Mail Auction 16 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Forerunners

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52472 - 1939 hotel letter sent from Prague 16.III.39 to France with
1939 hotel letter sent from Prague 16.III.39 to France with Pof.351, Opening of Congress, really Us, on reverse MC Strasbourg 18.Mars.39; stamp. also envelope in/at právém margin damaged from mechanics machine postmark, overfranked, after all rare usage!!
Starting price: CZK
52431 - 1939 commercial letter to Jihlava franked with. forerunner s
1939 commercial letter to Jihlava franked with. forerunner stamp. Pof.OT1 10h violet, MC Brno 23.III.39; 2x folded
Starting price: CZK
36546 - 1939 air-mail letter sent from Prague 21.VI.39 to Carlsbad,
1939 air-mail letter sent from Prague 21.VI.39 to Carlsbad, franked by 5 airmail stamps 30h, Pof.L15, censored marking D.K. Praha, without demage
Starting price: CZK
51059 - 1939 commercial letter franked with. forerunner stamp. CZECH
1939 commercial letter franked with. forerunner stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Pof.OT1 10h violet, imprint of machine postmark Mladá Boleslav 12.V.39 with text "Use call and forerunner report in/at meziměstském telefonním contact", good condition
Starting price: CZK
51228 - 1939 response letter of the Front Office of The State Railwa
1939 response letter of the Front Office of The State Railways in Prague with daily postmarks from the first day of the Protectorate, Kolin 15.III.39, 1Kc stamp Masaryk, envelope vertically folded
Starting price: CZK
51226 - 1939 response letter of the Front Office of The State Railwa
1939 response letter of the Front Office of The State Railways in Prague with daily postmarks from the first day of the Protectorate, Moravska Ostrava 15.III.39, nice imprint, envelope vertically folded
Starting price: CZK
51431 - 1939 heavier Reg and Express letter with multicolor franking
1939 heavier Reg and Express letter with multicolor franking forerunner stamp., Pof.305 2x, 300 2x, 291 3x, 250, 249, CDS Prostějov 28.IV.39, on reverse arrival postmark Brno/ TTU 28.IV.39, small tearing in margin envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
51065 - 1939 service letter Tax management Rokycany to Town-hall, th
1939 service letter Tax management Rokycany to Town-hall, there burdened with postage-due paid in/at forerunner postage-due stmp CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Pof.DL60, corner Pr with plate number; CDS Rokycany -4.VII.39, arrival postmark Town-hall near Rokycany -5.VII.39, good condition
Starting price: CZK
52300 - 1939 service letter sent pneumatic-tube post, franked with.
1939 service letter sent pneumatic-tube post, franked with. forerunner stamp. 1CZK, Pof.303 with CDS Prague 6/ 4.V.39 -16, on reverse arrival postmark TÚS (Technical Services) Prague 4.V.39 -17 and ordinal number, violet label SENT BY PNEUMATIC TUBE MAIL, fold corresponding transport
Starting price: CZK
36176 - 1939 1939 Postal office invoice on A4 format paid by postage
1939 1939 Postal office invoice on A4 format paid by postage dues 55 pcs (!!) of 20Kč, Pof.55x DL66, DL65, DL63, DL62, DL60, cnl Praha 31/ 4.VIII.39, two pages without writen invoice. Very unusual, no damages.
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 16 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Forerunners - Information

Předběžné a souběžné čs. poštovní známky

Československé poštovní známky platné do 15. 3. 1939 na budoucím území protektorátu Čechy a Morava platily po jeho vzniku jako předběžné

-pro výplatní poštovní známky do 14. 7. 1939

-pro novinové poštovní známky do 24. 8. 1939

-pro poštovní známky pro obchodní tiskopisy do 30. 11. 1939

-pro doruční poštovní známky do 30. 11. 1939

-pro doplatní poštovní známky do 30. 11. 1939

Po datu vydání příslušné emise označujeme poštovní známky bývalého československa za souběžné a to do ukončení platnosti všech čs. známek 15. 12. 1939.