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1918 LUBOML Mi.I, III, town post, 2 pcs of complete printing sheet values 5h and 20H with opposite facing pairs and inverted valuable data in/at corner stmp 1938 Mi.Bl.6, Stratospheric Flight, mint never hinged miniature sheet, usual small folds, c.v.. 130€ U:A5
1938 Mi.Bl.6, Stratospheric Flight, strong hints in margins, ribbed paper, thin place, hodnoceno as stmp with light damaged gum (catalogue value for MNH 75€), necessary examination U:A5
1944 Mi.380-82, Vůdcové, mint never hinged, c.v.. 220€ 1954 Exhibition Sheet, Mi.Bl.13, only small production defects on gum, c.v.. 45€ 1960 Mi.1177 as blk-of-4, 100 years of Stamp, mint never hinged, c.v.. 75€ 1936 PC Mi.P69 (I-1936) forwarded by balloon SANOK, uprated by. stamps 2x 10Gr + 30Gr, CDS Czarna ??/ 16.VIII.36, 4x deck cancellation SANOK 1/ Balonowa poczta/ 16.VIII.1936, framed pmk BALON "SANOK", marked by hand Express, good condition U:A5
1850? envelope official letter addressed to to Prague with red round cancel. WARSAW 4/5, supplemented with blue frame cancel., fold 1919 complete newspaper wraper franked with austrian Merkur, Mi.212, cnl. Cieszyn 1/ 11.I.19, whole and half of the stamp 3 heller!!!! excelent condition. 1919 whole newspaper wrapper franked with. Austrian půlenou(!) stamp. 6h Mercure, Mi.214, CDS Cieszyn 1/ 14.I.19 1924 commercial Reg letter to Austria, with Mi.2x 202, 211, CDS Przemysl 9.VII.24, on reverse mounted surtax stamp "Na nakup zlota i srebra", slightly yellowy in margins 1934 postcard transported near/in/at balloon races Gordon Bennett, special postmark Warsaw 31/ Medzynarodowe zawody balonowe/ 23.IX.34, arrival postmark. Szczuczyn/ 24.IX.34, three-line cachet, in picture side hinged, tearing 5mm in margin 1935 postcard forwarded by balloon near/in/at races Gordon Bennett 1935, start in Warsaw 15.IX.1935, landing Sokolów Podlaski 16.IX.35, franking 45gr., good condition 1938 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking, Us customs control - yellow label with CDS Waszawa 14/ 11.III.38, sent from Bulharského consulate in Warsaw, on reverse seal, light fold 1938 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, Us customs control with yellow label, with Mi.283, CDS Warsaw 30.VI.38, good condition 1939 Reg letter on/for printed matter envelope Sheet zleceniowy sent to post. office Piotrków, with Mi.335, 339, CDS Lodz 14.IV.39, on reverse arrival postmark Piotrków 14.IV.39, by hand written notice by blue raddle 1945 postcard with Mi.393, CDS Krummhübel 12.X.45, addressed to to Czechoslovakia, German text, Polish military censorship, red cancel. "Sprawdzono przez cenzure wojskowa/ 1138", broken 1 the bottom corner, good condition