Mail Auction 16 / Philately / Europe / Italy

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49058 - 1852 Mi.4g, 2 pcs of on/for yellow-brown paper, 1x worse and
1852 Mi.4g, 2 pcs of on/for yellow-brown paper, 1x worse and 1x better margins, circular postmark, c.v.. 240€
Starting price: CZK
49060 - 1852 Mi.6a, pink paper, very wide margins, small spot at upp
1852 Mi.6a, pink paper, very wide margins, small spot at upper margin, c.v.. price after/behind stamp. with gum 170€
Starting price: CZK
51378 - 1858 letter sent to England paid by Mi.7, 2x9 stamps, daily
1858 letter sent to England paid by Mi.7, 2x9 stamps, daily postmark 29/APR/58. "PD" cancellation, transit cancellation Paris A Calais 5/MAI/58, E. Pont 5/MAI/58, arrival postmark London MY 6/ 58, pink decorative envelope, expertised
Starting price: CZK
51384 - 1862 folded letter sent to Valencia paid by Mi.2x8, 9 stamps
1862 folded letter sent to Valencia paid by Mi.2x8, 9 stamps, daily postmark Roma 9.SEPT.62, "P.P." cancellation, insufficient franking, marked by 4R cancellation imprint, arrival postmark Valencia 15.SET.62 on the back side, spots in the paper
Starting price: CZK
48978 - 1852 nice comp. 12 pcs of stamp. issue I, contains 3x Mi.1a
1852 nice comp. 12 pcs of stamp. issue I, contains 3x Mi.1a I. (1x pair), 2x Mi.2 I., Mi.3 II., 2x Mi.4 II., 2x Mi.5 I., 2x Mi.6 I., chosen margins, smaller color shades, 5x corner or marginal stmp., from old collection from 1920s, nice quality, only 3 pcs of without gum, c.v.. 755€
Starting price: CZK
48986 - 1852 Mi.3 II., nice study comp. 8 pcs of, from that 4x on sm
1852 Mi.3 II., nice study comp. 8 pcs of, from that 4x on small cut-square, chosen margins, various color shades, good postmark, c.v.. minimally 136€
Starting price: CZK
48988 - 1852 assembly of 10 pieces of stamps I. emission, includes M
1852 assembly of 10 pieces of stamps I. emission, includes Mi.4x 1a II., 4x 3 II., 2x 4 II., there of 2 pieces on cuttings, further 4 pieces of newspaper stamps Mi.N2, all from an old collection, good quality, catalogue 750€
Starting price: CZK
48980 - 1852 assembly of 6 pieces of various stamps of I. emission,
1852 assembly of 6 pieces of various stamps of I. emission, includes Mi.1 I., 1 II., 2 II., 3 II., 4 II., 5a I., delicate shapes, from an old study collection, 1 piece on a small cutting, good quality, catalogue 460€
Starting price: CZK
48982 - 1852 assembly of 6 pieces of stamps Mi.1a II., there of 5x v
1852 assembly of 6 pieces of stamps Mi.1a II., there of 5x very nice shapes, 2x blue cancellation, good quality, catalogue 600€
Starting price: CZK
49048 - 1852-59 assembly of 13 pieces of classical stamps, includes
1852-59 assembly of 13 pieces of classical stamps, includes Mi.2x 2 I., 2x 3 II., 2x 5a I., 6 I., 9a, 2x 11 + newspaper stamp Mi.3, 2x I., mostly nice shapes, catalogue price of stamps with gum over 1000€
Starting price: CZK
48979 - 1852-59 assembly of 6 pieces of stamps I. emission, includes
1852-59 assembly of 6 pieces of stamps I. emission, includes Mi.2x 3 II., 4 II., 2x 5a I., 6 I. and newspaper stamp Mi. I. - 1 piece + marginal 5stripe, good shapes of almost all stamps, catalogue 250€
Starting price: CZK
48990 - 1852 Mi.5a I., black on blue paper, above standard margins,
1852 Mi.5a I., black on blue paper, above standard margins, complete black framed pmk "P.D." + fragments other 2 postmarks, nice quality, c.v.. 110€
Starting price: CZK
49027 - 1859 Mi.7a,  green-grey, nice shape, good quality, catalogue
1859 Mi.7a, green-grey, nice shape, good quality, catalogue price for a stamp with gum 1200€
Starting price: CZK
49030 - 1859 Mi.8a, brown-grey, according to the Landmans catalogue
