Mail Auction 17 / Philately / Europe / Austria

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56778 - 1899 PC for Prague pneumatic-tube post Mi.RP16, uprated. sta
1899 PC for Prague pneumatic-tube post Mi.RP16, uprated. stamp. Mi.5x 50, CDS Prague 1 and Prague 7/ 19.6.99, addressed to to Rumania (!), arrival postmark Gara Burdujeni/ 22.JUN.99 in front, quite rare occurrence, RR, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
58429 - 1899 RP16, 2 pcs of 10Kr clear PC for Prague pneumatic-tube
1899 RP16, 2 pcs of 10Kr clear PC for Prague pneumatic-tube post, various paper light and dark, slightly wrinkled corners, otherwise good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 40€
Starting price: CZK
55502 - 1900 comp. 10 pcs of PC in/at German - Czech variety Mi.P113
1900 comp. 10 pcs of PC in/at German - Czech variety Mi.P113, all addressed to to Jaroměřic by/on/at Jevíčko (přích.razítka), various postmark sent . post, mostly small post (Konice, Střílky, Drahanovice, Bedihošť, Sloup aj.), , various quality, mainly good condition
Starting price: CZK
53853 - 1901 PC with tax blank form Mi.STA27, German - Czech variety
1901 PC with tax blank form Mi.STA27, German - Czech variety, complete, unseparated , in the middle folded, slightly wrinkled in corner, light faded
Starting price: CZK
59617 - 1903-16 comp. 4 pcs of various p.stat certificates of mailin
1903-16 comp. 4 pcs of various p.stat certificates of mailing for telegram Aufgabeschein with CDS line STERNBERG/ IN MÄHREN, official Rabensburg, and 2x Feldsberg
Starting price: CZK
56272 - 1905 newspaper wrapper with additional-printed newspaper stm
1905 newspaper wrapper with additional-printed newspaper stmp 2H green Mercure (unofficial), CDS Teschen 1/ Cieszyn 1/ 11.7.05, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58698 - 1908 nice color postcard German Brod to Egypta(!) as tiskopi
1908 nice color postcard German Brod to Egypta(!) as tiskopis(!), franked with. printed stmp 3h Franz Joseph (issue 1908) and uprated with stamp Mi.139, 140, CDS Německý Brod 27/11 08; good condition
Starting price: CZK
57650 - 1911 PC Mi.P216 with private promotional added print bath to
1911 PC Mi.P216 with private promotional added print bath town Teplice Šanov, sent to Germany, MC Teplitz - Schönau/ 12.IV.11, stains, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
58427 - 1912 RP29, PC 25h sent by Prague pneumatic tube post, CDS Pr
1912 RP29, PC 25h sent by Prague pneumatic tube post, CDS Prague 8/ 9.II.12-XII, arrival postmark Prague TGF 9.II.12-XII, on address-side seal with monogram, good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 42€
Starting price: CZK
53848 - 1913-14? newspaper address cards, private issue, 2 pcs of, s
1913-14? newspaper address cards, private issue, 2 pcs of, stamp. Mercure R 2h, 1x for Kingdom of Bohemia and 1x for Moravia, good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
59691 - 1914 private commercial postal stationery cover with additio
1914 private commercial postal stationery cover with additionally printed stamp. from issue Franz Joseph 10h and 25h, sent as Reg, CDS Brno 18.X.14; crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
53843 - 1915 larger part postal order card Mi.AK2, CDS Král. Vinohr
1915 larger part postal order card Mi.AK2, CDS Král. Vinohrady/ 20.3.15, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
54298 - 1915-17 2x private commercial postal stationery cover, on/fo
1915-17 2x private commercial postal stationery cover, on/for both additional printing stamps 10h Franz Joseph, red, both envelope/-s window, used, CDS Prague 1/ 6.X.15 and MC Prague 1/ 26.III.17, by/on/at one envelope/-s faded margin, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
