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1920-50 postcard Czechoslovakia selection of 20 pcs of Ppc from various places, from that 1x Brno - Falkensteinova street No.35, women's hut, as multiple good condition 1899-1940 postcard FINLAND selection of 48 pcs of Ppc small format, much very interesting as ports, town, street, long address, natural scenery, part Us. Supplemented with 3 pcs of Us Ppc Estonia. Real market price ca. 2500CZK 1910-1960 postcard / MOTIVE / VOJENSTVÍ collection more 140 pcs of Ppc with motive of weapon/-s, aircraft (starts aviation, WWI.., Czechoslovakia), ships (Austria-Hungary, England, USA atd.), ca. 40 pcs of large format and newer; all in spiral stockbook for entires, market price ca. 15000CZK U:Z
1900-38 postcard Germany selection of 48 pcs of Ppc, contains several interesting items as interior hotel Neüsalz Oder., Coserov, Nd.-Lausitz, supplemented with 2 pcs of Panama and other topography also motive 1900-40 postcard NORWAY selection of 25 pcs of Ppc small format, much interesting, street, town, fjordy, ports, mainly natural scenery Nordkap etc.. Part Us. Interesting selection of. Real market price ca. 2000CZK 1920-80 postcard PRAGUE selection of 500 pcs of Ppc small format + 900 pcs of big format, 15 pcs of stereo Ppc etc.., all in larger box, total 7kg of material; personal examination also taking-delivery only in Střelice U:K
1899-1920 postcard collection of Ppc Italy in/at contemporary album, total 500 pcs of, mainly touring region and town, major-part clear, very good condition 1900-1920 postcard selection of 140 pcs of topographical Ppc mainly from Czechia (without Prague), half long address, much interesting, mainly postally Us, standard quality, profitable offer!! 1929-57? postcard selection of 150 pcs of topographical Ppc Czechoslovakia with specialization on/for banking houses, banks, záložen, insurance companies, B/W, clear also used, mostly well preserved, market price min. 2000CZK 1904-80? postcard selection of 50 pcs of topographical Ppc Czechoslovakia with specialization on/for industrial objekty (factory komíny), ev.. other service and equipment, almost all B/W, mostly used and good condition, market price min. 500CZK 1900-1910 postcard selection of 89 pcs of topographical Ppc Prague, 80x long address, contains also lithography, interesting photo also painted, postally Us, standard quality 1910-30 postcard collection of ca. 100 pcs of Ppc with reproductions paintings various painters, Un, good condition 1900-30 postcard collection of ca. 140 pcs of Ppc from Czechoslovakia also abroad, contains several interesting items, but also common as Prague, Zlín etc.. 1930-50 postcard collection of ca. 2500 pcs of topographical photo postcard only small format, mainly tourist places Czechoslovakia in/at smaller míře from countries Europe, all in larger box, total 10kg of material, profitable offer piece 0,40CZK 1950-80 postcard collection of ca. 2500 pcs of Ppc big format, contains topography Czechoslovakia, Europe also motive, all in larger box, total 12kg of material 1900-45 postcard collection 144 Ppc, motives: history Czech nation in/at pictures, reproduction, map/-s on/for postcards, Sokol, atypical making, advertising; místopis: home, Germany, Turkey, Estonia and oths.; mostly Us, some interestingly franked 1899-1930 postcard old album with picture-postcards, more than 370 pcs of, mostly long address from start last century, topographical also motives, various quality 1914-17 postcard + PHOTO historical photoalbum (A3) with mounted photos, postcard and cut-squares from period print about/by course fights WWI.; contains ca. 30 pcs of Ppc and ca. 40 pcs of contemporary photos; much interesting photos 1900-1930 postcard - MOTIVE selection of 180 pcs of various congratulatory Ppc, personality as T. G. Masaryk, costume, popular types abroad etc.., interesting 1900-50 postcard TOPOGRAPHY Moravia + Bohemia, collection of ca. 850 pcs of Ppc mainly small format mainly Moravia, but also abroad and thematic, contains about 50 pcs of better items Moravia, all in box, interesting selection of 1900-50 postcard TOPOGRAPHY Bohemia, collection of ca. 900 pcs of