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1911 paper folding picture-book (rose), několikabarevné and decorative, good condition 1911 paper folding picture-book On memory from fair (church motive), několikavrstvé, multicolored, good condition 1911 paper folding picture-book On memory from saint fair (church motive), několikavrstvé, multicolored, good condition 19?? St. Panna Mary and Jezulátkem with stříbrným krajkovým margin, well preserved 1930 St. Anthony 3 pcs of pictures, 2x St. antonín, 1x place of pilgrimage St. Anthony Padovanský above Blatnicí, all lithography 1938 map nationality Czechoslovakia, issued in Germany, 1:1,5mil., folds and tearing in margins 1900 Small illustrated guide after/around Hora Kutná and surroundings, , R. Kutnohorský, paperback with much photos, plan town, much advertisings and postcard otištěnou on envelope 1900? Leporelo Prague before/(in front of) sto flights, from one side pictures Prague, from the second side advertising pictures from paper factory Hynka Fuchse in/at Česká Kamenice Partially frayed margin. 1907 map town New York, Czech descriptions (!), in the middle torn 1924 map Postal communications in Bohemia, 1:400.000, supplemented with plánkem post Prague, issued by Ministry communications and telegraphs, folds 1930 map Military exercising ground in/at Motole, 1:10000, folds, good condition 1930 map Military exercising ground by/on/at Milovic, 1:25000, good condition, only folds 1935 map Uzhhorod, military special map č.4568, měř. 1:75.000, records territory západně from Uzhhorod, folded on/for brašnový size, nepodlepené, good condition 1969 color drawn map castles and zámků North Bohemia with city coats of arms, lemováno rodovými coats of arms, issued by Our army, drew J.Vildt, format 39x32cm, cross fold 1898 cabinet nude (recumbent woman with water pipe), author Louis Fleischmann, printing Emil Steller Berlin, carton 165x106mm, photo 130x67mm, well preserved 1900 cabinet card portrait man, photographer Flr. Glauder - VELKÁ BYSTŘICE, good condition 1900 cabinet card woman standing at the table 10x14cm, photographer John Hanzl - Příbor, good condition 1900 cabinet card child in costume, 10x14cm, photographer Jul. Blažek - Kyjov 1900 cabinet card mother with dcerou, 14x10cm, studio Rafael - Brno, good condition 1900 cabinet card man in hat, 10x14cm atelier N.Baker - Lundenburg, good condition 1906 documentary photo members political organization, sedících before/(in front of) brewery in/at Rájci, many folds and on reverse rusty stains 1919 cabinet card Austria-Hungary soldier in uniform, B/W., size 24x32cm 1920 factory aircraft firm BAŤA on/for airport in foreground owner firm Mr. Baťa with pilot, format 16x12cm 1930? 7 pcs of photos soldiers Czechosl. army, mostly skupinová photos, 1x recruits, 1x blue shade, viewing of quality recommended 1930? photo postcard soldier Czechosl. army sitting on/for motorcycle Praga, atelier Krejčí Brno, shorter fold, else preserved 1930? Greta Garbo, photo 13x18cm, B/W on paper chamois, photo MGM, naklad."Ross", well preserved 1940 2 pcs of original photos Czechosl. war pilots in France, among others. pilots Kauer, Valůšek, Fikáček, Špiřík, Soukup and Remeš, good condition 1940 Sulanová Zdeněk, movie actress, 3x advertising photo on/for sandály f. Baťa, House footwear Baťa Brno, photo Rosegnal, size ca. 15x19cm, 1x photo postcard from House of footwear Baťa Brno, photo Podlipný Brno, Un, good quality 1944 RAF, original photo Czechosl. members 311. bombing wing, format 16x10cm, persons neidentifikovány, good condition 1944 RAF, original photo neidentifikovaného Czechosl. pilot, format 7,5x10cm, on reverse cancel. Czechosl. inspectorship in England, cancel. CENSUROVÁNO and hand-made "G 103", good condition U:A5
1945? photoportrait member Czechosl. army, brown shade, on reverse dedication, thin/light spots, else preserved 1960? 5 pcs of photos soldiers Czechoslovak Airlines on/for PVS near/in/at výuce and zábavě, B/W, in corners holes, various quality 1930 LISTOVNÍ POSTAL VÁHA mechanical, functional 1930 RUČNÍ MECHANICKÉ POSTMARK stamp. Printator with inscriptions as Express, C.O.D., Printed matter etc.., functional with zaschlou poduškou 1900? VYKLÁDACÍ CARDS (věštecké), German, publ. Max Spohr Leipzig, incl. commercial promotional cards, original little box, used, but good condition, extraordinary item 1900-40 comp. 2 pcs of maps surroundings Brno, 1x 1:150000 issued knihkupec Píša Brno, 1x tourist 1:75000 from year 1940; good condition, good condition U:X
1910 GRAPHICS Emil Holarek Noc file 20 drawings, edition B. Kočího in Prague, unbound, good condition 1980 GRAPHICS George Švengsbír, comp. of 3 bulletins and several graphic sheets pojednávajíci about/by production předního Czech graphic/prints and engraver much Czechosl. stamps 1928 GRAPHICS Joseph Grus, For/Behind krásami our regions, unbound, good condition 1991 Henry Schmidt life between gravures, J.Hořec, as new 1945 American army in Plzen Czechoslovakia, publication with photos from liberation of Plzeň, English. - Czech text, issued National Committee in Plzen, issue II, good condition 1936 Die Olympischen Spile 1936 in Berlin and Garmisch Partenkirchen, bound book with mounted pictures Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, propaganda 1928 Graf Zeppelin Sondernummer der Zeitschrift "Unser Ship" von LZ 1 bis LZ 127, paperback print with drawings Zeppelins and technical date and photos, 18 sides, worn through envelope in hřebetu U:A5
1938 Calendar young obránců homeland, paperback with color picture hodností, marks aircrafts etc.., good condition U:Z
1958 Catalogue kartáčnických products, color folder, picture all products, format A4, good condition 1937-38 Kinorevue, selection of 35 pcs of journal with articles and photos about/by Czechosl. kinematografii that period of, color title envelope/-s with Voskovcem and Werichem, Mandlová, Ferbasová etc.., good condition 1939 Němečtí soldiers , what have/has every věděti about/by German military force, issued in/at Berlin in Czech, much photos, fold in folder 1946 memorial photoalbum from National philatelic exhibition BRNO 46, photo guests, exhibition committee also exhibits 1987 Podrobný listing international statistical klasifikace nemocí, úrazů and příčin death, only for official want, paperback, good condition 1914-18 war monument with mounted advertising válečnými picture-postcards (50 pcs of), labels and Surtax stamps, dirty měkké folder 1930-40 zpěvníky popular songs, selection of 80 pcs of double-sheets with dots and texts supplemented with photos of actors and printings, contains i.a. song Slunečnice, The last číš etc..; good condition 1895 railway map Austria - Hungary with návazností on/for surrounding states, folded on/for small format to plates, rozložená 97x76cm, nepodlepená, some corners worn through or torn, after all well readable, covers signs of age, extraordinary offer for railway specialist U:A5