59718 - 1917 private postal stationery cover with printed stmp 15h i
1917 private postal stationery cover with printed stmp 15h issue 1916 with CDS Troppau 1/ 5.II.17, additional printing firm J.Novák Prague, decorative, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58798 - 1918 by air mail sent PC 8h Charles  to Budapest, uprated by
1918 by air mail sent PC 8h Charles to Budapest, uprated by. air stamp. Mi.225-227x with CDS Wien 1/ 11.VII.18 and Flugpost Wien 12.VII.18, on reverse arrival postmark Budapest 918 Jul.12., overfranked, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58428 - 1918 RK13a, letter-card 45h sent by Prague pneumatic tube po
1918 RK13a, letter-card 45h sent by Prague pneumatic tube post, without margins, part CDS Prague TGF 9.I.18-3, good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 145€
Starting price: CZK
53527 - 1921 pneumatic tube postcard Mi.RP33, tricolour additional f
1921 pneumatic tube postcard Mi.RP33, tricolour additional franking Mi.262, 313, 320, CDS T.A.8 Wien 64/ 21.X.21, arrival postmark Wien 69/ 21.X.21 in front, folded (by/on/at pneumatic-tube post common), good condition
Starting price: CZK
60135 - 1927 uprated by. PC 10g Mi.P276 with advertising two-sided a
1927 uprated by. PC 10g Mi.P276 with advertising two-sided additional-printing newspapers "Wochenschau" with objednávkou for Czechoslovakia in/at CZK, MC Wien 10.VIII.27; on reverse hinged, light fold in corner
Starting price: CZK
51357 - 1948 Mi.P331 double PC, rate for traffic with Czechoslovakia
1948 Mi.P331 double PC, rate for traffic with Czechoslovakia, unfolded, well preserved, very sought
Starting price: CZK
54408 - 1724 comp. 2 pcs of printed confirmations (No.49 and č.118)
1724 comp. 2 pcs of printed confirmations (No.49 and č.118) mobile post about/by payment after/behind transport 12 barrels beer, both light folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
54259 - 1782 receipt printed, with post off. Prag, for letter addres
1782 receipt printed, with post off. Prag, for letter addressed to komtese de Klenau, lower ribbed paper, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56287 - 1794 postmaster certificate of mailing on/for mailing from
1794 postmaster certificate of mailing on/for mailing from Želetavy to Vienna, German variety, in good condition
Starting price: CZK
50549 - 1799 printed receiving receipt, with the Pressburg post offi
1799 printed receiving receipt, with the Pressburg post office name, preserved
Starting price: CZK
54261 - 1799 receipt printed, with post off. Strakonice, on/for regi
1799 receipt printed, with post off. Strakonice, on/for registered letter, nice, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50550 - 1801 receipt printed, with post off. Pressburg, very fine
1801 receipt printed, with post off. Pressburg, very fine
Starting price: CZK
50547 - 1811 printed receiving receipt, with name of Pressburg post
1811 printed receiving receipt, with name of Pressburg post office, slight cross bend
Starting price: CZK
59633 - 1813 stamped release after/behind fee on/for newspaper, Prag
1813 stamped release after/behind fee on/for newspaper, Prag; good condition
Starting price: CZK
50548 - 1815 receipt printed, with post off. Pressburg, cross fold
1815 receipt printed, with post off. Pressburg, cross fold
Starting price: CZK
56288 - 1822 párový Receipt below č.1097 from Želetavy (2 pcs of
1822 párový Receipt below č.1097 from Želetavy (2 pcs of), well preserved, interesting
Starting price: CZK
54391 - 1829 posting also reply receipt, both printed, with post off
