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1990 Mi.461-64, Angel of Peace, complete printing sheet (16 stamp. + 4x coupon), mint never hinged, in addition printing sheet 20k in světlejším shade, issued without gum, cat. over 30€ 1826 1826 folded letter addressed to London throgh Hamburg line cnl., Riga and Franco, tranzit cnl. Memel/ 15.10. Backside red tranzit Holand cnl. and incoming "Shipp Letter London/ 26.OC.1826, very rare! quality to be checked. 1921-28 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc franked by stmp in picture side, from that 1x photo postacard railway-station in/at Kaunasu 1929-30 commercial R letters, 2 pcs of, both addressed to to Czechoslovakia, usual frankings, CDS Riga 15.XI.29, resp. Kaunas 28.VIII.30, good condition 1933-38 comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters addressed. to Czechoslovakia, usual frankings, all MC Kaunas 1935 postcard to Czechoslovakia with Mi.398, CDS Klaipeda/ 8.V.35, good condition 1938 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. pair stamp. Mi.2x 412, 2x CDS Kaunas/ 20.I.38, Reg cancel with additional writing number, on reverse arrival postmark. Česká Třebová 2/ 22.I.38, good condition