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1919-32 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 19 pcs of various PC and 1 dispatch-note with printed stmp 10h Hradčany, outside 2 pcs of all Us uprated and sent abroad from that 2x burdened with postage-due, high catalogue value 1919-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of more than 100 pcs of mainly p.stat, but also entires, part clear (CDV5, 3x CDV16), variously uprated, surtax, supplemented with cut-squares from dispatch-notes with mixed frankings, perfin, etc.., all in spiral stockbook for entires, various quality 1930-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of more than 50 pcs of mainly pictorial post cards, contains 45 pcs of single items from CDV39, 40, 41, 45, 48, 57, 59, 60, 71, supplemented with several PC and letter cards Coat of arms; high catalogue value 1918-37 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of more than 50 pcs of various PC, mainly Hradčany CDV10-22, 4 pcs of forerunner, 5 pcs of CDV1 Monogram, 5 pcs of issue Chainbreaker and several pieces Coat of arms, all Us, various franking and postmark, major-part good condition 1919-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection 30 pcs of p.stat, mostly small format, only 2 pcs of picture, various CDS also uprated by., various quality, several interesting 1919-27 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 24 pcs of CDV 10h and 15h Hradčany, 40h and 50h issue Chainbreaker, various flaw print, 6x uprated, to examination 1868-1963 Czechoslovakia, AUSTRIA selection (semifinished collection) blank forms and printed-matters certificates of mailing (R, telegram), reply forms, return receipts, delivery advices, receipts etc.., Czech territory, from Austria-Hungary to postwar period of, more than 100 pcs of, suitable to sorting and sorting U:A5
1886-1945 Czechoslovakia I., AUSTRIA PC liberated from postage, semifinished collection PC from Austria-Hungary after/around freedom in y 1945, total ca. 1,7kg PC official, poloúředního and private issue, almost all from Czech or Slovak territory, some rare, suitable as basis of collection or to sale, market price min. 2000CZK U:A5
18??-1980 Czechoslovakia, AUSTRIA larger comp. money blank forms, credit notes, deposit slip (receipt) cards, coupons, confirmations about/by posting etc.., from Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia I-II., Germany and oths., mostly Un, profitable for action "vyber si and pošli on", every something can find, in/at box from bonbónů U:A5
1942 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of 44 pcs of PC CDV16, 60h A. Hitler 1942, research material - various color and tloušťky paper, shifted prints etc.. 1939-44 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA interesting collection Un blank forms, total 37 pcs of on pages in/at preserved spring folder 1939-40 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, selection 36 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with revenue franked. forerunner Czechosl. stamps, or Bohemian and Moravian, also mixed, various rate and CDS, good condition 1950-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of ca. 110 pcs of various postal stationery cover and CDV, i.a. contains 7 pcs of CPH53, COB8, 16, 20, 21, 23 etc.. 1952-54 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection 22 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, also C.O.D. or alternate, variously paid/franked, various CDS, interesting selection of 1944-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection various Czechosl. dispatch-notes also C.O.D., mainly later period, but also 2x German, 2x from old currency etc.., Un, good to selection, fuller envelope A5 U:A5
1962-78 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 21 pcs of p.stat and cards with memorial postmarks exhibitions PRAGA 62, 68, 78 delivered balloon or helicopter post, contains postal stationery cover, aerograms, pigeongram etc.. 1945-53 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 24 pcs of various PC supplemented with 7 pcs of selection of CDV87, 88, 89, 90,91, 97, CPH 1, 2; good condition, high catalogue value 1972-88 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of ca. 150 pcs of special postal stationery cover + CDV, contains i.a. COB26 Písek, high catalogue value 1980-91 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of ca. 3000 pcs of PC CDV193, 50h Bratislava, research material, total 14kg of material; examination also taking-delivery only in Střelice 1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of clear also Us CDV and postal stationery cover, i.a. COB9, 26, 11 (torn), 22, CDV100/1-23,167, 179, 190, 191; various varieties and printing defects, all in spiral stockbook for entires 1966-68 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 specialized collection pigeongrams (117 pcs of) issued to exhibition BRNO 1966 and 1968 on album sheets in spring folder, supplemented with 16 pcs of envelopes used to rozeslání p.stat + paperback T.