN catalogue, Peter Horka, Czechoslovak air post 19
1997 TROJAN catalogue, Peter Horka, Czechoslovak air post 1918-1939, good condition
Starting price: CZK
40987 - 1968-02 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 1.-5. part, 13.,14., 1
1968-02 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 1.-5. part, 13.,14., 16. (I. and II. pack), 17. (I. and II. pack) and 20. part, also with Hradčany combination types, engineer. John Karásek
Starting price: CZK
42544 - 1968-98 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 1.-5. part; good condi
1968-98 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 1.-5. part; good condition
Starting price: CZK
41432 - 1978 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 13. + 14. part, Czech pos
1978 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 13. + 14. part, Czech postmarks to y 1918, as new also with covers
Starting price: CZK
45324 - 1975-88 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 13., 14. part, 16. (p
1975-88 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 13., 14. part, 16. (pack I. and II.) and 17. part (pack I.+II.); good condition
Starting price: CZK
42545 - 1975-88 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 13., 14., 16. part (I.
1975-88 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 13., 14., 16. part (I. and II. pack), 17. part (I. and II. pack); good condition
Starting price: CZK
42543 - 1971 Karásek and team of authors: Monograph of Czechosl. st
1971 Karásek and team of authors: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 2. part, Legionaire 1919, issue Agriculture and Science 1923, P.stat, issued Pofis Prague, without paper cover
Starting price: CZK
42011 - 1986 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 4th volume, good conditio
1986 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 4th volume, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42219 - 2004 Beneš, Tošnerová: Monograph of Czechosl. and Czech s
2004 Beneš, Tošnerová: Monograph of Czechosl. and Czech stamps and postal history, 11. part, II. pack, Post in ghetto Terezín, as new
Starting price: CZK
42220 - 2002 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 20.díl, Hictorical makin
2002 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 20.díl, Hictorical making name post in Czech lands, as new
Starting price: CZK
45322 - 1979 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 3. part; preserved, almos
1979 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 3. part; preserved, almost as new
Starting price: CZK
42010 - 1979 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 3.díl, incl. cover, good
1979 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 3.díl, incl. cover, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42221 - 1986 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 4th volume, as new
1986 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 4th volume, as new
Starting price: CZK
42218 - 1999 Monograph Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, postmark post.
1999 Monograph Protectorate BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, postmark post. offices 1939-40 (forerunner), 1. part, as new
Starting price: CZK
41956 - 1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries 1919-193
1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries 1919-1939, J. Karásek, as new
Starting price: CZK
41957 - 1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries 1919-193
1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries 1919-1939, J. Karásek, as new
Starting price: CZK
41014 - 1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries, J. Kar
1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries, J. Karásek, without black print, as new
Starting price: CZK
41672 - 1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries, J. Kar
1998 Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries, J. Karásek, incl. black print, as new
Starting price: CZK
42016 - 1987 Maxa: Catalogue perfins from territory Czechoslovakia,
1987 Maxa: Catalogue perfins from territory Czechoslovakia, unbound, good condition
Starting price: CZK
45321 - 1972 Kassay, Pásztor: Košice-issue stamps; almost as new
1972 Kassay, Pásztor: Košice-issue stamps; almost as new
Starting price: CZK
45319 - 1963 Forgeries Czechoslovak postal stamps, Karásek, Kvasni
1963 Forgeries Czechoslovak postal stamps, Karásek, Kvasnička, Paulíček, preserved
Starting price: CZK
43803 - 2004 Sbírame postcard, L.Kurka, 2. issue, issued KSK Prague
2004 Sbírame postcard, L.Kurka, 2. issue, issued KSK Prague, publication pojednávající about/by postcards, as new
Starting price: CZK
42012 - 1949 Special catalogue Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Slov
1949 Special catalogue Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Slovakia, I. volume, stamps, p.stat, plate stamp., field post, L. Novotný; damaged binding
Starting price: CZK
42546 - 1970 Special manual for collector Czechosl. stamps, L. Novot
1970 Special manual for collector Czechosl. stamps, L. Novotný; without cover, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
42160 - 1947 Czechosl. post (M.Soukup), basic legal regulations,  Po
1947 Czechosl. post (M.Soukup), basic legal regulations, Postal zákon č.222/1946Sb, Government Decree č.223/1946Sb, Postal Order, Trestní protection postal stamps and other, total 389 sides, unbound, good condition
Starting price: CZK
41958 - 1971 Czechosl. special and slogan pmk 1919-1969, V. Nebeský
1971 Czechosl. special and slogan pmk 1919-1969, V. Nebeský, bounded to hard black plates, good condition
Starting price: CZK
41997 - 1946 Mail sazebník A21, odd.A (common and registered postag
1946 Mail sazebník A21, odd.A (common and registered postage mailing), issued by ministry post in y 1946, 136 sides, format A4, stitched, in margins damaged backbone but inside in good condition
Starting price: CZK
