1945 Geo. N 1230, print sheet with joined printing two counter sheets with opposite facing gutter provisory stamps modřanského issue values 80h, cross folds in paper, small thin place, viewing of quality recommended
1945Geo.N 1230, print sheet with joined printing two counter sheets with opposite facing gutter provisory stamps modřanského issue values 80h and 1,20, smaller production flaw in gum, viewing of quality recommended
1945Polná comp. 12 pcs of bloks of four stamp. with overprint Czechoslovakia/ Nár. committee/ Polná/ 5.V.1945 in/at black also red color, several pcs with hints after/around bad placing
1945 Rychnov nad Kněžnou 3 pcs of complete overprint sheets Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler values 60h, 80h and 1,20 Koruna, supplemented with 2 pcs of first day sheets with nationalized CDS Vamberk 9.V.45 + 1x postcard
1945 comp. 12 pcs of corner overprints Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler with black overprint "Czechoslovakia / 1945" values 10, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 80h, always after/around two pcs.
1945 selection of 17 pcs of revolutionary overprints on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Pardubice red and black (5 pcs of), českobudějovický (2 pcs of), sušický black (10 pcs of), and 2 stamps Skalica issue, clear
1945 comp. 9 pcs of overprints "Pochodeň" on newspaper stmp (hinged) + 13 pcs of stamp. with overprint Pravda/ Czechoslovakia/ Vítězí in red also blue color
1945 larger cut out from newspapers with newspaper provisional HLAS LIDU Prostějov (Geo.č.E40), worse print broken out CDS Prostějov/ 7.VIII.45, overall well preserved
1945 German PC Mi.P303A 15pf A. Hitler. with overprint 6Rpf and other overprint ČSR/ČSR - Russian alphabet, straight line postmark Kamenický Šenov, without defects, Un
1945 Bohemian and Moravian PC CDV1, printed stmp with black overprint "Czech lion", CDS Loštice 15.V.45 and envelope franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 1,20 Koruna A. Hitler., CDS Loštice 11.V.45. Both entires Un, good condition
1944 KHUST first day sheet and Hungarian PC with mounted stamp. with 8 print violet special postmark Khust 8.XI.44/ Republic Czechoslovak/ Post liberated territory, folded
1944KHUST envelope with Hungarian stamp. 70f and red cancel. Republic Czechoslovak / Post liberated territory / Khust / 14.XI.1944, without address, fake/fabrication
1945 2 pcs of envelopes without address with mounted stamp. A. Hitler BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Pof.82 2x, 85 with overprint Czechoslovak Post. 1. Partisan brigade John Žižka 1945, print nationalized CDS Velké Karlovice 5.V.45; good condition
1945 letter franked with. 2 pcs of stmp with overprint., Pof.80, 83 with red and blue overprint Pravda wins Czechoslovakia, CDS Prague 59/ -.V.45, on reverse hinged
1945 letter with 2x 60h A. Hitler. with overprint "Československo/Státní emblem", nationalized CDS HORNÍ BŘÍZA 5.V.45. In addition letter franked with. 1,20 Koruna A. Hitler. with overprint "Liberated/ Czechoslovakia/ 1945", CDS Hořice in/at Podkrkonoší 8.V.45, with crossed out address
1945 letter with 2x 60h A. Hitler with overprint in red color SVOBODNÉ ČESKOSLOVENSKO (Geo.č.P260), red color catalogue doesn't report, CDS bilingual Sušice/ 5.V.45, envelope vertical folded, otherwise clear
1945FinisGermaniae/ Zbraslav n./V., CDS from 10.V.45 on/for letter card card "with mixed franking of czechosl..". and Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with railway-station cancel. Chrudim 10.V.45, nationalized CDS Zbraslav n./V. 16.V.45, very interesting text from end osvobozovacích fights on/for Chrudimsku, very rare revolutionary postmark!!
1945Reg letter franked with. German stamp. A. Hitler with overprint Czechoslovakia 8.V.1945/ Jablonec n.Jiz, by hand pasaná R, broken out cancel 8.5.45 with straight line postmark Czechoslovak Post/ Jablonec n.Jiz., decorative, very light yellowy stains in envelope
1945Reg letter with mixed franking of stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Pof.120, 121 and stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 50h Pof.363, stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with red overprint Liberated Brno 26.4.1945 (Staňkův overprint), CDS Brno 24.V.45, incl. certificate of mailing; good condition
1945 CDV75A uprated by. Pof.365, 377 and sent as Reg, provisional thimple postmark Mariánské Údolí with national emblem, date-stamp 19.VII.45, German Reg label with straight line postmark Mariánské Údolí , on reverse arrival pmk Prague 20.VII.45, recipient Kvasnička, thin/light offset postmark color through/over address
1945 Košice-issue letter with 2 Koruna, Pof.354, cancelled provisory cancel. Postal office Big Šariš 10.Júl.1945, in upper margin envelope/-s smaller tearing
1945postcard sent unpaid with provisory straight line postmark Loděnice by/on/at Pohořelic / 19.7.1945, through/over framed pmk Postage due, photo postacard community with church; light stains
1945 Reg letter franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Pof.122 in/at last day her validity (4,20 Koruna), worse CDS Olmütz 3/ 16.V.45, neopravená black Reg label, on reverse arrival postmark. provisional postmark Brno 12/ 21.V.1945, good condition
1945 Reg letter with Pof.376 2x, 379,3 96, nationalized CDS Šumperk 1/ 28.VI.45, German Reg label other post with straight line postmark Šumperk 1, on reverse arrival postmark Olomouc 29.VI.45, unprofessionally open, wrinkled envelope
1945 Reg letter with Pof.397 2x, 389, provisory straight line postmark Post Off. Bánov, black Reg label, on reverse arrival postmark Olomouc 11.IX.45, thin/light slightly rusty spots
1945 heavier money letter with Pof.372 4x, 379, 380, nationalized CDS Frýdek 1/ 7.XI.45, on reverse arrival postmark Olomouc 9.XI.45, right porto, Bohemian and Moravian value label, light wrinkled envelope, on reverse without seal
1945-48 selection of 17 pcs of entires with provisory or nationalized CDS, from that 11x as Registered, part abroad, cash franked/paid, nationalized railway pmk etc.., interesting, various quality
1946 Reg letter with Pof.421 and 424, both stamp. with provisory straight line postmark Odry, black bianco Reg label with other straight line postmark., arrival pmk Prague 55/ 23.III.46 on reverse, good condition