Mail Auction 16 / Philately

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51353 - 1931 airmail image post card Bundesfeier 1931, Mi.P141/02, s
1931 airmail image post card "Bundesfeier 1931", Mi.P141/02, sent to Czechoslovakia on the first day of validity (!), daily postmark Zürich Flugplatz/ 1.VIII.31/ Luftpost, transit postmark Praha 82 Letiště 3.VIII.31 incomplete imprint, sought-after, good quality, catalogue min. 150€
Starting price: CZK
50220 - 1836 folded letter sent from Geneva to Brno, red straight li
1836 folded letter sent from Geneva to Brno, red straight line postmark GENEVA, on reverse arrival BRÜNN in oval and BRÜNN/ 19.Dec.36 in frame, very fine
Starting price: CZK
36505 - 1858 1858 Switzerland Beautiful folded letter from Zurich th
1858 1858 Switzerland Beautiful folded letter from Zurich through Coblenz to Amsterodam with all cancelations and Franco. All margines very good quality!
Starting price: CZK
36507 - 1859 1859 envelope with Mi.13 (tight cut on two sides), 16,
1859 1859 envelope with Mi.13 (tight cut on two sides), 16, cnl. Bern 1/Apr 59, postal note 55c, incoming Aarberg 2/Apr 59 on the back side.little damaged flap. very nice.
Starting price: CZK
52483 - 1915-16 2 pcs of FP cards Feldpostkarte (Fieldpost Card) von
1915-16 2 pcs of FP cards Feldpostkarte (Fieldpost Card) von der Truppe, with FP-postmark Sanitas Div./ 4 and Poste de campaque Batalion 7, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50881 - 1927-37 2 pcs of air-mail letters, 1x as printed matter with
1927-37 2 pcs of air-mail letters, 1x as printed matter with special postmark Centenaire de Pestallozzi Yverdon 17.Fé.27, 1x letter to Austria, CDS Zürich 2.IX.37, on reverse arrival postmark Wien Flugpost 3.IX.37, franked with. air stamp., good condition
Starting price: CZK
50483 - 1934-35 assembly of 4 pieces of airmail letters sent to Czec
1934-35 assembly of 4 pieces of airmail letters sent to Czechoslovakia, thereof 2x as registered, franked by airmail staamps i.a. Mi.179, 213, 191, 234, 245, posting daily postmark Horna or Rorschach + air transport appurtenances, only stamps (!) in high catalogue, different quality, quality should be inspected
Starting price: CZK
50481 - 1935 air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. a
1935 air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. airmail stamp Mi.233, CDS Horn 1.IV.35, on reverse transit pmk Strasbourg, on face-side arrival air mail postmark PRAGUE 82-Airport 2.IV.35, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50478 - 1935 airmail registered letter sent to Czechoslovakia, frank
1935 airmail registered letter sent to Czechoslovakia, franked by airmail stamps Mi.234, 190, 184, 183, daily postmark Horn 27.VI.35, on the back side daily postmark Zürich Flugplatz 28.VI.35 and arrival daily postmark Teplice - Sanov 29.VI.35, envelope torn in the left margin, catalogue: only stamp 200€
Starting price: CZK
49283 - 1936-39 assembly of 16 pieces of letters adressed to Czechos
1936-39 assembly of 16 pieces of letters adressed to Czechoslovakia with rich franking of special cancellation (i.a. Mi.Bl.3, 324, 291-293, 294-296, converted pairs of definitive stamps), thereof 10x as registered, 1x Czechoslovak censorship, high catalogue, well-preserved
Starting price: CZK
51948 - 1937-51 assembly of 10 pieces of letters, 6x to Austria as r
