1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 accumulation stamp. Hradčany, values 20h to 200h in/at 1 big 12-sheets stockbook A4 and envelope full stamp. 15h bricky red
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 large study material all typography issue stamp. in/at 5 pcs of big 8-sheet stockbooks A4 (ca. 6200 pcs of stamps), profitable
1923-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 large study material all issue stamp. except typography, total ca. 69000 pcs of stamps in packets after/around 100 pcs of in box, very profitable
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Hradčany, Legionaire, PČ 1919 (overprint), comp. of stamps in various variants, perf, types, plate variety, maculature, all in/at 1 stockbook A4, cat. according to owner ca. 1600CZK
1918-37 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Kaplánkovo album stamps Czechoslovakia to y 1930, format A4, from larger part mounted stamps clear or used, suitable to examination
1918-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 small incomplete collection with duplication in 3 stockbooks A4, in/at duplication part used CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92; cat. only clear CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 ca. 3.500CZK
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 small comp. of stamps with interesting postmarks ( Unter-Polaun, Triebschitz, Wildstein, Wüstsiebersdorf, Késmárk, Léva, Nagytapolcsány), also with stamp. with errors/flaws perf, print etc..
1920-30 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 small/rare choice notebook with Postage due stamps Výpotřebních issue, mainly issue Chainbreaker, with chosen and described plate variety and production flaw
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 smaller incomplete collection on free album sheets, contains i.a. upper and the bottom coupons on/for Jubilee issue T. G. Masaryk 1930, II. Leteckou issue, part Hradčany SO1920 (overprint), coupons and gutter 30. years etc..
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete basic collection in older album, it contains e.g. Pof.261-64KH, 261-64KD, 283-4, set complete sets incl. coupons, some common stamp. mounted
1928 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 accumulation Postage-due stamps stamp. in packets, minimally 17.000 pcs of stamps, from that alespoň 800 pcs of 20K; placed in little-box
1926 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 accumulation some issues stamp. from Masaryk Pof.187-208, through/over Castles, country and town (Pof.209-224), after/around Prague, Tatras (Pof.225-228), incl. postage-due Pof.DL42-DL54; sorted according to wmk, zaplňuje 14 sheets big 20-listového stockbook
1918-22CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 business supply of stamps issue Hradčany (a lot of printers waste also in blocks) and other typography issue, placed in big 16listovémzásobníku A3, ca. half clear stamp.
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 business supply of stamps in 4 stockbooks A4, mainly used stamp., smaller part clear hinged, prevails period 30. years, lot of coupons, originate from businessman from Switzerland, cat. only neražené stamp. 5000CZK, profitable!
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 business supply of stamps., contains also letterpress stamp., coupons, plate mark, mainly contains 30. years, all on 37 pcs of stock-book sheets A4 placed in spring folder; various quality stamp.
1918-28 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 full large 16-sheets stockbook stamp. from issues Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, T. G. Masaryk and oths., a lot of stamps, unsorted, originate from businessman from Switzerland
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 semifinished collection, contains mainly used stamps, for example. Pof.7H, 51I., 183-6, K261-4, SO8C, set complete sets, on album sheets Stibůrek in spring folder, catalogue according to owner through/over 12100CZK, Czechosl. forerunner excluded from sum
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 3 pcs of choice notebooks A5 with cuts and cut-squares from dispatch notes, contains CDS from Czechosl. countries after/behind Austria-Hungary, various Hradčany franking, interesting postmarks; vyceněno owner on/for ca. 3000CZK
1919-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of maculature issues Hradčany, Legionaire, Newspaper stamps and Postage due stmp, single also blocks, by/on/at Postage due stmp also PLATE PROOF in black color, placed on free album sheets, interesting
1923-25 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of cut-squares with stamp. issue Agriculture and Science mainly in values 100h, total ca. 1000 pcs of, used on/for sheets school notebook A4
1919-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps separately also in blocks with margin and plate number, contains air-mail, PČ 1919 (overprint) (exp. **Pof.55), issue 30. years, postage-due, expertized set *Pof.180-82, etc.., high catalogue value
1920-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps SO 1920, air-mail, postage-due and stamp. from 30. years (coupons, souvenir sheets, plate number), various quality, all in/at 1 stockbook A4, cat. according to owner ca. 4000CZK
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps from issues Hradčany, Legionaire, PČ 1919 (overprint), Red Cross and issue from 30. years, supplemented with about/by 9 sides used Hradčany, placed in big 16-sheets stockbook A4, various quality
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 accumulation stamp. in 4 stockbooks A4, contains 1 stockbook clear stamp. and stamp. with overprint/imprint issue Legionaire, cheap item/-s POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, plate number on stmp from 30. years, part used stamp. issue T. G. Masaryk gravure etc..
