Mail Auction 17 / Collector`s Literature

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56611 - 2004 Beneš, Tošnerová: Monograph of Czechosl. and Czech s
2004 Beneš, Tošnerová: Monograph of Czechosl. and Czech stamps and postal history, 11. part, II. pack, Post in ghetto Terezín; as new
Starting price: CZK
56614 - 2002 Kratochvíl: Monograph of Czechosl. and Czech stamps, 2
2002 Kratochvíl: Monograph of Czechosl. and Czech stamps, 20. part, Hictorical making names post in Czech lands, issued Pofis Prague; as new
Starting price: CZK
55891 - 1968-86 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, complete set 1., 2.,
1968-86 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, complete set 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 11., 13., 14., 16. I + II, 17. I + II., 20. part, total 13 books, good condition, by/on/at some torn covers, larger part as new
Starting price: CZK
58110 - 1968 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 1. part, Period post rev
1968 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 1. part, Period post revolutionary, Hradčany 1918-1920, torn paper cover in upper margin, otherwise good condition
Starting price: CZK
56612 - 1998 Tovačovský: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 5. part, S
1998 Tovačovský: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 5. part, SO1920 (overprint), issued Pofis Prague; as new
Starting price: CZK
42538 - 2001 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993-2004, P
2001 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993-2004, PĚNKAVA specialized stamp catalogue of Czech Republic 1993-2003, slightly worn
Starting price: CZK
57340 - 2007 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993-2006, j
2007 POFIS specialized catalogue Czech republic 1993-2006, just new, MC 368CZK
Starting price: CZK
56010 - 1987-9 comp. 2 pcs of odporných publications: 1) FP23 Hünd
1987-9 comp. 2 pcs of odporných publications: 1) FP23 Hündl-Mikulčák : Soukromé post in/at Denmark; 2) Reporter severských stamp countries from No. 13/1987 to No. 24/1989, bound in/at red canvas, incl. insert and adresáře, both as new
Starting price: CZK
54296 - 1958 1918 - 1958 40 years Czechoslovak post. stamps, small/r
1958 1918 - 1958 40 years Czechoslovak post. stamps, small/rare memorial document issued Ústředím Czechosl. stamp collectors, booklet format ca. A6, paste-in stmp Hradčany and 40 years of Stamp, gravure from of Jindra Schmidt (used on/for FDC and portrait of A. Mucha), short biography of A. Mucha, komentář to issue Hradčany, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56003 - 1997 2x publication to meter stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 1939-1945,
1997 2x publication to meter stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 1939-1945, 1) Bouška-Feldmann : Catalogue meter stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, part I. out of Prague uživatelé + Slov.štát, 2) Bouška: Catalogue meter stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, part II. Prague uživatelé new, Un
Starting price: CZK
56004 - 1989-99 3 publication 
1) I.Leiš : Postage print (příru
1989-99 3 publication 1) I.Leiš : Postage print (příručka), 2) V.Soukup : FP66 Postal stationery covers with portrait V.Havla, 3) Philatelic motives Czechoslovakia year 1945, dobře good condition
Starting price: CZK
56009 - 1948-2000 comp. of 3 bulletins, Palkoska: Post in Slovakia a
1948-2000 comp. of 3 bulletins, Palkoska: Post in Slovakia after/around oslobodení, 163 sides + insert, issued KF Hlohovec, well preserved; Bláha: Postwar postmarks 1945-6, 122 sides, new; Hirsch: Thirty years Czechosl. post. stamps 1918-1948, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55896 - 1984-2000 4 publication : 1) Ronzany : Postage due stmp stam
1984-2000 4 publication : 1) Ronzany : Postage due stmp stamps 1928 (2000), 2) Žampach and oths. : Agriculture and science 1920 (1988), 3) Žampach and oths. : Agriculture and science 1923 (1990), 4) ing.J.Karásek : Perf Czechosl. postal stamps 1918-1939 (1984), all good condition
Starting price: CZK
56001 - 1956-88 4 publication to postal museu
1) E. Hirsch : Trial
