1939Pof.NV5, Newspaper stamps I., comp. 3 pcs of L bloks of four and 3 pcs of L corner stamp. with plate mark 3-40 triangle from that 1x corner stamp. with plate mark 4-40 triangle from that part with minor gum fault, c.v.. ca. 2500CZK
1940 Pof.NV5 Newspaper stamps I., the bottom bnd-of-40 with plate number 4-40 L also R, ending protective frame trigon, mint never hinged, sought termination
1942 Pof.NV8 Newspaper stamps I., corner blocks of four (L + R) with plate number 4-42, sought, damaged gum (abrasion color and hints after sticking to background), We recommend it examination, catalogue value for MNH 4000CZK
1943 Pof.NV10-18 Newspaper stamps II., L and right corner blocks of four with plate number 2-43 and nepřerušeným protective frame, total 18 pcs of bloks of four, mint never hinged
1943Pof.NV10-18, Newspaper stamps II., the bottom bnd-of-20 with plate mark, 66 pcs of various, almost complete set, missing only 2 pcs (value 5h with plate mark 24-44 and plate mark 19-44), cat. over 11000CZK
1943-44Pof.NV10-18 Newspaper stamps II., complete set 94 pcs of L and P bloks of four with plate number and broken protective frame B or C, in addition 18 pcs of bloks of four with upper margin (L + R), mint never hinged, cat. min. 5700CZK
1939-44 comp. 6 pcs of stamp. and blocks with chosen flaw print on stmp Pof.NV17, NV15, official Sl19 (machine offset), Sl22 (point in the picture), postage stmp Pof.30 with big stain in margin of stmp
1942printed matter franked with. newspaper stamp. 5h, Pof.NV11 with CDS Prague 29/ 1.VII.42 with cancel. Printing service of National Union, light folds in margins, format envelope/-s 183x116mm
1942 cut square from newspapers with address stick-on label and franked with. newspaper stmp Pof.NV3 (7h), in the place worse CDS Valašské Meziříčí/ 15.III.42 (!), clear
1942-43 cut square and cover with newspaper stmp I and II issues.., Pof.NV2 with CDS Kolín 2/ 11.III.42 and Pof.NV12 with worse CDS HORNÍ STUDENEC?/ 1.VI.43, irregular margins stamps
1943more/larger newspaper cut with address label, franked with. newspaper stmp I and II issues.., Pof.NV5 + 17, možný ganging only 6 týdnů (!), CDS Mladá Boleslav/ 6.III.43, well preserved, stamps wide margins, rare usage!
1940 Delivery stmp, letter to own by hand, with 1,20 Koruna, Pof.43 and blue delivery stamp. Pof.DR1, CDS Brno 11/ 19.IX.40; two stains on face-side envelope/-s
1940Reg letter from Sudetenland to Kroměříž with chosen fee/charge after/behind delivery, mounted red delivery stamp. Pof.DR2 with CDS Kroměříž 18.I.40, CDS Aussig 17.1.40, good condition
1939 Pof.DL1-14M, 2-stamps gutters with lower margins and plate number 1-39/1A-39, 12 values, with plate number 1-39 complete set of + 1x same two-stamps gutter without plate number. In addition value 60h with plate number 2-39/2A-39, all mint never hinged, cat. over 1400CZK
1939Pof.DL1-14M Postage due stmp, the bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number and gutter, from every values one bnd-of-20, total 14 pcs, unfolded, mint never hinged, cat. min. 10000CZK
1939Pof.DL9 Postage due stmp, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 2-39 and neprozoubkovaným margin, rarest variant plate number, rest of hinge in margin out of stmp, one stmp thin/light dirt on gum, catalogue value for MNH 2500CZK
1939 selection of postage-due gutter with plate mark, 5 pcs of 4-stamps (Pof.D12, 9, 2 2x, 1) and 10 pcs of 2-stamps, several pieces with folds, c.v.. ca. 900CZK
1939PLATE PROOF Pof.DL1, DL6, DL9, DL10, DL13, selection of PLATE PROOF in black color on chalky paper mounted on/for brown carton, catalogues don't report!
