Mail Auction 17 / Complete auction

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Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Forerunners 1918-1919

59254 - 1919 Austrian Postage due stamp Mi.55A + 56A in blocks of fo
1919 Austrian Postage due stamp Mi.55A + 56A in blocks of four, as Czechosl. parallel PDL22A, PDL23A, CDS Prague 1/ 19.II.19, resp. Prague 1/ 10.I.19, cat. Merkur-Revue 1320CZK
Starting price: CZK
59257 - 1919 Austrian Postage due stamp Mi.56A, block of 6, as Czech
1919 Austrian Postage due stamp Mi.56A, block of 6, as Czechosl. parallel PDL23A, CDS Prague 1/ 21.II.19, cat. Merkur-Revue 1500CZK
Starting price: CZK
56799 - 1919 parcel dispatch card segment with franking Austrian sta
1919 parcel dispatch card segment with franking Austrian stamp. 12H Coat of arms, Mi.189, 4 pcs of in front + 3 pcs of on reverse, CDS Mcely 28.II.19, last day of validity (!) these stamp. in Czechoslovakia, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56809 - 1919 cut square from Hungarian telegram franked with. foreru
1919 cut square from Hungarian telegram franked with. forerunner Hungarian stamp. 1 Koruna Franz Joseph., 6f Hadi segély, 4f and 15f Reaper, Mi.67, 166, 195 and 212, CDS Kassa/ 919.FEB.26, catalogues don't report, rare offer, exp. by Karasek.., well preserved
Starting price: CZK
56811 - 1918 First Day Czechoslovakia - PC 8h Charles Mi.P235 (grey-
1918 First Day Czechoslovakia - PC 8h Charles Mi.P235 (grey-green paper), uprated. stamp. 2h special-delivery rectangle Mi.219A, CDS Budějovice 3/ 28.X.18, in the middle 1x vertical folded, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
55730 - 1918 letter franked with. forerunner postage-due and express
1918 letter franked with. forerunner postage-due and express stamps Mi.2x 219 + P58 + P59, CDS Smíchov/ 19.XI.18, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55728 - 1918 letter franked with. forerunner cross bisected Austrian
1918 letter franked with. forerunner cross bisected Austrian. stamps 2x Mi.222 with overprint FRANCO, důvod půlení both stamps on/for konečnou value 20h is evidently philatelic, broken out cancel Mšeno by/on/at Mělník/ ??.XI.18, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55726 - 1918 letter franked with. forerunner Austrian. stamps Crown
1918 letter franked with. forerunner Austrian. stamps Crown 10h Mi.188 and 2x express Mi.218, thin/light CDS Smíchov/ 19.XI.18 (?), clear, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
58446 - 1918 postcard without payment, by hand marked Gratis (eviden
1918 postcard without payment, by hand marked "Gratis" (evidently FP), disallowed and burdened with postage-due with usage Austrian stamp. Mi.62 (overprint), CDS Přívoz/ 24.XI.18, arrival postmark. Brno 2/ 25.XI.18, color postcard Ostrava - Přívoz with tram, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55715 - 1918 postcard over-franked. parallel Austrian. stmp 12h Crow
1918 postcard over-franked. parallel Austrian. stmp 12h Crown, CDS Žižkov/ 23.XII.18, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55716 - 1918 postcard franked with. two Austrian. Postage due stamps
1918 postcard franked with. two Austrian. Postage due stamps (2x 5h), CDS HORNÍ OSTROVEC/ 23.12.18, interesting emergency resolution, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55717 - 1918 postcard franked with. Austrian. stamps Crown 3x 3h + e
1918 postcard franked with. Austrian. stamps Crown 3x 3h + express 2h, overfranked by 1h, CDS Hodonín/ 22.XII.18, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58443 - 1918 postcard franked with. Austrian stamps 2x 3h Crown + 1x
1918 postcard franked with. Austrian stamps 2x 3h Crown + 1x 4h postage-due as postage stmp (big numeral(s)), CDS Litomyšl/ 31.XII.18 (thin/light print), good condition
Starting price: CZK
54819 - 1918 postcard franked with. crossways bisected stmp Mi.222 (
1918 postcard franked with. crossways bisected stmp Mi.222 (Charles 20h), railway-station postmark Týniště nad Orlicí/ 26.XII.18, picture side described, address with stains, We recommend it examination
Starting price: CZK
58445 - 1918 postcard from Kiev (Ukraine) evidently transported priv
