Mail Auction 16 / Philately / Other Philatelic Domains

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52505 - 1917 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppen/ Ballonabteilung Nr.21,  card a
1917 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppen/ Ballonabteilung Nr.21, card addressed to to Bohemia, CDS FP 404 28.VI.17; light stains in paper
Starting price: CZK
49725 - 1917 FP card with 2-lines violet cancel. K.u.K.. Luftfahrtru
1917 FP card with 2-lines violet cancel. K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppe (air troops)/ Balloon unit Nr.21, CDS FP 404b/ 8.VIII.17, good condition
Starting price: CZK
46510 - 1917-18 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppe (air troops)/ Balloon unit Nr
1917-18 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppe (air troops)/ Balloon unit Nr.21 comp. 2 pcs of correspondence cards for FP with various variants FP cachet postmarks, straight line postmark on/for red card from year 1918, round cancel. with text "Ballonabteilung 21" on/for next card from year 1917, nice imprints
Starting price: CZK
48061 - 1917 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppe (air troops)/ Balloon unit 26, b
1917 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppe (air troops)/ Balloon unit 26, blue 2-lines postmark, CDS Field Post Pola/ 6.XI.17, partially overlapped, good condition
Starting price: CZK
46506 - 1915 K. UND. K. LUFTSCHIFFERABTEILUNG (Aeronautical Division
1915 K. UND. K. LUFTSCHIFFERABTEILUNG (Aeronautical Division) GÖRZ/ Fliegerersatzkompagnie (Emergency Airforce) 4 blue round postmark on Ppc from Trieste, with Franz Joseph 5h, CDS Görz 15.III.1915, very nice imprint, exceptional!
Starting price: CZK
46524 - 1915 K.u.K.. Festungsartillerieregiment Kaiser Nr.1*/Festung
1915 K.u.K.. Festungsartillerieregiment Kaiser Nr.1*/Festungsballonabteilung Nr.1* violet round cancel. on card for FP, supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. FP/ 305/ 28.I.15, nice imprints
Starting price: CZK
48069 - 1915 K.u.K.. Seeflugstation (Sea Air-Station) Pola, red roun
1915 K.u.K.. Seeflugstation (Sea Air-Station) Pola, red round postmark with eagle, CDS Field Post Pola/ 13.XI.15, partial overlap postmarks; cut postcard
Starting price: CZK
46511 - 1916 K.u.K. Seeflugstation (Sea Air-Station) Pola, red round
1916 K.u.K. Seeflugstation (Sea Air-Station) Pola, red round postmark with eagle on Ppc, supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. Field Post/ 4.VIII.16, nice imprints
Starting price: CZK
48062 - 1916 postcard with 2x red postmark K.u.K.. Küstenflugstatio
1916 postcard with 2x red postmark K.u.K.. Küstenflugstation Sebenico with eagle, CDS Sebenico/ 5.XII.16, margins postcard cut, postmark 1x overlapped, cat. Pithart 5500CZK
Starting price: CZK
48064 - 1917? K.u.K.. Küstenflugstation/ Sebenico, red straight lin
1917? K.u.K.. Küstenflugstation/ Sebenico, red straight line postmark supplemented with postmark K.u.K.. Seeflugstation (Sea Air-Station) Šibenik (catalogue doesn't report) and CDS Šibenik/ 27.VI.17?, margins postcard cut, hints glue in corners, after all exceptional postmark, noteworthy after/behind pokus about/by reparaci, cat. min. 4500CZK
Starting price: CZK
46495 - 1918 K.u.K.. Feldwetterstation No.10, red straight line post
1918 K.u.K.. Feldwetterstation No.10, red straight line postmark field povětrnostní station, supplemented with round cancel. FP 437/ 11.I.18, good condition, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
46509 - 1918 Kommandant der Luftstreitkräfte/ beim K.u.K.. Heeresgr
1918 Kommandant der Luftstreitkräfte/ beim K.u.K.. Heeresgruppenkommando FM.v.Boroević straight line postmark on correspondence card for Feldpost (Field-Post), supplemented with round cancel. K.u.K.. FP/ 515/ 15.VII.18, interesting text
Starting price: CZK
47834 - 1915 S.M.S. ASPERN, black circular pmk with date 30.1.15, co
