1943 international Bohemian and Moravian PC CDV12 sent as Reg printed matter with uprating, postmark railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting Rožmitál p.Třemš. - Březnice/ 13.III.43 (bilingual), on reverse arrival postmark. Prague/ 14.III.43, philatelic. mailing without text (Kvasnička), well preserved
1943 Reg letter with railway pmk č.139a HUMPOLEC - NĚMECKÝ BROD (bilingual)/ 1.IV.43, franked with. stamps for value 4,20 Koruna, railway Reg label, on reverse arrival postmark. Prague 68/ 2.X.43 (??), in margin folded, else preserved
1943 R card with railway pmk č.597a KROMĚŘÍŽ - ZBOROVICE (bilingual)/ 5.III.43, franked with. official and postage stamps for value 3,60K (right rate), railway Reg label, 2x arrival postmark. Prague 68/ 6 and 8.III.43, without text, well preserved
1943mailing Railway-station postal office Brno (Postal matter), railway pmk č.502/ Brno - Česká Třebová/ 9.IV.43, inside background print PZ/PG, small stains, superb postal imprint
1944 Reg letter with railway pmk č.347a PLZEŇ - MLADOTICE (bilingual)/ 8.V.44, with Pof.116 + block of four Pof.117 (rate for heavier letter), railway Reg label, on reverse arrival postmark. Prague 68/ 9.V.44, in margin folded, else preserved
1945 German PC 6Pf sent as Reg with uprated by. German stamps and transported train post č.526b PRERAU - LUNDENBURG - BRÜNN/ 28.I.45, on reverse arrival postmark. Prague/ 30.I.45, philatelic. mailing (Kvasnička), well preserved
1939 letter to Bohemia-Moravia with mixed franking Czechosl. and Slovak. stamps, postmark train post č.814a PLEŠIVEC - BRATISLAVA, front side preserved, on reverse tearing lapel
1942 CDV8 with uprated with stamp Alb.59 (overfranked) with railway pmk č.4a BRATISLAVA - SKALICA/ 11.V.42, in UL corner PC longer guide line, good condition
1945-54 Reg letter and uprated PC CDV76, both entires with special postmark Olomouc-Praha/ 100 years railway/ 18.VIII.45 and letter with 60h A.Z., railway pmk č.663 JESENÍK - OLOMOUC/ 15.XII.54, thin/light slightly rusty spots
1902 postcard Vyšehradu, long address, with postal agency pmk KAŇK / GANG (Geb.č.0509/1) as arrival postmark, Prague 3.VII.02, arrival postmark Kutná Hora 5.VII.02, good print, good condition, c.v.. 20€
1902-16 2 postcard with postal agency pmk DOUBRAVICE (Rájec), (Gebauer. č.0235/1) as arrival postmark and VELKÉ JEŘICE (Hořice), (Gebauer. č.0477/1), CDS train post Königsgrätz-Wostroměř/ 21.VII.?, nice imprints postal agency pmk., good condition, c.v.. 40€
1903-? comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk to/at cancellation stamps, LHOTA ŠÁROVÁ (Geb.1310/1), NOUTONICE (Geb.0874/1) and broken out cancel S. HOSTÝN (Geb.0364/4a) as Czech, well preserved
1904-07 2x postcard with postal agency pmk, SVINAŘE (Řevnice) Geb.1299/2 + train post No.33, PRASKOLESY (Geb.1051/1), black, to Saxony + train post No.34, good condition
1904-09 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc Us postal-agencies, S. JAN below S. (Geb.1292/2), SCHWARZER SEE (Geb.0135/2) violet and blue, PUSTEVNĚ (Geb.1088/3), good condition
1904-12 2x postcard with postal agency pmk as arrival, HORNÍ ŘEDICE (Geb.0348/2) sent from Russia, light print and partial overlap, CHYŇAVA (Geb.0437/1), additionally mounted stmp, light stains
1910PERTOLTICE/ PERTOLTITZpřekrásné postal agency pmk also over the stmp (!) on envelope addressed to on/for acad.. painter/-s Jaroslav Šetelíka, CDS Zbraslavice 30/3 10, good condition
1911 letter with postal agency pmk MLEČICE (Gebauer. č.0808/1) with 10h Mi.144, CDS Terešov, small format, envelope at top unprofessionally open, c.v.. 20€
1911-16 2x postcard with postmarks private postal-agencies, Postal box on/for Hora Kunětice (Geb.1810/2) with středovým point, k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). postage branch office MACOCHA (Geb.1812/1) in blue color, signs of age, good condition
