Mail Auction 17 / Philately

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55246 - 1854 Reg letter (folded cover) with Mi.4 2x, type III, HP, 1
1854 Reg letter (folded cover) with Mi.4 2x, type III, HP, 1x mounted in front and 1x on reverse, mastnější CDS Brünn/ 24.4. and on reverse arrival postmark. Wien/ 25.4. (in/at seting up date conversely day), black straight line postmark REGISTERED., unbroken seal, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59714 - 1854 folded letter with issue I 3 Kreuzer, Mi.3 HP with very
1854 folded letter with issue I 3 Kreuzer, Mi.3 HP with very nice straight line postmark MORKOWITZ/ 9.NOV., on reverse arrival postmark Brünn16/11
Starting price: CZK
57505 - 1854 folded cover of letter with Mi.3, HP, type I., carton,
1854 folded cover of letter with Mi.3, HP, type I., carton, CDS Brünn/ 17.10., on reverse arrival postmark. Namiest/ 18.10, good condition
Starting price: CZK
54413 - 1855 folded cover of letter with 2x 3 Kreuzer issue I, Mi.3,
1855 folded cover of letter with 2x 3 Kreuzer issue I, Mi.3, with 2 straight line pmk OLMÜTZ/ 10.OCT., 1x horiz. and 1x vert. fold, on reverse whole seal, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56383 - 1858 folded Reg letter from Prague to Zlín, with Mi.3+4, wo
1858 folded Reg letter from Prague to Zlín, with Mi.3+4, worse CDS Prag Kleins/ 20.2. + postmark bank, on reverse transit. + arrival postmark. Zlin/ 22.FEB., good condition
Starting price: CZK
56380 - 1861 folded Reg letter, with Mi.21+22, red CDS Recomandirt/
1861 folded Reg letter, with Mi.21+22, red CDS Recomandirt/ Wien/ 24.9.1861, transit. Prag/ 25.9., arrival postmark. Brandeis/ 25.9., obstřižené seal, signs of age, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
59158 - 1867 folded letter (invitation-card to/at zkouškám) as pri
1867 folded letter (invitation-card to/at zkouškám) as printed matter, with Mi.24, CDS Olmütz/ 11.10., transit. Brünn, interesting on both sides content incl. picture agricultural school, folded as letter, good condition
Starting price: CZK
54416 - 1869 whole front side journal Die Gartenlaube with newspaper
1869 whole front side journal Die Gartenlaube with newspaper revenue Mi.2, Type II.b, blue cancel. K.K.Hauptzollamt Rumburg, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
58993 - 1869 folded parcel letter (with balíčkem vzorku coffee wit
1869 folded parcel letter (with balíčkem vzorku coffee without price/-s), mounted revenue 5 Kreuzer, parcel posting label, framed pmk PRAG, arrival postmark. Seltschan/ 12.9., marked Offerte (Commercial offer), good condition
Starting price: CZK
54414 - 1878 Reg letter with 2x 10Kr VI. issue in front, Mi.38, sing
1878 Reg letter with 2x 10Kr VI. issue in front, Mi.38, single circle cancel Uherské Hradiště 24.5.78 and straight line postmark Reg., on reverse arrival postmark Brünn town 25.5.75, envelope at top slightly torn, on reverse damaged upper lapel, good condition, c.v.. 85€
Starting price: CZK
55698 - 1891 cut square from valuable service letter sent from Brno
1891 cut square from valuable service letter sent from Brno to post off. Štramberk, with value 90 golden and 50 Kreuzers (!), parcel label Brünn town 593, framed pmk K.u.K.. Marken-Haupt-Depot Brünn, round CDS Brünn town 3/12/91, on reverse arrival Stramberg; longitudinal fold
Starting price: CZK
55700 - 1891 cut square from valuable service letter sent from Nový
1891 cut square from valuable service letter sent from Nový Jičín to post off. Štramberk, parcel label Neutitschein 252, oval pmk K.u.K.. WITHOUT./ HAUPTMANNSCHAFT/ NEUTITSCHEIN, oval CDS Neutitschein 21/12/91, on reverse arrival Stramberg 22/12/91, postal imprint community Ženklava Gemeinde Senftleben; crosswise fold, stains, short tear in upper margin (8mm)
Starting price: CZK
58433 - 1892 money letter for 3000zl., form/blank envelope with Mi.6
1892 money letter for 3000zl., form/blank envelope with Mi.66 and on reverse Mi.63, 51, CDS Chlumec nad Cidlinou 21/12 92, on reverse good condition seal, envelope open from two of adjacent sides else preserved, cat. Ferchenbauer 750€
Starting price: CZK
58434 - 1892-97 comp. 8 pcs of mainly commercial R letters with issu
1892-97 comp. 8 pcs of mainly commercial R letters with issue 1890 in various frankings, CDS and Reg label Čížová, Königgratz, Hořitz, Sobieslau, Trautenau, Kgl. Weinberge, Dobruška, Lipnitz; only light damage
