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1942-43 SUDETENLAND 2 pcs of Un response cards with 6Pf Hindenburg and 6Pf A. Hitler with perfin "F.G." Maxa F22, preprinted recipient Pösknecker handelsblat Pöskneck Thür., good condition 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA commercial letter franked with. Czechosl. stmp 1CZK with perfin K.&S., Maxa K52 (Knotek & Co Jičín), CDS Jičín/ 14.VI.39, well preserved, identification entire 1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA parcel dispatch card segment with mixed franking of czechosl. and Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with perfin "H", Maxa H2, firm Anthony Hübl, used stamp. Pof.312 3x, 307, 250 (without perfin) and BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Pof.29, CDS Prague 1/ 2.IX.39, on reverse Czechosl. Postage due stamp 50h with CDS Strašice 3.IX.39 + hints after sticking 1948 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 commercial PC franked with. str-of-3 stamp. Pof.414, all stamp. with perfin F.P. (Francesco Parisi Prague), Maxa No. F51, CDS Cheb illegible., customs stamp on reverse, good condition, identification entire 1857 forerunner of perfins - folded letter with issue I 3 Kreuzer with commercial blue cancel. K.u.K.. Hof- Buch- and Kunsthandlung F.A. Credner + CDS Prag 14/4, heading letter with advertising added print, good condition 1899 2 pcs of commercial PC Emanuel Khuner & Sohn, with 2 Kreuzer with perfin "KHUNER WIEN", CDS Wien 22.4. and 17.5.99, good condition 1899 advertising postcard firm W. Staněk with 2 Kreuzer with perfin W.S.P., Maxa W34, CDS Prague 1/ 5/1/99, torn in R margin 5mm, decorative 1900-10 commercial PC and letter f. Österreichisch-Amerikaniche Gummifabrik-Actiengesellschaft Wien, with 5h, resp. 10h Franz Joseph, both with perfin "Ö.A. / G.A.", CDS Wien 23.X.00, resp. 8.VIII.10. Two identification entires producer tyre Continental, light stains after moisture and on envelope partially blurred ink 1901-13 3 pcs of cards with with perfin Viennese firm, perfin "M.F.&Co" M.Faber & Co., "G.B.W." firm Gebr. Bergmann, "H.P.S." firm Herm. Pollacks sons, all good condition 1902-03 2 pcs of larger parts parcel cards with 2x 60h issue 1901 with perfin "H.Z." and "A.R.", both with CDS Wien, good condition 1904 commercial PC f. Antonín. Kunz in Hranice, with 5h with perfin "Kunz", CDS Mährisch Weisskirchen 14.1.04, Maxa K57, 2 corners broken and slightly rusty stains 1904 larger part post. dispatch-note with issue 1901 with perfin "E.C./J." Maxa E8, CDS Jagerndorf 22.1.04, good condition 1904 larger part of parcel card with issue 1901 with perfin "J.S." Maxa J97, CDS Brno 1/ 17/11 04, torn in lower margin ca. 15mm U:A5
1908 advertising PC firm Francis Vondráček - Trieste, with 5h with perfin "F.V.", CDS Trieste 30.I.08, corner mounted advertising postcard same firm with picture shopping detachment/section, supplemented with mailing sheetlet to post. order, composes complete zarchivovanou commercial correspondence 1911-13 2 pcs of cards with additional-printing firm Brevillierwerk Neukirchen with 5h with perfin "B.U." and with CDS Neukirchen , good condition 1912 identification entire, Georg Schicht Inc. in Ústí n. L., card with stamp. 5h Franz Joseph with perfin Maxa G39/C, CDS Aussig 22.7.12. good condition, light yellowy margins. U:A5
1912 identification entire, V. Holeyšovský and Řivnáč, card with stamp. 5h Franz Joseph with perfin Maxa H42/E, MC Prague 7, 8.III.12. Very good condition, only several zahnědlých stains in/at card. 1913 card with additional-printing firm Brankaer Eisenwerke Troppau with 5h issue 1913 with perfin "B", Maxa B1, CDS Hradec in Silesia 16/5 13, good condition 1913 card with additional-printing firm Joseph Brukner & sons Prague with 5h issue 1913 with perfin "J.B.