Mail Auction 17 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation

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58661 - 1938 part from double Hungarian PC sent to Slovakia, uprated
1938 part from double Hungarian PC sent to Slovakia, uprated with Hungarian stamp 6f with CDS Beregszás 38 XI.29. and special postmark Visszatért 1938; good condition light folds in corners
Starting price: CZK
58672 - 1938 uprated Hungarian PC 10f sent as Reg + Ex to Slovakia,
1938 uprated Hungarian PC 10f sent as Reg + Ex to Slovakia, CDS Rahó 38 X.26., Hungary Ruthenian R label, on reverse arrival postmark Ždiár - incomplete print, nice decorative non-philatelic
Starting price: CZK
58163 - 1938 letter from annexed Košice to Prague, right franking 3
1938 letter from annexed Košice to Prague, right franking 32f, CDS Kassa/ 38.XI.11, 2x postmark Visszatért, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55705 - 1939 Hungarian PC Mi.P109 (1939) with uprated with stamp 6f
1939 Hungarian PC Mi.P109 (1939) with uprated with stamp 6f to Bohemia, provisional rubber hand stamp Khust with crown without date, in text date 21.3.1939, interesting message family, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
56835 - 1940-43 comp. 6 pcs of letters from Berehovo to Prague, from
1940-43 comp. 6 pcs of letters from Berehovo to Prague, from that 4x as Registered, various franking, censored, all one recipient, good condition
Starting price: CZK
54073 - 1941 Reg letter to Bratislava from annexed Bielu, franked wi
1941 Reg letter to Bratislava from annexed Bielu, franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.608 + 610, CDS Bély/ 41.V.17, Hungarian Reg label, official mailing, back lapel torn, overall good condition, clear
Starting price: CZK
58143 - 1942 postcard sent to Slovakia franked with Hungarian stmps
1942 postcard sent to Slovakia franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.695, 600 with Hungarian CDS Losonc 42 XII.18., Slovak censorship, good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 17 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation - Information

Po Mnichovské dohodě bylo 2. 11. 1938 dovršeno jednání mezi Česko-slovenskem a Německem o odstoupení jižních částí Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi hortyovskému Maďarsku - První vídeňská arbitráž.