1935 CDV50 Coat of arms, undetached parts, part I Us with CDS Jaroměř/ 12.VII.35 (railway-station), part II only filed address, in margin holes from stapler, light fold corner, else preserved, c.v.. -.-
1935 CDV58/5 sent inland as Express, uprated with stamp 30h Coat of arms, CDS Ústí above labem 21.V.35 supplemented with arrival CDS Kolín 22.V.45, good condition
1937 CDV65 with private added print J. E. Purkyně with mounted stamp. and blue special postmark Libochovice/ Jubilee of J. E. Purkyně, without text Un, good condition
1938 CDV65 sent from Slovakia to Sudetenland, shortly after/around occupation borderland, uprated to reduced rate 1,20CZK stamps 20h+50h, CDS Košice 2/ 19.X.38, censored, good condition
1939CDV65, JUDAICA, 2 pcs of sent as Registered on/for consulate USA with request for vystěhování Jews before/(in front of) occupation ČSR(!), both uprated with stamp Pof.348, CDS Prague 1/ 27.I.39 and Hrabušice 18.I.39, confirmation off. cancel. consulate in Prague; good condition
1922 CPL2Ba Certificate of mailing on/for telegram, Czech - German variety, olive color, CDS Jablonec n./N. 3/ 10.I.22, in margin two short tears, else preserved, c.v.. 200CZK
1920 CPP11, whole Us to Switzerland, uprated by. multicolor franking Hradčany (400h) and issue Agriculture and Science, CDS Brno 7/ 18.XI.20, vertical fold and tearing in upper margin, c.v.. 1900CZK
1918 3x larger part of postal order, 1x German - Czech variety, franked Austrian. stamps, usage in/at November 1918, CDS Ober Altstadt, Nusle and Nýřany, surtax at the delivery place on reverse after/behind usage Austrian. stamps 2x postage and 1x postage-due, good condition
1918-19 comp. 3 pcs of various Hungarian blank forms - confirmations about/by posting credit notes, without franking, CDS Pozsony + line Bratislava, Máriahutazakárfalva and Nagyszombat, 2 pcs of exp. Karásek, all min. 1x folded
19191919 telegraf postal stationary Slovak version monogramm ČSR, without stub., used Hradčany Pof.20, 19, Cnl Aranyosmarót 919 De.8. Very nice quality. Seldom offer.
1919 parcel dispatch card segment with 6-tuple franking Austrian. stamp. Mi.187 (6h), stamps mounted in front also on reverse, CDS Görkau/ 27.II.19 (Jirkov), good condition
1919larger part Hungarian international C.O.D. order with Hradčany Pof.15, Hungarian CDS Helpa/ --JUL29, on reverse arrival postmark. Hungarian CDS Zólyomlipcse/ 30JUL919 (Slovak Lupča), well preserved
1920 Request sheet franked with. pair 25h Hradčany, Pof.11A, CDS Brno 2/ 20.II.20, addressed to to Komárno, folds, small tearing and slightly rusty spots
1920 Request sheet, Czech - French text, with 125h T. G. Masaryk, Pof.140, CDS Brno 2/ 19.XI.20. Addressed to Vienna, folds and small tearing, in/at upper čtvrtině in/at length 6,5cm torn
1920Certificate of mailing on/for state telegram fee free (D.S.Nr.838), German - Czech variety, with Pof.5, used in Slovakia (!), CDS Zvolen/ 19.IV.21, well in good condition
1920 deposit slip (receipt) card on/for cheque konto, with perf, unfolded, Un, initials Czechoslovakia antikvou, selling. price 8h, very fine, extraordinary usage, in addition new issue with state. emblem, price 12h, folded, filled, Un
1920-23 5 pcs of Hungarian FP cards used as provisional official PC liberated from postage, usage in/at Prešově, Košice and 3x in Prague (!!) - state ošacovací action, good quality, rare usage
1920-30 comp. 7 pcs of international postal orders, 3x Un, 1x filled, 3x used (Jerusalem, Wien (Vienna), Cracow), 1x with overprint about/by usage inland (initials antique), otherwise all with national emblem, good condition
1921 Request sheet with 125h T. G. Masaryk, Pof.140, CDS Brno 2/ 18.IV.21, addressed to to Aknaszlatina, folds, small tearing and slightly rusty stains, attached Declaration addressee, that mailing neobdržel
1921 Request sheet with Pof.2x157 issue Chainbreaker and Pof.144 Pigeon-issue, CDS Brno 2/ 17.X.21, addressed to to Nové Město n./M., small tearing and yellowy stains
1922-23 Printed matter No. 438 Request sheet in/at Czech - German variety, with Pof.152 5x, (issue Chainbreaker 25h), little known CDS Telegraph and telephone traffic office Brno/ 28.II.23, folded to envelope/-s, clear, well preserved
1924-37 comp. 13 pcs of postal orders and 3 pcs of passports to telegraph order (A, A1934, A1937, B1925, B1934, B1937, 8Pp, 9A, A1924, C1924, without marking), Czech, Slovak, Czech - German, all Un, profitable offer, good condition
1925form/blank international telegram, on reverse with advertising Hotel Baška, imprint 769č.(I-1925), imprint of straight line postmark Telephone central office Prague, only folds
1926-30 order letter 2 pcs of, issue 1921, state. emblem, price 15h, both sent from Prague 1 as Registered, 1x meter stmp Osram, on reverse partially torn flap, 1x light folded
1934-48 9 pcs of off. envelopes post for sending ohlášek undeliverableness, printed matter 382, various issue, 8x used, various CDS, MC and special postmark, interesting post. documents
1937-39 two decorative telegrams, Lx10 (IV-1937), author illustration KH and Lx1 (I-1939), author illustration Fiala, both Czech version, without envelopes, good condition
1938 Jubilee fund for defence of state : 2x whole Un deposit slip (receipt) card, 2x part with confirmation post office Prague 2 and Zlín 1 about/by financial present, attached flyer with proclamation to občanům Prague primátoraDr.P.Zenkla incl. envelope/-s to podpoře collection, sought documents/attributes, good condition