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1942-45 SLOVAKIA comp. 4 pcs of envelopes with meter stmp Rivnione Adriatica Disicvrta Bratislava (2x print on/for commercial envelope with censorship - torn); FOŽ Bratislava, Slovak Bank Bratislava, Ž.S.T. Žilina; good condition 1942 DENMARK commercial air-mail letter to Bohemia-Moravia, imprint of meter franking firm Lazeila Modegarner with CDS Copenhagen 12.5.42, German censorship, nice print good condition 1928-34 comp. 14 pcs of out of Prague copy-print meter stmp on/for commercial envelopes, contains i.a. Bayer Kolín, Franck Pardubice, Spitzer Moravská Ostrava., Kostelec sausages Kostelec by/on/at Jihlava, Polický-Poper Jaroměř, A. Kalla Šmídeberk, J.Pilnáček Hradec Králové etc.., much decorative added-print, without long envelopes, only nice print, good condition 1928-38 comp. 12 pcs of envelopes with meter stmp Prague firm, contains Novina, John Dav. Starck., Sfinx, Škoda, Fanto, Velim, Norgine, Bee, National Listy, Sprinzels, Tex, F.Hadrbolec; small envelope/-s and líszky, nice print good condition 1929-33 comp. 8 pcs of out of Prague commercial copy-print meter stmp, contains Auto-Arm Moravská Ostrava., Cosmos Čáslav, Ammunition factory Brno, The first Brno machine-works Brno, OSTIA Ústí n.L., STIEPEL Liberec, J.Tohn Dobruška, Krbec & Přibyl Česká Třebová; all nice good condition 1929-37 comp. 5 pcs of entires franked by meter stmp. with advertising added prints, Czechosl. obilní community, Cosmos Čáslav, Insurance company Assecurare Necesse Est, Spol. for zpeněžení lihu and Šuranský sugar-factory, good condition 1930 letter franked meter stmp KRALUPOL Prague 7/ 10.4.30 and with value 0,20CZK on/for commercial envelope with decorative vícebarevným additional-printing 1930-34 comp. 11 pcs of long commercial envelopes with mainly Prague meter stmp, contains Bank Moravská Ostrava., Krešl & Co., Plohn & Co., Komdrat, Sdružel-Verw, Thurm and Beschke, Ed. Bondy, Ruberoid, OHB, Elektrotechna, Schmolka; nice print, good condition 1931 letter with meter stmp Krešl & Co Prague 5/ 1.12.31 with value 0,20CZK, decorative multicolor additional printing with mark Telefunken 1931-34 comp. 10 pcs of commercial envelopes with Prague meter stmp, contains Osram, Líh, Beetle and Babka, Poldi, F.Hadrbolec, Prague IX-181 (blind persons), Svoboda and Hinais, J.H.Basch, GEC, Rudolf Mosse; only small envelope/-s, nice print 1934 advertising printed matter - thanks for visit in/at factory on/for margarin SANA Inc., with inserted photos, meter stmp SANA, Prague 1/ 12.3.34, postage stmp value 20h, good condition 1937 envelope sent as printed matter with reduced postage! meter stmp PRAGUE 1 Miroslav Švestka / 16.12.37 with postage stmp value 10h(!!) + additional postmark "lowered postage allowed post. headquarters in Prague ...", rare usage, decorative 1938 commercial envelope sent as commercial printed matter with meter stmp Bros Čížkové nást., CDS Prague 7/ 31.1.38 with value 10h, supplemented with violet cancel. "lowered postage allowed ...", very fine print partially through/over commercial additional printing envelope/-s 1938 commercial envelope sent as commercial printed matter paid/franked frankotype LSN (Leo Strass & Co in/at Náchod), value 10h with CDS Náchod 10.3.38, on envelope pre-printing permit "lowered výplatné..."(!), redirected, sought, good condition 1945 Central Statistical Office Prague "P", imprint of meter franking on unused envelope, CDS PRAGUE 14/ 10.2.45, superb, very rare usage!! U:A5
1939 2 pcs of envelopes with forerunner print meter stmp firm Českomoravská Koleben - Daněk 4.10.39 and Hypoteční bank Czech 30.6.39; nice print on/for long window envelopes 1939 commercial letter with Czech meter stmp Prague 1/ R (Family)/ 31.3.39 - butterfly, in the place additionally mounted stmp 1CZK, arrival postmark. Kladruby n./L./ 3.IV.39, receiving refused, sent back, good condition 1939 forerunner meter stmp as partial tiskopis(!), Hlavatý, Prague 17/ 23.9.39 with postage stmp value 30h and red cancel. Partial printed matter; good condition 1939-41 comp. 3 pcs of envelopes with advertising added prints franked by meter stmp., forerunner Otta Rakovník, "R" Prague 1, Vilímek Prague 3; good condition U:A4
