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1938 Spain - civil war, agitation B/W postcard, Un, 1 broken corner, in picture side špinavá stain, light bumped corners U:A5
1943 Croatia - Hrvati free, national propaganda, Us, dusky stains and bumped corners 1918 drawn caricature, postcard to rozpadu Austria-Hungary "Loučení ... Austria umřelo", B/W, issued Vesna Prague, Un, bumped corners, damaged nadbytečný margin U:A5
1920-45 comp. 7 pcs of Ppc : portrait Professor. Denise, Dolores Ibarruri, 2x marshal Koněv, 3x liberated Prague, Un, mostly good condition 1939 2 pcs promotional Ppc, Dr. J. Tiso, broken corner; Andrew Hlinka, very fine; both large format, Un, commemorative postmarks 1944 VITICULTURE / BZENEC - centre jihomoravského vinařství and zelinářství, advertising B/W print on address-side PC, Drogerie Max. Vytonský, Us, good condition U:A5
1900 DUNLOP - Die Perle aller Pneumatic! (Perla all pneumatik!). Všichni jezdí on/for pneu Dunlop - Old Nick also angels. long address, Us, on reverse big hint of sticking. 1900 Les Magasins de "L'INCROYABLE", Rue Léon Houtart, HOUDENG-GOEGNIES. long address, Un, in front label, superb. U:A5
1902 "PITTSBURG-VISIBLE"- věhlasný rychlopisný typewriter with otevřeným type. Collage "pulled up piece newspapers". long address, Us, bumped corners, zdařile repaired corner. 1910? Albert Michler's Original BUCHSDORFER, Factory feinster Liköre, promotional Ppc likérky from Bukové (dist. Jeseník), Un, light bumped corners U:A5
1912 Prostějov - advertising postcard Grand-Hotelu, Un, light bumped corners 1915 Continental - Aeroplanstoff, aircraft, painted vicebarevná lithography., Us with cancel. German FP 2.Marine-Div.; slightly wrinkled corners 1920 Chocolat Suchard - color advertising with motive of Prague, Czech coat of arms and costumed pair. Us, stains. 1925 Joseph VESELÝ, factory likérů, Prague VII, Belcrediho road. 534. Un, light stains. 1930 Lanol - parfumerie Pilnáček, drawn advertising, small format, Un, good condition 1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover, drawn postcard, selský yard, man with selaty in/at podpaží. Used, fold, light stains. U:A5
1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover, drawn postcard, soldier on/for motorcycle with zapřaženým trakařem. Un, good condition U:A5
1939 CONTINENTAL, Caoutchouc and Gutta-Percha Co., Hannover, drawn postcard, animals on/for korbě car. Us, special postmark, good condition U:A5
1939 Procházkovy Pilsner restaurant, advertising postcard on/for beer, large format, Us, bumped corners 1940 beerhouse Bavaria St. Pauli (St. Pauli-Brauerei) Hamburg, beer glass, in background town; large format, Us, bumped corners, cross fold 1960? ROLLS ROYCE - For nejdůležitější day vašeho života... Mějte svatbu in/at white Rolls-Royce. Un, very good condition.