Mail Auction 16 / Other Collector`s Domains / Personal Documents

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52005 - 1805 permanentní entrance ticket to Brno theatre from y 180
1805 permanentní entrance ticket to Brno theatre from y 1805(!)
Starting price: CZK
51962 - 1808 document Country defence
1808 document Country defence
Starting price: CZK
51929 - 1809 Austrian passport valid on 8 days
1809 Austrian passport valid on 8 days
Starting price: CZK
51926 - 1830 migration book, partially filled, revenue postmarks and
1830 migration book, partially filled, revenue postmarks and with unbroken seal, bumped corners, but otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
50969 - 1903 identification card as supplement document state tracks
1903 identification card as supplement document state tracks Austria-Hungary, mounted druhostranně on photograph, issued in Plzen, interesting document, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
52023 - 1923 membership card Country union for povznesení visit ciz
1923 membership card Country union for povznesení visit cizinců in Moravia and in Silesia with seat in Brno, mounted payment stamp. for 1 year, slightly faded
Starting price: CZK
50310 - 1925 Germany, document contributory insurance company Allgem
1925 Germany, document contributory insurance company Allgemeine (general) Ortskrankenkasse Hainsberg also. Sa. with mounted stamp., good condition
Starting price: CZK
50462 - 1926-32 comp. 7 pcs of Festival identity-card, 6x for VIII.
1926-32 comp. 7 pcs of Festival identity-card, 6x for VIII. Sokol festival, 1x for IX. Sokol festival, 1x mounted revenue 50h, 1x empty blank form, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50936 - 1927 German passport issued in y 1929 in/at Landshutu in/at
1927 German passport issued in y 1929 in/at Landshutu in/at Bavorsku, used
Starting price: CZK
51722 - 1928 IX. olympic games in/at Amsterdam, olympic passport in
1928 IX. olympic games in/at Amsterdam, olympic passport in the name of Ludmila Pasková, broken corner
Starting price: CZK
50577 - 1931 scouting - identify card for reduction of charge in tra
1931 scouting - identify card for reduction of charge in trains of Czechoslovak Railways (=ČSD) going to Slavonic Jamboree in Prague 1931, with fiscal stamp, red straight 4-line stamp with text "Camps of Slavonic Scouts Prague 1931", inside writen traffic condition, well-preserved, rare
Starting price: CZK
48808 - 1934 poloroční card, class III., document Czechoslovak sta
1934 poloroční card, class III., document Czechoslovak state tracks entitling to/at discount on/for chosen tracks, jejichž listing incl. map/-s is components/parts passport
Starting price: CZK
52293 - 1935 judaica; school certificate from Jewish general school
1935 judaica; school certificate from Jewish general school in Prague, Jáchymova 3 (samé jedničky); 2x folded, partial tearing in margin
Starting price: CZK
48765 - 1937 document participant International exhibition in Paris
1937 document participant International exhibition in Paris entitling to 50% discount on/for railways, contains zjednodušenou map France
Starting price: CZK
50460 - 1938 comp. 3 pcs of Festival identity-card for X. Sokol fest
1938 comp. 3 pcs of Festival identity-card for X. Sokol festival in Prague, with imprinted revenues, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50939 - 1939 Ahnenpass - family tree, filled out with official postm
1939 Ahnenpass - family tree, filled out with official postmarks, contains also pasáž from speech of A. Hitler with printed signature, in the name of Steffek, geboren am 1909 in Karwin No.951
Starting price: CZK
42665 - 1939 document club/association REICHSKOLONIALBUND from Záb
1939 document club/association REICHSKOLONIALBUND from Zábřeh, used 45 pcs of měsíčních contribution stamps from y. 1939-1942, light slightly rusty
Starting price: CZK
50938 - 1939 Postsparbuch - saving book post. bank + Ausweiskarte is
1939 Postsparbuch - saving book post. bank + Ausweiskarte issued in/at Reichenberg
Starting price: CZK
49523 - 1940 printed matter Declaration of non-Jewish origin, rozes
1940 printed matter Declaration of non-Jewish origin, rozesílaný financial constitution majitelům invoices, format A4, unfilled, damaged in margins
Starting price: CZK
42666 - 1941 member document NSDAP, Ortsgruppe Zábřeh, used 18 mě
1941 member document NSDAP, Ortsgruppe Zábřeh, used 18 měsíčních contribution stamps from y. 1941-43, light wrinkled and in corners several times broken, still preserved
Starting price: CZK
50575 - 1941 Passport Railway antiaircraft protection, issued ČMD (
1941 Passport Railway antiaircraft protection, issued ČMD (Bohemian-Moravian Railway) Litice n./O., bilingual, good condition
Starting price: CZK
47560 - 1942 pass for crossing border to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravi
1942 pass for crossing border to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50583 - 1943 2 pcs of mourning cards zahynulých poddůstojníků Ge
1943 2 pcs of mourning cards zahynulých poddůstojníků German army incl. photos, member mountain hunters and granátník, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
50934 - 1943 document Ausweis issued office in/at Karvinné with mou
1943 document "Ausweis" issued office in/at Karvinné with mounted town revenue, faded
Starting price: CZK
50842 - 1945 Insertion personal blank form/-s for participants II. r
1945 Insertion personal blank form/-s for participants II. resistance, partially filled typewriter in/at oddíle "C" - Slovak national revolt and stručný biography from y. 1939, without official postmarks, after all interesting, partially torn in the place fold
Starting price: CZK
50931 - 1946 Budovatelský passport Scout, Un, zamazaná envelope
1946 Budovatelský passport Scout, Un, zamazaná envelope
Starting price: CZK
50572 - 1946 Identity-card Aeroklubu Republic Czechoslovak, issued i
1946 Identity-card Aeroklubu Republic Czechoslovak, issued in 1946 Českým national aeroklubem Prague, mounted 2 stamps, very fine
Starting price: CZK
50571 - 1951 Military book issued in 1951 meter stmp Jaroměř and S
1951 Military book issued in 1951 meter stmp Jaroměř and Směrnice central committee Communist Party of Czechoslovakia for ozbrojené paper crease War Office and Home Department with odznáčkem, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
50679 - 1952 osídlovací office for Slovakia in Bratislava, assesme
1952 osídlovací office for Slovakia in Bratislava, assesment about/by allocation to vlastnictví přistěhovalce from Hungary, arrival postmark., round cancel. Pozemkové book/-s, cancel. KNV in Bratislava, unbroken seal; longitudinal fold
Starting price: CZK
51719 - 1960 XVII. olympic games in Rome, olympic passport with visa
1960 XVII. olympic games in Rome, olympic passport with visačkou in the name of Vítězslav Svozil, good condition
Starting price: CZK