1945 Modřany, provisional issue, print sheet with joined printing 2 PB values 80h and 1,20 Koruna with opposite facing gutters, production folds in gum and abraded corner, viewing of quality recommended
1945 Olomouc, revolutionary issue Eagle, set 5 pcs of various values, in addition cancelled printing error stamps with value 120h in blue color (marginal piece), sought
1945Olomouc, revolutionary issue - Eagle, comp. 5 pcs of numbered miniature sheets and stamp. + 2 pcs of miniature sheets in/at other color with blank in the middle
1945 overprint black Czechoslovak. state coat of arms 15x18mm on/for Bohemian and Moravian stamp. 10h - 50K A. Hitler, Pof.78-99, complete set of, mint never hinged
1945 overprint black Czechoslovak. state coat of arms 15x18mm on/for postage and special Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Pof.54-56, 62-63, 64-66, 100-1, 106-7, mint never hinged
1945Rimavská Sobota, red Opt C.S.P. type I., on/for Hungarian stmp, total 18 pcs of (incomplete), some stamps fold, 6x exp. Blaha, 8x exp. Šablatúra, sought overprint
1945Rychnov, overprint (Geo.L420), blk-of-10 stamps Hitler 1,20 Koruna with black overprint + 2x trial overprint in red and black color on transparent paper (blk-of-12), nice quality
1945 Svitavy (Geo.N1530), Nové Město nad Metují (Geo.P150), Prague Old town (Geo. doesn't report), comp. 3 pcs of various převrácených(!) overprints, mint never hinged
1945 German PC 6Pf uprated by. stamps Hitler, sent as Reg, stamps with red overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO (Geo. doesn't register), German bianco Reg label, date-stamp 12.VI.1945, straight line postmark Starý Habendorf, sound condition, fake/fabrication Kvasnička
1945 2 pcs of letters with with overprints, 1x letter with 3 stamp. from that 1x with overprint Czecho-Slovakia/ 1945 with CDS Sadská 5.V.45 + 1x letter with 5 pcs of stmp with overprint Post/ Czechoslovak/ 1945 with CDS Olomouc 1/ 16.V.45 and advertising cachet to freedom Olomouc; good condition
1945letter franked with. stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 1,20 Koruna with překrytým name Grossdeutsches Reich, framed pmk OfficialAlliedExpeditionary Force/ Military Government, sent to War Office, well preserved
1945 comp. 5 pcs of letters (4x bianco), 4x with stamps with jičínským overprint (Geo.P50) in/at blue or red color "Pravda zvítězila", used in/at Kartouzích-Valdicích, 3x Reg label, well preserved
1945 off. PC BOHEMIA-MORAVIA with 1,20 Koruna Hitler with vertical overprint "Post Czechoslovakia" (Geo. doesn't report), broken out MC Prague 14/ 15.V.45, good condition, authenticity overprint unattested
1945CDV73 sent as Reg, uprated. stamp. Pof.372, 377, 378 and 384, provisional double-line cancel. Post Off./ HORNÍ LUTYNĚ + date-stamp 24.X.1945, German Reg label with same provisory cancel., arrival postmark Prague 73/ 25.X.45 in front, on reverse mounted certificate of mailing, recipient B. Ševčík, decorative
1945 letter + Reg letter with Linden Leaves with provisory postmarks Růžďol by/on/at Liberec/ 1945 and Dobřany/ 1945 + broken out cancel, good condition
1945 EXPULSION OF GERMANS letter District bank franked cash 1,20Kčs, provisional pmk Post. office in Šluknově/ State Coat of Arms , addressed to to DOLNÍ POUSTEVNY, on reverse hand-made "Vyhoštěna" + signature + German CDS DOLNÍ POUSTEVNA 19.7.45, returned sender, interesting example of post-war expulsion Germans, envelope vertical rozříznuta for exhibit (ex Dražan)
1945 Ex + Reg letter franked 9,40CZK cash, rubber hand stamp Most/ 1945 + broken-out German CDS with date 11.7.45, changed German Reg label with straight line postmark Most, sent to War Office - headquarters air forces, arrival pmk Prague 47 on reverse, good condition
1945 philatelically influenced Reg letter franked with. str-of-7 Pof.376, provisory straight line postmark Jezeří + date-stamp 27.7.45, nationalized German Reg label, arrival pmk Prague 30.VII.45 on reverse, in addition certificate of mailing, good condition
1945 philatelically influenced Reg letter with Pof.378, 379, provisional bicircular cancel. with national emblem Kamenický Šenov/ Czechoslovak Post., nationalized German provisional registry label, arrival pmk Prague 47/ 17.XI.45 on reverse, good condition
1945 philatelically influenced Reg letter with Pof.378, 379, nationalized German CDS with date 4.7.45 + straight line postmark Městečko Trnávka outside franking, German Reg label with same straight line postmark., arrival postmark Prague 47/ 7.VII.45 on reverse, incl. certificate of mailing, good condition
1945 philatelically influenced Reg letter with Pof.401, provisional framed pmk LOM U / MOST/ 17.VIII.1945, German Reg label with straight line postmark same post, arrival postmark Prague 47/ 19.VIII.45 on reverse, incl. certificate of mailing, well preserved
1945 philatelically influenced Reg letter with Pof.401, provisional line CDS Libkovice + date-stamp 5.9.45, German Reg label with same CDS, arrival postmark Prague 47 on reverse, incl. posting card, well preserved
1945 commercial Reg letter with Pof.391 5x, 397 3x, provisional frame cancel. Post Off./ ČESKÝ JIŘETÍN dist. Most/ 12.XII.45 + rubber hand stamp ČESKÝ JIŘETÍN / 1945, B/W bianco Reg label, arrival pmk Ústí n.L./ 17.XII.45 on reverse, good condition, decorative!