1859 Mi.8a, brown-grey, according to the Landmans catalogue "grigionero" tone, nice shape, owner mark + pencil note on the back side, catalogue 220€
Starting price: CZK
49032 - 1859 Mi.8b, black-brown, tighter cut on the right and extra
1859 Mi.8b, black-brown, tighter cut on the right and extra wide on the left, very small tight point, otherwise good quality, catalogue price for a stamp with gum 2 000€
Starting price: CZK
49033 - 1859 Mi.9b, blue-violett, tighter cut on the right, decent d
1859 Mi.9b, blue-violett, tighter cut on the right, decent dumb postmark, good quality, catalogue 120€
Starting price: CZK
49036 - 1859 Mi.9c, dark violett, tighter on the top, luxurious shap
1859 Mi.9c, dark violett, tighter on the top, luxurious shape of the other three sides, 2 tight points, reprated, catalogue 2 500€
Starting price: CZK
49039 - 1859   Mi.10a crimson, no gum and Mi. 10b crimson-pink, expe
1859 Mi.10a crimson, no gum and Mi. 10b crimson-pink, expert Rieger, nice shapes of both stamps, catalogue 320€
Starting price: CZK
49040 - 1859 Mi.11, 2 pieces, lighter and darker tone, very nice sha
1859 Mi.11, 2 pieces, lighter and darker tone, very nice shapes, 1 piece expertised by Rieger, catalogue 300€
Starting price: CZK
49070 - 1858 Mi.2, rose carmine, underglued and Mi.5, nice dark hně
1858 Mi.2, rose carmine, underglued and Mi.5, nice dark hnědočervený shade, both stamp. wide margins, c.v.. 145€
Starting price: CZK
49064 - 1858 Mi.3, study assembly of 7 pieces, various colour tones
1858 Mi.3, study assembly of 7 pieces, various colour tones - from light ping to dark crimson (catalogue Michel doesn't discern colours), very good shapes, decent cancellation imprints, catalogue c. 100€
Starting price: CZK
49356 - 1853 newspaper stam Mi.1, value 9c, black on blue paper, ver
1853 newspaper stam Mi.1, value 9c, black on blue paper, very good shape, owner mark on the back side, 3 labels, catalogue 300€
Starting price: CZK
49357 - 1857 newspaper stamp Mi.2, value 6c, black on pink paper, go
1857 newspaper stamp Mi.2, value 6c, black on pink paper, good shape, expert Rieger, catalogue 600€
Starting price: CZK
49142 - 1852 Mi.1a, assembly of 4 pieces, 2 stamps with gum, there o
1852 Mi.1a, assembly of 4 pieces, 2 stamps with gum, there of 1 piece marginal - expertised by Rieger, 2 stmps with no gum, standard shapes, avarage quality, catalogue 280€
Starting price: CZK
49150 - 1852 assembly of 5 pieces of stamps I. emission, contains Mi
1852 assembly of 5 pieces of stamps I. emission, contains Mi1a, 2x Mi.2 (1 piece expertised by Rieger), 2x Mi.3 (1 piece - tighter point), avarage shapes, good quality, catalogue 380€
Starting price: CZK
49153 - 1852 Mi.5a, black on blue paper, nice tint, tight cut on the
1852 Mi.5a, black on blue paper, nice tint, tight cut on the left, catalogue 250€
Starting price: CZK
49341 - 1853 Mi.6b, deep yellow, nice tint,  avarage shape, unique s
1853 Mi.6b, deep yellow, nice tint, avarage shape, unique stamp, thin on c. 40 % of the surface and damage at the bottom, for inspection, catalogue 850€
Starting price: CZK
49345 - 1855 Mi.8, chocolate brown, nice shape, quality piece, catal
1855 Mi.8, chocolate brown, nice shape, quality piece, catalogue 300€
Starting price: CZK
49348 - 1859 Mi.9, brick red, luxurious shape, expert Thier, Rieger,
1859 Mi.9, brick red, luxurious shape, expert Thier, Rieger, a pencil note on the back side, 2 labels, catalogue 200€
Starting price: CZK
49349 - 1857 Mi.10, 2 pieces, violent colour tints, very nice shapes
1857 Mi.10, 2 pieces, violent colour tints, very nice shapes, good quality, catalogue 240€
