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1980-88 COSMOS/ USSR comp. 4 pcs of envelopes with deck postmarks from společných international flight USSR - Kuba, Romania, France, Bulgaria, Un, 1x CDV, nice quality 1947 SCOUTING card to Czechoslovakia sent from camp national meeting Swedish křesťanských of scouts, 2x special postmark Adalslägret/ 27.7.47, without text, nice 1937 SCOUTING/ NETHERLANDS holandská PC Mi.P182 sent účastníkem 5. Jamboree to Czechoslovakia, special postmark + postmark Headquarters Czechosl. výpravy, interesting content, sender Charles Kulhánek, well preserved 1937 SCOUTING/ NETHERLANDS Reg letter to Bratislava, with Mi.301 + 2x 303 + 146, CDS ’s-Gravenhage - Pr.Hendrikplein/ 11.V.1937, on reverse transit. Prague 7 Abroad/ 12.V.37, good condition 1920-36 SOKOL comp. 7 pcs of Ppc with postmarks to motive Sokol (cachet, MC, special postmark), variously good condition, part also drawn color postcard to motive Sokol, good condition 1932-34 SPORT/ FOOTBALL 2 pcs of Ppc from tours footballers sports club. Kladno to Malta (1932) and to USA (1934), postcard from USA light damaged, good condition 1936 SPORT/ OLYMPIC GAMES postcard with airmail view sportovišť sent from Berlin to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.610, 611, special postmark Berlin Olympiastadion/ 10.8.36 with swastikas, round single circle cancel Reichssportsfeld/ Berlin with Olympic rings; torn off repaired corner 1949 UPU 75 years. 3 set of stmp to Anniv UPU, ADEN, ST. LUCIA and NEW HEBRIDES, mint never hinged