1918 postcard from Kiev (Ukraine) evidently transported privately to Prague, here podána to transport unpaid, burdened by postage-due 20h with usage bisected Austrian Postage due stamps (small numeral(s)), zakryté CDS Prague 1/?, arrival postmark. partial CDS Prague 1/ 1.I.19, worse quality, interesting text
Starting price: CZK
59069 - 1918 postcard paid/franked cash, CDS Český Dub 20/12/18, p
1918 postcard paid/franked cash, CDS Český Dub 20/12/18, postmark Franco; interesting postcard Letařovic, dist. Liberec
Starting price: CZK
54833 - 1918 Reg letter franked with. Austrian. stamps Mi.186 + 194,
1918 Reg letter franked with. Austrian. stamps Mi.186 + 194, postal rate I, CDS Ober Leutensdorf/ 27.XI.18, yellow Reg label, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55733 - 1918 Reg letter franked with. parallel postage-due stmp Mi.P
1918 Reg letter franked with. parallel postage-due stmp Mi.P55 (1 Koruna), rate for very heavy letter ?, 2x overprint FRANCO (after/around nasvícení evidently supplementary), CDS Smíchov/ 23.XII.18, clear, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
56813 - 1918 Austrian dispatch-note without L cut with 20h Charles +
1918 Austrian dispatch-note without L cut with 20h Charles + 2 Koruna Coat of arms, Mi.204 II. + 222, CDS Nechanice 14.XII.18 - light imprint, on reverse Austrian stamp. 5h Crown with hand-made transcription "Porto", CDS Bruch in Bohemia 16.XII.18, interesting combination, light dusky margins, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
58444 - 1918 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc franked Austrian Postage due stamps
1918 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc franked Austrian Postage due stamps (small numerals) as postage, rate 10h, post Vodňany, Velké Meziříčí and Jičín, all December 1918, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55512 - 1918 comp. 9 pcs of Hungarian + 1 pcs of Austrian C.O.D. cre
1918 comp. 9 pcs of Hungarian + 1 pcs of Austrian C.O.D. credit notes from X.-XII.1918, all paid/franked Hungarian postage stamp., as Czechosl. forerunner stamps or blank form/-s, interesting, as multiple good condition
Starting price: CZK
54968 - 1918-19 2x parcel dispatch card segment franked with. bisect
1918-19 2x parcel dispatch card segment franked with. bisected doplat. stamps, 1x Austrian and 1x Czech, CDS Klösterle/ 8.XII.18 and Hungarian CDS Munkács/ 919OKT.27, hinged, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
54881 - 1918-20 Czechoslovakia I., 18 pieces of entires with forerun
1918-20 Czechoslovakia I., 18 pieces of entires with forerunners stamps, mixed, various postmarks and the like (View cards, post cards, cuttings etc.), some are interesting, mostly well preserved, worth viewing
Starting price: CZK
58447 - 1918-9 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc franked with. Austrian. stamps 3x
1918-9 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc franked with. Austrian. stamps 3x 3h Crown (Mi.185), in/at postal rate I insufficient franking, 2x Us without postage-due, 1x burdened with postage-due in/at lowest rate 5h (Mi.P47), post Malé Prosenice, Mladá Boleslav and Roudnice + Aussig, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55671 - 1918-9 comp. 8 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes with frankin
1918-9 comp. 8 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes with frankings stamps forerunner, parallel and mixed, 2x on reverse hint of sticking, else preserved, good selection of
Starting price: CZK
58450 - 1919 2x postcard from Mariánské Lázně without payment, 1
1919 2x postcard from Mariánské Lázně without payment, 1x burdened by postage-due 20h with usage Austrian. postage stmp with overprint T (Mi.222) and 1x with usage stamps Hradčany with overprint T (Pof.8), CDS Marienbad/ 28.I.19 and 7.II.19, arrival postmark Franzensbad/ 29.I.19 and Eger/ ?, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55718 - 1919 letter with mixed franking Hradčany 10h and halving Au
1919 letter with mixed franking Hradčany 10h and halving Austrian. stmp Charles 20h, postal rate I, broken out cancel Král. Vinohrady./ 18.I.19, R more/larger cutting envelope/-s, at top more/larger tearing
