Mail Auction 17 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Chainbreaker Issue 1920

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58024 - 1920 Pof.151 20h imperforated, plate proof in violet color
1920 Pof.151 20h imperforated, plate proof in violet color
Starting price: CZK
55030 - 1920 Pof.151A + 153A + 161A  issue Chainbreaker, double prin
1920 Pof.151A + 153A + 161A issue Chainbreaker, double prints, 20h stamp with bottom margin and a control number, 30h folded, experts Gilbert, Karásek, Stupka, catalogue over 2000CZK
Starting price: CZK
55031 - 1920 Pof.151A, 1x marginal piece with full machine offset (o
1920 Pof.151A, 1x marginal piece with full machine offset (on both sides hinged), block of four with L margin and horiz. paper crease over 2 stmp (label below all stamps) folded in perforation, interesting, but We recommend it examination
Starting price: CZK
55029 - 1920 Pof.151N + 154N/II., 1x marginal piece, stamp. 20h obli
1920 Pof.151N + 154N/II., 1x marginal piece, stamp. 20h oblique fold and exp. by Stupka + Le, stamp. 40h exp. by Gilbert., good margins
Starting price: CZK
55781 - 1920 Pof.151N-161N, 10 pcs of, without č.159N, imperforated
1920 Pof.151N-161N, 10 pcs of, without č.159N, imperforated, good margins, č.156N exp. Hirsch, Tribuna, č.154N T II., č.152N production flaw dark line in gum, major-part stamp. with hint of removed hinge!
Starting price: CZK
57153 - 1920 Pof.151TV, incomplete-printing in/at picture stamp. als
1920 Pof.151TV, incomplete-printing in/at picture stamp. also in/at inscription "Czechoslovakia", mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
55021 - 1920 Pof.151ZT-161ZT  issue Chainbreaker, 10 pieces of black
1920 Pof.151ZT-161ZT issue Chainbreaker, 10 pieces of black prints, mostly on white chalk paper, 25h stamp expertised by Beneš and 50h stamp expertised by Karásek, some stamps with label
Starting price: CZK
58980 - 1920 Pof.152A, horizontal pair, shifted comb, on reverse ful
1920 Pof.152A, horizontal pair, shifted comb, on reverse full offset
Starting price: CZK
55026 - 1920 Pof.152N + 157N, both with machine offset, by/on/at No.
1920 Pof.152N + 157N, both with machine offset, by/on/at No.152 rest of hinge in picture side, by/on/at No.157 paper crease, good margins
Starting price: CZK
55019 - 1920 Pof.152ZT issue Chainbreaker, stamp with the date 28.X.
1920 Pof.152ZT issue Chainbreaker, stamp with the date 28.X.1918, incomplete printing of trial print in light green, marked, from a TGM joined printing, paper with gum, track of the label, expert Karasek
Starting price: CZK
55028 - 1920 Pof.153N + 154N/II., 1x marginal, good margins, by/on/a
1920 Pof.153N + 154N/II., 1x marginal, good margins, by/on/at 30h very thin/light spot in margin, 1x exp. by Gilbert., Stupka, 1x Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
55025 - 1920 Pof.153ZT, trial print in vínové color, both numeral
1920 Pof.153ZT, trial print in vínové color, both numeral value, without initials of author VHB, wide margins, paper with gum, exp. by Stupka
Starting price: CZK
57125 - 1920 Pof.154, selection of plate variety from both plate T I
1920 Pof.154, selection of plate variety from both plate T I., total 228 pcs of stamps, placed on stock-book sheet A4, every stmp with mark pos. and plate, incl. stamps from joined. types pos. 96 (exp. by Karasek.), also 3x horiz. comb, extraordinary selection of multiyear work
Starting price: CZK
55023 - 1920 Pof.154A, type I, nice centered, lightly hinged, exp. M
1920 Pof.154A, type I, nice centered, lightly hinged, exp. Mrňák, c.v.. 150CZK
Starting price: CZK
55024 - 1920 Pof.154A/II., block of four with L margin and lighter m
