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1996-98 comp. 9 pcs of international dispatch notes without printed stmp type CP2 without right cut, with enormně high frankings, all addressed to to Slovakia, good condition 1993-97 comp. 5 pcs of request sheets (search after/around post. order, pytlovce, parcel, Reg letter) also with accounting documents/attributes, from that 3 pcs of paid in parallel valid postage stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 from y 1972, Pof.1965, resp. 1967, interesting, all request sheets 2x folded, good condition U:A5
1999 entires paid/franked forgeries to defraud the post, postcard with Pof.P118, CDS Beroun 26.11.99 and letter with Pof.P140, CDS Prostějov 15.6.99, non-philatelic correspondence, good condition