big also small format in box, contains also abroad, but also motive, several also better items Prague etc.., interesting selection of 1890-1930 postcard TOPOGRAPHY collection of Ppc USA, Germany and dlaších countries in stockbook for Ppc, total ca. 240 pcs of 1900-50 postcard TOPOGRAPHY Slovakia, collection of ca. 150 pcs of mainly photo postcard small format, part Carpathian Ruthenia, all in 2 stockbooks 1900-30 postcard TOPOGRAPHY + MOTIVE collection ca. 160 pcs of Ppc with Czechosl. místopisem, myslivoat and historical details castle and zámků on/for photo-PC (Germany, Austria), interesting 1940-80 postcard MOTIVE collection 111 pcs of Ppc mostly big format with motive of communistic propaganda Czech also Russian origin, but also from Spain and China, painted also photo, issue budovatelských songs, Russian vojevůdci, 4x Stalin etc.., all in spiral stockbook for entires, interesting! 1900-48 postcard MOTIVE collection ca. 110 pcs of various Ppc with motive of Sokol, part worse quality; all in stockbook for Ppc 1950-60 postcard MOTIVE collection ca. 65 pcs of Ppc with motive of Czechosl. sport, major-part B/W., large format, Orbis; all stockbook for Ppc 1930-60 postcard MOTIVE selection of 27 pcs of Ppc with motive of aircraft small also vekého format 1900-1940 postcard MOTIVE selection of 33 pcs of Ppc small format with motive of actors and art in spiral stockbook A5 1900-1950 postcard MOTIVE selection of 47 pcs of Ppc with motive of work, technology, bridges, wind-mills, lanovky, contains also several better items, various quality, all small format in stockbook for entires 1914-50 postcard selection 54 pcs of color also B/W Ppc, topography Czechoslovakia also abroad + motive, i.a. Biskupice, Znojmo, Klostenburg etc.., almost all used, part sent by FP, various quality, profitable offer 1934-50? postcard selection of 100 pcs of topographical Ppc Czechoslovakia with specialization on/for banking houses, banks, záložen, insurance companies, B/W, mostly used, almost all good condition, market price min. 1000CZK 1912-37 postcard SOKOL selection of Ppc, entrance tickets, posters, labels all with theme Czechosl. Sokol, postcard Sokol houses from various towns and villages, photo postcard from training/exercise, 2 publication etc.., major-part items mounted on pages in folders 1930-37 AUTOGRAPHS monument with signatures important personalities culture, sport and politics, i.a. Joseph Čapek, T. G. Masaryk, Kubelík, Plánička, Firkušný, Úprka, Bezruč, John Masaryk, supplemented with several picture-postcards, letters and photos with calling from A. Jirásek, interesting 1919-1970 AUTOGRAPHS selection of more than 130 pcs of Ppc, photos, cards, visit cards and letters with signatures uncommon personalities cultural, vědeckého and political life Czechoslovakia, i.a. contains part correspondence on/for minister Rašín, wish with signature K. Kinský, Oldřich Slavíček, R. Hrušínský, Klofáč, G. Jarkovský, correspondence on/for E. Beneš and other, interesting U:A5
1900-45 VISIT CARDS selection of 135 pcs of various in box 1930-37 OSVOBOZENÉ THEATRE Voskovec and Werich, collection theatre program and interního journal Local patriot, texts songs, text theatre games Nebe on/for zemi, poster to/at play Rub and líc (A4), supplemented with 4 zvukovými kazetami with nahrávkami songs from Osvobozeného theatre; all in spiral stockbook 1943 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE German field post, J.D. Fürstin Hanau - Hořovice near Prague, selection of 52 pcs of entires from action family members and friends in/at German Wermachtu and in/at americkém imprisonment (6 pcs of prisoner cards), 1x letter from notáře with listing 117 dědiců with statement noblewoman Fürstim von Hanaou, several letters from Generalleutnat Höcker (3 pcs of), Generálmajora Loehninga (18 pcs of), General die Kavalerie count Rothkirch (3 pcs of), all addressed to to Hořovice and after/around war to Vienna, interesting family information, but also postřehy about/by total náladách in company, interesting research material!! 