1915 S.M.S. ASPERN, black circular pmk with date 30.1.15, color postcard with submarine and sailors, sent on/for ship Vulkan, S.M.S. PRINZ EUGEN, black circular pmk with date 16.XII.15 + CDS Field Post Pola/ 17.XII.15, color New Year's postcard, sent on/for FP354, good condition
Starting price: CZK
27027 - 1916 S.M. SCHIFF ASPERN round black postmark with eagle + CD
1916 S.M. SCHIFF "ASPERN" round black postmark with eagle + CDS S.M.S. MONARCH/ 23.9.16, authentic photo postcard sailors on deck ship Aspern, good condition, cat. Pithart 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
48139 - 1915 S.M.S.BABENBERG, red circular pmk with eagle + CDS Fiel
1915 S.M.S.BABENBERG, red circular pmk with eagle + CDS Field Post/ c/ Pola/ 25.X.15, good condition, c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
48137 - 1918 S.M.S.Bellona, violet frame censorship mark + CDS Field
1918 S.M.S.Bellona, violet frame censorship mark + CDS Field Post/ Pola/ 9.I.18, good condition, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
48133 - 1918 S.M.S. CSIKOS, blue straight line postmark + CDS MFPA/d
1918 S.M.S. CSIKOS, blue straight line postmark + CDS MFPA/d/ Pola/ 20.II.18, partially overlapped postmark, color postcard, zátoka in Pula, good condition, c.v.. 1600CZK
Starting price: CZK
48134 - 1917 S.M.S.CSIKOS, line violet postmark on Ppc from Pula + C
1917 S.M.S.CSIKOS, line violet postmark on Ppc from Pula + CDS Field Post/ c/ Pola/ 29.VI.17, partial overlap postmarks, good condition, c.v.. violet color doesn't report, otherwise 1600CZK
Starting price: CZK
50491 - 1917 S.M.S. Dampfer V. frame red censorship mark + CDS Field
1917 S.M.S. "Dampfer V." frame red censorship mark + CDS Field Post Pola/ 15.VI.17, postmark with partially overlap, good condition, cat. Pithart 3500CZK
Starting price: CZK
51841 - 1917 S.M.S. Eh. Ferdinand Max,  violet straight line postmar
1917 S.M.S. Eh. Ferdinand Max, violet straight line postmark supplemented with CDS Navy Field Post Pola 9.VI.17, nice print, cat. Pithart 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
28251 - 1915-17 S.M.S. Eh. Friedrich, superb round censorship mark 2
1915-17 S.M.S. Eh. Friedrich, superb round censorship mark 27.Jun.15, CDS Pola, photo postcard from ship with additionally written text - Return Austria-Hungary loďstva from bombing Italian Ancony.
Starting price: CZK
48138 - 1918 S.M.S.Erzh. Karl, violet frame censorship mark, CDS Eta
1918 S.M.S."Erzh. Karl", violet frame censorship mark, CDS Etappenpostamt 267/ 14.VI.18, good condition, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
50408 - 1915 S.M.S. HERKULES 15.III.15, print black circular postmar
1915 S.M.S. HERKULES 15.III.15, print black circular postmark with 2 blurred numerals, postcard S.M.S. "Novara", bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
48135 - 1916 S.M. SCHIFF MARS, red double-circle postmark with eagle
1916 S.M. SCHIFF "MARS", red double-circle postmark with eagle, CDS MFPA/c / Pola/ 29.VIII.16, good condition, c.v.. 700CZK
Starting price: CZK
50494 - 1914 S.M.S. PRINZ EUGEN, black circular pmk postmark K.u.K..
1914 S.M.S. PRINZ EUGEN, black circular pmk postmark K.u.K.. Navy/ 7.IX.17, good condition, cat. Pithart 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
50487 - 1918 S.M.S. Scharfschütze, frame red censorship mark + CDS
1918 S.M.S. "Scharfschütze", frame red censorship mark + CDS Etappenpostamt 267/ 13.II.18, good condition, cat. Pithart 1800CZK
Starting price: CZK
47835 - 1915 S.M. HULK VULKAN, red circular pmk with eagle + CDS Ši
1915 S.M. HULK VULKAN, red circular pmk with eagle + CDS Šibenik/ 14.8.15, B/W view of French křižník Léon Gambetta torpédovaný Austria-Hungary submarine U5 27.4.1915 S.M. Hulk "Vulkan", red circular pmk with small eagle + CDS Šibenik/ 30.9.15, postmark with overlap, B/W 5-view postcard, German ships + portrait count von Spee, both postcard good condition and sent to Moravia
Starting price: CZK
47494 - 1915-17 S.M.S Viribus Unitis, Babenberg and Custoza, ship po
