1945 CDV76 with black additional-printing Pardubice - Small castle, On memory hromadných executions Czech vlastenců, special postmark ditto, only address postmark, nice quality, c.v.. 200CZK
1945 CDV76 with blue additional-printing 100 years railway Olomouc Region - Prague, special postmark ditto, without address, well preserved, c.v.. 200CZK
1945 CDV76 with blue additional-printing to reminder Czechosl. pilots, special postmark ditto, in/at address only postmark, well preserved, c.v.. 200CZK
1945 CDV76 with additional-printing Meeting of Sokol district Východočeské - Pippichovy Vysoké Mýto, special postmark Vysoké Mýto, Meeting of Sokol Organization/ 26.VIII.1945, without address, good quality, c.v.. 200CZK
1946 3x Bohemian and Moravian PC with overprint German mark and additional-printing to/at IV. national congress stamp collectors in Brno, mounted Czechosl. stamps and 2x special postmark action, good condition
1946 CDV76 with red additional-printing to National stamp exhibition Brno 1946, special postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) ditto, without address, nice quality
1946 CDV76 with blue additional-printing to Havlíčkovým celebration, special postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) Havlíčkův Brod, text ditto, without address, nice quality, c.v.. 200CZK
1947 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 Klobouky V.Cajthaml, Domažlice, advertising decorative additional printing on/for Us envelope with nationalized MC Domažlice 24.VI.47, good condition