1937-51 assembly of 10 pieces of letters, 6x to Austria as registered with Austrian censorship, 2x to Austria ordinarily (1x censorship), 2x not passed commemorative letters, nice franking, catalogue min. 900 Michel Marks, well-preserved
Starting price: CZK
50879 - 1939 postcard sent by FP to Czechoslovakia, CDS Feldpost (Fi
1939 postcard sent by FP to Czechoslovakia, CDS Feldpost (Field-Post) No.27/ Poste de Campagnie 6.VIII.39, franked with. airmail stamp 20c, supplemented with cachet military exhibition in/at Zürich, photo postacard with military. motive
Starting price: CZK
52485 - 1940 envelope field post with military unit postmarks E.M. B
1940 envelope field post with military unit postmarks E.M. Brigade Mont./ 10 + CDS Feldpost (Field-Post) 3.X.40, redirected, good condition
Starting price: CZK
52486 - 1940 pre-printed envelope Swiss field post with round also l
1940 pre-printed envelope Swiss field post with round also line FP cachet cancel. Em Corps d Armeé/ 1, good condition
Starting price: CZK
49282 - 1940-44 assembly of 9 pieces of registered letters adressed
1940-44 assembly of 9 pieces of registered letters adressed to Slovakia, thereof 4 x passed through Slovak censorship, postmarks of the board of customs Bratislava, all with rich franking, well-preserved
Starting price: CZK
52484 - 1941 pre-printed envelope sent from internment camp with can
1941 pre-printed envelope sent from internment camp with cancel. Camp militaire d internement/ Claro/ Francdeport, on reverse censor stick-on label, incl. content; unprofessionally open flap
Starting price: CZK
50841 - 1954 A Zone, Mi.224, view card sent to Sweden, daily postmar
1954 A Zone, Mi.224, view card sent to Sweden, daily postmark Trieste 13.IV.1954, stamp pasted partly over the view card margin, right perforation and right upper corner of the stamp damaged
Starting price: CZK
52209 - 1935 Mi.985-999 Congress of suffragettes, sought after, cata
1935 Mi.985-999 Congress of suffragettes, sought after, catalogue 1300€
Starting price: CZK
47906 - 1911 international post card Mi.P37a, CDS Péra Grande?/ 27.
1911 international post card Mi.P37a, CDS Péra Grande?/ 27.7.911, to Prague (Rix), without text, good condition
Starting price: CZK
48841 - 1925 3 postcard sent to Bohemia, richer franking, well prese
1925 3 postcard sent to Bohemia, richer franking, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
51556 - 1933 Mi.21-36,  definitive stamps, complete set, light small
1933 Mi.21-36, definitive stamps, complete set, light small spots on the back side of some lower values, both expensive, in nice condition, otherwise everything well-preserved, catalogue 100€
Starting price: CZK
51749 - 1935 Mi.45-50, Congress of Lawyers, mounted on linkovaném s
1935 Mi.45-50, Congress of Lawyers, mounted on linkovaném sheet paper A5, cancel. Citta'del Vatican 4.3.35, c.v. 100€
Starting price: CZK
51954 - 1932-51 4 pieces of entires sent to Vienna, 1x registered ai
1932-51 4 pieces of entires sent to Vienna, 1x registered airmail letter, rich franking, 2x Austrian censorship, well-preserved
Starting price: CZK
50114 - 1865 comp. 3 pcs of stamp. Mi.23, printing plate 4 - wide, c
1865 comp. 3 pcs of stamp. Mi.23, printing plate 4 - wide, cat. min. 60€
Starting price: CZK
47978 - 1885 Mi.D45 service stamp 5Sh with I.R. OFFICIAL (ministery
1885 Mi.D45 service stamp 5Sh with I.R. OFFICIAL (ministery of finance) overprint, black SPECIMEN overprint
Starting price: CZK
50110 - 1867 comp. 7 pcs of stamp. Mi.28, printing plate 4-10, cat.
