Pof.7 15h, VI.TD, CDS Brezová 9.VI.20, stamp. VI. plate was/were issued only as perforated, small part imperforate sheets with dostala to Slovakia, sought!
Pof.7 maculature print stamp. 15h bricky red, LL blk-of-10 with T I. on pos. 83, 91, 92 and 94, in addition on pos. 91 bar type II, 4x spiral types combination, in/at joined printing with 5h Hradčany light green, for specialist interesting
Pof.7 joined spiral types + joined bar types, L upper corner blk-of-8 from plate 1 with joined spiral types, bar also associated, pos. 1, 2, 12, 22, 23, exp. by Karasek
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, 3 pcs of, 1x spiral type I (pos. 22, plate 1), 1x bar type II (pos. 17, plate 1) and 1x spiral type I (pos. 72, plate 6) - on reverse fold, mint never hinged, exp. Karásek
Pof.8 with plate variety on pos. 78, plate II., III., IV., (dot after/behind numeral 20), retouch this defects on stmp from plate III., 1x fold corner, 3x hint, various margins
Pof.14+15, 1x LR corner blk-of-4 with margin and plate mark distorted 6 (36) in/at control-numbers, wide margins and quality, 2x LR corner with control-numbers and short and long line after/behind 50.-, good margins, light hinged
Pof.18 maculature print stamp. 75h dark green, LL blk-of-12 with T I. on pos. 82, in/at joined printing with value 200h dark blue, combination types on/for maculature interesting, good condition
Pof.18, vertical strip of 3 values 75h, spiral types combination (II-I-II), bar T I., pos. 72,82 and 92, description on reverse by pencil, good condition
trial maculature print values 20h red, Pof.9, part marginal block of four, through/over issue Leginářská values 15h green with control-numbers, greyish ordinary. paper