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1949 Pof.L29-32KD, the bottom coupons air-mail provisional, c.v.. 850CZK 1949 Pof.L29-L32 Air overprint provisory, complete corners (miniatures) with margin, mint never hinged 1951 Pof.L33, Czechoslovak Spas., 2x R blk-of-4 with margin, harrow perforation and inverted harrow perforation, 1x short detachment/section stamps in perforation, 1x worse gum, otherwise mint never hinged U:A5
1951 Pof.L35, Czechoslovak Spas., 2x L block of four with margin, harrow perforation, inverted harrow perforation, mint never hinged U:A5
1948 2x Reg and airmail. letter to India, both franked air stamps Pof.L17 3x, L20, 452 (on reverse), special postmark Prague 7 Airmail/ first flight Prague - Bombay/ 10.II.1948, returned back, much postmarks and polepky, signs of usage, sender Herout 1948 Reg and airmail letter franked by multicolor franking Pof.L17 2x, 18 2x, 481-83, broken out cancel Zlín 24.IX.48, addressed to to India, on reverse arrival D.L.O./ Bombay 5.OCT.48, label "Unclaimed", framed pmk Retour, straight line postmark "Service Suspended"; very decorative entire 1948 Reg and airmail letter to Hong Congo, with Pof.461, L20 2x, special postmark Prague 7 Airmail/ the first flight Prague - Bombay/ 10.II.1948, arrival postmark. Kowloon + recording stamp, sent back, good condition with hints transport, sender Herout 1948-49 comp. 3 pcs of Reg and airmail letter sent to Austria franked with. air stamp., 1x Pof.L18, L19, CDS Kalek 17.XII.48; 1x Pof.L18, L20, CDS Kalek 25.XI.48; 1x Pof.L31, CDS Brno 1/ 13.XII.49, all censored, good condition U:A5
1950-51 comp. 2 pcs of Reg, express and airmail. letters sent to Austria, franked with. air stamp. with margin, 1x Pof.KL29, KL32, CDS Brno 1/ 27.XII.50; 1x Pof.KL30, KL31, CDS Brno 1/ 5.1.51, both censored, transit and arrival postmark on reverse, good condition