1829 posting also reply receipt, both printed, with post off. Moravské Budějovice , so-called. "dvojče", rare occurrence, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
56291 - 1833 Postwagens - advice, sent post office Želetava as ex o
1833 Postwagens - advice, sent post office Želetava as ex officio Magistrátu to Dačic, German variety, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59628 - 1834-46 comp. 7 pcs of pre-philatelic receipts, Postamt (Pos
1834-46 comp. 7 pcs of pre-philatelic receipts, Postamt (Post-office) Budwitz, Wien, Nikolsburg, Postamt (Post-office) Posoritz, Postamt (Post-office) Weiskirch, ZNAYM oval pmk; good condition
Starting price: CZK
54411 - 1837-38 comp. 2 pcs of printed confirmations mobile post, fr
1837-38 comp. 2 pcs of printed confirmations mobile post, from that 1 pcs of with post off. Strutz after/behind transport 2 pcs of cattle and 1 pcs of with post off. Kremsier, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59627 - 1838 receipt dvojče Postamt (Post-office) Budwitz, good con
1838 receipt dvojče Postamt (Post-office) Budwitz, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50489 - 1851-66 assembly of 6 receiving receipts with line postmark
1851-66 assembly of 6 receiving receipts with line postmark Pressburg, 1x circular postmark Pressburg, 2x signs of sticking
Starting price: CZK
59629 - 1851-83 comp. 5 pcs of receipts with postmarks Eisegrub, PRO
1851-83 comp. 5 pcs of receipts with postmarks Eisegrub, PROSSNITZ in decorated frame, 2x Namiest, Brünn
Starting price: CZK
59003 - 1853 Retour - Receipt on reverse with 6 Kreuzer (Mi.4), much
1853 Retour - Receipt on reverse with 6 Kreuzer (Mi.4), much various postmarks Pardubitz, Bahnh.Pardubitz, Krakau, Lemberg, Przemysl,Stanislau, Woynilow, interesting, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59631 - 1869 certificate of mailing for telegram with blue straight
1869 certificate of mailing for telegram with blue straight line postmark LUNDENBURG, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55526 - 1869 reply receipt (two-sided printed, German - Czech) for R
1869 reply receipt (two-sided printed, German - Czech) for Reg letter to Teplice, with 10Kr, Mi.38 I., CDS Seestadtl 8.8.69, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
54398 - 1872 printed confirmation after/behind zaplacený telegram a
1872 printed confirmation after/behind zaplacený telegram at the post office Steinkirchen, 2x blue straight line postmark this post, good condition
Starting price: CZK
53841 - 1881 C.O.D. dispatch-note, Un (Poštovská address pass + Or
1881 C.O.D. dispatch-note, Un (Poštovská address pass + Order sheet), undetached, Sch.31, German - Czech variety, revenue 5 Kreuzer/ 1881, folded in perforation, nice
Starting price: CZK
56286 - 1883 certificate of mailing post B.Teiniz for Reg letter to
1883 certificate of mailing post B.Teiniz for Reg letter to Neuhausu, German variety, mounted on/for same background paper, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
58031 - 1883 request sheet with 2+2+3+3Kr fine print, Mi.2x 35,2x 36
1883 request sheet with 2+2+3+3Kr fine print, Mi.2x 35,2x 36, CDS Mostau 23.5.83, inserted written expression and certificate of mailing, register fold over 2 stmp, after all interesting, rare occurrence, profitable price, cat. Ferchenbauer 3000€, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
55724 - 1891-94 comp. 14 pcs of parcel cards with imprinted stamps 5
1891-94 comp. 14 pcs of parcel cards with imprinted stamps 5 Kreuzer. from year 1888, uprated with stamp with interesting postmarks (Eiwanowitz, Wagstadt, Arnau, Goldenstein, Wallachisch Meseritz, Iglau town, Troppau); 2 pcs of cross folded
Starting price: CZK
