1941postcard sent as Feldpost (Field-Post) through/over German Off. Mail with print frame postmark Postal Agency!! Deutsche Dienstpost Bohemia and Moravia / Behördenpostfreile 30/ Pisek, supplemented with CDS German Service post Bohemia and Moravia Prag b/ 22.1.45 + 2x red postmark official post and round military unit postmark, perfect condition, rare occurrence!
1888 3 pcs of PC 2 Kreuzer with railway pmk., 1x line Postconductor PARDUBITZ - DEUTSCH (GERMAN) BROD No.214, round Postambulance No.21 (light imprint) and FP No.45, good condition
1900-18 selection 18 pcs of entires with Austrian railway pmk, mostly from Czech region, also FP, mostly paid/franked, suitable also as choice Ppc, some interesting, on both sides usage, registered. examination
1900?cover from mailing printing products from Strakonice to Počátek with label Strakonitz and straight line postmark train post PRAG - GMÜND No.35, extraordinary document/attribut railways post. transport
1910straight line postmark Zug 2614/ LIBOCHOWITZ - LOBOSITZ on/for color postcard Libochovice with railway-station in foreground; nice print good condition
1919postcard Prešov sent by FP from Slovakia with line provisory railway pmk ORLOV - KOŠICE K, undated, catalogue of Votoček doesn't report, good condition
1919provisional round black railway pmk č.87a Protivín - Prague without date, postcard Písek with 15h Hradčany, good condition, incomplete postal imprint
1920 letter with railway pmk č.592aVYZOVICE - OTROKOVICE/ 27.VIII.20, with Hradčany 4x 20h, Art Nouveau envelope, light folded, else preserved, decorative
1924-34 2 pcs of entires : letter with Pof.173/II., with railway pmk č.402a PLANÁ by/on/at MAR.LÁZNÍ - DOMAŽLICE/ 11.IV.24, postcard with railway pmk č.71b PRAGUE - DOLNÍ POUSTEVNA/ 14.VIII.34, good condition
1939 postcard with forerunner railway pmk č.76a HORNÍ LIDEČ - PRAGUE/ 19.VII.39, franked with. forerunner Czechosl. stamps 2x 25h Coat of arms, zkrácená track from Petrovic by/on/at Bohumín from October 1938, good postmark also franking, used postcard Vsetín in/at blue tone
1939-40 3 pcs of entires with print forerunner postmarks train post, No.406a KLATOVY - HORAŽĎOVICE, č.507? NĚMECKÝ BROD - BRNO (worse print), No. 517a HRUŠOVANY N. J. - BRNO, clear, well preserved
1939-40 3 pcs of entires with print forerunner postmarks train post, č.546a SLAVONICE - JIHLAVA, č.576a HODONÍN - ZAJEČÍ, No. 362b JIHLAVA - ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, catalogue doesn't report variety with one +, good condition
1939-40 3 pcs of entires with print forerunner postmarks train post, č.58b ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE - PRAGUE, No. 86a PROTIVÍN - PRAGUE, No. 87b PROTIVÍN - PRAGUE, all good condition
1939-40selection of official documents (12 pcs of) from revizí railway post office (Nález about/by parade railway post office) with print railway pmk č.597 Zborovice - Kroměříž, forerunner also definitive, supplemented with about/by other documents, interesting
1940 2x letter with railway pmk č.25a PRAGUE - RAKOVNÍK/ 13.XI.40, train post č.148a HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ - VELKÝ OSEK, 1x franking 5,20K from R overwritten on/for Ex, folded out of stmp and missing corner
1940-42 3 pcs of PC with bilingual railway pmk, No.57a ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE - PRAGUE/ 7.VIII.40, č.57b ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE - PRAGUE/ 2.XII.40, No.406a DOMAŽLICE - HORAŽĎOVICE/ 23.V.42, good condition
1941 postcard to Germany with bilingual postmark railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting BECHING - TABOR/ BECHYNĚ - TÁBOR/ and/ 25.VII.41, well preserved
1942-42 2x postcard sent from Germany by railway post office Germany - BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, oval German postmark NUREMBERG - PILSEN/ Zug 000247/ 21.10.42, BERLIN - PRAG, Zug 0148?/ 23.6.43, good condition
1943commercial Reg letter with Pof.26, 54, 83 4x, with railway bianco Reg label and railway pmk No.777/ MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA–KOJETÍN–PŘEROV/ 8.II.43, addressed to to Valašského Meziříčí, good condition