&S.", Maxa 18, MC Prague 27.III.13, good condition 1914 depozitní certificate Oesterreichisch-ungarische Bank Wien with 10h with picture perfin "crossed out circle", CDS Wien 9/ 3.VIII.14, addressed. to Brno, identification entire, good condition 1914 card with decorative additional-printing firm Bernhard Wachtl - Wien, with 5h Franz Joseph with part of perfin Maxa B53, stamp. corner over margin, incomplete imprint of machine postmark Wien 7.XII.14 1915 whole international dispatch note with additionally printed revenue 10h Austrie addressed to to Turkey, franked with Austrian stmp Mi.147 + pair Mi.153, all with perfin "B&F", Maxa B40, CDS Graslitz 14.IX.15 and commercial cancel. Bohland and Fuchs / Graslitz, Bohemia, 1x vertical folded and light wrinkled. Rare identification entire 1917 letter with 15h Franz Joseph with inverted perfin "1842", Maxa No. 1 (Burgess brewery in Plzen), CDS Plzeň 31.VII.17, without identification; slightly yellowy margins envelope/-s and perf stamps 1917 letter with 15h Charles with perfin "1842", Maxa No. 1 (Mě3ťanský brewery in Plzen), CDS Plzeň 4.XI.17, without identification; slightly yellowy margins envelope/-s and perf stamps 1918 2 pcs of cards with additional-printing firm Scheiber & Kwaysser - Wien, with 10h Crown with perfin "S.&K.", CDS Wien 28.V. and 6.X.18, good condition 1919 2 pcs of Hradčany-issue stamp. 15h with perfin "L.F." firm Förber from Kroměříž, Maxa L13, clear stamp. hinged 1918 larger part (2/3) international credit notes MPPP-U7, franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.2x 215 with perfins J.T., CDS Beszterczebánya/ 918 OKT.28 (Banská Bystrica), (thin/light print), to Lembergu and sent back, on reverse arrival postmark. Lemberg/ 31.X.18 and 2x Beszterczebánya/ April and May 1919, vert. fold, light folds, hints labels, extraordinary 1919 comp. 4 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes franked with. Hradcany-issue stamp. with perfins, contains: Maxa G12, G18, J80, K39; good condition 1919-20 comp. 4 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes franked with. Hradcany-issue stamp. with perfins, contains: Maxa N21, W19, G12, G18, ; good condition 1920 CDV7 uprated by. for postal rate II stamp. Pof.4 with perfin "H&Co.", Maxa H10, CDS Freudenthal, Schles. 3.I.20, identification entire, stmp before/(in front of) usage cut, good condition, exp. by Drazan 1920 cut parcel dispatch-note with Pof.23 with perfin A.K. (A. Kalla), Maxa A36, CDS Schmiedeberg, BHM (Factory Kalla)/ 14.III.20, well preserved 1920 cut C.O.D. dispatch-note with stamps Hradčany 20h+200h, both stamps also dispatch-note (!) with perfin T. G., Maxa T7 (Teodor Gröger), CDS Lovosice/ 11.VI.20, part commercial identifikačního postmark, good condition 1920 cut credit notes franked with. pair 5h Pigeon-issue Pof.143 and pair 20h Hradčany Pof.9C, all stamp. with perfin "S.S.N.", Maxa S55, on/for pair 5h multiple perfin, CDS Liberec 16.XII.20, good condition 1920 cut post. order franked with. pair 5h Pigeon-issue Pof.143 and pair 20h Hradčany Pof.9C, all stamp. with perfin "S.S.N.", Maxa S55, CDS Liberec 6.12.20, good condition 1920 parcel dispatch card segment with 10h Pigeon-issue Pof.145 and 2x pair 60h issue Chainbreaker Pof.157, all stamp. with perfin "Th.A.W.", Maxa T8, CDS Šluknov 6.XII.20 1926 postcard with 50h T. G. Masaryk with perfin "special postmark", Maxa P27 (naležato), commercial cancel. R.Promberger, MC Olomouc 2/ 20.XI.26, good condition 1929 commercial response neodeslaná envelope with stmp Pof.250 with perfin JB (Julius Beermann, Bratislava, later Fortuna), Maxa č.J6, clear, identification entire 1931 correspondence card with additional-printing firm Em. Feuerstein Brno with 50h T. G. Masaryk with perfin "B.C.", MC Brno 1/ 3.XI.31, faded, pin hole, stamp. with ohnutými several teeth U:A5
