1945Olomouc asembly of 10 sheets and blocks with Olomouc revolutionary overprint "Czechoslovak Post 1945" on protectorate stamps of 30h, 40h, 50h, 60h, and 1.20K value.
1945 Teplice - Šanov 2 pcs of sheets A4 with mounted German stamp. A. Hitler Mi.781-799 with overprint "Czechoslovak. post", cancelled cancel. Post. office Teplice-Šanov 8.5.1945
1945 letter in the place franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 80h A. Hitler. with crossed out name also portrait, CDS Prague 72/ 10.V.45, good condition
1945 letter with 1,20 Hitler with overprint Czechoslovak Post. 1. Partyzánská brigade John Žižka, 1945 (Geo.L550 Vsetín), broken out cancel NOVÝ HROZENKOV 19.V.45, well preserved, in addition 6 pcs of stamps with this overprint (3x 60h + 3x 1,20 Koruna)
1945 letter franked with. stmp A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna with vsetínským overprint Czechoslovak Post. 1. Partisan brigade John Žižka 1945 (Geo.L550), broken out cancel Halenkov/ 19.V.45, light stains in envelope
1945 Reg letter from Sušic, with two red postmarks Day Svoboda Sušice "e" and Free Sušice "b", on stmp bilingual CDS Sušice, "g", all with date 5.V.45, addressed to to Prague, well preserved
1945assembly of 3 pieces of letters (1x registered), franked by Bohemian and Moravian A. Hitler stamps with revolutionary overprints Czechoslovak Post/6.5.1945, C.C.C.P. (+ communist symbol), Czechoslovak Post/6.4.48, broken postmarks Valasské Mezirici, Krasno nad Becvou, Zasova, well preserved
1945express registered letter paid cash with "Paid Cash 6.70Ks" typed out label , daily postmark Spisska Bela 15.II.45, postal receipt stuck on the back side, no damage
1945 commercial letter addressed to to Austria, franked with. forerunner Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler 4 Koruna, burdened with postage-due 0,80 Koruna paid cash (red line raz.), red CDS Prague 12.V.45, letter returned back sender from reason interrupted transport to Austria; very good condition
1945 EXPULSION OF GERMANS Reg letter to Františkových Lázně franked cash, German Reg label Frývaldov, provisional postmark Frývaldov 1945, undelivered, evidently odsun from Sudetenland, sent back, good condition
1945 Reg letter with provisory cancel. Podivín 2.VII.1945 + ordinary letter with rubber stamp Ludenice by/on/at Pohořelic/ 1945 and by pencil additionally written 8/8, with Linden Leaves, nice print, good condition
1945 comp. 5 pcs of R letters with provisory postmarks also R "labels", Koryčany, Uherčice, Velké Bílovice , Opava 1, Lázy by/on/at Orlová + commercial ordinary letter with cancel. Post Off./ Veselí nad Moravou, good condition
1945-46 comp. 4 pcs of R letters with provisory postmarks also R "labels", Prachatice (cash paid), Jablonné below Ještědem, Cvikov, Štětí n. Labem, nice, good condition
1947express letter with mailing rubber hand stamp Sternberk 1/1947 (!!), paid by Pof.439, 422, tearing of the right upper margin and lapel of the envelope, rare appearance!
1945Pof.353, Kosice 1.50K, corner 4block with small fold over the bottom corner, slightly crisp paper sidewards over 2 stamps, small rusty spot on the bottom margin, interesting for experts
1945Pof.354, Kosice 2K, horizontal 2stripe, threefold paper crease on 1 stamp, harder mark of inconvenient storing on the back side (rest of foundation black paper), quality should be inspected
1945Pof.354Mv Kosice 2K, unfolded horizontal four-stamp gutter in 2stripe, good shape, sideward two stamps smaller paper creases, marks of gluing to a black paper, quality should be inspected
1945 Pof.355 Košice-issue 5 Koruna, marginal piece, ribbed paper through/over head Red Army soldier, on reverse slightly rusty spots and smaller hints after sticking, viewing of quality recommended
1945Pof.355Mv Kosice 5K, folded horizontal four-stamp gutter, well cut, slight paper crease on one stamp and 1X crinkled paper, hard marks of gluing to an album on the back side (black paper), removed paper in the middle of the gutter, quality should be inspected
1945Pof.386, Moscow 2K, left and right upper corner 4block, both with omitted horizontal perforation of the upper line, fresh, brownish gum, catalogue 2000CZK
1945 Pof.387-402 War Heroes, complete set L bottom bloks of four with plate number 1A + 1B, some margins fine bend, otherwise good condition, c.v.. 600CZK
1945 Pof.A408/412, Guerrilla sheet with commemorative postmarks Banska Bystrica 29.VIII.1945 over the stamp images, 1x weaker print, unopened, catalogue 2000CZK