Starting price: CZK
59014 - 1895 notarial Retour - Receipt, with 10Kr, CDS Auscha 22.4.9
1895 notarial Retour - Receipt, with 10Kr, CDS Auscha 22.4.95, on reverse transit. Graber/ 23.4.95 and arrival postmark. Auscha/ 25.4.95, vert. fold, otherwise well preserved, cat. Ferchenbauer 2.250ÖS (according to supplier)
Starting price: CZK
56877 - 1899 money letter (5.000zl.) from Žamberk to Kolín, with M
1899 money letter (5.000zl.) from Žamberk to Kolín, with Mi.51, 64, 67, CDS Žamberk 19/6/99; nice seal, crosswise fold, c.v.. ca. 600€
Starting price: CZK
55373 - 18?? letter franked with. pair stamp. Mi.38, CDS thin/light,
18?? letter franked with. pair stamp. Mi.38, CDS thin/light, illegible, on reverse arrival postmark. Prag/ 10.1., smaller signs of age, stamps good condition
Starting price: CZK
55418 - 18?? folded cover R letter, with the first issue in front 9
18?? folded cover R letter, with the first issue in front 9 Kreuzer and on reverse 6 Kreuzer (Mi.4x, 5y), CDS Detta, on reverse transit. Temesvar and Prerau, 2x straight line postmark REGISTERED, přelomená smaller seal, cover torn and glued
Starting price: CZK
59126 - 1900 postcard sent from Královské Vinohrady 2/1 00 with 2
1900 postcard sent from Královské Vinohrady 2/1 00 with 2 Kreuzer, burdened with postage-due bisected stmp Porto 1 Kr, Mi.1, hand obliteration blue chalk, illegible arrival postmark with date 3/1 00; light lohy
Starting price: CZK
55417 - 1900? letter with Mi.4 (more closely unresolved), CDS Strass
1900? letter with Mi.4 (more closely unresolved), CDS Strassnitz/ 21.7., on reverse arrival postmark. lined postmark Aussee Maehren/ 9.8. (Úsov), signs of age and transport, small seal
Starting price: CZK
56379 - 1901 cut square from confirmations about/by payment compartm
1901 cut square from confirmations about/by payment compartment charge, franked on back side 5x str-of-5 postage-due. stamps 20h (Mi.19D), mounted schodovitě, CDS Brüx/ 2.4.01, certificate Ferchenbauer from year 2004, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56873 - 1906 commercial PC sent as Registered to Görlitz, franked w
1906 commercial PC sent as Registered to Görlitz, franked with. 3 pcs of postage stmp Franz Joseph 10h red, CDS Prague 30.VIII.06, C.O.D. neuhrazena, sent back; longitudinal fold above Reg label
Starting price: CZK
53544 - 1909-19 selection of 25 pcs of  cuts and cut-squares post. d
1909-19 selection of 25 pcs of cuts and cut-squares post. dispatch-notes with interesting frankings, 2x FP issue for Italy, joined. types with overprint PORTO, 1x additional printing stamps, 2x Deutschösterrreich, stamps anniv. issue, suitable to sorting
Starting price: CZK
53734 - 1910 2 pcs of official letter cards liberated from postage c
1910 2 pcs of official letter cards liberated from postage containing report on presence infekčních nemocí, 1x German version and 1x Czech, CDS Dobrouč bottom/ 31.3.10, Thomigsdorf/ 28.10.10 (linear), both addressed to on/for district Lanškroun, thin/light fold otherwise good quality, sought mailing
Starting price: CZK
59372 - 1915 letter franked with. mixed issues Jubilee Mi.140+142 an
1915 letter franked with. mixed issues Jubilee Mi.140+142 and war Surtax Mi.180, CDS Dolany, dist. Olomouc/ 13.IX.15, censorship mark Brno, on reverse transit pmk Olomouc, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59561 - 1916 money letter sent to Germany, on reverse with Mi.2x 145
1916 money letter sent to Germany, on reverse with Mi.2x 145 + 151, CDS Teplitz - Schönau/ 15.IV.16, arrival postmark. Leipzig/ 16.4.16, good condition seal, nice
Starting price: CZK
58773 - 1916 Telephone card with 1 Koruna (Mi.153), CDS Krems a.d. D
1916 Telephone card with 1 Koruna (Mi.153), CDS Krems a.d. Donau/ 7.IV.16, printed matter from y 1905, well preserved, rare
Starting price: CZK
58776 - 1916 Telephone card with 2x 30H (Mi.2x 148), CDS Tullnerbach
1916 Telephone card with 2x 30H (Mi.2x 148), CDS Tullnerbach 2/ 8.VI.16, printed matter from y 1905, well preserved, rare
Starting price: CZK
58529 - 1917 postcard to Vienna without payment, burdened with posta
1917 postcard to Vienna without payment, burdened with postage-due with usage stamps Mi.P62, CDS NOVÝ ROUSÍNOV/ 2?.XI.17, arrival postmark. Wien/ 23.XI.17, good condition
Starting price: CZK
54064 - 1917 priority  printed matter franked with. express stmp Mi.