1956-88 4 publication to postal museu 1) E. Hirsch : Trial about/by philatelic collections postal musea, 2) 3x Compilation postal museum 1982, 1986, 1988, dobře good condition
Starting price: CZK
55895 - 1982-90 5 bulletins to R-nálepkám: 1) J.Černý : Special
1982-90 5 bulletins to R-nálepkám: 1) J.Černý : Special catalogue rekomandačních labels - Czech post 1945-1983 + addition from year 1987; 2) V.Šabach : Reg labels, registered entires (1982); 3) V.Mahovský : provisional Reg labels Czechoslovakia 1945-1946 (1983); 4) 2x exhibition catalogue with pojednáními about/by R-nálepkách and entires, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
58333 - 1969-79 Philatelic notebooks roč.1970–72, 1978–80; Merc
1969-79 Philatelic notebooks roč.1970–72, 1978–80; Mercure roč. 1969–70; in/at měkké binding
Starting price: CZK
56607 - 1971 Mucha, Hlinka: Philatelic atlas stamp countries, issued
1971 Mucha, Hlinka: Philatelic atlas stamp countries, issued Cartography Prague, pocket format; as new
Starting price: CZK
56609 - 1998 Hauptman Miloš: Butterflies PB 1217-25, issued by Glen
1998 Hauptman Miloš: Butterflies PB 1217-25, issued by Glen Beauty Prague; as new
Starting price: CZK
55097 - 1998 Karásek J. - Czechoslovak post. stamps and their/its f
1998 Karásek J. - Czechoslovak post. stamps and their/its forgeries, incl. black print, new
Starting price: CZK
55482 - 1925-35 kolkovací handbooks 2 pcs of - 1) How kolkovati com
1925-35 kolkovací handbooks 2 pcs of - 1) How kolkovati commercial paper/-s ? (1935), 46 sides, as new, 2) Nejdůležitější fee (franking, court fee, duty) 1925, 32 sides, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55899 - 1987-93 team of authors: Compilation articles about/by Czech
1987-93 team of authors: Compilation articles about/by Czechoslovak stmp, all 5 parts, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
57341 - 1966 L. Novotný - Chemical expertization and cleaning stamp
1966 L. Novotný - Chemical expertization and cleaning stamps, Czech language, issued NADAS, 53 sides, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
54400 - 1941-46 L. Novotný - Catalogue Slovakia 5  pcs, selection o
1941-46 L. Novotný - Catalogue Slovakia 5 pcs, selection of special. catalogues issued L.Novotným in years 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1946, contains also p.stat, special postmark, folder etc.., good condition to nice
Starting price: CZK
58322 - 1966 Novotný Ladislav, Chemical expertization and cleaning
1966 Novotný Ladislav, Chemical expertization and cleaning stamps, Czech language, issued NADAS, 53 sides, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
58029 - 1936 Charges from commercial documents (kolečné), LLD. F.M
1936 Charges from commercial documents (kolečné), LLD. F.Mucha and Z.Deyl, unbound, bent corners
Starting price: CZK
56610 - 1989 Pospíšil Francis: SPORT on/for postal stmp, Pofis Pra
1989 Pospíšil Francis: SPORT on/for postal stmp, Pofis Prague; good condition
Starting price: CZK
58323 - 2000 Ronzany Joseph: Postage due stmp stamps 1928, issued KF
2000 Ronzany Joseph: Postage due stmp stamps 1928, issued KF Jeseník, as new
Starting price: CZK
55894 - 1976-83 comp. 4 pcs of bulletins :
1) Š.Záborský : Adver
1976-83 comp. 4 pcs of bulletins : 1) Š.Záborský : Advertising machine pečiatky post in Slovakia 1921 - 1978 (1979), 2) ing.A.Hašek : Czechoslovak slogan pmk 1970 - 1982 (1983), 3) V.Maxa : Catalogue postmarks postal-agencies Středočeského district (1982), 4) V.Maxa : Listing postal-agencies in Bohemia and in Moravia 1901-1958 (Compilation exhibition Kutná Hora), attached Listing post in Czech lands 1945-1950 (Mahovský) (1976), vše well preserved
Starting price: CZK
55898 - 1982-6 comp. 5 pcs of bulletins, 1) A.Gazda : Falzifikáty c
1982-6 comp. 5 pcs of bulletins, 1) A.Gazda : Falzifikáty colors Czechosl. postal stamps (1986), 2) Bouška-Leiš : Catalogue postage copy-print Prague post 1946-1982 (1983), 3) V.Váňa : P.stat on/for motive Esperanto (1983), 4) J. Karásek : Hradčany (1982), 5) J. Karásek : Perf Czechosl. postal stamps 1918-1939 (1984), well preserved
Starting price: CZK
54404 - 1928-46 comp. 7 pcs of publications: Kvasnička - postmarks
