Mail Auction 16 / Historical Documents, Maps

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51960 - 1743, 1808 comp. 2 pcs of circulars with country orders (Max
1743, 1808 comp. 2 pcs of circulars with country orders (Maxmilian Ulrich count from Kounic and Rittbergu, Prokop count Lažanský)
Starting price: CZK
50959 - 1767 Avertissement issued in Vienna 28.března 1767 with pic
1767 Avertissement issued in Vienna 28.března 1767 with picture, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
51973 - 1773-74 comp. 2 pcs of confirmation cards about/by payment 1
1773-74 comp. 2 pcs of confirmation cards about/by payment 1 Zlatky in cathedral St. Stephen in Vienna in time of performance church svátků
Starting price: CZK
51966 - 1787 Fire-fighting Order on/for circular Joseph II
1787 Fire-fighting Order on/for circular Joseph II
Starting price: CZK
51957 - 1800 judaica; payment certificate of fees Jewish village/com
1800 judaica; payment certificate of fees Jewish village/community from Lednice (Eisgrub)
Starting price: CZK
51979 - 1800-1820? JUDAICA  release, written Hebrew
1800-1820? JUDAICA release, written Hebrew
Starting price: CZK
51963 - 1808 comp. 2 pcs of circulars about/by foundation Country de
1808 comp. 2 pcs of circulars about/by foundation Country defence
Starting price: CZK
52274 - 1809 copy circular/-s Czech country gubernium from 29. Janua
1809 copy circular/-s Czech country gubernium from 29. January 1809 in věci transit fees after/behind post walking královstvím Bavorským and emperor. and King. zeměmi Austrian (from and to France, Switzerland, Netherlands, atd.), in insert attached view of agreed tarifů, German - Czech text, 3 side/party
Starting price: CZK
51985 - 1809 MILITARIA  certificate of delivery proviantu army
1809 MILITARIA certificate of delivery proviantu army
Starting price: CZK
51955 - 1809 MILITARIA  handwritten requisition confirmation card Fr
1809 MILITARIA handwritten requisition confirmation card French kavalerie(!)
Starting price: CZK
51997 - 1811 militaria; letter of discharge from army
1811 militaria; letter of discharge from army
Starting price: CZK
51998 - 1814 MILITARIA  letter of discharge from army, size 38,5x36c
1814 MILITARIA letter of discharge from army, size 38,5x36cm, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
51980 - 1815 BRNO  order zábrdovického rychtáře to robotě
1815 BRNO order zábrdovického rychtáře to robotě
Starting price: CZK
51937 - 1821 in Czech written imperial edict to odpírání corvée
1821 in Czech written imperial edict to odpírání corvée
Starting price: CZK
52003 - 1821 illustrated master craftsman certificate with veduta Br
1821 illustrated master craftsman certificate with veduta Brno with revenue postmarks and seal; folds and stains
Starting price: CZK
51950 - 1822 decision tabákového office about/by daních
1822 decision tabákového office about/by daních
Starting price: CZK
51975 - 1822, 1842 comp. 2 pcs of receipts on/for subscription newsp
1822, 1842 comp. 2 pcs of receipts on/for subscription newspapers from Brno and Viennese office
Starting price: CZK
51968 - 1823 circular about/by sledování špiónů (dohliženj on/
1823 circular about/by sledování špiónů (dohliženj on/for cyzokragane, zdegssi krag walking) incl. pre-printed protokolu; partially torn
Starting price: CZK
52004 - 1826 illustrated master craftsman certificate with veduta Ol
1826 illustrated master craftsman certificate with veduta Olomouc with revenue postmarks and seal; frayed margins
Starting price: CZK
51984 - 1828 MILITARIA  order on/for swapping, Znojmo
1828 MILITARIA order on/for swapping, Znojmo
Starting price: CZK
51971 - 1828 VITICULTURE  wine cellar book control wine (Kellerbüch
1828 VITICULTURE wine cellar book control wine (Kellerbüchel)
Starting price: CZK
52001 - 1841 illustrated master craftsman certificate with revenue p
1841 illustrated master craftsman certificate with revenue postmarks and seal
Starting price: CZK
51993 - 1845 Schluss - Závěry from conference country congress Mar
1845 Schluss - Závěry from conference country congress March of Moravia, illustrated coats of arms; light stains
Starting price: CZK
52276 - 1848 historical print, sestavený on/for base official vyše
1848 historical print, sestavený on/for base official vyšetřování, Czech text, 4 side/party; good condition