1917 priority printed matter franked with. express stmp Mi.218 as spojenou franking 3+2h (printed matter + express), commercial mailing, CDS Prague 7/ 18.III.17, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58435 - 1917 heavier Reg letter with from stamp booklets with St. An
1917 heavier Reg letter with from stamp booklets with St. Andrew's crosses, Mi.186 5x, Mi.193, CDS Prague 18.IX.17, sent to V.Mareše to Hluboká, on reverse arrival postmark and advertising label Club Czech stamp collectors in Prague, envelope A5 in margin with several tearings
Starting price: CZK
58700 - 1918 postcard Klatovy franked with. 2k express stmp 5h, Mi.2
1918 postcard Klatovy franked with. 2k express stmp 5h, Mi.220A with railway pmk Eisenstein - Pilsen No.187/ 27.X.18; good condition
Starting price: CZK
51224 - 1919 Mi.243B Coat of Arms, heavier postmark but small segmen
1919 Mi.243B Coat of Arms, heavier postmark but small segment, well preserved stamp, Austria Netto Katalog 1409€
Starting price: CZK
58630 - 1920 Mi.321-339 issue for Carinthia, complete set 19 pcs of,
1920 Mi.321-339 issue for Carinthia, complete set 19 pcs of, hints or residue/scrap larger labels, front sides clear, nice, c.v.. 12€
Starting price: CZK
55207 - 1924 Mi.442-446, TB Welfare, complete set 5 pcs of stamp., h
1924 Mi.442-446, TB Welfare, complete set 5 pcs of stamp., hinged, front sides nice, c.v.. ca. 37€
Starting price: CZK
57161 - 1924 Mi.442-446, 494-497, TB Welfare and 10. anniv of republ
1924 Mi.442-446, 494-497, TB Welfare and 10. anniv of republic, c.v.. €130
Starting price: CZK
58904 - 1925 Mi.468-487 Airmail, mint never hinged, c.v.. 380€
1925 Mi.468-487 Airmail, mint never hinged, c.v.. 380€
Starting price: CZK
55405 - 1929 Mi.498-511 Landscape, complete set 14 pcs of, thin/ligh
1929 Mi.498-511 Landscape, complete set 14 pcs of, thin/light hinged, c.v.. 250€? (** 750€)
Starting price: CZK
57469 - 1931 Mi.524-529 Austrian Dichter, very lightly hinged, c.v..
1931 Mi.524-529 Austrian Dichter, very lightly hinged, c.v.. 100€
Starting price: CZK
58902 - 1933 Mi.551-554, FIS I., mint never hinged, c.v.. 550€
1933 Mi.551-554, FIS I., mint never hinged, c.v.. 550€
Starting price: CZK
55406 - 1936 Mi.623-626,  FIS II., clear postmark, well preserved, c
1936 Mi.623-626, FIS II., clear postmark, well preserved, c.v.. 140€
Starting price: CZK
58054 - 1936 Mi.623-626, FIS II., complete set., mint never hinged,
1936 Mi.623-626, FIS II., complete set., mint never hinged, c.v.. 160€
Starting price: CZK
55407 - 1936 Mi.632-637 Inventors, 1x missing tooth (637), otherwise
1936 Mi.632-637 Inventors, 1x missing tooth (637), otherwise overall well preserved, c.v.. 50€
Starting price: CZK
56887 - 1936-37 Mi.632-637 Inventors, Mi.649-57 Physicians on cut-sq
1936-37 Mi.632-637 Inventors, Mi.649-57 Physicians on cut-squares with postmarks Tag der Poststamps, selection of total 15 pcs of stamp.