1928-46 comp. 7 pcs of publications: Kvasnička - postmarks train. post, Weiss - postmarks on stmp SO (1930), Šula and Vondruška - Novotisky and forgeries Czechosl. stamps, Zítek - Philatelic slovníček to German catalogues (1938), Scott - Filatelia terminaro (esper.slovník 1928), F. Novotný - How become filatelistou (1940), Lehovcův catalogue 1946, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
59358 - 1940-87 comp. 9 pcs of various literature in/at češtině:
1940-87 comp. 9 pcs of various literature in/at češtině: Vacek J.: Popřevratová postmark former Czechoslovakia, publ. Vacek, Prague, 1940; Polišenský Miroslav: Česko-polské post. styky from nejstarších period to end 18. century, Prague 1973; Petrásek J.: postal stationery forms for free post. traffic, Kolín 1987; Philatelic handbooks No. 3–5, 9, 18, 26; with hints usage
Starting price: CZK
58316 - 1995, 1997 collection 2 pcs of catalogues: Trojan, Protector
1995, 1997 collection 2 pcs of catalogues: Trojan, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, Slovak Rep. 1939–1945, Sudetenland; composite, Catalogue Slovak postal stamps and p.stat 1939–1945/ 1993–1997; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
58319 - 1999, 2000 collection 2 pcs of literature: Bláha, Postwar p
1999, 2000 collection 2 pcs of literature: Bláha, Postwar postmarks 1945–1946 in territory of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia; composite, Monograph postal history, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, 1. part; good condition
Starting price: CZK
58328 - 1987-2006 collection books P.stat, reporter/bulletin company
1987-2006 collection books P.stat, reporter/bulletin company collectors p.stat
Starting price: CZK
58326 - 1983-95 collection books in/at češtině: Předchůdci Czec
1983-95 collection books in/at češtině: Předchůdci Czechosl. postal stamps, teritoriální committee SČSF; Typy the first issue Austria
Starting price: CZK
56350 - 1931-41 Tribuna stamp collectors, annual volumes XI.-XXI. bo
1931-41 Tribuna stamp collectors, annual volumes XI.-XXI. bound in/at red hard cover; good condition
Starting price: CZK
54410 - 1942 A.Hardtmut : School philately, issued. Sfinx Janda, pri
1942 A.Hardtmut : School philately, issued. Sfinx Janda, print on chalky paper, very illustration also color, výpravná publication, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
59685 - 1979 History money in Moravia, George Sejbal, good condition
1979 History money in Moravia, George Sejbal, good condition
Starting price: CZK
57555 - 2007 Austria nett Catalogue, Poststamps, Österreich (Austri
2007 Austria nett Catalogue, Poststamps, Österreich (Austria) Special catalogue 2006/2007, 62. edition, as new
Starting price: CZK
56329 - 2001 Austria nett Catalogue, Österreich (Austria) Special c
2001 Austria nett Catalogue, Österreich (Austria) Special catalogue 2000/2001; have/has signs of usage, but well in good condition
Starting price: CZK
58426 - 2001 Bursden White - King George V., Sections 3, 4 and 5 of
2001 Bursden White - King George V., Sections 3, 4 and 5 of The Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue; as new
Starting price: CZK
56007 - 1990 Engel : Bohemia and Moravia Special catalogue (stamps a
1990 Engel : Bohemia and Moravia Special catalogue (stamps and special postmark), 143 sides, issue I, as new
Starting price: CZK
56005 - 1999 Engel-katalog : Bohemia and Moravia - Abarten and Fehld
1999 Engel-katalog : Bohemia and Moravia - Abarten and Fehldrucke, 225 sides, issue I, fine data by pencil, otherwise as new
Starting price: CZK
56330 - 1990 Ferchenbauer Ulrich Dr: Österreich (Austria) 1850-1918
1990 Ferchenbauer Ulrich Dr: Österreich (Austria) 1850-1918, Special catalogue and Guide, Fünfte edition, Wien; used, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
59738 - 2001 Gibbons Stanley: Great Britain, volume 1, Queen Victori
2001 Gibbons Stanley: Great Britain, volume 1, Queen Victoria, specialised Stamp Catalogue, specialized catalogue Queen Victoria; used, but in good condition
Starting price: CZK
59740 - 1983 MICHEL, Grossbritanien-Spezial, special catalogue for V
1983 MICHEL, Grossbritanien-Spezial, special catalogue for Velkou Britain, Guernsey, Man, Jersey, North Ireland, Skotsko, Wales; little used, almost as new
