Mail Auction 16 / Philately / Europe / Italy

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49122 - 1855 Mi.12b, milchblau, nice shape, circular cancellation, v
1855 Mi.12b, milchblau, nice shape, circular cancellation, vestige of a brake on the bottom margin, owner mark on the back side, catalogue 220€
Starting price: CZK
49118 - 1862 Mi.12a, blue, 2 pieces, beautiful deep tints, very nice
1862 Mi.12a, blue, 2 pieces, beautiful deep tints, very nice shapes, catalogue (stamps with gum) 200€
Starting price: CZK
49120 - 1862 Mi.12a, blue, study assembly of 8 pieces of stamps, var
1862 Mi.12a, blue, study assembly of 8 pieces of stamps, various colour tints, 2x on small cuttings, mostly nice shapes, from an old collection, good quality, catalogue 160€
Starting price: CZK
49127 - 1855-63 Mi.13, study assembly of 7 pieces according to the c
1855-63 Mi.13, study assembly of 7 pieces according to the colour tints, includes Mi.13a, 5x 13b, 13d, decent shapes, standard quality, from an old collection, catalogue 600€
Starting price: CZK
49129 - 1860 Mi.13a, carmine, nice deep shade, lower close margin, r
1860 Mi.13a, carmine, nice deep shade, lower close margin, round postmark, good quality, c.v.. 200€
Starting price: CZK
49132 - 1858-62 Mi.14a, yellow, tighter cut and Mi,14b, brown-orange
1858-62 Mi.14a, yellow, tighter cut and Mi,14b, brown-orange, nice shape, crackeld gum, catalogue (stamps with gum) 180€
Starting price: CZK
49134 - 1861 assembly of 13 pieces of both values of 5. emission, in
1861 assembly of 13 pieces of both values of 5. emission, includes 4x Mi.16 with cancelation, 7x Mi.16 unused (thereof 1x 4block, brakes of the paper) and 2x Mi.17, both unused, from an old collection, apparent colour tints, catalogue 310€
Starting price: CZK
51391 - 1855 folded letter sent to Torino, paid by Mi.8 stamp, daily
1855 folded letter sent to Torino, paid by Mi.8 stamp, daily postmark Breo-Mondovi 9.LUG.55, arrival postmark Torino on the back side, worn through
Starting price: CZK
49395 - 1859 Mi.2b, olive brown, slightly trimmed at the bottom, exp
1859 Mi.2b, olive brown, slightly trimmed at the bottom, expert Rieger, Mi.2c olive green ("bruno oliva souro" tint), nice shape, good quality, catalogue 320€
Starting price: CZK
49399 - 1859 Mi.3, azzuro scurrissimo colour tint, ctatlogue Michel
1859 Mi.3, "azzuro scurrissimo" colour tint, ctatlogue Michel doesn't indicate, subtype " no dot by the nose", from an old collection, good shape, very interesting for study collectors, expert Rieger
Starting price: CZK
49398 - 1859 Mi.3a, study assembly of 9 pieces, 3x subtype dot above
1859 Mi.3a, study assembly of 9 pieces, 3x subtype "dot above the nose", 3x !dot under the nose", 3x "no dot", catalogue Michel doesn't differentiate, from an old collection, very god shape of most stamps, 1 piece - narrower point and 1 piece - break, generally decent quality, catalogue min. 675€
Starting price: CZK
49396 - 1859 Mi.3c, dark blue, subtype without puntíku by/on/at nos
1859 Mi.3c, dark blue, subtype "without puntíku by/on/at nose", lower little cut, at top larger part adjacent stamps, good condition, c.v.. 200€
Starting price: CZK
49400 - 1859 Mi.6a, slate grey, tight at the bottom, full cut on the
1859 Mi.6a, slate grey, tight at the bottom, full cut on the other sides, good quality, expert Rieger, catalogue 500€
Starting price: CZK
49403 - 1859 Mi.6c, slate black, scare tint, very nice shape, from a
1859 Mi.6c, slate black, scare tint, very nice shape, from an old collection, nice quality, not verified, unique offer, catalogue 1700€
Starting price: CZK
49370 - 1851-59 assembly of 8 pieces of stamps of I. and II. emissio
