1918commercial letter franked with. Austrian Postage due stamp Mi.P50 (20h), straight line postmark FRANCO over the stmp, CDS Polička/ 23.XII.18, vertical folded, viewing of quality recommended, after all interesting
1918 larger part C.O.D. order DPP-R2a, T I., sent from Hungary to Bohemia, franked/paid stamp. 2x 15f, CDS Versecz/ 918 NOV.22, on reverse arrival postmark. Koken (Kohoutov)/ 28.11.18, mounted provisional stamp. Mi.222 with transcription "Porto" + other two print, znal. mark illegible, good condition
19192 letters, 1x franked with. mixed franking Austrian. and Czechosl. stamps (12+10h), MC Prague/ 12.I.19, 1x franked with. two Austrian. stamps (20+20h), CDS Prague 19/ 22.2.19, on/for both letters Austrian stamps by hand přepsány "Czechoslovak post", overfranked, both on reverse sealed, signs of age, long format
1919 letter with mixed franking of czechosl. stamp. Pof.5 + Austrian. express Mi.2x 220A, CDS Rosenthal I. b.Reichenberg/ 19.I.19, Czechosl. stmp close margin lower but with L margin, well preserved
1919commercial PC franked with. Austrian. stamps Mi.187 + pair express stmp Mi.2x 219, CDS Eger 2/ 13.I.19, on reverse rest of hinge and owner's mark., good destination
1919 Hungarian international dispatch note without posting part, franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.190, 215, CDS Rajecz 919 Jan.10., on reverse postage-due tn. 10f, porto Mi.40 with CDS Malaczka13.Jan.919, folds
1919 selection 10 pcs of larger parts postal orders, 8x franking Hungarian and 2x Austrian stamps, various CDS, viewing of quality recommended especially back side/party
1919 postcard franked with. crossways bisected Austrian. stamps Mi.188 and 189, MC Prague 1/ 25.I.19, erotická label, in picture side rest of hinge, We recommend it examination
1919 postcard with Mi.213 with hand-made additional writing "Köztársaság", CDS Vizkelet/ 919 JAN.22 (Čierný Brod), Hungarian projevnacionalismu (maybe against Czechoslovakia), signs of age, interesting
1919 Reg letter provisional franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps with overprint "Franco" values 15h and 30h, nationalized CDS VELKÁ VES (Northern Railway) 17/1 19, Austrian Reg label, envelope 2x torn in margin
1919 Reg letter to Moravská Ostrava franked with. Austrian. Postage due stamps Mi.47, 63, both with overprint FRANCO, CDS Jablunkau 10.1.19, Austrian Reg label, good condition
1919 Reg letter to Plzeň franked with. Austrian. stamp. Mi.224 and Postage due stamps Mi.48, 49, both with overprint FRANCO, CDS Jablunkau 15.1.19, Austrian Reg label, good condition
1919 Reg letter sent from Bohumín to Polish Ostrava, franked with Austrian stmp Mi.224 and postage-due Mi.41 with overprint FRANCO, CDS Oderberg 2/ 21.1.19, Austrian Reg label, 2x vert. fold, from that 1x through/over franking Mi.224, still preserved
1919 selection of 20 pcs of cuts Hungarian post. dispatch-notes and orders franked with Hungarian stmps.., used in Slovakia as Czechosl. forerunner and parallel, mostly well readable postmark
1919larger part (2/3) international credit notes, franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.213+187 (white čísla!!), 3x CDS Eperjes/ 919 JAN.24 (Prešov), on reverse arrival postmark. broken out and nevylámané CDS Moravská Ostrava 1/ 27.I.19, good condition
1918Pof.RV119-132 Skalice overprint, line 14 pcs of, 2x hinged, all with expert's mark, mostly Kraus, but also Novotný, Mrňák, also commercial marks Stach, Topič, mostly good quality
Pof.1-26, selection of 36 pcs of stamp. with color shades incl. Pof.6, 7a, 9, 10c, 13, 25 T II., 26a, exp. various experts, good quality, wide margins, cat. min. 15900CZK
Pof.1-26, complete set of bocks of four imperforated, included 10;20;30; Pof.6N with bottom margin; Pof.9N, Pof.13N, Pof.26a, values 15h, 18h, 100h a 300h also with margines, higher value pieces expetised by Gilbert., Karasek., Benes, all post office fresh MNH original gum!!!!
Pof.1, 1h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet with margin and control-numbers, plate 2, vertical in the middle folded, smaller folds in margin, otherwise good condition
Pof.2, 3h violet, complete 100-stamps sheet with margin and control-numbers, plate 2, lower margin irregularly cut, on reverse by pencil očíslovány stamps with plate variety, in the middle vert. fold