1934-37 SCOUTING cut square with 4 special postmark Kutná Hora/ Regional congress scouts of scouts, drawn postcard to opening scout home in/at Jaroměř 1937 with special postmark ditto, Un, sought
1937 SCOUTING - letter as printed matter franked with. svit. stmp 20h with two print green special postmark Jaroměř Opening scout home/ 30.V.37, in addition CDS Jaroměř/ 30.V.37, good condition
1968 SCOUTING CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 memorial envelope to 50. Anniv service Czech of scouts, with 40h, special postmark Prague 28.10.68 to same event/-s, Un, without defects
1937 SCOUTING HOLANDSKO whole newspaper wrapper with Mi.152, 2x 281, MC Haarlem 4.8.37, additional cancel. Administratie/ JAMBOREE POST, addressed. to Střelice near Brno, at top also lower slightly torn and after/around both sides rusty stains, to examination
1948 CHESS Reg letter with 3x special postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ XX. anniv. congress Czechosl. šachistů/ 21.VIII.1948, certificate of mailing also with special postmark including, good quality, sought postmark
1969-93 CHESS comp. 4 pcs of entires with additional-printing or postmark on/for motive chess, supplemented with 5 pcs of cards correspondence šachových comp.