1851-59 assembly of 8 pieces of stamps of I. and II. emission, includes Mi.4ay, 5ax, 2x 5ay, 2x 6ay, 13 a 14, clear postmarks, from an old collection, avarage cuts, decent quality, 3pieces open, catalogue 770€
Starting price: CZK
49372 - 1857-59 comp. 3 pcs of stamp. The 2nd issue., Mi.13, 14 and
1857-59 comp. 3 pcs of stamp. The 2nd issue., Mi.13, 14 and 15, good margins, value 6c R at top light cut, L part adjacent stamps, from old collection, good quality, c.v.. 315€
Starting price: CZK
49361 - 1851 Mi.4ay, carmine red, on reverse owner's mark, and Mi.4b
1851 Mi.4ay, carmine red, on reverse owner's mark, and Mi.4by brown-carmine, both on grey paper, on/for Toskánské stamp. good margins, from old collection, c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
49363 - 1851 Mi.5ax,  dark blue on blue paper, and Mi.5ay, blue on g
1851 Mi.5ax, dark blue on blue paper, and Mi.5ay, blue on grey paper, nice shapes for Tuscana, from an old collection, both stamps verified, catalogue 225€
Starting price: CZK
49367 - 1851 Mi.6ay, green on grey-blue paper, slightly trimmed on t
1851 Mi.6ay, green on grey-blue paper, slightly trimmed on the top, and Mi.7y, black-blue on grey paper, trimmed on the right, part of the adjacent stamp on the left, both on small cuttings, catalogue 220€
Starting price: CZK
49369 - 1855 Mi.7x, dark blue on blue paper, extraordinary cut on th
1855 Mi.7x, dark blue on blue paper, extraordinary cut on the left and at the bottom, , nice piece on a small letter cutting, almost whole decorative red postmark Livorno 20.?.1855 + red "P.D.", owner mark on the back and on the front side, catalogue 200€
Starting price: CZK
49373 - 1860 assembly of 3 pieces of stamps, III. emission, Mi.19b,
1860 assembly of 3 pieces of stamps, III. emission, Mi.19b, 20b, 21, decent cuts, from an old collection, standard quality, catalogue 440€
Starting price: CZK
49375 - 1860 Mi.21, beautiful crimson tint, good cut, slightly timme
1860 Mi.21, beautiful crimson tint, good cut, slightly timmed downwards on the left, part of adjacent stamp on the right, expert Rieger, catalogue 200€
Starting price: CZK
51374 - 1859 folded letter sent to Milano, paid by Mi.7 stamp, infer
1859 folded letter sent to Milano, paid by Mi.7 stamp, inferior daily postmark imprint, "PD" postmark imprint, arrival daily postmark Milano 26/ GIUG./ 59 on the back, lengthwise break
Starting price: CZK
49433 - 1861 comp. 10 pcs of stamp. issue I, contains 3x Mi.3, 6x Mi
1861 comp. 10 pcs of stamp. issue I, contains 3x Mi.3, 6x Mi.4, 1x Mi.5a, mostly good to very good margins, from old collection, good quality, c.v.. total 217€
Starting price: CZK
49442 - 1861-62 Mi.5a, carmine, wide margins, complete CDS Sorrento
1861-62 Mi.5a, carmine, wide margins, complete CDS Sorrento 26.SET.1862 - superb print, and Mi.5b, rose-lilac, R very close margin, other side/party nice cut, on small cut-square, complete CDS Moladibari 9.LUG.1861, stamp. on three places "thin place", on reverse owner's mark., minimally c.v.. 225€
Starting price: CZK
49449 - 1861-63 nice assembly of 8 pieces of calssical stamps, conta
1861-63 nice assembly of 8 pieces of calssical stamps, contains Mi.4, 5a, 6a, 2x 8a, 12, 2x 14, all with a gum, mostly good cuts, from an old collection, usual quality, catalogue (stamps with gum) 585€
Starting price: CZK
51163 - 1863 Mi.22 King Viktor, highest value, numeral cancel, light
1863 Mi.22 King Viktor, highest value, numeral cancel, light signs of age, slightly off center, c.v.. 80€
Starting price: CZK
51716 - 1875 service stamps Dienstmarken Mi.1-8, catalogue 320€
1875 service stamps Dienstmarken Mi.1-8, catalogue 320€
Starting price: CZK
51715 - 1884, 1903 on-account stamps Verrechnungsmarken Mi.2-5, c.v.
