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1936 OLYMPIC GAMES XI. Summer Olympic Games Berlin 36, 2 pcs of Ppc sent to Czechoslovakia with special postmark Berlin Olympia-stadion 16.8.36 and Berlin Olympialager Heerstrasse 5.8.36, nice print 1947-48 ESPERANTO 1x envelope and 1x Reg letter with special postmark : 2x Turčiansky Svätý Martin./ I. celoslovenský Esperantist congress and 3x Košice/ II. celoslovenský Esperantist congress, good quality, sought motive U:A5
1949 ESPERANTO 2x Reg letter with special postmark : 3x Bratislava 2/ III. celoslovenský Esperanto congress and 3x Liberec/ VII. congress Esperantists Czechoslovakia, good quality, sought motive 1957 JUDAICA 3x R PC with report damage on/for life, health/salutes and belongings Radě Jewish religious village/community from period of German occupation, good condition 1947 JUDAICA Us PC with special postmark Marian bath 1/ Agudat Jisrael - World conference/ 20.VIII.1947, sought postmark, nice quality 1937 JUDAICA memorial envelope and cut square with special postmark Marian bath 1/ III. world's congress "Agudas Jisroel"/ 18. and 23.VIII.37, envelope light omáčklá, without address 1947 JUDAICA Reg letter with three special postmark Karlovy Vary 1/ 50 years world sionistické organisace/ 17.VIII.1947, black Reg label, clear print, certificate of mailing attached, sought postmark, nice quality 1969 COSMOS miniature sheet USSR with by hand written signatures astronauts Šatalov, Volynov, Eliseef, Chrunov 1970 COSMOS Czechoslovakia envelope with additional-printing Apolla 13 to USA, with Pof.60, CDS Prague 11.IV.70, sent back with sheetlet "Mailing was/were returned postal office Kennedy Space Center, protože APOLLO 13 nepřistálo on the Moon" + CDS Prague 19.X.70, signature of author added-print Lukavský, good condition 1988 COSMOS USSR - Bulgaria, common space flight in/at cosmos, envelope with special postmark and deck postmark, Un, excellent quality 1978 COSMOS USSR - Czechoslovakia, common space flight in/at cosmos, postal stationery cover with deck special postmark, signatures astronauts Gubareva and Remek, Un, very good quality 1982 COSMOS USSR - France, common space flight in/at cosmos, envelope with special postmark and deck postmark, Un, light fold corner otherwise very fine 1980 COSMOS USSR - CUBA common space flight in/at cosmos, envelope with special postmark and deck postmark, Un, excellent quality 1980 COSMOS USSR - Vietnam, common space flight in/at cosmos, envelope with postmark base and deck, vietnamská stmp, Un, excellent quality 1936 OLYMPIC GAMES 2x postcard from Berlin, 1x special postmark Berlin Olympia - Stadium/ XI. Olympiade 1936 with stamp. Mi.610+611, 1x slogan pmk Berlin/ Olympische Games with stamp. Mi.518, good condition U:A5
1979-91 POLAR POST comp. 10 pcs of letters from various polárních expedic Germany, Japan and Russia; part with hints after/around moisture in/at glued communications envelopes 1995 ORDER MALTESE KNIGHTS set 4 pcs of stamps coats of arms, mint never hinged 1999 ORDER MALTESE KNIGHTS miniature sheet with 9ti stamps with coats of arms contract states, i.a. Czech Republic, MC, numbered, mint never hinged 1997 ORDER MALTESE KNIGHTS set 6 pcs of memorial/special envelopes and PC with added-print to exhibition postal stamps order and Anniv contract/-s about/by transport post. mailing between Czech Republic and Suverénním řádem MR, contains also additional printing on/for CDV18 (!!) to signing contract/-s, very low edition - catalogue doesn't report, 1x also stmp order post, postally Un, good quality 1996 ORDER MALTESE KNIGHTS set 4 pcs of stamps coats of arms, mint never hinged 1945 SCOUTING CDV76 with uprated by. two stamps with 2x special postmark Karlovy Vary/ Scouts Days/ 26.I.46, sought postmark 1936-37 SCOUTING drawn postcard to Jubilejnímu country congress, 2x special postmark ditto, without address, well preserved and CDV with special postmark Jaroměř/ Opening scout home 