1937 2 PC Mi.P57 and P63 sent to Czechoslovakia by air mail with uprating, CDS Paris/ 18.5.37 and výst. Paris/ 22.6.37, arrival postmark. 2x Prague 82-Airport, 1x vertical fold, 1x signs of usage, We recommend it examination
1850wrapping from folded letter with Mi.4y, CDS St. Jean de Losaa22.Mars. 1850, on reverse arrival postmark Dijon22.Mars.50, stamp. only with one close margins, nice
1850 mourning envelope with 20c, Mi.3, CDS Nimes21.Fevr.50 + dumb postmark., stamp. at top cut, other margins wide margins, envelope wrinkled, 1x horiz. folded and on front also back side torn, in addition browny spots, worse quality
1853 envelope with Mi.9, CDS St. Sever-S-L´Adour26.Oct.53 + numeral cancel, additional cancel. "issue Chainbreaker" in circle, transit pmk on reverse, stamp. R and lower close margin, envelope wrinkled, R 2x 5mm torn, browny spots, to examination
1853 folded letter with Mi.9, addressed. to Pertuis, CDS Apt28.Sept.53 + numeral cancel, arrival postmark. Pertuis29.Sept.53 on reverse, stamp. wide margins, small format, 1x vertical and 1x horiz. folded, good condition
1932commercial Reg letter addressed to to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. overprint stamp. Mi.244, 245, 246, CDS Aix en Provence 24.6.32, good condition
1935postcard issued to 1. flight to South America community Air France, with Mi.240, 283, 294, CDS Marseille Gare Avion 16.2.35 and CDS Praia - CaboVerde17.Fev.35, supplemented with flight cachet, good condition
1935-37 2x air-mail letter from Paris to Czechoslovakia, 1x transit. Strasbourg, 2x arrival postmark. Prague 82 Airport + 1x Telegraph central station Prague, both same franking, good condition
1937 air postcard to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.278 + 347/II., CDS Exposition de 1937/ Paris/ 28.7.34, arrival postmark. Prague 82 Airport/ 29.VII.37, good condition
1937 air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.7x 276, CDS Paris 21.6.37 and on reverse MC Paris Avion 21.VI.37, arrival postmark Prague 82 Airport 21.VI.37. Burdened by postage-due, in front mounted stamp. Pof.DL59 and DL62, CDS Prague 1/ 21.VI.37, envelope in LL corner wrinkled and 1x vertical folded, good condition