1890-1980EUROPE selection of several stockbooks with accumulation stamp. Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, supplemented with small collections on free sheets A5 i.a. interesting Albania, little-boxes with envelopes with scattered stamp., also several entires, all in middle box, total 4kg of material
1920Pof.L2B Is, 24Kč/500h, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, spiral type I from ST, pos. 32, plate 2, exp. by Mrnak., Pofis, certificate Škaloud, unique rarity with this perf (!), cat. Merkur-Revue -,-
1918 postcard without payment, by hand marked "Gratis" (evidently FP), disallowed and burdened with postage-due with usage Austrian stamp. Mi.62 (overprint), CDS Přívoz/ 24.XI.18, arrival postmark. Brno 2/ 25.XI.18, color postcard Ostrava - Přívoz with tram, good condition
Pof.1, 1h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet with margin and control-numbers, plate 2, vertical in the middle folded, otherwise well preserved, cat. min. 400CZK
Pof.1-26, line Hradčany-issue stamp. in blocks of four without Pof.6, 9 and 13, values 15h, 80h, 100h and 300h with sheet margin, Pof.26a blue-violet exp. Gibert., c.v.. 10.000CZK
1920trial print of unaccepted design/sketch of airmail stamp 28Koruna in orange color on strong carton paper, author V. H. Brunner, in left upper corner fold, rare offer
1871 AUSTRIA church calendar provided with revenue 6 Kreuzer Kalender-Stempel from y 1870, knížečkové making, issued in Olomouc, in hřbetě cracked, signs of usage, notice, viewing of quality recommended
1916 AUSTRIA document state loan Austria-Hungary akceptovaná Czechoslovak republikou, franked ½; revenue in value 1CZK, postmark Tax Office/ in/at Sobotce, cross and longitudinal fold
1938 SPORTSMEN, 2 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to Belgium and Switzerland, i.a. Beneš, Tichý, Svatoň, Junek, Nový, Mazanec, total 25 signatures, good condition
1926 SPORTSMEN, 2 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to Denmark and Sweden, i.a. Seifert, Šedivý, Puč, Plánička, Stehlík, Svoboda and reporter Laufer, total 31 signatures, good condition
1924-27 SPORTSMEN, 3 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to Italy in years 1924, 1925 and 1927, i.a. Čapek, Vaník, Dobiáš, Káďa, Puč, Plánička, Podrazil, Seifert, Strong, Svoboda, total 39 signatures, good condition
1921-24 SPORTSMEN, 3 pcs of Ppc with signatures Czechosl. footballers from tours to Germany in years 1921, 1922 and 1924, i.a. Burgr, Čapek, Košek, Mazal, Vaník, Rektorys, Štapl, Kašpar, total 33 signatures, good condition
1923 minister national defence before/(in front of) odletem to Bratislava of day 21.III.1923, on reverse postmark fotooddělení Czechosl. years. regiment No. 1
1900-80 WHOLE WORLD kufr full surprise! Stmp from around the world, part motive, part Asia, waste, scattered stamps in paper bags, in/at little-boxes etc.., zkrátka medley suitable to sorting, placed in big travel case, weight 15kg
1898-1908 TOPOGRAPHY/ AUSTRIA selection of 83 pcs of Ppc from Austria and Wien (Vienna), part lithography, interesting photos, half with long address, Us, good condition
1920-40TOPOGRAPHY Czechoslovakia big comp. over 4.600 pcs of neroztříděných photo postcard small format, minimally contains Prague and other tourist centra, minimum addition abroad and motives, much interesting photos, placed in big box, general weight 20kg, examination in Prague only on request, only personal taking-delivery; very interesting!
1920-60TOPOGRAPHY Czechoslovakia big comp. over 3.700 pcs of neroztříděných photo postcard small format, minimally contains Prague and other tourist centra, minimum addition abroad, from big part/-s ORBIS and TATRAN, much interesting photos, placed in big banana box, general weight 19kg, examination in Prague only on request, only personal taking-delivery; very interesting!
1918 First Day Czechoslovakia - PC 8h Charles Mi.P235 (grey-green paper), uprated. stamp. 2h special-delivery rectangle Mi.219A, CDS Budějovice 3/ 28.X.18, in the middle 1x vertical folded, exp. by Karasek
1918 comp. 9 pcs of Hungarian + 1 pcs of Austrian C.O.D. credit notes from X.-XII.1918, all paid/franked Hungarian postage stamp., as Czechosl. forerunner stamps or blank form/-s, interesting, as multiple good condition
1918-20 Czechoslovakia I., 18 pieces of entires with forerunners stamps, mixed, various postmarks and the like (View cards, post cards, cuttings etc.), some are interesting, mostly well preserved, worth viewing
1920Pof.L1-L3, comp. 6 pcs of, according to cat. Merkur-Revue č.L1a, L1b, L2 I., L2 II., L3a, L3b, all exp. by Karasek.., cat. Merkur-Revue through/over 3500CZK
1927 3 pcs of cards air-mail for I.lety, 1x Prague - Wien (Vienna) (Hor.57c), 2x Prague - Berlin (Hor.58c), all 21.III.1927, with Pof.219 + L4, all attributes, good condition, c.v.. 1150CZK
1945 overprint black Czechoslovak. state coat of arms 15x18mm on/for Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 10h - 50K A. Hitler, Pof.78-99, complete set of, mint never hinged
1861-67Mi.16-25, Presidents, complete set., value 90c with plate variety + in addition values 2c, 10c and 15c with grid, interesting offer, c.v.. 1540€
1952Mi.115 postage stmp, value 1Lb, block of four with lower margin, on edge counter sheet is plate mark and mark printing-plant, for specialist interesting, mint never hinged, c.v.. 152€
1937-53 Czechoslovakia comp. 8 pcs of various invoices, invoices with documents with mounted revenue stamp. issue 1919, 1938, 1953, contains i.a. A.Grochol/ furniture Třinec, Hotel Slavia Brno, F.Blažek/ art production from metal Mělník etc..; good condition