Starting price: CZK
51935 - 1848 BRNO  Czech language written Brno order Leopold count L
1848 BRNO Czech language written Brno order Leopold count Lažanský to dělnickým nepokojům
Starting price: CZK
52278 - 1848 order emperor of Ferdinand I. from 7. September 1848 ab
1848 order emperor of Ferdinand I. from 7. September 1848 about/by annulment serfdom and corvée, Czech - German text, 4 side/party; good condition
Starting price: CZK
52277 - 1848 proclamation k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal) guberniálníh
1848 proclamation k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal) guberniálního president count Leo Thuna from 1. July 1848 "Milí venkované!", in which/what confirms emperor přislíbené annulment corvée, but zdůrazňuje, that to end March 1849 is however robotní work necessary vykonávati, Czech text; pokrčené margins, rare
Starting price: CZK
51938 - 1849 Czech issue full text Constitution empire for Empire Au
1849 Czech issue full text Constitution empire for Empire Austrian
Starting price: CZK
51939 - 1849 Czech issue announcement with zkráceným text empire c
1849 Czech issue announcement with zkráceným text empire constitution
Starting price: CZK
51941 - 1849 notification Constitution Ministerskou radou
1849 notification Constitution Ministerskou radou
Starting price: CZK
51944 - 1849 order Franz Joseph I. about/by Nové ústavě, 56x42cm
1849 order Franz Joseph I. about/by Nové ústavě, 56x42cm
Starting price: CZK
51951 - 1850 order Ministry of Finance
1850 order Ministry of Finance
Starting price: CZK
51934 - 1851 proclamation Order merciful Bros from Brno, illustrated
1851 proclamation Order merciful Bros from Brno, illustrated zbožná request for support, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51933 - 1852 proclamation Order merciful Bros, illustrated request s
1852 proclamation Order merciful Bros, illustrated request směřovaná to ctihodným pánům rabínům and to evangelicko - křesťanským obcím diecéze Augšpurkského vyznání in Moravia and in Silesia; torn off corner, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51932 - 1852 proclamation Order merciful Bros, illustrated hospital
1852 proclamation Order merciful Bros, illustrated hospital statement after/behind 3-leté action, flaggy margins
Starting price: CZK
50139 - 1852 obituary zesnulého Michael Carl count Kaunitze, inexac
1852 obituary zesnulého Michael Carl count Kaunitze, inexact cut, tearing in lower corner, otherwise clear, very light folded
Starting price: CZK
51969 - 1853 certificate about/by vyvázání from corvée
1853 certificate about/by vyvázání from corvée
Starting price: CZK
51952 - 1866 order of nahlašování war damage after/around Austro-
1866 order of nahlašování war damage after/around Austro-Prussian war; partially pokrčené margins
Starting price: CZK
52239 - 1879 contemporary newspaper Neue Illustrirte Zeitung, ceremo
1879 contemporary newspaper Neue Illustrirte Zeitung, ceremonial richly illustrated number to 25. Anniv wedding Franz Joseph I. and Elizabeth, 8 sides big format; yellowy stains in paper
Starting price: CZK
52242 - 1889 Prague denník, extraordinary number (insert Prague new
1889 Prague denník, extraordinary number (insert Prague newspapers) from čtvrtka 31. January 1889 issued to death crown prince Rudolf; only introductory sheet, torn off corner, tearing in margins and folds
Starting price: CZK
52245 - 1897 Railway zřízenec, Orgán Austrian personálu railways
1897 Railway zřízenec, Orgán Austrian personálu railways language Czech, No. 33 from 25.11.1897, nice heading newspapers; good condition
Starting price: CZK
52243 - 1898 Catholic sheets No. 253 from 15.září 1898, podstatn
1898 Catholic sheets No. 253 from 15.září 1898, podstatná part newspapers věnovaná assassination on/for empress Alžbětu, jejímu death and organization funeral, 8 sides, newspaper fiscal stamp; good condition, darker bands in/at places folds
Starting price: CZK
51982 - 1898 music-dots to písni Ceremonial zpěv on/for celebratio
1898 music-dots to písni "Ceremonial zpěv" on/for celebration 50 years reign emperor Franz Joseph I. from F. Cenka; light stains
Starting price: CZK
49524 - 1900 private letter on/for decorated letter sheet with vedut
1900 private letter on/for decorated letter sheet with veduta Čáslav; light stains
Starting price: CZK