1867 comp. 7 pcs of stamp. Mi.28, printing plate 4-10, cat. min. 140€
Starting price: CZK
50112 - 1873 comp. 9 pcs of stamp. Mi.41, printing plate 11, 12, 14-
1873 comp. 9 pcs of stamp. Mi.41, printing plate 11, 12, 14-20, cat. min. 180€
Starting price: CZK
51033 - 1876 assembly of 14 pieces of stamps Mi.47, PL3-15, catalogu
1876 assembly of 14 pieces of stamps Mi.47, PL3-15, catalogue 350€
Starting price: CZK
48319 - 1883 Mi.79 with nice circular postmark St. Gerorge's Cross J
1883 Mi.79 with nice circular postmark St. Gerorge's Cross JA II/ 86, catalogue 150€
Starting price: CZK
48042 - 1882 registered envelope Mi.EU8  added franking 2 1/2P, sent
1882 registered envelope Mi.EU8 added franking 2 1/2P, sent to Germany, numbered daily postmark (198) + 2x registr. daily postmark Manchester and London, arrival postmark Dresden/ 9.2.82 on the back, German label for registered article to abroad, repaired, well-preserved
Starting price: CZK
48046 - 1892 postal stationery cover Mi.U12A to Germany, CDS London/
1892 postal stationery cover Mi.U12A to Germany, CDS London/ JU.4.92, on reverse arrival postmark. Osnabrück/ 5.6.92, good condition
Starting price: CZK
47902 - 1895 postal stationery cover Mi.U13A, to Russia, CDS W.C./ 1
1895 postal stationery cover Mi.U13A, to Russia, CDS W.C./ 12.6.95, inside envelope/-s machine offset stamps, censorship, embossing print sender, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51372 - 1927-30 assembly of 3 pieces of stationery evelopes (thereof
1927-30 assembly of 3 pieces of stationery evelopes (thereof 1x Ireland), sent to Vienna as registered, 1x airmail, added franking, more postmarks, 1x lengthwise break
Starting price: CZK
50763 - 1940 telegram form with additional-printing map/-s světadí
1940 telegram form with additional-printing map/-s světadílů Cable and Wireless Limited., Us with oval cancel. C.&W. Ltd./ 13.Jul.40/ Central Stacion + censorship mark; in corner hints after stapler and office paperclip + vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
51667 - 1840 folded letter franked by Mi.1 stamp, irregular cut (evi
1840 folded letter franked by Mi.1 stamp, irregular cut (evidently also tearing), red postmark, postmark Louth (Ireland) on the back, data postmark 30.OC.1840, other red postmark, adressed to Dublin, rests of labels, small seal, signs of age, thought extraordinary
Starting price: CZK
47757 - 1874 letter with Mi.22, in corners combination CG-GC, CDS Pa
1874 letter with Mi.22, in corners combination CG-GC, CDS Paddington 26.Sep.74, arrival Shrewsbury 27.Sep.74 on reverse, small format, 5 direk from office stapler, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
48433 - 1882 letter from Scotland to German Kiel, commercial envelop
1882 letter from Scotland to German Kiel, commercial envelope with Mi.51, CDS Alloa MR 22/ 82, good condition entires
Starting price: CZK
50988 - 1940? captive post, letter from the Andalusia detention camp
1940? captive post, letter from the Andalusia detention camp to Germany, censorship including German, 2x different label, postmark on both sides, well-preserved
Starting price: CZK
51721 - 1899-20 assembly of 5 pieces of entires, 1x  India postage,
1899-20 assembly of 5 pieces of entires, 1x India postage, 1x South Australia, 1x Queensland, 1x South Africa (Transvaal), 1x Union South Africa sent as registered, nice franking, well-preserved
Starting price: CZK
49461 - 1945 adress cutting from a newspaper cover paid by Mi.2x 82
1945 adress cutting from a newspaper cover paid by Mi.2x 82 with purple postmark Vělikij Bereznij Post, unique!
Starting price: CZK
49460 - 1945 overprinted entire from Hungarian field post note with
1945 overprinted entire from Hungarian field post note with pasted 4 pieces of stamps Mi.82, 83, 84, 85 with provisional postmark Užhorod 1, no adress (fake), slightly yellowed margins of the stam and the note
Starting price: CZK
47971 - 1984 BELIZE Mi.729-744 Sea fauna, complete set of 16 pieces,
1984 BELIZE Mi.729-744 Sea fauna, complete set of 16 pieces, fresh, catalogue 18€
Starting price: CZK
51029 - 1860 BRITISH COLUMBIA Mi.1, catalogue 400€
1860 BRITISH COLUMBIA Mi.1, catalogue 400€
Starting price: CZK
50170 - 1903 PC Asch.8, to Germany, CDS Belize 24.AU.03, in front ar
1903 PC Asch.8, to Germany, CDS Belize 24.AU.03, in front arrival postmark. Dömitz 14.9.03, only address without text, on reverse rest of hinge and tearing
Starting price: CZK
47955 - 1953 BRITISH HONDURAS Mi.152 flower + Elizabeth II., ending
1953 BRITISH HONDURAS Mi.152 flower + Elizabeth II., ending value, almost negligible track of label
Starting price: CZK
47951 - 1962 BRITISH HONDURAS Mi.164-175 Birds + Elizabeth II., comp
1962 BRITISH HONDURAS Mi.164-175 Birds + Elizabeth II., complete set of 12 pieces, 2x quite negligible gum defect, otherwise fresh
Starting price: CZK
47910 - 1877 PC 1ct Victoria, print Montreal, dumb postmark, (Harris
1877 PC 1ct Victoria, print Montreal, dumb postmark, (Harriston?), round worse readable/ 5.4.1877, good condition
Starting price: CZK
47985 - 1935 Mi.178-183 Jubilee, complete set 6 pcs of, hinged, c.v.