1884, 1903 on-account stamps Verrechnungsmarken Mi.2-5, c.v.. 84€
Starting price: CZK
48752 - 1932 air-mail Mi.406-07, G. Garibaldi, mint never hinged, c.
1932 air-mail Mi.406-07, G. Garibaldi, mint never hinged, c.v.. 40€
Starting price: CZK
48751 - 1932 Mi.399-400 G. Garibaldi, 2 endig values, fresh, catalog
1932 Mi.399-400 G. Garibaldi, 2 endig values, fresh, catalogue 130€
Starting price: CZK
51090 - 1933 Mi.439-444, Zeppelin, Mi.442 and 444 slight yellowed sp
1933 Mi.439-444, Zeppelin, Mi.442 and 444 slight yellowed spots, Mi.443 with a slight track, catalogue 135€
Starting price: CZK
49426 - 1861 assembly of 3 pieces of stamps of I. emission, Mi.1a ye
1861 assembly of 3 pieces of stamps of I. emission, Mi.1a yellow-green + Mi.2 light brown, slightly timmed at the bottom, Mi.3, black, nice cut, very nice piece, from an old collection, catalogue (stamps with gum) 510€
Starting price: CZK
49429 - 1862 Mi.1a, yellow-green, R lower very close, at top very wi
1862 Mi.1a, yellow-green, R lower very close, at top very wide margins with part of adjacent stamps, almost complete CDS Naples 8.LUG.62, on reverse owner's mark and note by pencil., 2 hinge / label, c.v.. 140€
Starting price: CZK
49438 - 1861 Mi.4, blue, 2 pieces, 1x lighter tint, luxurious cut, m
1861 Mi.4, blue, 2 pieces, 1x lighter tint, luxurious cut, marginal piece, with gum, and 1x darker tint, very nice cut, on a small cutting with a whole daily postmark Taranto 17.JUN.1864, catalogue over 100€
Starting price: CZK
49440 - 1861 comp. 3 pcs of stamp. issue I, 2x Mi.4 and Mi.5, all on
1861 comp. 3 pcs of stamp. issue I, 2x Mi.4 and Mi.5, all on small cut-squares, good margins, good condition, c.v.. 110€
Starting price: CZK
49445 - 1861 Mi.6c, olive green, nice tint, tight on the left, good
1861 Mi.6c, olive green, nice tint, tight on the left, good at the top, extraordinary cut on the left and at the bottom, daily postmark fragment, from an old collection, good quality, catalogue 700€
Starting price: CZK
49447 - 1863 Mi.14, dark blue, 2 pcs of, standard margins, 1x on rev
1863 Mi.14, dark blue, 2 pcs of, standard margins, 1x on reverse more/larger owner's mark, c.v.. 90€
Starting price: CZK
48310 - 1890 Mi.61-66, catalogue 140€
1890 Mi.61-66, catalogue 140€
Starting price: CZK
51713 - 1922 Mi.157-159, c.v.. 80€
1922 Mi.157-159, c.v.. 80€
Starting price: CZK
48311 - 1926 Mi.230-233, set of airmail stamp, catalogue 85€
1926 Mi.230-233, set of airmail stamp, catalogue 85€
Starting price: CZK
48312 - 1927 Mi.254 air, c.v.. 70€
1927 Mi.254 air, c.v.. 70€
Starting price: CZK
48317 - 1930 Mi.337-344, c.v.. 70€
1930 Mi.337-344, c.v.. 70€
Starting price: CZK
51711 - 1931 Mi.362-368, c.v.. 150€
1931 Mi.362-368, c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
50885 - 1889-1900 comp. 3 pcs of whole Us dispatch notes, Mi.AP7, AP
1889-1900 comp. 3 pcs of whole Us dispatch notes, Mi.AP7, AP8, AP15, CDS Massafiscaglia, Tremezo, Palermo; vertical folds
Starting price: CZK
51379 - 1838, 1855 assembly of 2 pieces of folded letters, straight
1838, 1855 assembly of 2 pieces of folded letters, straight line postmark Regno Lombardo Veneto, "F.C", arrival postmark BOLOGNA 21. DEC.1838 on the back side, intact seal, bigger letter sent to France, "P.D." postmark, nice imprint of circular cancellation BERGAMO 7/12, transit postmark on the back side Paris 12. DEC55, arrival postmark Fourmies 13.DEC.55, spots in the paper