1932-39 comp. 7 pcs of cut-squares from post. dispatch-notes with stamp. with perfins, contains i.a. Maxa N17, K19, B33 etc.., clear pmk 1933 envelope sent as printed matter with 20h Coat of arms with perfin "JS", Maxa J96, slogan pmk Prague 25/ 13.V.33, 70let Art forum, good condition 1934 envelope sent as printed matter with 20h stamp. Coat of arms with perfin "KM", Maxa K40, on reverse additional printing firm Kathreinovy factory on/for coffee, machine. slogan pmk Cheb 3.X.34; envelope A5 good condition 1936 identification window envelope with 1CZK T. G. Masaryk with perfin "K.C.M.", Maxa K20 with CDS Podolí u Bělé 5.X.36 (incomplete print); good condition 1938 commercial PC with 50h beneš with perfin "Hiko", Maxa H24, CDS Duchcov 6.V.38, good condition, decorative 1886-88 BELGIUM + GERMANY 2 pcs of PC with embossed commercial address as forerunner of perfins, Ad. Bayet - Brussels (perforations from letter file/-s) and Hotel Germania D.Schiller - Hamburg 1915 HUNGARY commercial PC W.Eugen V.Feller - Stubnica, Croatie, franked with Hungarian stmp Turul 5f with perfin "EF", CDS Donja Stubnica 915 Maj.? (incomplete print), arrival postmark Velké Karlovice on/for Moravian. 14.V.15, good condition 1929-32 GERMANY 2 pcs of ID envelopes franked by stmp issue 1928 with perfins "AD" Allianz by/on/at. Stuttgarter association Dresden, "AB/W" Elektra Dresden, good condition 1933 GERMANY 2 pcs of identification letters with with perfins, 1x firm Karl Schleicher with perfin "CV/S" with CDS Bad Blankenburg 6.4.33, 1x firm Leinengarn - Abrechungsstelle with perfin "LG/B" with MC Berlin 10.4.33, good condition 1928 GERMANY commercial letter addressed to to Czechoslovakia franked with. 2 stamp. with perfin "MGF" Gummi, Guttapercha & Asbest - Factory, MC Mannheim 14.5.28, both stamp. with stříhaným horiz. perf 1913 GERMANY identification card firm Rob. Tümmler with Germania with perfin "RT", CDS Döblen 15.5.13, addressed to to Austria, good condition 1934-36 GERMANY comp. 3 pcs of ID entires with Hindenburg with perfins, "AC" Achen, "W&/C" Carl Fröhling A.G. Frankfurt a.M., "DrB" Dresden Bank Krefeld, good condition 1933-36 GERMANY comp. 3 pcs of ID entires with Hindenburg with perfins, "H&C" Höpner & Co. Niesky (whole advertising PC), "OL/A" Achen, "JRS" Jacob Ravené sons Berlin, small tearing in margins 1921-38 GERMANY comp. 5 pcs of entires addressed to Czechoslovakia with with perfins, 1x letter from start inflation with perfin "ECA", other "GFM", "F.V.", "RÖ", 1x censorship, 2x with holes to letter file/-s 1937 AUSTRIA 2 pcs of ID entires with with perfins, "EGP" E.G.Pick Wien (envelope torn), "E.E." Edward Elbogen Wien, addressed to to Czechoslovakia 1935 ROMANIA commercial PC with additional-printing Anglo-Československé and Prague kreditní bank franked with. 3 pcs of postage stmp from that 2x with perfin BR./ C.T., CDS Bucuresti10.XII.935, hints of gum on one stamp. 1936 GREAT BRITAIN 2 pcs of identification letters addressed to Czechoslovakia on/for firm Baťa with with perfins, 1x "JA/E" firm J.A. Ewing & Co. with MC London 24.Jne.36, 1x with 2 stamp. with perfin "G.P.H./ & Co." firm Geo.H. Penney & Co. with MC London 19.Sep.36, good condition 1885 GREAT BRITAIN PC 1p Mi.P18 with perfin "H.R & what", CDS London E.C./ Ap.4.85, arrival postmark Prague 6/4, horiz. fold in upper margin PC U:A5
1907 GREAT BRITAIN R postal stationery cover Mi.EU22 I.B with perfin "Dr. J / Co.", uprated with stamp Mi.105A with same perfin, CDS Registered / B9 Finsbury.Pavement / 11.AP.07, addressed to to Russia, signs of usage., to examination 1883-1913 GREAT BRITAIN comp. 8 pcs of perfins on stmp, concealing postmark, some stamp. viewing of quality recommended, other good condition, only stamps c.v.. 369MiMk 1945 CHINA variant perfins on/for newspaper cover from publ. The North-China herald, Shanghai, stmp against smytí and opětovnému usage marked small commercial postmark publ., CDS Shanghai, American censorship, on reverse transit. Brussels/ 2.5.45, to Sweden, folded, several tearing, after all acceptable and very interesting 1939 INDIA letter to Prague, two stamps with perfin TC/&S, identification relief on/for back flap "Thos Cook & son/ Bombay/ Bankers Ltd.", CDS Bombay/ 22.APR.39, good condition, identification entire