1945 card without franking with CDS Náchod/ 24.V.45 sent to Slovakia, here mounted Postage due stamps Slovak Rep. Alb.D16+19 in value 1,50 Koruna, so basic fee valid in Slovakia without navýšení, arrival postmark. Skalica/ 8.VI.45, well preserved
1945 card without franking with marking Postage due 60h, broken out cancel Prostějov 1/ 25.V.45, cachet "PROSTĚJOV free of Germanic felons 9. May 1945", good condition
1945 postcard to Prague with postage paid cash (60h), marked postmark, broken out cancel Prostějov 1/ 14.VI.45 and cachet "PROSTĚJOV free of Germanic felons 9. May 1945", good condition
1945 Reg letter franked with. invalidated newspaper stmp Pigeon-issue, right porto 4,20 Koruna, protek. Reg label, broken out cancel Zlonice/ 21.V.45, on reverse mounted certificate of mailing, good condition
1945 Reg letter with Pof.389 2x, 397, 401, nationalized Bohemian and Moravian CDS Town-hall near Rokycany 5.XII.45, provisional registry label, arrival postmark Prague 6.XII.45 on reverse, envelope L little cut, good condition
1945 Reg letter with Pof.378, 379, provisional double-circle cancel. Ludvikovice 27.8.45, German Reg label with same CDS, addressed to Central social insurance company, arrival postmark Prague 55/ 29.VIII.45 on reverse, good condition
1945 Reg letter with Pof.378, 379, provisional thimple postmark Post Off./ Moravská Ostrava 3 + date-stamp 27.VII.45, changed bilingual Reg label, transit and arrival postmark Prague 1 and Prague 6 on reverse, well preserved
1945 Reg letter with Pof.389, 2x 397, line provisional postmark Post Off./ Louka by/on/at Litvínov + date-stamp 13.IX.1945, bianco German Reg label with straight line postmark same post, addressed to Pátrací service of Red Cross, arrival postmark Prague on reverse - incomplete print, well preserved
1945 Reg letter with Pof.392 3x, 396 2x, rubber hand stamp Levín below Jelečskýmsedlem/ 1945 + date-stamp 24. September 1945, German Reg label, adresovánno to Ústí n.L., arrival postmark on reverse illegible, good condition
1945 comp. 4 pcs of letters franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler after/around freedom, from that 2x Reg letter with CDS Německý Brod 14.V.45 and Prague 12.V.45, 1x service letter with CDS Hýskov 16.V.45; good condition
1945 comp. 5 pcs of letters (1x R with bilingual Reg label Oskorschinek/ Oskořínek) with provisory broken out CDS (Oskořínek 18.VII.45, Německá Rybná 26.VI.45 supplemented with straight line postmark Orlická Rybná, 3x Prostějov, 29.V.45, 14.VI.45, 11.VI.45); good condition
1945 comp. 7 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks cash franked/paid, contains i.a. Reg letter with CDS Prostějov 1/ 3.VII.45 with cancel. for postage also R postmark, Post Off. DOLNÍ GRUNT by/on/at Varnsdorf, Mimoň, Stříbro, Mikulášovice etc.., good condition
1945 comp. 8 pcs of letters with provisory postmarks, 3x franked (2x as R), 2x without postage due, 1x porto receiver, 1x average sum, 1x postcard cash, good condition
1945 off. envelope Post Office Department (originally Bohemian and Moravian ministry transport) without franking, broken-out Bohemian and Moravian MC Prague 47/ 31.VII.45, interesting document, good condition
1945 franked with. Reg letter with provisory straight line postmark Mohelnice on/for Moravian. and broken out CDS 20.7.45, German R label with postmark, on reverse arrival postmark., good condition
1945-46 8 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks as for example. Post Off. Petřvald in Silesia on/for newspaper cut-square, Post Off. HORNÍ NĚMČÍ, Post Off. Odry, Post Off. Neštěmice, Staré Splavy and other; mainly good condition
1946 commercial Reg letter with Pof.415 3x, 421 in front + 416 4x on reverse, rubber hand stamp Počerady/ 1946 + broken-out German CDS with date 27.2.46, bianco Reg label with same rubber cancel., arrival postmark Prague 1/ 28.II.46 on reverse, well preserved
1946 Reg letter addressed to Central social insurance company, with Pof.387 3x, 390, 395, 396 4x, rubber hand stamp Lechovice with broken out year, bianco Reg label supplemented with straight line postmark Lechovice, arrival postmark Prague 55/ 18.1.46 on reverse, nice quality