Starting price: CZK
54884 - 1919 FP card underpaid stamp. Pof.3 (Hradčany 5h), burdened
1919 FP card underpaid stamp. Pof.3 (Hradčany 5h), burdened with postage-due 10h, mounted newspaper stmp with overprint T (Mi.215), CDS Eger 2/ 16.I.19, arrival postmark. Král. Vinohrady 1/ 18.I.19, abrupt corner and spot, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
54821 - 1919 unpaid letter to Cheb, broken out cancel Král. Vinohra
1919 unpaid letter to Cheb, broken out cancel Král. Vinohrady./ 14.I.19, burdened with postage-due, mounted Austrian. stmp Mi.194 with additional-printing T, arrival postmark Eger/ ?, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58448 - 1919 postcard without payment, at the delivery place burdene
1919 postcard without payment, at the delivery place burdened by postage-due 20h with usage Austrian. postage-due. stamps Mi.P50, CDS Chotěboř/ 13.I.19, arrival postmark. Prague 22/ 15.I.19, lightly dirty
Starting price: CZK
55731 - 1919 postcard franked with. halving parallel postage-due stm
1919 postcard franked with. halving parallel postage-due stmp Mi.P50, CDS Příbram/ 2.I.19, clear, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
54816 - 1919 postcard franked with. vertical bisected stmp Mi.222 (C
1919 postcard franked with. vertical bisected stmp Mi.222 (Charles 20h), postal rate I, broken out cancel Karlín/ 21.I.19, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55714 - 1919 Reg letter with franking stamps Hradčany 3+5+10+20h an
1919 Reg letter with franking stamps Hradčany 3+5+10+20h and Austrian. stamp. Charles 30h, orazítkovány only stamps in value 45h (right rate 20+25h), other without cancelling (3+20h), thin/light German CDS Bodenbach/ 25.2.19, provisional mark R postmark and additional writing, Austrian stmp mounted on reverse, arrival postmark. Berlin/ 27.2.19, on reverse tearing lapel, interesting technique post
Starting price: CZK
58453 - 1919 comp. 6 pcs of Ppc franked Austrian stamps after validi
1919 comp. 6 pcs of Ppc franked Austrian stamps after validity, 4x burdened with postage-due with usage Czechosl. postage-due stamps, 2x without postage due, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56812 - 1919 Hungarian post. order 2f Crown, without L cut, with 25f
1919 Hungarian post. order 2f Crown, without L cut, with 25f Reaper, Mi.197, CDS Gyetva/ 919.FEB.3., interesting single franking, right rate, exp. by Karasek.., minor faults - glued upper corner, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58073 - 1919 cut square accounting sheet franked with. block of four
1919 cut square accounting sheet franked with. block of four Austrian Postage due stamp 50h big numerals, Mi.P43, cancelled by postmark Friedland Bohemia 12/2 19, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Revolutionary 1918

49791 - 1918 Pof.RV85-RV118, Budejovice edition - Horner's overprint
1918 Pof.RV85-RV118, Budejovice edition - Horner's overprint, complete row, all more expensive stamps (21pieces), expert Mrňák, catalogue 14000CZK
Starting price: CZK
57986 - 1918 Pof.RV132 Skalice overprint on/for newspaper stamp., ve
1918 Pof.RV132 Skalice overprint on/for newspaper stamp., very lightly hinged, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 250CZK
Starting price: CZK

Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hradcany Issue - Imperforated

55095 -  Pof.1, 1h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet with margin and
Pof.1, 1h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet with margin and control-numbers, plate 2, vertical in the middle folded, otherwise well preserved, cat. min. 400CZK
Starting price: CZK
55094 -  Pof.1-26 outside No.6, 9, 13, total 23 pcs of, 1x with cont
Pof.1-26 outside No.6, 9, 13, total 23 pcs of, 1x with control-numbers, 1x print spike (10), pos. 48, plate 3 (4), 1x thin/light and 1x stronger fold (23,25), 1x thin place (18), 1x thin place in margin (22), otherwise mostly good quality, profitable
Starting price: CZK
57677 -  Pof.1-26, line Hradčany-issue stamp. in blocks of four wit
Pof.1-26, line Hradčany-issue stamp. in blocks of four without Pof.6, 9 and 13, values 15h, 80h, 100h and 300h with sheet margin, Pof.26a blue-violet exp. Gibert., c.v.. 10.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