1937 1945 SCOUTING envelope greater format with mounted memorial sheet from I. scout celebration in/at Klatovy, 2x special postmark ditto, place address postmark Revolutionary council/court of scouts, well preserved, sought 1945 SCOUTING ostřižený and folded commemorative sheet and cut square with special postmark Žilina 1/ I. congress Slovak of scouts / 11.XI.1945, sought postmark 1945 SCOUTING 3 pcs of PC with print special postmark Klatovy/ Scouts Festival with all date action 7-9.IX.1945, 1x as Registered, well preserved 1985 SCOUTING letter sent from Switzerland to Netherlands with green cachet Czechosl. exilových of scouts TSCHECHOSLOWAKISCHE EXIL - PFEDFINDER IN DER SCHWEIZ + printing 3 lily, tear envelope/-s repaired, otherwise clear 1968-96 SCOUTING selection 18 pcs of p.stat (CDV + postal stationery cover) with added-print to motive scouting, some also with special postmark, only 2x filed address, good quality 1936 SCOUTING postcard with stamp. 60h and green special postmark Prague 14 Country scout congress/ 30.V.36, short tear in margin postcard, else preserved 1945 SCOUTING front side of letter with stamp. 1,50 Koruna and thin/light print special postmark Žilina 1/ I. congress Slovak of scouts / 11.XI.45, rare and sought postmark, folded, stains, viewing of quality recommended 1946 SCOUTING Reg letter with multicolor franking (7,40Kčs) and 5 print black special postmark Karlovy Vary Scouts Days/ 27.I.46, black Reg label Czech, on reverse arrival postmark. broken out railway-station postmark Mladá Boleslav/ 4.II.46, inside interesting message post office Karlovy Vary, good condition 1946 SCOUTING Reg letter with franking 3 stamps (7,40Kčs), 2x black special postmark Prague 1 Scout congress/ 10.II.46, black Reg label, very well preserved 1945 SCOUTING Reg letter with franking 4,20Kčs and three black print special postmark Klatovy Scouts Festival/ 7.IX.45, Bohemian and Moravian Reg label with škrtnutým German name, on reverse arrival postmark. Prague 84/ 8.IX.45, well preserved 1945 SCOUTING scout postcard with 2x special postmark Klatovy/ Scouts Festival/ 9.IX.45, Un, place address postmark Revolutionary council/court of scouts, good condition 1934-37 SCOUTING cut square with 4 special postmark Kutná Hora/ Regional congress scouts of scouts, drawn postcard to opening scout home in/at Jaroměř 1937 with special postmark ditto, Un, sought 1937 SCOUTING - letter as printed matter franked with. svit. stmp 20h with two print green special postmark Jaroměř Opening scout home/ 30.V.37, in addition CDS Jaroměř/ 30.V.37, good condition 1931 SCOUTING - service letter with print advertising MC Prague 25/ Camps Slavic of scouts/ Slavonic jamboree/ 20.VI.31, good condition, very sought 1947 SCOUTING CHINA air-mail letter franked with. postage stmp 800d., CDS Shanghai (date badly readable), additional cancel. Czechoslovak Rover-Scouts / Scouts resistance / Shanghai - China, addressed to to Jindřichův Hradec, well preserved 1968 SCOUTING CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 memorial envelope to 50. Anniv service Czech of scouts, with 40h, special postmark Prague 28.10.68 to same event/-s, Un, without defects 1937 SCOUTING HOLANDSKO whole newspaper wrapper with Mi.152, 2x 281, MC Haarlem 4.8.37, additional cancel. Administratie/ JAMBOREE POST, addressed. to Střelice near Brno, at top also lower slightly torn and after/around both sides rusty stains, to examination 2002 SPORT CHINA, HONG KONG and MACAO, coedition to/at World's cup in/at football 2002, gift package U:A5
1948 CHESS Reg letter with 3x special postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ XX. anniv. congress Czechosl. šachistů/ 21.VIII.1948, certificate of mailing also with special postmark including, good quality, sought postmark U:A5
1969-93 CHESS comp. 4 pcs of entires with additional-printing or postmark on/for motive chess, supplemented with 5 pcs of cards correspondence šachových comp. U:A5