Starting price: CZK
56353 - 2003 MICHEL, Guernsey-, Isl. Man-, Jersey-Spezial-Katalog 20
2003 MICHEL, Guernsey-, Isl. Man-, Jersey-Spezial-Katalog 2002/2003, values in/at Michel-Euro; almost as new
Starting price: CZK
55889 - 1995 Netherlands, Speciale catalogus 95, special color catal
1995 Netherlands, Speciale catalogus 95, special color catalogue Netherlands, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
54405 - 1993 Osthues, Sobotka, Kokta : Special catalogue der Tschech
1993 Osthues, Sobotka, Kokta : Special catalogue der Tschechoslowakischen Ganzsachen (stationery), part IA, off. PC 1918-1938, catalogue is tvořen free sheets A4, good condition, clear
Starting price: CZK
54032 - 1940-89 selection 7 pcs of older catalogues: J.Vacek - Popř
1940-89 selection 7 pcs of older catalogues: J.Vacek - Popřevratová postmark 1940, dr.Ferchenbauer - Österreich (Austria) 1850 - 1900, Zumstein - Switzerland + Liechtenstein 1983, Michel - Ganzsachen (stationery) Europe 1978, Michel - Ganzsachen (stationery) Europe West 1986, Michel - Briefe (letters) Deutschland (Germany) 1985, Michel - Ganzsachen (stationery) Deutschland (Germany) 1989, all good condition
Starting price: CZK
56889 - 1930 SCOTT'S Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, Published by
1930 SCOTT'S Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, Published by SCOTT STAMP & COIN CO., Ltd., New York, pocket format, whole world in/at one bundle, exceptionally well in good condition
Starting price: CZK
59351 - 1933-35 2 pcs of philatelic literature in/at němčině: Die
1933-35 2 pcs of philatelic literature in/at němčině: Die Deutschen (German) Kolonial-Vorläufer (forerunner stamps in/at German colonies), publisher. H. Köhler, Berlin, 24 sides; Hans Schlumbohm: Die German Kolonial-Stempel (German colonial postmark), Spezial Catalogue, publisher. H. Schlumbohm & Co., Hamburg, 96 sides; good condition
Starting price: CZK
59355 -  copy German written literature about/by revenue signetes, H
copy German written literature about/by revenue signetes, Hanus L.: Stempelsignetten-Katalog von Oesterreich-Ungarn, I. Band: Die Urkundenstempel, Prag 1930, vyvázáno, ořezáno, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59353 - 1974 literature in/at italštině, Sassone: Catalogo dei Fra
1974 literature in/at italštině, Sassone: Catalogo dei Francoboli degli Antichi Stati Italiani e del Regno d'Italia di Vittorio Emanuel II (catalogue postal stamps in Staroitalských státech incl. Lombardy-Veneto and Kingdom italském), XXXIII. edizione, 170 sides; without paper cover, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58331 - 1986 collection 2 pcs of books, Schultz, Hermann: Deutsche D
1986 collection 2 pcs of books, Schultz, Hermann: Deutsche Dienstpost 1939–1945, Guide and Stempelkatalog, 4. Lieferung (Bezirke Zichenau and Bialystok, Allg. Volume der Deutsche Post and Dienstpost Ostland), 6. Lieferung (Deutsche Dienstpost Ukraine); very good condition
Starting price: CZK
58315 - 1971 collection 3 pcs of German written sešitů: Philately
1971 collection 3 pcs of German written sešitů: Philately and Postgeschichte, Nr.13, Deutsches (German) Reich: Überdruckmarken; notebook Deutsche Post in Marokko and notebook Russia, Ausgaben der Reichpost
Starting price: CZK
58330 - 1982 Tröndle, Ludwig: Briefmarkenkunde (philately), Das Gui
1982 Tröndle, Ludwig: Briefmarkenkunde (philately), Das Guide für Philatelisten, Mosaik Verlag, München (Munich); good condition
Starting price: CZK
57563 - 2005 McDONALD Greg: Australian Coins and Banknotes, The Pock
2005 McDONALD Greg: Australian Coins and Banknotes, The Pocket Guide, The 12th Edition, catalogue Australian coins and bank-notes to year 2005, soft binding, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56626 - 1943 100 years Schweizerische Postmarken 1843–1943, memori
1943 100 years Schweizerische Postmarken 1843–1943, memorial publication, issued by Generaldirektion PTT Bern; damaged backbone
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 17 / Collector`s Literature - Information

Sběratelská literatura

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