Starting price: CZK
49353 - 1857 Mi.11 I., blue, wide O, luxurious shape, stamp with gum
1857 Mi.11 I., blue, wide "O", luxurious shape, stamp with gum, slightly wavy paper, and Mi.11 II., dark blue ("azuro scuro" tint), narrow "O", full shape, daily postmark Parma 1.SETT.59, good quality, catalogue 465€
Starting price: CZK
49354 - 1859 Mi.13, Octagonal Shield 10C dark brown, wide margins, f
1859 Mi.13, Octagonal Shield 10C dark brown, wide margins, from old collection, expertized, c.v.. 750€
Starting price: CZK
49355 - 1859 Mi. 15a, brick red, nice shape, from an old collection,
1859 Mi. 15a, brick red, nice shape, from an old collection, catalogue (stamp with gum) 500€
Starting price: CZK
49381 - 1859 assembly of 4 pieces, includes Mi.2, 3, 4 and 7, mostly
1859 assembly of 4 pieces, includes Mi.2, 3, 4 and 7, mostly nice shapes, value 1 Baj, small dot by an ink pencil on the back side, values of 2Baj and 3Baj open, value of 6 Baj with gum, slightly trimmed and a small tight point, catalogue 400€
Starting price: CZK
49377 - 1859 assembly of 6 pieces, includes Mi.1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, fro
1859 assembly of 6 pieces, includes Mi.1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, from an old study collection, very nice shapes, decent quality, only on the Mi. 1 stamp a dot by an ink pencil, 5 pieces verified, catalogue price of stamps with gum 640€
Starting price: CZK
49382 - 1859 Mi.4, black on dark green paper, luxurious shape, 1 tig
1859 Mi.4, black on dark green paper, luxurious shape, 1 tight point in the paper, fragment of a dumb postmark, catalogue 350€
Starting price: CZK
49383 - 1859 Mi.5, black on red-brown paper, usual shape, dumb postm
1859 Mi.5, black on red-brown paper, usual shape, dumb postmark, expert Rieger, catalogue 160€
Starting price: CZK
49385 - 1859 Mi.5, black on red-brown paper, luxurious shape, open,
1859 Mi.5, black on red-brown paper, luxurious shape, open, no damage, catalogue price of a stamp with gum 600€
Starting price: CZK
49388 - 1859 Mi.7, black on yellow-green paper, 2 pieces, very nice
1859 Mi.7, black on yellow-green paper, 2 pieces, very nice shape, 1 stamp open, 1 piece without gum, good quality, catalogue (stamps with gum) 600€
Starting price: CZK
49390 - 1859 Mi.8, black on pink paper, 2 pieces, violent colour tin
1859 Mi.8, black on pink paper, 2 pieces, violent colour tints, 1x very nice shape, expert Kohl, 1x luxury shape, owner mark on the back side, from an old collection, catalogue price of a stamp with gum 440€
Starting price: CZK
49391 - 1859 Mi.9, black on grey-green paper, good shape, verified,
1859 Mi.9, black on grey-green paper, good shape, verified, price of a stamp with gum 220€
Starting price: CZK
49043 - 1859 newspaper Mi.4, black on white paper, tighter shape, fr
1859 newspaper Mi.4, black on white paper, tighter shape, fragment of a blue cancellation, owner mark on the back side, from an old collection fro the 20s, not verified, no guarantee, catalogue 2500€
Starting price: CZK
49072 - 1853 Mi.5, blue, good shape, allmost whole Porto ?/ 25.MAR.5
1853 Mi.5, blue, good shape, allmost whole Porto ?/ 25.MAR.54 cancellation , catalogue 120€
Starting price: CZK
49074 - 1853 Mi.6, pink, extremely wide shape, almost whole daily po
1853 Mi.6, pink, extremely wide shape, almost whole daily postmark Genova 24.LUG.54, open, from an old collection from the 1920s, rare appearance, catalogue 1000€
Starting price: CZK
49078 - 1851 Mi.2, dark blue, very wide margins, dumb postmark., min
1851 Mi.2, dark blue, very wide margins, dumb postmark., miniature cut square, c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