1915-17 S.M.S Viribus Unitis, Babenberg and Custoza, ship postmark, comp. 4 pcs of Ppc delivered Field Post, 3x Pola and 1x Saida, good condition
Starting price: CZK
47836 - 1915 S.M. Boot 16, red triple circle postmark with eagle + b
1915 S.M. Boot "16", red triple circle postmark with eagle + black circular pmk S.M.S. MONARCH/ 6.12.15, color postcard, port in/at Dubrovnik, to Bohemia, good condition
Starting price: CZK
48443 - 1915 S.M. TORPEDOBOOT 19 , red double-circle postmark with e
1915 S.M. TORPEDOBOOT "19" , red double-circle postmark with eagle + CDS Field Post Pola/ 13.XII.15, postmark slightly overlapped, in picture side German Zeppelin utočí on/for English submarine 3.5.1915, bumped corners, stains and signs of age, c.v.. 2500CZK
Starting price: CZK
48459 - 1918 S.M. Boot 24, straight line postmark in/at načervenal�
1918 S.M. Boot "24", straight line postmark in/at načervenalé color + CDS Field Post Pola/ 25.V.18, postmark with overlap, line catalogue doesn't report, light fold in corner else preserved
Starting price: CZK
50820 - 1915? S.M. Boot 57T, round cancel. with eagle on Ppc, cat. P
1915? S.M. Boot "57T", round cancel. with eagle on Ppc, cat. Pithart 2200CZK
Starting price: CZK
50821 - 1916 S.M.T. 57T, bicircular cancel. with two coats of arms i
1916 S.M.T. 57T, bicircular cancel. with two coats of arms in violet color, cat. Pithart 1800CZK
Starting price: CZK
48104 - 1918 S.M. Boot 64,  postcard from Korčuly to Bohemia, line
1918 S.M. Boot 64, postcard from Korčuly to Bohemia, line red censorship mark Zensuriert and line red S.M. Boot 64, partially overlapped with CDS Sebenico/ 2.V.18, good condition, cat. min. 1800CZK
Starting price: CZK
48136 - 1915 S.M. Boot 67F, round violet postmark with eagle, CDS MF
1915 S.M. Boot 67F, round violet postmark with eagle, CDS MFPA/d / Pola/ 21.IX.15, postmark overlapped, good condition, c.v.. with red color 2500CZK, violet doesn't report
Starting price: CZK
50407 - 1918 comp. 2 pcs of proužkových Ppc with postmarks K.u.K..
1918 comp. 2 pcs of "proužkových" Ppc with postmarks K.u.K.. Marinefeldpostamt (naval field post office) Pola and red straight line pmk K.u.K.. Gendarmeriedeta-/ chementskmdo in Pola, nice imprints, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51435 - 1914-16 2 letters from zdravotních equipment, 1x straight l
1914-16 2 letters from zdravotních equipment, 1x straight line postmark K.u.K.. Reserve - Spital No.2 in Prag + CDS Prague/ 15.XI.14, 1x circular pmk with eagle Feldspital (field hospital) 2.4. + Hungarian CDS HPH167/ 916.NOV.25, signs of age and dirty
Starting price: CZK
49814 - 1914-18 4 pcs of Ppc, sent by FP with cancel. hospital equip
1914-18 4 pcs of Ppc, sent by FP with cancel. hospital equipment Cheb, Brno, Cracow and Praha-Karlín, line also round, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51338 - 1915 FP card with picture emperors William and Francis Josep
1915 FP card with picture emperors William and Francis Joseph I., sent from Galizie, black straight line postmark K.u.K.. Mobiles Reservespital No.6/6, frame Hungary - German postmark for field post, front part preserved, on reverse in text stains
Starting price: CZK
48067 - 1916 postcard with violet 2kruhovým postmark K.u.K.. Marine
1916 postcard with violet 2kruhovým postmark K.u.K.. Marinespitalskommando Pola with eagle, CDS Field Post Pola/ 6.V.16, postcard cut, otherwise preserved
Starting price: CZK
48076 - 1916 postcard sent from Bielitze with violet three-lines pmk
1916 postcard sent from Bielitze with violet three-lines pmk K.u.K.. Militärbeobachtungsspital in Bielitz/ Infektions - Abteilung (division), line violet Sterilisiert, 2x censorship, CDS Bielitz/ 28.IV.16, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
51828 - 1914 red round cancel. Tábori Posta/ Feldpost (Field-Post)/
1914 red round cancel. Tábori Posta/ Feldpost (Field-Post)/ Pozsony p.u., superb print, start war!
Starting price: CZK
47529 - 1917 2 postcard addressed. to Bohemia, CDS FIELD-POST/ MIL.