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 mainly complete collection mainly clear stamp. mint never hinged, contains i.a. **Pof.1-26, 55, 81, 83, 90-94, 101-110, 111-116, 119-123, 132-139, 180-182, 183-186, **Pof.L1-L3, L4-L6, DL1-14, **Pof.SO1-SO23 (except Pof.SO3, SO4, SO7) etc..; all more expensive stamp. expertized expert, placed in pre-printed album in spring folder, cat. according to owner ca. 40000CZK
1918-19Czechoslovakia I./ HRADČANY-issue small collection imperforated stmp on free album sheets, contains various color shades as Pof.7a, 10c, 26a etc.., also 2x Pof.6N (1x with margin), complete 3 basic set of imperforated stamps, c.v.. ca. 5000CZK
1918-20 Czechoslovakia I./ HRADČANY-issue collection of stamps on/for 114 pcs of unbound album sheets, contains also Newspaper stamps and Postage due stmp, interesting offer
1918Czechoslovakia I./ HRADČANY-issue collection of stamps., part marginal block-of-4 with plate mark, stamps in margin., offset on gum, defects perf, maculature, interesting
1918-20 Czechoslovakia I./ HRADČANY-issue comp. of cancelled stamps in/at 1 stockbook A4 Pofis with chosen types, color varieties, perf, postmarks, ca. 700 pcs of stamp. various values
1918-19Czechoslovakia I./ HRADČANY-issue selection of individual Hradčany-issue stamp., bloks of four, parts of sheets and cuts dispatch notes with mixed or multiple franking, spiral also bar types, various production defects, smudged print, double impression, incomplete-printing, paper crease, shades, variants used paper, defects perf, maculature; placed in big 8-sheet stockbook and spiral block A4, c.v.. ca. 20.000CZK, nicely elaborated
1918-20Czechoslovakia I./ HRADČANY-issue comp. of stamps issue Hradčany, complete set imperforated (without Pof.6, 9, 13), various perf, color, part/-s blocks, part stamp. on/for cuts dispatch-notes, and 80 pcs of used stamp. Masaryk 1920 1000h, on 9 strákách stockbook A4, c.v.. ca. 4000CZK
1918-20Czechoslovakia I./ HRADČANY-issue, collection of stamps on/for 106 pcs of unbound album sheets, contains also Legionaire, Postage due stmp, parts of sheet Hussite-issue; interesting offer
1919Czechoslovakia I./ PČ 1919 (overprint) incomplete collection of stamps on/for 46 pcs of free sheets, more expensive stamp. neověřeny, part forgeries, various quality, cat. only good min. 10.000CZK
1938 Czechoslovakia I./ SUDETENLAND collection unofficial overprints and forgeries on/for Czechosl. stmp, placed in big 8-sheet stockbook, suitable as research material
1918-45CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps., mainly used Hradčany, part clear, 3h and 5h gutter, PČ 1919 (overprint), letterpress issues, set Festival, 30. years, blue Štefánik, revolutionary issue 1919 also 1945, placed in big 12-sheets stockbook, high catalogue value
1918-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA business supply of stamps in/at envelopes, a lot of duplication, miniature sheets etc.., from estate, still unworked, according to owner minimally 100.000 pcs of stamps, all in big box ca. 9kg
1919-1990 CZECHOSLOVAKIA big business supply of stamps (převaha CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92.) in/at 5 pcs of overfull stockbooks A5, placed in medium size box
1918-85 CZECHOSLOVAKIA larger comp. total 69 pcs of choice notebooks A5, from that 26 pcs of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and from that else/yet 6 pcs of books with clear stamp. contains also more interesting pieces, placed in medium size box
1918-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA remaining comp. of stamps in 7 stockbooks, little box FDC (some with stains after wrong storage), 3 pcs of choice notebooks A5, 20 pcs of letters, 3 envelope/-s waste prints, all in/at various quality, placed in medium size box 9kg heavy
1900-80 Czechoslovakia I., AUSTRIA, OTHER accumulation stamp. partially in packets, partially freely scattered, placed in shoe box, origin from Austria
1920-53 Czechoslovakia I./ SO 1920 comp. of stamps., supplemented with Postage due stamps Czechoslovakia I., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 and stamp. Slovakia, placed in big stockbook, originate from businessman from Switzerland - unsorted
1880-1970 Czechoslovakia + EUROPE remaining selection, it contains e.g. ca. 800 pcs of cut-squares with postmarks from Czechosl. territory, unstuck stamps, FDC, waste, commemorative postmarks and oths., in 9 choice notebooks, 5 small stockbooks and box from bonbonniere
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA basic collection incl. official and postage-due stamp., without overprint set and without stamp. Terezín, very good condition, c.v.. 440CZK
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA smaller mainly complete collection with mild specialisation on album sheets in spring folder, contains i.a. exp. Overprint issue, plate number, coupons, gutter-pair, Postage due stmp gutter 2x + plate number, part hinged, c.v.. ca. 4500CZK
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA slightly specialized collection in 4 big stockbooks A4, contains i.a. complete Overprint issue, coupons, gutter-pair by/on/at other issues, plate number and marks, Landscape, Newspaper stamps, Postage due stmp; good condition, c.v.. ca. 13.000CZK
1939-44BOHEMIA-MORAVIA incomplete collection corner blk-of-4 with plate mark, gutter, horseshoe etc.. in 3 big stockbooks Pofis, cat. according to owner ca. 14000CZK
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps on free album sheets in box, contains i.a. 3x Overprint issue, Postage due stmp gutter, coupons, etc.., c.v.. minimally 4000CZK
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of stamp. contains i.a. 2x overprint set **Pof.1-19, **Pof.17-18 (4CZK and 5CZK) with coupons, **Pof.20-27 in/at gutters, other issue in/at corner blocks of four plate mark or coupons, stamp. with margin, Postage due stamp with plate mark in/at gutter, **Pof.PZ1 Terezín and other; placed in big 10-sheets stockbook, cat. according to owner ca. 16000CZK, profitable offer
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of sheets, parts of sheets and blocks, contains i.a. complete sheets Landscape, Red Cross 1942, Postilion, II. official, Winter relief 43, Wagner, A. Hitler 55. birthday, B. Smetana, 5. anniv of Bohemia-Moravia, A. Hitler 4.20K, Newspaper stamps issue II and lot of blocks; various quality
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of single stamp., bloks of four and stamp. with margin and plate mark, gutter and coupons, contains i.a. Pof.NV2 with plate mark 1-39 as blk-of-4, overprint set exp. by Gilbert.., interesting
1939BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of stmp with overprint in/at small stockbook, contains 2x complete set, Pof.1-19, supplemented with stamp. and blocks of stamps lower values, cat. min. 2200CZK