Mail Auction 17 / Historical Documents, Maps

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58134 - 1613 complete folded letter from emperor Matyáše, on rever
1613 complete folded letter from emperor Matyáše, on reverse big paper imperial seal, extraordinary offer, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
59313 - 1760 circular Maria Theresa, in Latin written, Nicolaus Palf
1760 circular Maria Theresa, in Latin written, Nicolaus Palffy,archivační folds
Starting price: CZK
51985 - 1809 MILITARIA  certificate of delivery proviantu army
1809 MILITARIA certificate of delivery proviantu army
Starting price: CZK
51955 - 1809 MILITARIA  handwritten requisition confirmation card Fr
1809 MILITARIA handwritten requisition confirmation card French kavalerie(!)
Starting price: CZK
59268 - 1810 circular with text financial order, German - Czech lang
1810 circular with text financial order, German - Czech language, Alois count von Ugarte; good condition
Starting price: CZK
51998 - 1814 MILITARIA  letter of discharge from army, size 38,5x36c
1814 MILITARIA letter of discharge from army, size 38,5x36cm, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
51980 - 1815 BRNO  order zábrdovického rychtáře to robotě
1815 BRNO order zábrdovického rychtáře to robotě
Starting price: CZK
57182 - 1820 BRNO  illustrated master craftsman certificate with ved
1820 BRNO illustrated master craftsman certificate with veduta Brno with revenue postmarks and seal; folds and stains
Starting price: CZK
51937 - 1821 in Czech written imperial edict to odpírání corvée
1821 in Czech written imperial edict to odpírání corvée
Starting price: CZK
52001 - 1841 illustrated master craftsman certificate with revenue p
1841 illustrated master craftsman certificate with revenue postmarks and seal
Starting price: CZK
51993 - 1845 Schluss - Závěry from conference country congress Mar
1845 Schluss - Závěry from conference country congress March of Moravia, illustrated coats of arms; light stains
Starting price: CZK
58004 - 1846 militaria;  plan rozmístění military units for milit
1846 militaria; plan rozmístění military units for military training/exercise 5. military corps, format 44x57cm, more times folded, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
58003 - 1846 militaria;  plan military přehlídky 5. military corps
1846 militaria; plan military přehlídky 5. military corps of day 23.9.1846, with rozmístěním and order military units, format 44x57cm, folded, otherwise perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
58620 - 1847-48 Consistorial Verordnungen vom years 1847–1848 (kon
1847-48 Consistorial Verordnungen vom years 1847–1848 (konsistorní order), heading Maxmiliána Joseph Sommerau-Beckh, arcibiskupa Olomouc (1836–1853), written in German and in Latin, bounded to book/-s with měkkou vazbou, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59266 - 1848 circular with soupisem towns and počtem inhabitant in
1848 circular with soupisem towns and počtem inhabitant in Kingdom of Bohemia, Count Thun; good condition
Starting price: CZK
51935 - 1848 BRNO  Czech language written Brno order Leopold count L
1848 BRNO Czech language written Brno order Leopold count Lažanský to dělnickým nepokojům
Starting price: CZK
51938 - 1849 Czech issue full text Constitution empire for Empire Au
1849 Czech issue full text Constitution empire for Empire Austrian
Starting price: CZK
51939 - 1849 Czech issue announcement with zkráceným text empire c
1849 Czech issue announcement with zkráceným text empire constitution
Starting price: CZK
58011 - 1849 militaria;  detailed description + picture designs on/f
1849 militaria; detailed description + picture designs on/for change uniform and their/its supplements for generalitu and higher officers Austria-Hungary army, on 2 pages 46x57cm, more times folded, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
59315 - 1849-52 2 pcs of circulars, Proclamation about/by foundation
1849-52 2 pcs of circulars, Proclamation about/by foundation Czech dobrovolnického corps from August 1849 and Order and notification k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). podkrajského office kralo-hradeckého contains listing vojensky povinných which/what with nedostavili to recruitment etc..; folds in margins
Starting price: CZK
58008 - 1866 MILITARIA  letter of discharge from army for Czech sold
1866 MILITARIA letter of discharge from army for Czech soldier from community Rybníky by/on/at Lanškroun, sloužícího by/on/at 1. dragounského regiment prince E. Savojského (after/around 10 year and 8 měsících service), richly decorated, exceedingly decorative, on/for several places in folds damaged, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55190 - 1919 Czechosl. war reporter/bulletin No.4, issued in/at Irku
1919 Czechosl. war reporter/bulletin No.4, issued in/at Irkutsk (Иркутck), photo from the life of legionaries, photo documenting Bolsheviks destructed bridges and railway-station, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
55621 - 1947 judaica, invitation card for Manifestační schůzi on/
1947 judaica, invitation card for Manifestační schůzi on/for celebration decision U.N., that will be zřízen samostatný Jewish state in/at Palestine, two-piece, light stains on the inside, on reverse broken corner
Starting price: CZK
57960 - 1729 document written on parchment, text hovoří about/by e
1729 document written on parchment, text hovoří about/by establishment church and pillar in Brno, inserted big seal, item high historical values, good condition, rare (!)