1920 Pof.154A/II., block of four with L margin and lighter machine offset stamps Pof.157, horiz. folded in perforation, otherwise good quality
Starting price: CZK
57154 - 1920 Pof.154B flaw print, significant circle L, mint never h
1920 Pof.154B flaw print, significant circle L, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
55027 - 1920 Pof.154N/II.+158N, good margins, good quality, exp. by
1920 Pof.154N/II.+158N, good margins, good quality, exp. by Stupka., Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
59570 - 1920 Pof.155 50h red, marginal strip-of-3 with control-numbe
1920 Pof.155 50h red, marginal strip-of-3 with control-numbers and with incomplete offset
Starting price: CZK
57152 - 1920 Pof.155 with plate variety 1 little-egg in waist, mint
1920 Pof.155 with plate variety 1 "little-egg in waist", mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
57296 - 1920 Pof.155, horiz. marginal Pr, 1 pcs of with plate variet
1920 Pof.155, horiz. marginal Pr, 1 pcs of with plate variety "little-egg in waist", mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
55020 - 1920 Pof.155ZT, black print as blk-of-4 on brownish paper, g
1920 Pof.155ZT, black print as blk-of-4 on brownish paper, good quality
Starting price: CZK
58984 - 1920 Pof.156B, marginal piece from tête-bêche, pos
1920 Pof.156B, marginal piece from tête-bêche, pos. 85, plate 1, block 1, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
49829 - 1920 Pof.156N 50h green, imperforated smudged printing, in t
1920 Pof.156N 50h green, imperforated smudged printing, in the left margin cca 2mm tearing, expertised by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
56475 - 1920 Pof.156TBa, close opposite facing pair, part MC, in per
1920 Pof.156TBa, close opposite facing pair, part MC, in perforation light folded, label, c.v.. 750CZK
Starting price: CZK
55780 - 1920 Pof.157C, horiz. comb, with L margin,  shift perforatio
1920 Pof.157C, horiz. comb, with L margin, shift perforation. comb, nice quality, cat. min. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
55022 - 1920 Pof.160A, 2 pcs of, 1x with machine and 1x sheet offset
1920 Pof.160A, 2 pcs of, 1x with machine and 1x sheet offset, nice
Starting price: CZK
58481 - 1920 Pof.144-157TBa,  complete set of close opposite facing
1920 Pof.144-157TBa, complete set of close opposite facing pairs; very nice pieces without folds in perforation, c.v.. 2960CZK
Starting price: CZK
58480 - 1920 Pof.144-157TBb, complete set of wide opposite facing pa
1920 Pof.144-157TBb, complete set of wide opposite facing pairs; very nice pieces without folds in perforation, c.v.. 6040CZK
Starting price: CZK
55779 - 1920 Pof.144-157TBb, complete set wide opposite facing pairs
1920 Pof.144-157TBb, complete set wide opposite facing pairs (6 pcs of), by/on/at No.146 several light rusty teeth on/for mezikuponu, 1x exp. by Gilbert (20h), 1x Tribuna (50h), c.v.. 6040CZK
Starting price: CZK
55244 - 1920 Pof.144-57 TBa, complete set close opposite facing pair
1920 Pof.144-57 TBa, complete set close opposite facing pairs TBa stamp. Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker (6 pairs), 4x with margin, 2x exp. by Gilbert (144, 148), nice quality, c.v.. 2960CZK
Starting price: CZK
59146 - 1920 letter to Slovakia with Pof.155 with plate variety litt
1920 letter to Slovakia with Pof.155 with plate variety "little-egg in waist" + Pigeon-issue 10h, CDS Pardubice/ 16.X.20, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59701 - 1920 letter with additional-printing  with Pof.152 issue Cha
1920 letter with additional-printing with Pof.152 issue Chainbreaker 25h brown; defects, crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
58992 - 1920 Ex letter with Pof.156A as blk-of-4, by/on/at 2 stamp.