1940 insufficiently franked heavier letter in/at postal rate I, only 2x50h (right 1,60K), burdened with postage-due in 2násobné value (2x60h), mounted stamp. Pof.DL7 2x, CDS Veselí on/for Moravian./ 24.V.40, arrival postmark. partial CDS Zdíkov/ 25.V.40, signs of age
1940 unpaid letter with CDS Prague 40/ 10.I.40, at the delivery place mounted Postage due stamps Pof.DL5 2x, DL7 2x (double postage), CDS Jičín/ 11.I.40, good condition
1940 unpaid letter with remark "Postage refunds recipient", railway-station CDS Josefov/ 11.X.40, at the delivery place mounted Postage due stamps in value 2,40 Koruna (Pof.DL5 + DL11), CDS Olomouc 1/ 12.X.40, L slightly cut, otherwise well preserved
1940-41 3 pcs of entires with franking postage-due. stamps, 2x porto recipient without increase, 1x vert. fold, 1x letter with postage-due 1,5násobek missing amount + postal agency pmk Cetechovice (Roštín) - firemen, interesting
1940-413 pcs of entires burdened by postage-due, 1x disallowed franking Czechosl. stamp., 1x service letter, 1x unfranked letter, used Postage due stamp Pof.DL3, 8, 9, 10, 11; good condition, interesting!
1941usage service stmp as postage-due provisional, letter underpaid stamp. 80h, CDS Prague 25/ 11.II.41, burdened by postage-due in value 1,20 Koruna, mounted service stmp issue I Pof.SL7, CDS Prague 36/ 12.II.41, exceptional, unprofessionally open envelope
1941 service letter liable for postage, marked unincreased postage due, CDS Brandýs nad Labem/ 1.IV.41, undelivered and sent back, postage-due stmp odpadlá - torso postmark Invalidated, interesting official post. cachet "Without detailed statement dwelling ... in Prague undelivered" (bilingual), on reverse transit. postmark, in margin stains after gum from document
1942letter in the place provisional franked with. postage-due (!) stamp., 8x 5h with two gutters + 2x 20h with plate mark, Pof.DL1, DL3; CDS Iglau 9.I.42, yellowy stains in envelope
1942 letter franked with. mixed franking Postage due stamps as postage stmp (Pof.DL7 with plate number 1A-39) and postage stamps Pof.2x74 (pair with upper margin), CDS Kartouzy - Valdice/ 9.V.42, envelope otočená second time used, well preserved, exceptional
1942 off. paper with duty settlement postage recipient (rate in the place 80h), on/for stripe mounted stamp. Pof.DL8, CDS Prague 72/5.IX.42, arrival postmark. Prague 73/ 5.IX.42, service postmark Der Polizeipräsident zu Prag, paper attached (přihlášení weapon/-s), interesting document also entire
1941 Pof.SL1-12 Official I., complete set plate number 1-41 and 2-41, single L also right corners, total 4x 12 pcs of, missing plate number 3-41 at value 1,20 Koruna, c.v.. 1320CZK
1941 Pof.SL1-12 Official I., L blocks of four with plate number 2-41 and right blocks of four with plate number 1-41, 1x narrower margin, otherwise good quality, c.v.. 1280CZK
1941-43 Pof.SL7, 6, 4, 19, selection of service stmp I and II issues with part of protective frames on/for L margins, 2x block of four and 2x single, 3x with plate number, mint never hinged
1943 Pof.SL13-24 Official II., L and right corner blocks of four with plate number 1-43 and 2-43, complete set 4x 12 pcs, mint never hinged, c.v.. 480CZK
1943 Pof.SL13-24 Official issue II, L and right corner pieces single with plate number 1-43 and 2-43, complete set 4x 12 pcs, mint never hinged, c.v.. 260CZK
1942 service letter court with Return sheetlet, undelivered and returned back, with Pof.SL6 with plate mark 1-41 from right corner, CDS Roudnice n. L./ 10.VII.42, on reverse worse CDS Prague/ 14.VII.42 and various notice, good condition
1942-41 comp. 8 pcs of R court summons with mounted multicolor franking stamp. I. Official issue, part with Postage due stamps (1x with plate mark), good condition
1943 R court letter in the place without Return card, franked with. official. stamp. Pof.SL21+24 (7K), CDS Nová Paka / 11.XI.43, postmark about/by postage-due, good condition
1943 service letter with mixed franking postage and service stmp in pairs, Pof.78 2x, SL15 2x, CDS 21.V.43, on reverse arrival postmark. Přišimasy/ 24.V.43, sender Magistráthl.m.Prahy, well preserved
1943 service letter franked with. service stmp Pof.SL16 2x, 1x plate number 2-43 from L corner, CDS Prague 2/ 3.XI.43, Czech text blacken, good condition
1944service letter from parish office sent as Express and franked with. mixed franking postage and service stmp Pof.85 4x, SL16, railway pmk ROŽMITÁL p./T.–BŘEZNICE 26.I.44, good condition
1944 Official II., comp. 15 pcs of cuts parcel cards franked with. service stmp., various combinations (9x 4 Koruna), 1x plate number, good quality, profitable
1944 Official II., selection of 16 pcs of cuts parcel cards franked with. service stmp., various group of, always with stmp 5 Koruna, high catalogue value, profitable offer, good quality