Šilhán Airmail p.stat 1914-48 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 + BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection 19 pcs of Un PC and envelopes various sort, CDV, FP, prisoner, Red Cross, commercial, etc. Czech also foreign, good condition 1970-2000 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., CZECH REPUBLIC comp. of mainly used various PC CDV, contains ca. 1200 pcs of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 + 300 pcs of Czech Republic 1975-91 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., selection of 37 pcs of postal stationery cover, Un, 5 pcs of with special postmark, other mint never hinged, listing available, cat. over 1000CZK 1994-99 CZECH REPUBLIC small collection picture CDV and several postal stationery cover in spiral stockbook for entires, cat. according to owner ca. 1800CZK 1994-99 CZECH REPUBLIC collection of pictorial post cards Architektonické reminder I-VI, without added print and with additional-printing, CDV6A+B, 13A+B, 19A+B, 25A+B, 33A+B, 46A+B, very fine, catalogue through/over 2500CZK, face-value over 600CZK, very profitable 1993-2005 Czech Republic collection of ca. 150 pcs of picture and other PC, supplemented with several CM, including list/roster, c.v.. 2800CZK 1993-2002 CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA collection of ca. 1000 pcs of PC, mainly CDV3 Říp 2CZK supplemented with Slovak Kriváň and other, all in box, total ca. 6kg of material, examination also taking-delivery only in Střelice U:K
1994 CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA selection of PC contains 400 pcs of Czech Republic forerunner and Říp + 900 pcs of Slovak Kriváň and Coat of arms, from that 30 pcs of with mixed frankings, all in box 1997-99 SLOVAKIA collection of ca. 1000 pcs of PC CDV20, all in box, total ca. 4kg of material; examination also taking-delivery only in Střelice 1993-98 SLOVAKIA collection of ca. 1000 pcs of PC, mainly CDV23 and CDV20, all in/at karbici, total ca. 4kg of material; examination also taking-delivery only in Střelice 1890-1950 EUROPE collection of ca. 70 pcs of PC and letter cards, contains these country - Netherlands, Belgium, France, Bulgaria, Iceland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Hungary, England; part mint never hinged, mainly Us, sorted and identified, good condition 1886-64 EUROPE selection 21 pcs of p.stat, mostly PC old Europe as Bavaria, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Romania, England etc.., i.a. also 1x double, 2x envelope, 1x address strip, 1x advertising added print, 1x private printed matter (envelope) and oths., interesting, We recommend it examination U:A5
1972-75? EUROPE comp. 8 pcs of Un aerogram, 3x Switzerland, 1x Belgium, 2x Sweden, 1x UNO, 1x England, 2x postmark from favor, partially folded, clear 1937-42 GERMANY selection of 31 pcs of pictorial post cards and p.stat propagandistic Ppc (3 pcs of), contains i.a. Mi.P269, P285 set, P246, P239 etc.., mainly Un with special postmark, 5 pcs of Us 1880-1950 GERMANY collection of ca. 70 pcs of various PC, all identified and sorted, interesting postmarks, franking, part clear, occupied territory, propaganda etc..; mainly good condition 1870-1950 GERMANY, AUSTRIA selection of more than 80 pcs of PC in spiral stockbook for entires, part clear, several pieces "yellow", supplemented with entires and stamp. 1915-16 AUSTRIA selection of 25 pcs of PC field post, Mi.2x FP 1, 2x FP 2, 7x FP 3b - yellowish paper, 9x FP 3b - cream paper, 5x FP 3c, nice quality, cat. over 140€ U:A5
1870-1918 AUSTRIA selection of more than 60 pcs of PC, letter cards and other p.stat, all identified, various interesting postmarks, several better pieces i.a. Mi.P33a, Mi.P92 uprated by. 1h stamp., various variety, double PC, added-print etc..; various quality 1875-14? SWITZERLAND selection 23 pcs of various PC, part uprated, 2 Un, good condition 1880-1930 OVERSEA selection of 34 pcs of various p.stat mainly from British Colonies, from that 28 pcs of mint never hinged, contains i.a. these countries: Britisch New Guinea, Cyprus, Montserrat, Zanzibar, Bolivia, Guatemala, Tunis (double Us), Surinam, Mauritius, Straits Settlements, Gibraltar, Tobago etc.., all good condition 1970-85 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection ordinary. letters sent to mail-order shop sorted according to postmarks post offices, total 8000 pcs of franked envelopes in 3 big boxes, total 30kg of material