Starting price: CZK
51388 - 1863 folded letter sent abroad, paid by mixed franking zn. M
1863 folded letter sent abroad, paid by mixed franking zn. Mi.9, 15, daily postmark Brescia 16.SET.63, "P.D" postmark, arrival postmark Trient 17.9. on the back side, expertised, including Dr. F. Wallner testimonial
Starting price: CZK
52482 - 1915 letter field post sent to Red Cross to Geneva, round ca
1915 letter field post sent to Red Cross to Geneva, round cancel. Prisioners De Guerre/ Romans/ Service Postal, supplemented with CDS Romans 8.7.15; 2x torn in margin
Starting price: CZK
51661 - 1915-42 comp. 6 pcs of mailing FP, 1x WWI and 5x II. St.  wa
1915-42 comp. 6 pcs of mailing FP, 1x WWI and 5x II. St. war (3x FP card and 2x letter), censorship, various postmark, good condition
Starting price: CZK
52488 - 1935 picture-postcard card with additional-printing map/-s S
1935 picture-postcard card with additional-printing map/-s Somálska Italian field post Africa Orientale, sent from Somálska to Italy, without postmark FP; good condition, decorative!
Starting price: CZK
51662 - 1936-38 assembly of 5 pieces of franked airmail letters and
1936-38 assembly of 5 pieces of franked airmail letters and 1 return receipt, all with various POSTA MILITARE postmarks, 4x folded, 1x quality should be inspected
Starting price: CZK
50167 - 1940 comp. 5 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with mount
1940 comp. 5 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with mounted parcel stamp higher values, all with CDS Trieste 16.1.40
Starting price: CZK
52489 - 1941 card Italian field post sent from Albania , censorship
1941 card Italian field post sent from Albania , censorship mark VC, CDS Ufficio Postale 5.8.41, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51468 - 1941-42 3 pcs of commercial letters sent to Czechoslovakia,
1941-42 3 pcs of commercial letters sent to Czechoslovakia, Us Italian also German censorship, 1x sent as Express with ex. stamps Mi.2x 414, 1x franked/paid print meter stmp, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51665 - 1942 letter sent from occupied Yugoslavia, franked with. Ita
1942 letter sent from occupied Yugoslavia, franked with. Italian stamps, CDS Split C/ Corrispondenze/ 7.X.42, censor stick-on label and 2x censorship mark, arrival postmark Trieste/ 8.X.42, good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
52490 - 1942-43 2 pcs of cards various Italian field post, 1x cancel
1942-43 2 pcs of cards various Italian field post, 1x cancel. Posta Milatare No.64 supplemented with FP cachet cancel., 1x with MC Torino 23.6.42 and line FP cachet cancel.; drobé tearing in margins
Starting price: CZK
50883 - 1938 LIBYA  postcard to Czechoslovakia, franked with. coloni
1938 LIBYA postcard to Czechoslovakia, franked with. colonial stamp. Mi.27, 28, 31, CDS Tripoli (Molo) 11.4.38, slightly yellowy paper postcard, fold in corner
Starting price: CZK
50882 - 1930 TRIPOLI view card sent to the Czechoslovakia, paid by M
1930 TRIPOLI view card sent to the Czechoslovakia, paid by Mi.94 and stamp of Italian Libya Mi.58, daily postmark Tripoli 18.4.30, well preserved
Starting price: CZK