55504 - 1893 more/larger part post. dispatch-note (Sch.96), German v
1893 more/larger part post. dispatch-note (Sch.96), German variety, revenue 5Kr/1888, intended for 3 parcels, with 3x 30Kr., CDS Wien/ 3.3.93, on reverse arrival postmark. Leutchach/ 5.3.93, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55503 - 1896 PC liberated from postage in/at German - Czech variety
1896 PC liberated from postage in/at German - Czech variety (Sch.22), CDS Jaroměřice by/on/at Jevíčko/ 13.1.96, arrival postmark. Jevíčko/ 13.1.96, důvod freedom - "matter register", good condition
Starting price: CZK
59630 - 1902 blank form with confirmation about/by payment compartme
1902 blank form with confirmation about/by payment compartment charge with mounted pair postage-due stamp. 100h, Mi.21 with CDS Platsch 27/3 02; good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 100€
Starting price: CZK
58884 - 1905 international reply form from Moravia to USA, with Mi.1
1905 international reply form from Moravia to USA, with Mi.112 25h ultramarine, CDS DOLNÍ RUDA 8/1/05, transit pmk New York 1-21/1905, arrival Wilson/ Kans. FEB/9/1905; significant crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
58430 - 1918 certificate of mailing for telegram with 10h Crown with
1918 certificate of mailing for telegram with 10h Crown with CDS Mnichovo Hradiště 8/7 18; only light vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
58391 - 1945 Mi.674-92 + Mi.693II - 696II., vertical overprint Öste
1945 Mi.674-92 + Mi.693II - 696II., vertical overprint "Österreich (Austria)" (issue for Soviet zone - Graz), complete set., in addition values 6, 8, 12, 15 and 20Pf in 2 various shades, total 28 pcs of, all exp. Weihs + certificate from y 1947, first hinge., missing in most collections, catalogue value for MNH 650€
Starting price: CZK
54192 - 1945 Mi.674-92, 693/IB, 694/IA, 695/IIA, 696/IIA overprint,
1945 Mi.674-92, 693/IB, 694/IA, 695/IIA, 696/IIA overprint, unattested, mint never hinged, c.v.. 520€
Starting price: CZK
57467 - 1945 Mi.674-92, local issue for Styria, c.v.. 150€
1945 Mi.674-92, local issue for Styria, c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
50446 - 1946 Mi.Klb. 772-775, miniature sheets including the origina
1946 Mi.Klb. 772-775, miniature sheets including the original plates, all luxury, only in the Mi.Klb.774 sheet very slight breaks of margins, catalogue 2000€
Starting price: CZK
55214 - 1949 Mi.929-32 Šťastné childhood, whole set 4 pcs of, ver
1949 Mi.929-32 Šťastné childhood, whole set 4 pcs of, very light postmark in lower part, well preserved, c.v.. 85€
Starting price: CZK
58052 - 1949 Mi.929-32, Children, complete set., mint never hinged,
1949 Mi.929-32, Children, complete set., mint never hinged, c.v.. 80€
Starting price: CZK
57468 - 1950 Mi.952-54, 960-63, Jahrestag der Volksabstimmung in Car
1950 Mi.952-54, 960-63, Jahrestag der Volksabstimmung in Carinthia (Kärnten) and Wiederaufbau, c.v.. 180€
Starting price: CZK
58055 - 1950-53 Mi.955-56, 968, 984-87, airmail stmp Birds, mint nev
1950-53 Mi.955-56, 968, 984-87, airmail stmp Birds, mint never hinged, c.v.. 430€
Starting price: CZK
56322 - 1953 Mi.984-7  Birds, complete set., mint never hinged, c.v.
1953 Mi.984-7 Birds, complete set., mint never hinged, c.v.. 400€
Starting price: CZK
57636 - 1955 Mi.1012-16 the 10th jubilee independence, complete set.
1955 Mi.1012-16 the 10th jubilee independence, complete set., mint never hinged, c.v.. 60€
Starting price: CZK
55440 - 1945-47 comp. 4 pcs of letters addressed to Czechoslovakia,
1945-47 comp. 4 pcs of letters addressed to Czechoslovakia, from that 2x Reg letter, various franking and various censorship, interesting, as multiple good condition
Starting price: CZK