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1949-52 IX.sjezd Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, marshal Stalin and 35.výročí October Revolution, 3 pcs of, Un, good condition 1945 freedom Prague, printing O.Ušák, girl kneeling on/for German flag by/on/at nohou Red Army soldier, color, Un, on reverse mounted 3 stamps with special postmark to/at congress nár. socialists, overall good condition 1949 color drawn postcard to/at Day solidarity with ženami Asia and Africa 10.září 1949, mounted stmp, special postmark Plzeň with text ditto, Un, publisher Orbis, well preserved 1951 color postcard, Day Czechoslovak - Soviet friendship in/at Tovačově, tankist and girl with flowers, Un, on reverse 2x special postmark Tovačov with text action, printing acad.. painter A.Beran, well preserved 1955? Kukryniksy: caricature against NATO, issue in Russian, isn't postcard, on reverse hint of sticking U:A5