1917 2 postcard addressed. to Bohemia, CDS FIELD-POST/ MIL. MISS./ JERUSALEM/ 25.8.17, resp. 15.10.17, 1 pcs of with FP cachet cancel. K.u.K. 10cm. M.15 Kanonenbatterie No.20, both dusky stains
Starting price: CZK
48070 - 1915 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Serbian i
1915 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Serbian imprisonment, 2x censorship mark (Serbian and Austrian), autentic photo prisoners (partial damage), signs of age
Starting price: CZK
51940 - 1915 oval pmk Military censorship  g. Ekaterinodara on rever
1915 oval pmk Military censorship g. Ekaterinodara on reverse of cover sent to Austria, oval pmk train post č.295 ? - Sosika 2.8.15 and Austrian censorship
Starting price: CZK
48074 - 1916 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Italian i
1916 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Italian imprisonment, 2x censorship marks (Italian red, Austrian violet), in picture side group prisoners, good condition
Starting price: CZK
48072 - 1916 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Italian i
1916 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Italian imprisonment, red censorship marks (Italian and Austrian), autentic photo skupinky prisoners, fold corner else preserved, extraordinary
Starting price: CZK
49193 - 1916-17 3 pcs of prisoner cards, from that 1x addressed to t
1916-17 3 pcs of prisoner cards, from that 1x addressed to to Russia with straight line postmark hospital Red Cross in/at Jáchymově with CDS St. Joachimsthal 12.I.17, other 2 cards sent from Russia, good condition
Starting price: CZK
51856 - 1917 postcard sent from Italian Genoa to Brno military priso
1917 postcard sent from Italian Genoa to Brno military prisoner, Italian also Austrian censorship, supplemented with oval cancel. Italského Red Cross, good condition
Starting price: CZK
48075 - 1918 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Italian i
1918 photo sent to Bohemia from Czech officer from Italian imprisonment, post. camp coat of arms' postmark from Fonte d´Amore (Sulmona), light fold in the middle, otherwise clear
Starting price: CZK
50132 - 1914-16 2 pcs of cards addressed to Přemyšle and returned
1914-16 2 pcs of cards addressed to Přemyšle and returned back with cancel. Post - Bergungsstelle Brünn and frame Wegen Kriegslage unbestellbar, Zurück (Return) in/at violet and blue color; card from y 1914 with fold, otherwise very nice postal imprints
Starting price: CZK
51688 - 1915-17 comp. 6 pcs of censored entires, 2x Russian PC from
1915-17 comp. 6 pcs of censored entires, 2x Russian PC from Czech prisoner, 1x letter from prisoner in Italy with Italian and Austrian censorship, 1x Bulgarian PC with buharskou and Austrian censorship, 1x Spanish PC to Moscow (Москва) with military censorship and censored letter from Pula with CDS Field Post, interesting but registered. examination
Starting price: CZK
49804 - 1918 FRANCE  comp. of 4 Ppc sent to legionnaire in France, a
1918 FRANCE comp. of 4 Ppc sent to legionnaire in France, all without franking, various CDS, thin/light postmark FP, signs of age, registered. examination
Starting price: CZK
50091 - 1919 FRANCE  letter with nice red round cancel. Mission Mili
1919 FRANCE letter with nice red round cancel. Mission Militare Franciaise/ Le Général/ Prague, with 25h Hradčany with smudge dirty print MC Prague 26.V.19, envelope with small tearing in margins, rare!!
Starting price: CZK
50080 - 1919 ITALY  postcard 35. regiment with violet round FP cache
1919 ITALY postcard 35. regiment with violet round FP cachet postmark Comando 2. Battaglione/ 35. Reggimento Czeco-slovacco, franked with. 10h stamp. Hradčany with nationalized CDS Beroun 16.I.19; postcard dirty viewing of quality recommended, but very interesting, superb postal imprint!
Starting price: CZK
50816 - 1920 FRANCE  comp. 4 pcs of Ppc sent from Italy to member of
1920 FRANCE comp. 4 pcs of Ppc sent from Italy to member of 21.Leg. regiment from France John Homolku, 3x to Čáslav and 1x on/for Voj. Academy to Hranice in Moravia; folds, bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
47918 - 1918? RUSSIA  certificate of income/receipt letters with rou
1918? RUSSIA certificate of income/receipt letters with round postmark Financial management Czechoslovak army in Russia and signature přejímatele, issued in Vladivostok 25.IV., more folded, overall however good condition, format 110x175mm
Starting price: CZK
49805 - 1919 4 postcard sent sent by FP in Těšín-Region, CDS Karv
1919 4 postcard sent sent by FP in Těšín-Region, CDS Karviná, Frýdek, Moravská Ostrava , DOLNÍ BLUDOVICE, 2x straight line postmark, various quality copy-print also Ppc
Starting price: CZK
51851 - 1919 big round cancel. 21. Czechoslovak Rifle Rgt. French le
1919 big round cancel. 21. Czechoslovak Rifle Rgt. French legions (incomplete print), through/over CDS Moravská Ostrava 31.I.19 on Ppc Těšín, interesting tex written in/at Těšín, good condition
Starting price: CZK
49515 - 1918 card Italian FP sent by member of 33. Czechoslovak Regi
1918 card Italian FP sent by member of 33. Czechoslovak Regiment (Italská legion), line violet cancel. with CDS Sasvár 918 Dec.24. (Šaštín), decorative
Starting price: CZK