52007 - 1905 poster Club/Association war veterans from Valtice (Mili
1905 poster Club/Association war veterans from Valtice (Militär-Veteranen-Verein Feldsberg), format 62,5x94,5cm, torn in margins
Starting price: CZK
48553 - 1909 Nobiliary correspondence - postcard sent from Hassbachu
1909 Nobiliary correspondence - postcard sent from Hassbachu member of family Thurn-Taxis on/for princeznu from Thurn-Taxis to Hodonín, mailing liberated from postage (ministerial law of family) according to agreement with post from year 1872, extraordinary document/attribut
Starting price: CZK
48555 - 1910 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE - postcard sent from Častolov
1910 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE - postcard sent from Častolovic member of family Thurn-Taxis princezně from Thurn-Taxis to Jevíčko, mailing liberated from postage (ministerial rodové law) according to agreement with post from y 1872, extraordinary document
Starting price: CZK
52248 - 1918 Klatovské sheets, special issue from 28. October 1918
1918 Klatovské sheets, special issue from 28. October 1918 with titulkem "Austria with podrobuje" and informacemi about/by conference NV in/at Klatovy, 1 sheet; yellowy stains in paper
Starting price: CZK
52246 - 1918 National sheets, No. 116 from Sunday in/at předvečer
1918 National sheets, No. 116 from Sunday in/at předvečer origin Czechoslovakia 27.10.1918 with portraits and životopisy T. G. Masaryk and Woodrowa Wilson on front page, 4 side/party, large format; good condition
Starting price: CZK
52250 - 1918 National sheets, evening issue from 29. October 1918, i
1918 National sheets, evening issue from 29. October 1918, information about/by course events in Prague, 2 side/party, large format, good condition
Starting price: CZK
49135 - 1919 Czechosl. war reporter/bulletin No.4, issued in/at Irku
1919 Czechosl. war reporter/bulletin No.4, issued in/at Irkutsk (Иркутck), photo from the life of legionaries, photo documenting Bolsheviks destructed bridges and railway-station, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
52252 - 1919 Smích republic, ceremonial number humoristického week
1919 Smích republic, ceremonial number humoristického weekly magazine to 1. anniv of republic, 16 sides, color celostránkové pictures; frayed margins
Starting price: CZK
50682 - 1924 Slovak world, year/volume IV., number 20, Celebration G
1924 Slovak world, year/volume IV., number 20, Celebration Gen. Štefánik, položení basic stone monument on/for Bradlo 4.V.1924
Starting price: CZK
52255 - 1937 Automobile club, newspaper for motoristy, issues Automo
1937 Automobile club, newspaper for motoristy, issues Automobile club Republic of Czechoslovakia, special number to death T. G. Masaryk, 1 side; good condition
Starting price: CZK
52253 - 1937 National sheets, večerník from 26.5.1937, death Carl
1937 National sheets, večerník from 26.5.1937, death Carl Kramáře, 8 sides; good condition
Starting price: CZK
52258 - 1938 A-Zet, ranní issue from soboty 24.9.1938, Mobilisace,
1938 A-Zet, ranní issue from soboty 24.9.1938, "Mobilisace", 4 side/party; good condition
Starting price: CZK
52262 - 1938 Express, Saturday 1.10.1938, From půlnoci vyklizujeme
1938 Express, Saturday 1.10.1938, "From půlnoci vyklizujeme the first pásmo", censor interference to texts, 2 side/party; torn in fold
Starting price: CZK
52264 - 1938 National policy, čtvrtek 24.11.1938, President Nejvyš
1938 National policy, čtvrtek 24.11.1938, "President Nejvyššího správního court Dr. E. Hácha kandidátem on/for president republic", 4 side/party; good condition
Starting price: CZK
52260 - 1938 Polední list (newspaper), Saturday 1.10.1938, Gen. Syr
1938 Polední list (newspaper), Saturday 1.10.1938, "Gen. Syrový oznamuje receiving podmínek", censor interference to komentářů sheet, 4 side/party; dark bands in/at places folds
Starting price: CZK
52256 - 1938 Red law, special issue from soboty 24.9.1938, Mobilisac
1938 Red law, special issue from soboty 24.9.1938, "Mobilisace", 2 side/party; torn in folds
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 16 / Historical Documents, Maps - Information

Historické dokumenty a mapy

Do této kategorie řadíme mimo mapy také historické dokumenty jako různé zakládací listiny, vyhlášky a nařízení ve formě plakátů, letáky atd.