1886-1941 INVOICES, BILLS big comp. of more than 100 pcs of invoices, invoices, heading papers, Czech territory, much stamped, in addition various small confirmations, some paper/-s decorative, good condition, it is worth seeing 1865 FISCAL STAMPS Directorium in annum MDCCLXV with paste-in calendar revenue 6 Kreuzer, issued in Olomouc, worse condition calendar, hints of moisture 1850-1910 FISCAL STAMPS small collection unstuck revenues and cut-squares in/at small stockbook A5, contains 215 pcs of Austrian, 12 pcs of Hungarian and 17 pcs of Bosnian revenues 1854-1940 FISCAL STAMPS collection Austrian revenues on free sheets in folder with description, supplemented with several pieces documents and sheets with duplication 1825-1891 FISCAL STAMPS selection of 30 pcs of documents with imprinted stamps, release, certificate from school, 2x confirmation from posted inzerátů to newspapers with mounted revenue etc.. U:A5
1850-1938 FISCAL STAMPS selection of about 2000 pcs of revenues from period of Austria-Hungary, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, mostly on cut-squares, sorted according to period, all placed in box U:K
1850-1945 FISCAL STAMPS collection of ca. 50 pcs of documents with mounted Austria-Hungary revenues various issue, contains release, warrant/-s, freight letters for railroad, postage stmp sheet, due bill/-s etc.. 1850-1900 FISCAL STAMPS selection of whole documents and cut-square with Austrian revenues various issue, all in larger box, total 7kg of material 1870-1945 FISCAL STAMPS selection of cut-squares and unstuck stamp. in/at full 1 older stockbook A4, contains revenues Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and other countries 1870-1930 FISCAL STAMPS + PROMOTIONAL LABELS selection of cut-squares and advertising labels German clubs/associations and Austrian war fondů, supplemented with 4 pcs of stamp. food tax Czechoslovakia etc.., all in older stockbook A4, interesting 1926-50 POJISTKY set 20 pcs of pojistných contracts several various insurance companies Czechoslovakia, some contract/-s have holes from letter file/-s, interesting 1941-48 IDENTITY CARDS set 3 pcs of employment book BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 1x labour passport from year 1947, 1x passport issued in 1948 on 7 months (photo vytržené), various quality U:A5
1927-82 IDENTITY CARDS 3 pcs of travel passports, 2x from Czechoslovakia I. and 1x Czechoslovakia, (one family), 1x with insert about/by allocation valut, 1x inside damaged conglutination, used to vycestování, else preserved 1939-44 IDENTITY CARDS 5 pcs of personal documents/attributes from period of BOHEMIA-MORAVIA (passport, 2x Grenzausweis, Sheet home, study passport), one family, good condition 1900-47 IDENTITY CARDS set 4 pcs of travel passports, 1x Austria-Hungary from year 1900, 1x Austrian from year 1922, 1x Hungarian from year 1923, 1x Czechoslovakia from year 1947, all used to travels abroad, signs of usage 1890-1950 IDENTITY CARDS + SAVING BOOKS + DOCUMENTS selection of identity-card and various documents in larger box, total 5kg of material 1916-31 SAVING BOOKS saving book Weiner Kommunal-Sparkasse and member book Spořitelního and záloženského club/association + 2 due bill/-s, 1x fold in folder else preserved 1900-30 PROMOTIONAL LABELS selection of 220 pcs of labels in/at 1 stockbook A5, lot of very nice and decorative pieces from various countries as Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, profitable offer! 1900-30 PROMOTIONAL LABELS selection of 290 pcs of labels, revenues and Surtax stamp. various clubs/associations etc.., all on 3 on stock-sheets A4 1938-44 MAPS comp. 12 pcs of topografických maps Olomouc Region + surroundings Bratislava; from that 1x print film - předloha; all folded 1918-46 MAPS comp. of 8 various maps and plans, contains i.a. map Future of Czechoslovakia, plan Czechoslovakia after occupation of Sudetenland, plan Prague 2x, plan district Uherské Hradiště, plan complete Czechoslovakia, advertisement poster on/for Deník Moravian Slovo with plan Moravia, interesting 1900-50 MAPS collection of ca. 70 pcs of military topografických maps Czechoslovakia, supplemented with other maps Europe, part worse condition, all in fold A1; necessary personal examination also taking-delivery