1918 hungarian international postal stationary dealing with delivery of money without left cut-off paid with 40f harvesters, daily postmark Nagy Szeben/918.OKT.31, austrian postage due stamp put up on the back side Mi. P62, daily postmark Adamov 6.XI.18, vertically folded, otherwise good conditiion
1918 hungarian parcel bill without left cut-off, paid with stamp 20f Charles and 1K parliament, daily postmark Budapest/919.NOV.25, austrian postage due stamp put up on the back side Mi.P50, daily postmark Ludwigstahl 2. 12. 18, good condition
1918 letter as printed matter sent from Wien (Vienna) to Brno, at the delivery place disallowed as printed matter and burdened by postage-due - provisional "T" on stmp 20h Charles, CDS Wien 1.XII.18, arrival postmark Brno 1/ 3.XII.18, 2x fold in envelope
1918 letter franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.2x 213, CDS Liptoujvár/ 918.NOV.8, light imprint, arrival postmark on reverse, small format, good condition
1918 PC FP franked with. vertical bisected stmp 20H Charles with lower margin and control-numbers, Mi.222, CDS Unter-Reichenstein 22.XII.18, good condition
1918 service letter Country bank with straight line postmark Postage free/ Order of People's Committee č.519paes., MC Prague 1/ 16.XI.18, slightly warped envelope moisture
1918 bigger part of parcel bill postaged with 2stripe post stamp Mi. 196, coat of arms, delivery fee on the back10 h Mi. 188 with overprint PORTO, daily postmark Wien/17. XII. 18, arrival cancellation Praha 14/14:XII.18, in addition view card postaged with Mi.185+186 and express Mi. 217 as additional paid postmark cancel (torn corner) 10h , daily postmark Miletin/ 22.11.11118
1918-19 3 postcard franked with. Austrian or Hungarian stamp. as parallel or forerunner franking, CDS Gablonz a.d. Neisse 31.XII.18, MC Brno 2/ 11.XI.18 and Hungarian CDS Nagymihály/ 919 JAN.4 (Michalovce), good condition
1919 letter in the place franked with. mixed franking Czechosl. stamp. Pof.3 + Austrian stamp. Mi.221, nationalized CDS Německý Brod 2/ 5.II.19, small format, good condition
1919firm letter adressed to Usti nad Labem, with mixed franking 10h Hradčany Pof.5 +5 pieces of Austrian express 2h oblong, daily postmark Teplitz 1.III.19, in the place of delivery austrian stamps not recognized, set austrian postage due stamps 2x 10h Mi.48, daily postmark Aussig 1/2.III.19, at large dirty still interesting
1919firm letter sent from Cracow to Trinec, postage due 10h, the fee was paid with provisional of Polish stamp with overprint "PORTO" 10h + 15h, mailing daily postmark Cracow 16.X.19 (incomplete imprint), arrival daily postmark Trzyniec 17.X.19, no damage, unique!
1919hungarian postal stationary dealing with delivery of money without left cut-off, paid in cash (!), daily postmark Turdossin/919.FEB:5., hungarian postage due stamp put up on the back side Mi.P43, daily postmark Gyetva 919.FEB.9., good condition
1919registered letter paid with bisected stamp (!) Mi. 198, adressed to Germany, daily postmark Velka Ves daily postmark/15.II.19, on the back side arrival daily postmark Hamburg 18.2.19, small size, no damage
1919 parcel bill cut-off with forerunner francture of austrian stamps Mi.203 Coat of arms 4K, Mi.224 Charles 30h, daily postmark Nezdice na Šumavě 15.II.19, light spots
1918 Pof.RV43-47, RV53-55, RV61-65, Hluboká edition - Mareš's overprint in balck colour, assembly of 14 pieces including 10K coat of arms, 3 pieces on cuttings, not verified, catalogue 1680CZK
1918 Pof.RV120 Skalice overprint, 4block with right margin and controle numbers, smirch of overprint colour on the edge and on the gumming of one stamp, not verified, catalogue 1600CZK
Pof.1-26, complete set of bocks of four imperforated, included 10;20;30; Pof.6N with bottom margin; Pof.9N, Pof.13N, Pof.26a, values 15h, 18h, 100h a 300h also with margines, higher value pieces expetised by Gilbert., Karasek., Benes, all post office fresh MNH original gum!!!!
Pof.1, 1h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet with margin and control-numbers, plate 2, vertical in the middle folded, smaller folds in margins, otherwise good condition
Pof.2, 3h violet, undetached printing sheet with 2 complete 100-stamps sheets with margin and control-numbers from I. and II. plate with plate variety 90/2 "broken branch", unfolded (in/at role/roll)
Pof.2Ms, two same facing 2 post stamp gutters valued 3h violet in block with significant fold between post stamps, minimal price 36000,-Kč, rare offer!
Pof.8, selection of various plate variety and retouch, contains plate variety 78/II., str-of-3 with retouch of plate flaw 78/III., block of four with plate variety 78/IV., retouch of plate flaw 78/IV., good margins