1935 Mi.178-183 Jubilee, complete set 6 pcs of, hinged, c.v.. 22€
Starting price: CZK
51701 - 1893 CANADA Mi.36, 37, catalogue 135€
1893 CANADA Mi.36, 37, catalogue 135€
Starting price: CZK
51700 - 1908 CANADA Mi.84-91, catalogue 390€
1908 CANADA Mi.84-91, catalogue 390€
Starting price: CZK
52150 - 1934 MEXICO airmail lettersent to Germany, paid by Mi.620, 5
1934 MEXICO airmail lettersent to Germany, paid by Mi.620, 597, daily postmark Servico Aero Mexico 22.May.34, airmail postmark par Avion and German red Köln Flughafen, transit daily postmark Paris 1.VI.34, bend and lapel tearing
Starting price: CZK
47909 - 1891 international post card 3ct, CDS Jalapa/ 91.MARZ 2?., o
1891 international post card 3ct, CDS Jalapa/ 91.MARZ 2?., on reverse arrival postmark. incomplete Mexico/ 21.MARZ 91, light fold corner else preserved
Starting price: CZK
49476 - 1954 postcard with Mi.972 sent by air mail to Czechoslovakia
1954 postcard with Mi.972 sent by air mail to Czechoslovakia, CDS Mexico D.F. 11.NOV.54, supplemented with cachet Swissair-Special-Flight 30.10.-14.11.54; broken corner
Starting price: CZK
51028 - Cancelled - forgery
Cancelled - forgery

Starting price: CZK
47979 - 1851 NEW SCOTIA Mi.2, blue 3P, ornamental postmark, signatur
1851 NEW SCOTIA Mi.2, blue 3P, ornamental postmark, signature on the back side, 2 corners round, catalogue min. 300 Michel Marks
Starting price: CZK
51030 - 1866 NEWFOUNDLAND Mi.20, catalogue 130€, decentred image
1866 NEWFOUNDLAND Mi.20, catalogue 130€, decentred image
Starting price: CZK
51953 - 1908 USA stationery envelope 2c with delivery 10c stamp Mi.1
1908 USA stationery envelope 2c with delivery 10c stamp Mi.152, daily postmark Hoboken 25.Dec.1908, complemented with red straight line postmark Special Delivery Attsmoted... and Fee Claimed at Office or First Address, arrival daily postmark DR Detroit 27.Dec.1908 on the back side, folded
Starting price: CZK
50389 - 1870 letter with Mi.38, illegible CDS, dusky teeth
1870 letter with Mi.38, illegible CDS, dusky teeth
Starting price: CZK
51316 - 1907 USA registered letter adressed to Moravia, franked by M
1907 USA registered letter adressed to Moravia, franked by Mi.142, 145, daily postmark Cistern 19.Jul.07, transit daily postmark on the back side New York 22.7..07 and arrival daily postmark Fryšták u Holešova 3.VIII.07, roughly opened, part of the tearing on the front side
Starting price: CZK
50992 - 1902-07 comp. 2 pcs of postal stationery cover, 1x 5ct blue
1902-07 comp. 2 pcs of postal stationery cover, 1x 5ct blue uprated with stamp 10ct and to Finland, wrinkled margins, 1x 2ct Washington red, uprated with stamp 2x 2ct, MC New York, to Germany, light dirty
Starting price: CZK