42014 - 1945 Maps postal kursů in Bohemia, K. Jirotka, supplemented
1945 Maps postal kursů in Bohemia, K. Jirotka, supplemented with other maps post. kursů complete Czechoslovakia + whole Europe and world; good condition
Starting price: CZK
45317 - 1970 Novotný Ladislav: Special manual for collector Czechos
1970 Novotný Ladislav: Special manual for collector Czechoslovak stamps, without cover, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
42165 - 1929 Post and philately, hictorical trial from dr.Mlčocha,
1929 Post and philately, hictorical trial from dr.Mlčocha, bound, 71 sides, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
42161 - 1979 Postal rules II. Postal transport, issued by FM Spojů
1979 Postal rules II. Postal transport, issued by FM Spojů for inside want, contains elaboration postal mailing, transport závěrů (kurzy railway, road, air-mail, pneumatic-tube post), transport newspapers and journals, transport mailing military management and other, bound sponou, 202 sides, good condition
Starting price: CZK
42162 - 1928 Postal traffic regulations, issued by ministry post and
1928 Postal traffic regulations, issued by ministry post and telegraphs, contains detailed manual for post. transport, bound, 480 sides, slightly abraded backbone, but inside clear and intact binding, sought
Starting price: CZK
42163 - 1937 Postal Order and Government Decree about/by usage post
1937 Postal Order and Government Decree about/by usage post from y 1937, incl. komentářů, issued by ministry post and telegraphs, bound, 304 sides, sound condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
42164 - 1919 Postal service výkonná (J.Pšenička), manual for pos
1919 Postal service výkonná (J.Pšenička), manual for post offices in Czechoslovakia and handbook to/at zkouškám postal, issue II, contains much additionally written or paste-in dodatků, 240 sides, good condition, very sought
Starting price: CZK
42013 - 1927 Listing postal, tgf. and tel. offices, postal-agencies,
1927 Listing postal, tgf. and tel. offices, postal-agencies, railways tgf. stations and railway post office Czechoslovakia, issued by Ministry post and telegraphs; damaged binding + damaged first 20 sides, complete
Starting price: CZK
42015 - 1984 Special catalogue rekomandačních labels Czech post 19
1984 Special catalogue rekomandačních labels Czech post 1945-83, good condition; glued binding several sheets uvolněných
Starting price: CZK
41959 - 1923-28 Michel Briefmarken-Katalog, Europe, damaged binding
1923-28 Michel Briefmarken-Katalog, Europe, damaged binding + Senf Ilustrierter Briefmarken-Katalog, in good condition
Starting price: CZK
44268 - 1999 Michel Deutschland (Germany) Catalogue 1999/2000, very
1999 Michel Deutschland (Germany) Catalogue 1999/2000, very in good condition
Starting price: CZK
44626 - 1983-94 Michel Deutschland (Germany) Special 1994 + Briefe (
1983-94 Michel Deutschland (Germany) Special 1994 + Briefe (letters) 1983 + Ganzachen 1991, good condition
Starting price: CZK
44625 - 1985 Michel Europe - Catalogue West (2 parts) + East, well p
1985 Michel Europe - Catalogue West (2 parts) + East, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
44270 - 2000 Michel Europe Catalogue West 2 parts + East 2000 / 2001
2000 Michel Europe Catalogue West 2 parts + East 2000 / 2001, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
44622 - 1985 Michel Farbenführer, 33. issue, very used, several she
1985 Michel Farbenführer, 33. issue, very used, several sheets already vytržených, but complete
Starting price: CZK
42223 - 2002 Michel Guide - Catalogue Deutsche Feldpost (Field-Post)
2002 Michel Guide - Catalogue Deutsche Feldpost (Field-Post) 1937-1945, as new
Starting price: CZK
42549 - 2001 Michel, 2 volumes, Deutschland-Spezial, volume 1, 2 (pr
2001 Michel, 2 volumes, Deutschland-Spezial, volume 1, 2 (prices in Euro); as new
Starting price: CZK
42554 - 1991-92 Michel, 2 volumes, Mittel and North America (Überse
1991-92 Michel, 2 volumes, Mittel and North America (Übersee-1), South America (Übersee-2); with signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
42556 - 1994 Michel, 3 volumes, Asien (A-J, K-Z), Asien II (Übersee
1994 Michel, 3 volumes, Asien (A-J, K-Z), Asien II (Übersee-5 and 5/II); good condition
Starting price: CZK
42548 - 1998-99 Michel, 3 volumes, Europa-Katalog West (A-L, M-Z), E
1998-99 Michel, 3 volumes, Europa-Katalog West (A-L, M-Z), Europa-Katalog East; good condition
Starting price: CZK
42555 - 1994 Michel, Australien, Malaiischer Archipel, Ozeanien (Üb
1994 Michel, Australien, Malaiischer Archipel, Ozeanien (Übersee-4); good condition
Starting price: CZK
42550 - 2003 Michel, Briefe-Katalog Deutschland (Germany); good cond
2003 Michel, Briefe-Katalog Deutschland (Germany); good condition
Starting price: CZK
42551 - 2000-02 Michel, Ganzachen-Katalog Deutschland (Germany) 2002
2000-02 Michel, Ganzachen-Katalog Deutschland (Germany) 2002, Europe East 2001/02, Europe West 2000/01 (prices in Euro); good condition
Starting price: CZK
42552 - 2003 Michel, Österreich-Spezial; as new
2003 Michel, Österreich-Spezial; as new
Starting price: CZK
42553 - 2002 Michel, Zeppelin and Flugpost Spezial-Katalog; as new
2002 Michel, Zeppelin and Flugpost Spezial-Katalog; as new
Starting price: CZK
42224 - 1967 Die Deutschen (German) Feldpoststempel 1914-1918, Karl-
1967 Die Deutschen (German) Feldpoststempel 1914-1918, Karl-Heinz Schriever, Poststempelgilde "Rhein-Donau" Heft Nr.64; uvolněných several sheets, otherwise without defects
Starting price: CZK
44959 - 1902 Die Postwertzeichen (stamps) der Osterr.-ungar. Monarch
1902 Die Postwertzeichen (stamps) der Osterr.-ungar. Monarchy, H.Kropf, issued in Prague 1902, bound, detailed Monograph Austrian also Hungarian stamps and p.stat, good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 15 / Collector`s Literature - Information

Sběratelská literatura

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