56818 -  Pof.1-26, basic line (without No.6, 9N, 13N), values 25h, 5
Pof.1-26, basic line (without No.6, 9N, 13N), values 25h, 50h and 200h in 2 shades colors, total 26 pcs of, c.v.. 1675CZK
Starting price: CZK
55075 -  Pof.2 2x, 5, 8, 8C and 14, 2x pair and 1x block of four, 2x
Pof.2 2x, 5, 8, 8C and 14, 2x pair and 1x block of four, 2x hinged, comp. of stamps with registry points, good margins
Starting price: CZK
54040 -  Pof.2, 3h violet, whole 100-stamps sheet, printing plate 1,
Pof.2, 3h violet, whole 100-stamps sheet, printing plate 1, vertical in the middle folded, light folds in margins, overall good condition
Starting price: CZK
55092 -  Pof.2M gutter opposite facing, 4-stamps, unfolded, small ru
Pof.2M gutter opposite facing, 4-stamps, unfolded, small rusty spots and dots in gum, 1x also on face-side, else preserved, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
58747 -  Pof.2M(p)  two-stamps and 4-stamps opposite facing gutter,
Pof.2M(p) two-stamps and 4-stamps opposite facing gutter, unfolded, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
56996 -  Pof.2Ms, same facing 4-stamp gutter, very light folded, wid
Pof.2Ms, same facing 4-stamp gutter, very light folded, wide margins, on two places light dented paper, mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak.., c.v.. 18000CZK
Starting price: CZK
55093 -  Pof.2vz, 3h with overprint VZOREC, wide margins, exp. by St
Pof.2vz, 3h with overprint VZOREC, wide margins, exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
56430 -  Pof.3, 5, 8, 10, 4x PLATE PROOF with overprint VZOREC, brow
Pof.3, 5, 8, 10, 4x PLATE PROOF with overprint VZOREC, browny paper, original color, values 3, 5, 20 and 25h, 1x gum, good margins
Starting price: CZK
55077 -  Pof.3 with various color shades, Pof.3D with lower margin w
Pof.3 with various color shades, Pof.3D with lower margin with control-numbers and thin vlasovaná paper crease, Pof.3E, Pof.4F with L margin and plate variety 71/III. (dot after/behind numeral), 2x hinged
Starting price: CZK
56402 -  Pof.3, block of four with printing flaw Zeppelin on/for LL
Pof.3, block of four with printing flaw "Zeppelin" on/for LL stamp (white stain above keřem), nice quality
Starting price: CZK
56052 -  Pof.4 IIp, 5h blue-green, pos. 37, plate 1, bar type II., e
Pof.4 IIp, 5h blue-green, pos. 37, plate 1, bar type II., exp. by Skaloud
Starting price: CZK
56056 -  Pof.4 joined bar types, 5h blue-green as blk-of-4, bar type
Pof.4 joined bar types, 5h blue-green as blk-of-4, bar types combination, pos. 7, plate 4, exp. by Skaloud
Starting price: CZK
56057 -  Pof.4 joined bar types, 5h blue-green, corner blk-of-4, bar
Pof.4 joined bar types, 5h blue-green, corner blk-of-4, bar types combination, pos. 10, plate 4, exp. by Skaloud
Starting price: CZK
56059 -  Pof.4A joined bar types, 5h blue-green, horiz. corner Pr, b
Pof.4A joined bar types, 5h blue-green, horiz. corner Pr, bar type, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, pos. 10, plate 4, exp. by Skaloud., perforation in margin out of stmp
Starting price: CZK
56814 -  Pof.4N, dark green, spiral type I, pos. 44, plate 5, wide m
Pof.4N, dark green, spiral type I, pos. 44, plate 5, wide margins, on reverse sheet offset, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
58751 -  PLATE PROOF 5h black, printing E. Carl, block of four, ciga
PLATE PROOF 5h black, printing E. Carl, block of four, cigarette paper
Starting price: CZK
56995 -  Pof.5M, opposite facing gutter with plate variety tower-clo
Pof.5M, opposite facing gutter with plate variety "tower-clock", folded, in the place fold small thin place, standard margins, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
55060 -  Pof.5ZT,  3 pcs of trial printings gravure-print, various c
Pof.5ZT, 3 pcs of trial printings gravure-print, various color, paper without gum, rest of hinge, all exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
56106 -  Pof.6 + 7, maculature stamp. 15h vermilion as blk-of-4 in/a
Pof.6 + 7, maculature stamp. 15h vermilion as blk-of-4 in/at joined printing with 10h green, machine offset only green 10h
Starting price: CZK