1920 Ex letter with Pof.156A as blk-of-4, by/on/at 2 stamp. retouch (!), and to 1. variant retouch "egg" (pos. 39) and retouch "white stain in prstech L leg" (pos. 50), CDS Jaroměř 31.III.?., quite rare find, exp. by Chvalovsky.., good condition
Starting price: CZK
54956 - 1920? Pof.156 issue Chainbreaker, used as newspaper on/for c
1920? Pof.156 issue Chainbreaker, used as newspaper on/for cover, to France, little clear pmk Prague abroad - Etranger/ ?, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58592 - 1922 Ex letter on reverse franked with. TB stamps Pof.154TBa
1922 Ex letter on reverse franked with. TB stamps Pof.154TBa + 154TBa, CDS Dalvice/ 13.III.22, right franking for narrower circuit, V. postal rate, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58520 - 1922 Pof.156 issue Chainbreaker, stmp mounted on Ppc, retouc
1922 Pof.156 issue Chainbreaker, stmp mounted on Ppc, retouch of egg on pos. 39, plate 4, CDS Pohořelice/ 30.XII.22, good condition
Starting price: CZK
54938 - 1922 Pof.156, bigger part of postal dispatch post, Czech - G
1922 Pof.156, bigger part of postal dispatch post, Czech - German alternative, paid cash, postage stamp Pof. 156 used as postage due stamp , daily postmark Teplice - Šanov/ 13.V.22, arrival Boskovice/ 13.V.22, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
56791 - 1923 commercial PC with Pof.156B, MC Prague 25/ 9.VIII.23, e
1923 commercial PC with Pof.156B, MC Prague 25/ 9.VIII.23, exp. by Gilbert., good condition
Starting price: CZK
55463 - 1924 letter franked with. 2x thin/close opposite facing pair
1924 letter franked with. 2x thin/close opposite facing pair (Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker) Pof.146TBa + 154TBa, CDS Slezská Ostrava 1/ 30.XII.24, slightly smudge address, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
55426 - 1924 commercial Reg letter addressed to to Germany, franked
1924 commercial Reg letter addressed to to Germany, franked with. Pof.153, 156 + 173, 2x 174, CDS Prague 1/ 24.X.24, nice 4-coloured franking, arrival postmark Frankfurt 26.10.24 on reverse, light wrinkled margins, good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 17 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Chainbreaker Issue 1920 - Information

18.6. 1920  Osvobozená republika

Autorem poštovních známek Osvobozená republika je Vratislav Hugo Brunner. Známky byly vydány v 11 různých hodnotách, od 20 h - do 250 haléřů, hodnota 50 haléřů ve 2 různých barvách (červená a žlutozelená). Všechny poštovní známky této emise vytiskla tiskárna České grafické Unie v Praze knihtiskem (KT). Stejně jako u předchozí emise Holubice byly i tyto známky vydávány postupně, ve 3 obdobích: v červnu 1920 hodnoty 20, 25 a 30 haléřů, v srpnu 1920 hodnoty 40, 50 /červená/, 60, 100, 185 a 250 haléřů, poslední 2 hodnoty 50 h /zelená/ a 150 h vyšly až v dubnu 1922. Pro tisk jednotlivých hodnot byl použit různý počet tiskových desek (TD), od 2 - do 40 kusů, v různých sestavách. Buď dvě a dvě různé hodnoty, nebo dvě desky jedné hodnoty emise Holubice a dvě desky jedné hodnoty emise Osvobozená republika (OR). U některých hodnot emise OR se dosud nepodařilo přesně zjistit kolika TD byly vytištěny, neboť byly vydány v dnes těžko uvěřitelných nákladech. Např. 60 h modrá necelých 269 milionů, 50 h zelená skoro 470 milionů kusů! Platnost poštovních známek Osvobozená republika nebyla ukončena ve stejný den, z oběhu byly jednotlivé hodnoty stahovány postupně. Dnem 30.4.1921 skončila platnost hodnot 20 a 25 haléřů, o 9 měsíců později, dne 31.1.1923 přestaly platit hodnoty 50 /červená/, 100, 150, 185 a 250 haléřů a dne 31.12.1925 byla ukončena platnost hodnot 30, 40, 50 /zelená/ a 60 haléřů. Kromě bílého papíru s hladkým lepem byl pro tisk poštovních známek této emise použit i papír nažloutlý až nahnědlý, též tenký s prosvítajícím tiskem i tlustší. Kromě bílého byl rovněž použit lep nažloutlý pórovitý, někdy i rýhovaný a také žlutohnědý. Všechny známky byly opatřeny hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14, u hodnot 40, 50, 60, 100 a 150 haléřů bylo použito i řádkové zoubkování ŘZ 13¾. Se stejným zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾ existují i hodnoty 20, 25, 30, 185 a 250 haléřů, které nebyly úředně vydány. Zajímavou specializací u poštovních známek emise OR jsou desková čísla (DČ) vyskytující se u dolních rohových známek (ZP 91 a ZP 100) na dolních okrajích PA a deskové značky na ochranných rámech na svislých okrajích PA. Sběratelé deskových a výrobních vad si s ohledem na celkový počet TD rozhodně přijdou na své.