Starting price: CZK
59468 - 1731 jarmareční song, text truchlivé song about/by zříc
1731 jarmareční song, text truchlivé song about/by zřícení home/houses in Olomouc; light folds
Starting price: CZK
59506 - 1769 lease contract for time of 3 years with pre-printed tex
1769 lease contract for time of 3 years with pre-printed text, seal, good condition, folds
Starting price: CZK
59481 - 1812 certificate of payment fee Country court in Brno
1812 certificate of payment fee Country court in Brno
Starting price: CZK
59472 - 1815 pre-printing očkovací certificate of očkování agai
1815 pre-printing očkovací certificate of očkování against kravským neštovicím
Starting price: CZK
59480 - 1819 pre-printed certificate of receiving 29 florinů and 31
1819 pre-printed certificate of receiving 29 florinů and 31 Kreuzers regional office in Jihlava; light stains
Starting price: CZK
59616 - 1823 newspaper Dopisovatel for Bohemia and Moravia, No.35 fr
1823 newspaper "Dopisovatel for Bohemia and Moravia", No.35 from 26.srpna 1823, publisher Senfeld, dopisovatel Kramerius with revenue postmark
Starting price: CZK
59470 - 1833 drawing today already nonexistent monument Joseph II in
1833 drawing today already nonexistent monument Joseph II in/at Rousínově-Slavíkovicích; gravure, folded, short tear in fold
Starting price: CZK
59522 - 1841 Schub-Pass, Schub-Paß (tow-pass), printed matter, sent
1841 Schub-Pass, Schub-Paß (tow-pass), printed matter, sent by post from Brno to Břeclav, postmarks, official entries, torn in the place original seal
Starting price: CZK
59517 - 1842 Nové Město na Moravě  (dist. Žďár nad Sázavou),
1842 Nové Město na Moravě (dist. Žďár nad Sázavou), contemporary veduta town in head 4-page letter on thin paper; folds, frayed margin
Starting price: CZK
59526 - 1843 insurance contract with decorated heading and with big
1843 insurance contract with decorated heading and with big imperial eagle, revenue signet 3 Kreuzer; folds
Starting price: CZK
59469 - 1844 financial vyčíslení editions on/for pořízení pal
1844 financial vyčíslení editions on/for pořízení palírny owner of Ferdinand Schmieda from Brno, also with colored pen drawing palírny; folded
Starting price: CZK
59479 - 1844 preprinted blank form with statement agricultural produ
1844 preprinted blank form with statement agricultural produktů, Bučovice; folded
Starting price: CZK
59523 - 1854 certificate about/by vyvázání from corvée, color po
1854 certificate about/by vyvázání from corvée, color postmark; folds
Starting price: CZK
59527 - 1865 insurance contract with decorated heading with imperial
1865 insurance contract with decorated heading with imperial eagle; folds
Starting price: CZK
59528 - 1871 insurance contract with decorated heading; folds
1871 insurance contract with decorated heading; folds
Starting price: CZK
54361 - 1882-? JUDr.Karel Kramář, former ministerial chairman, sel
1882-? JUDr.Karel Kramář, former ministerial chairman, selection documents relevant to his persons, i.a. his photo and photo mother/-s, document from various clubs/associations (Central School Foundation, Jizeran, Všehrd, Hlahol), notification of promování on/for doctor Rights, koncepty letters, invoices after/behind ubytování and linen, skleněné negatives zachycující his pracovnu, visit card/-s and oths. Various quality, rare
Starting price: CZK
58019 - 1894 invitation-card His Veličenstva (emperor) for prince A
1894 invitation-card His Veličenstva (emperor) for prince Alfred Windischgrätze on/for court hostinu pořádanou 7.9.1894 in Lvově, sitting order + 2x program and 2x menu on 9 and 10.9.1894, extraordinary selection of, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
59409 - 1917-32 Admission sheet horse, 2 pcs of, 1x  	 	k.u.k. (Impe
1917-32 Admission sheet horse, 2 pcs of, 1x k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). state stud-farm in/at Hodonín from y 1917, 1x from Státního ústředního stud-farm in/at Tlumačově in Moravia; folds
Starting price: CZK
55529 - 1920? note for příděl bread for nezaměstnaného, unfille