1939-44 comp. 11 pcs of entires with meter stmp - butterfly, only 2x same otherwise any other one, sent/sender. Prague (7x), Hradec Králové (3x), Steamship (1x), nice print, well preserved 1940 meter stmp as Commercial tiskopis(!), Fr. Borový, Prague 1/ 24.2.40 with postage stmp value 10h and red cancel. lowered postage...; good condition 1940 meter stmp as Commercial tiskopis(!), Kudrnáč, Náchod 9.2.40 with postage stmp value 10h and red cancel. lowered postage...; good condition 1940-44 comp. 3 pcs of R letters franked by meter stmp., Bank town Kolín Kolín, Montan Prague 1, Lípa Prague 1; good condition 1941 address cut square with blue meter stmp MELANTRICH Prague 1/ 24.11.41 with value 0,05K, nice print 1941-44 comp. 5 pcs of commercial envelopes with meter stmp, contains Kudrnáč Náchod 2x various advertising, PALABA Slaný, Sigmund Olomouc, O.Hofmann Hořovice; long window envelopes, nice print, small tearing 1942 2 pcs of meter stmp on/for commercial envelopes, 1x BAŤA Baťov 1 sent as Reg, 1x TOKAJGNAC (Tesařík and Pavela) Prague 31, decorative window envelope, good condition 1942 letter with meter stmp PRAGUE 14/ Central Statistical Office/ 10.8042, undelivered and sent back, arrival postmark. Štítná above Vláří/ 12. and 13.VIII.42, label unknown - Unknown, good condition 1943 blue frankotype Collection of Laws and Regulations Prague 8 with value 0,05K, 2 pcs of whole covers with address, folds faded 1943 Reg letter franked by meter stmp. PHILIPS Prague 6/ 20.11.43 and with value 3,80K, oblong envelope with commercial additional-printing 1943-44 2 pcs of R letters franked by meter stmp. Areo Factory aircrafts Prague 79/ 19.11.43 and 5.6.44 with value 3,80K and 4,20 Koruna, commercial additional printing on/for window envelopes, superb 1944 Reg letter franked by meter stmp. TATRA Prague 55/ 1.2.44 and value 3,80K, window envelope with commercial additional-printing, light and readable imprint of meter franking 1945 commercial window envelope paid/franked combinations meter stmp and stamps, frankotype Sedliacka bank with value 1CZK, CDS Bratislava 1/ 18.8.45 and stamp. 50h, Pof.363 with CDS Bratislava 1/ 18.VIII.45, rare, good condition U:A5
1945 commercial Reg letter franked with. print meter stmp Bohumil Schnabel Nová Paka 10.12.45 with value 9,80Kčs and stamp. franking 4x 5h, Pof.387 with nationalized CDS Nová Paka 10.XII.45, on reverse arrival nationalized CDS Varnsdorf 12.12.45, good condition U:A5
1945 letter with Bohemian and Moravian meter stmp NOVINA Prague 7/ 5.5.1945 sent in/at the first day Prague armed revolt from publ. NOVINA (overprinted postmark on/for SVOBODA) to Panské street, where came to occupation German printing-plant DER NEUE TAG illegal group "Hnutí youth after/behind freedom", which/what začala issue journal Mladá fronta (the first day activity/-ies), light imprint, after all hictorical entire 1945 commercial envelope franked by meter stmp. Prague 31/ ORBIS Prague/ 15.5.45 (!), only Czech text, good condition 1946-50 comp. 12 pcs of envelopes with print meter stmp, contains 6x "butterfly" i.a. J.Kussi, Bros Zikmundové, Selecta etc.. + 6x with print in form of stamps i.a. WIKOV Prostějov, Cosmos Čáslav, Orbis etc..; good condition 1947-48 comp. 5 pcs of letters franked by meter stmp., Co-operation agricultural distilleries, District nemoc. insurance company Prague II., M. Švestka, Prague municipal plynárna and Company for private telefony, small formats, good condition 1954 air postcard to Tehran and franked to post office Prague 1/ 29.XI.54 meter stmp Hasler with osovým shift CDS and VR, pseudo-stamp with 3-místnou value 125h, CDS Prague 1/ 29.XI.54, arrival postmark. illegible