1945 Pof.387-401, London-issue, selection of bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number IA or IB, incomplete, to values 5CZK, only 12 pcs, any other one, in perforation folded
1945Pof.388, 389, London-issue, upper corner blk-of-10 with plate mark "inverted B" and Pof.389, upper corner blk-of-4 with plate mark "line and circle", mint never hinged, in catalogues underprized
1947 Pof.447-49 Two-year plan, set of all coupons : postcard, KP, KD, VK-3 and VK-4, 1 stmp thin/light offset in gum, otherwise all mint never hinged, cat. over 200CZK
1949 Pof.504, Šverma, whole 100-stamps. sheet, plate variety on pos. 33/1 (wavy line on forehead), two corners sheet light folds, folded in perforation, else preserved, cat. only plate variety 600CZK
1951Pof.621, Friendship Month, UL corner blk-of-4 with margin and incomplete printing stamps on pos. 1, in margin 2x label, otherwise stamps mint never hinged
1952 Pof.A691/692, 2x miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, 1x with postmark of day issue, by/on/at čistého miniature sheet small shifted print (blue výš) and light damaged gum especially in margin, otherwise clear
1945 2x Reg letter, evidently philatelically motivated, 1x in the place and 1x then, with Pof.373, 403 and 404, other stamp. Pof.406 (přefr.), both CDS Prague 1/ 16.X.45, on reverse arrival postmark., both nice quality
1945Reg and Express letter franked Partisan miniature sheet Pof.A408/12, CDS Bratislava 1/ 12.X.45, addressed to to Prague, arrival pmk Prague 55/ 13.X.45 on reverse, format 25x17cm, rare occurrence, signs of usage, L at top envelope damaged, to examination
1945Košice-issue Reg letter franked with. Košice miniature sheet with plate variety "broken paw", Pof.A360/362 plate variety, CDS Bratislava 1/ 15.XII.45, good condition, small format envelope/-s, all on front side
1945 Reg letter from Slovakia to Prague with Pof.375, 388, 368 and 384, provisional pmk Postal office Fiľakovo and date-stamp 28.VIII.1945, oraženy only two stamps (č.375 in Slovakia invalidated), Hungarian Reg label with arrangement, marked postage due 50h, on reverse arrival postmark. illegible. CDS Prague, overall good condition
1945Reg and Express letter franked with. Košice miniature sheet, Pof.A360/362, CDS Košice 1/ 11.VIII.45, on reverse arrival postmark Prague, miniature sheet with production flaw circle in stamp. 2 Koruna, envelope A5, good condition
1946 complete. court mailing franked with. service stmp Pof.Sl2 and burdened by postage-due in value 1,60K (mounted Slovak. postage-due. stmp Alb.D22), little clear pmk Bratislava, for unmailablement sent back with remark ...neznámý, CDS Bratislava 1/ 9.II.46, good condition
1946Reg letter to USA, franked by multicolor franking i.a. stamp. T. G. Masaryk 15Kčs, Pof.427, 424, 419, 418, L17, nationalized CDS Prague 7/ 21.X.46, on reverse transit, arrival postmark also customs postmark, good condition
1948air mail matter to Turkey, with Pof.465, 417, 414, CDS Hulín/ 23.XII.48, arrival postmark Galata/ 28.12.48, addressee unknown sent back, on reverse MC ISTANBUL/ 29.XII.48; one stamp. with tearing, rare destination!
1952 FDC with miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, Pof.A691/692 sent as Reg, on reverse uprated with stamp Pof.693 2x, cancel. of the First Day Bratislava 18.X.52, good condition
1953 Pof.759 ND and Vojan, horizontal pair with margin and signatures K. Svolinský and J. Schmidt, in gum small nepokrytá places otherwise mint never hinged