1913 2x postcard with postal agency pmk, LIDICE (Geb.0691/1) and LAUSCHE (Geb.0738/1), nepřekryté print, 1x light, both violet, good condition, c.v.. 2x 30€
1913-18 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk, PÍSKOV (Geb.0995/1), NOUTONICE (Geb.0874/1) violet and green, 1x with railway pmk č.90, 2x good condition, 1x signs of age
1914-16 2 postcard with framed pmk k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). postage branch office/ MACOCHA (Gebauer. č.1812/2.), 1x in blue color, MC Brünn 2/ 16.5.14, and 1x in red color, CDS Jedovnice 3.6.16, nice print, both postcard 1 broken corner, c.v.. 60€
1915 postcard with postal agency pmk LANŽOV (White Poličany)/ LANŽAU (Weiss Poličan), Geb.č.0642/2, CDS White Poličany/ 22.3.15, with Mi.178 Jubilee, good condition
1916 comp. 7 pcs of letter cards Mi.K47, all with postal agency pmk ŘEŠIHLAVY/ ŘESCHIHLAU (Gebauer. č.0389/2) as posting and CDS Town-hall, same recipient, as multiple good condition, c.v.. 30€/kus
1903-23 comp. 4 pcs of court reply receipts with postal agency pmk GÓRNALOMNA (c.v.. Geb.0341I1.), 2x MILÍKOV (Geb.0789/1. and 0789/2.) and NÝDEK (Geb.0904/1.), well readable postmark, good condition, c.v.. 95€
1909-44 comp. 6 pcs of various entires with postal agency pmk from district Přerov, 2x TEPLICE n. B. (c.v.. Geb.1357/5. and /7.), DOMAŽELICE (Geb.0233/2.), DOLNÍ ÚJEZD (Geb.0224/3), LIPOVÁ (Geb,0703/4.) and ZBRAŠOV (Geb.1562/3.), postmark well readable good condition, total cat. over 100€
1912-44 comp. 3 pcs of various entires with postmarks Postal Agency MAJETÍN (BRODEK U P.), c.v.. Geb.0750/2., 0750/3., 0750/4., postal agency pmk well readable, good condition, c.v.. 33€
1918-20 comp. 4 pcs of reply receipts from court summons, all with postmarks Postal Agency KONIAKAU (JABL.SCHL.) / KONIAKÓW (JABL.SZL.), 2 various, CDS Jablunkau/ Schles., from period of územníchzměn, readable print, good condition
1920 reply form of District Court with postal agency pmk CHEJSTOVICE p. ČECHTICE, German text vylomen, (Gebauer. č.0438/2a) as cancel. delivery post, nice imprint, on reverse CDS Čechtice 20.I.20, vert. fold, c.v.. 50€
1924-33 selection 10 pcs of cards and Ppc with postal agency pmk, for example. BOROTÍN (Vanovice) superb, Brief-AblageFreiwaldauerWarte postcard outlook-tower, Chvalkovice, Padrť, Topolánky, Dětkovice etc.., various quality copy-print
1925-38 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc Us postal-agencies, CHLÍSTOV (Geb.0410/2), ČIERNA HORA (Geb.2048/1), PODLESÍ (Geb.1016/2), HARUSŮV KOPEC (Geb.0281/3), well print, good condition
1927 Ex letter franked on back side stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.225 with print Postal Agency TÝN (Lipník nad Bečvou), CDS Lipník nad Bečvou 22.X,27, good condition
1928 2 pcs of reply form of District Court with postal agency pmk TŘEBSKO (Příbram 1), (Gebauer. č.1387/4) and NĚMECKÁ LHOTA (Příbram), (Gebauer. No. 0671/4), both as arrival postmark, still preserved, c.v.. 30€
1939-40 3 postcard with well readable postal agency pmk GROSS DITTERSDORF über town Liebau (Ostsudetenld), (Gebauer. č.0131), JEDL über Hohenstadt (March), (Gebauer. č.0468) and HOCHBERG über Hohenstadt (March), (Gebauer. č.1532), 1 stmp damaged, still preserved, c.v.. 55€
1940 postcard with franking 6Pf with postal agency pmk Schlosberg (Hradsko) über Rochlitz (Iser), Gebauer. č.0377/2, CDS Rochlitz/ 31.12.40, good condition, c.v.. 15€
1940-41 2 postcard with postal agency pmk ZERHOF über Hohenstadt (March), (Gebauer. č.0124/2), 1x in black color with CDS Hohenstadt 2/ 31.12.40, and 1x in violet color with CDS Hohenstadt 2/ 17.3.41, good print, good condition, c.v.. 30€