49138 - 1862 Mi.8b, indigo tint, very good shape, almost whole daily
1862 Mi.8b, indigo tint, very good shape, almost whole daily postmark Policasino 8.MAG.62, thin point in the middle ("show-trough"), unique stamp, absolutely scare appearance, no guaranree, catalogue 7500€
Starting price: CZK
49100 - 1855 Mi.10, black-green, verde mirto nerastro tint, unique a
1855 Mi.10, black-green, "verde mirto nerastro" tint, unique appearance, tighter cut on the left and at the bottom, from an old collection, open, catalogue Michel doesn't indicate this tint
Starting price: CZK
49096 - 1855 Mi.10, pea green, verde pisel tint, 2 pieces, 1x nice s
1855 Mi.10, pea green, "verde pisel" tint, 2 pieces, 1x nice shape and 1x good shape, from an old collection, usual quality, catalogue Michel doesn't indicate
Starting price: CZK
49094 - 1855 Mi.10, pea green, verde pisel tint, catalogue Michel do
1855 Mi.10, pea green, "verde pisel" tint, catalogue Michel doesn't show, good shape, from an old collection, no damage
Starting price: CZK
49086 - 1855 Mi.10a, green, study comp. 10 pcs of, various color sha
1855 Mi.10a, green, study comp. 10 pcs of, various color shades, mostly above-average margins, usual quality, c.v.. 75€
Starting price: CZK
49088 - 1855 Mi.10b, emerald, beautiful shape, circular cancellation
1855 Mi.10b, emerald, beautiful shape, circular cancellation, 2 owner marks on the back side, no damage, catalogue 250€
Starting price: CZK
49092 - 1855 Mi.10c, olive green, 2 pcs of, 1x almost small postmark
1855 Mi.10c, olive green, 2 pcs of, 1x almost small postmark and closer margin, 1x wide margins, ordinary quality, c.v.. 240€
Starting price: CZK
49084 - 1855-63 Mi.11a,15, set of 2 pieces, supplemented by 4 pieces
1855-63 Mi.11a,15, set of 2 pieces, supplemented by 4 pieces of reprints with various values, usual quality, the most expensiv stamp = Mi.15, expertized by Rieger, catalogue 350€
Starting price: CZK
49082 - 1855-63 assembly of 8 pieces of stamps, includes Mi.10a, 2x
1855-63 assembly of 8 pieces of stamps, includes Mi.10a, 2x 11a, 2x 12a, 2x 13b, decent shapes, colourful tints, usual quality, catalogue (stamps with gum) 270€
Starting price: CZK
49102 - 1855-63 Mi.11a, 11b, 11c, assembly of 3 pieces, various cata
1855-63 Mi.11a, 11b, 11c, assembly of 3 pieces, various catalogued tints, thereof 2x on cuttings, good shapes, standard quality, catalogue 285€
Starting price: CZK
49111 - 1858 Mi.11c, brown-grey, 2 pieces, various colour tints, goo
1858 Mi.11c, brown-grey, 2 pieces, various colour tints, good shapes, standard quality, catalogue 500€
Starting price: CZK
49108 - 1858 Mi.11c, brown-grey, 2 pieces, various tints, very nice
1858 Mi.11c, brown-grey, 2 pieces, various tints, very nice shapes, good quality, catalogue 500€
Starting price: CZK
49105 - 1858-63 study assembly of 12 pieces of classical stamps, 4x
1858-63 study assembly of 12 pieces of classical stamps, 4x Mi.11a yellow-brown and 8x Mi.11b olive brown, violent colour tints, from an old collection, good quality, catalogue 270€
Starting price: CZK
49115 - 1860 Mi.11d, black-brown, sought-after tint, slightly trimme
1860 Mi.11d, black-brown, sought-after tint, slightly trimmed on the left, good cut of the other three sides
Starting price: CZK
49123 - 1855 Mi.12, dark blue, cobaltotint, thereof 1 piece on a sma
1855 Mi.12, dark blue, "cobalto"tint, thereof 1 piece on a small cutting, beautiful shape and almost whole circular cancellation, the second stamp slightli trimmed on the left, clear daily postmark Livorno, both stamps from an old collection, catalogue Michel doesn't indicate this tint
Starting price: CZK