Starting price: CZK
57470 - 1936-37 Mi.632-637, 649-657, issue Inventors and Physicians,
1936-37 Mi.632-637, 649-657, issue Inventors and Physicians, c.v.. 95€, Mi.657 with small production flaw in gum
Starting price: CZK
58788 - 1919 money letter from inflation period of, sent to Bern, wi
1919 money letter from inflation period of, sent to Bern, with Mi.196 + 234, perfins A.Oe.B. 1x incomplete, identification entire, postmark sent . Anglo.-Österreichische Bank, CDS Wien/ 16.VII.19, on reverse damaged seal and torn lapel, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
59564 - 1921-4 6 pcs of entires sent in period of inflation, various
1921-4 6 pcs of entires sent in period of inflation, various franking and CDS, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55419 - 1933 front side R letter with sets Mi.557-562 (katolíci), C
1933 front side R letter with sets Mi.557-562 (katolíci), CDS Wien/ 11.XI.33, only stamps c.v.. 300€
Starting price: CZK
59708 - 1937 airmail letter to India with Mi.603, 605 2x, CDS Wien 1
1937 airmail letter to India with Mi.603, 605 2x, CDS Wien 13.II.37, on reverse transit and arrival postmark, torn off corner, stains in lower margin
Starting price: CZK
57571 - 1938 SHIP MAIL, letter to England with Mi.283, CDS egyptské
1938 SHIP MAIL, letter to England with Mi.283, CDS egyptského port Port-Taufio/ 9.JU.38, framed pmk PAQUEBOT, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
58425 - 1938 OSTMARK  air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked wit
1938 OSTMARK air-mail letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with Austrian stmp Mi.473, 647, 658-9, CDS Wien/ 7.VI.38, frame bilingual postmark about/by transport by train, on reverse transit. and arrival postmark., interesting document from occupied Austria Germany, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59556 - 1867 LEVANT  Mi.1-5, nice postmarks, 1x postmark Lloyd, 1x s
1867 LEVANT Mi.1-5, nice postmarks, 1x postmark Lloyd, 1x small Jaffa, 1x small diameter circle Smirna; c.v.. 130€
Starting price: CZK
56664 - 1883 LEVANT  Mi.8 Eagle, 2sld., light postmark through/over
1883 LEVANT Mi.8 Eagle, 2sld., light postmark through/over corner, nice, c.v.. 170€
Starting price: CZK
54415 - 1872 LEVANT  whole front side of letter addressed to Genoa w
1872 LEVANT whole front side of letter addressed to Genoa with 3 + 5 + 15Sld VI. issue, Mi.2, 3 and 5, CDS Varna 13.9.72, decorative, c.v.. minimally 250€
Starting price: CZK
59607 - 1898 LEVANT  3 pcs of R letters sent from Constantinople to
1898 LEVANT 3 pcs of R letters sent from Constantinople to Italian Valony, 2x arrival postmark, franked with. 1x on reverse stamp. Mi.23, 2x with Mi.26, 28; envelope/-s with torn margin, stains
Starting price: CZK
58803 - 1898 LEVANT  Austrian post in Levant, postcard Jerusalem wit
1898 LEVANT Austrian post in Levant, postcard Jerusalem with 20Pa, Mi.22 with violet cancel. Jerusalem/ Osterreichsche Post 31/10 98, arrival postmark Dresden 16.11.98; only slightly bumped corners
Starting price: CZK
56110 - 1873-80 LEVANT  PC Mi.P2 + PC Mi.P4b - without asterisk R lo
1873-80 LEVANT PC Mi.P2 + PC Mi.P4b - without asterisk R lower, both mint never hinged, c.v.. 70€
Starting price: CZK
59565 - 1914 LEVANT  commercial letter to Italy, with Mi.57, CDS Smy
1914 LEVANT commercial letter to Italy, with Mi.57, CDS Smyrna II./ Österr.. Post/ 1.VII.14, the bottom lapel torn, light wrinkled envelope, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
59583 - 1913 LEVANT  commercial Reg letter to Italy, with Mi.2x 57,
1913 LEVANT commercial Reg letter to Italy, with Mi.2x 57, both stamps perfin CL (Crédit Lyonnais), Reg label and CDS Constantinople I./ Austrian Post/ 28.VI.13, identification entire, in the middle vert. fold out of stmp, the bottom lapel torn also in front, arrival postmark. Gallarte/ Milan/ 2.7.13, extraordinary destination
Starting price: CZK
59581 - 1913 LEVANT  commercial Reg letter to Italy, franked with. p
1913 LEVANT commercial Reg letter to Italy, franked with. pair stamp. Mi.57, Reg label and CDS Smyrna II./ Österr.. Post/ 6.XII.13, lightly vert. fold, on reverse torn the bottom lapel
Starting price: CZK