1920? note for příděl bread for nezaměstnaného, unfilled, clear, short tear
Starting price: CZK
54242 - 1921-38 7 pcs of various documents - documents/attributes is
1921-38 7 pcs of various documents - documents/attributes issued in Carpathian Ruthenia, 5x to one person, text Czech, Hungarian also Russian, good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
54471 - 1944 Proclamation to obyvatelstvu! issued National committee
1944 Proclamation to obyvatelstvu! issued National committee in/at Banskej Bystrici after/around freedom town Red Army Interesting text (zákaz vycházení after/around 20hod., foundation National militia, duty odevzdat broadcasting přijímač, atd.), cross fold, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59318 - 1945-46 certificate of illegal activity/-ies with various ot
1945-46 certificate of illegal activity/-ies with various other documents (věznění) member zpravodajské net National revolutionary army with uděleným Czechosl. war cross 1939 in memoriam with printed signature gen. Svoboda and memorial badge NRA; part strong folds
Starting price: CZK
59283 - 1946 cyclostyle text declaration Parisian conference in y 19
1946 cyclostyle text declaration Parisian conference in y 1946, beginning U.N., mounted special French stamp. with special postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
58566 - 1800? HERALDIKA  letter with graphically propracovaným  by
1800? HERALDIKA letter with graphically propracovaným by coat of arms family Schaller, folds, short tear in margin
Starting price: CZK
59140 - 1957 JUDAICA  CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 3 pcs of uprated postca
1957 JUDAICA CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 3 pcs of uprated postcards sent as Registered on/for Jewish village/community in Prague with report about/by damage on/for life, health/salutes and belongings in time occupation, interesting, good condition
Starting price: CZK
59476 - 1822 JUDAICA, release on 6 guilders, Hebrew signatures, reve
1822 JUDAICA, release on 6 guilders, Hebrew signatures, revenue signet 3 Kreuzer, folded
Starting price: CZK
59471 - 1759 MILITARIA, determination delivery flour for army, print
1759 MILITARIA, determination delivery flour for army, print in Brno, seal with Moravian eagle, folds
Starting price: CZK
57964 - 1944 PROPAGANDA / USSR  pictorial PC as German FP card, prom
1944 PROPAGANDA / USSR pictorial PC as German FP card, promotional newsletter shazovaný after/behind WWII to German trenches, interesting, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
57967 - 1945 PROPAGANDA / USSR  pass in form of Soviet bank note/-s
1945 PROPAGANDA / USSR pass in form of Soviet bank note/-s shazovaná to German trenches, Russian - German text, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
56173 - 1956 PROPAGANDA / USSR  promotional newsletter (thin booklet
1956 PROPAGANDA / USSR promotional newsletter (thin booklet 31 page.) shazovaný from balloons on/for Czechosl. territory, which/what contains projev Chruščova on/for secret conference XX.sjezdu KSSS (kritika kultu personality Stalin, pravda about/by Beriovi and oths. skutečnosti, which/what měly zůstat veřejnosti utajeny), found in the forest by/on/at Hartvíkovic on/for Třebíčsku), smaller signs of age, else preserved, extraordinary document
Starting price: CZK
59123 - 1903 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE  postcard sent from Čestic on
1903 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE postcard sent from Čestic on/for Barona Q. Battaglia to Bratronic by/on/at Blatná; good condition
Starting price: CZK
59693 - 1936-42 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE  comp. 4 pcs of letters sen
1936-42 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE comp. 4 pcs of letters sent to members family Liechtenstein (3x to Šternberku, 1x to Zahrádek); good condition
Starting price: CZK
58649 - 1905-16 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE  comp. 2 pcs of Ppc (Zdounk
1905-16 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE comp. 2 pcs of Ppc (Zdounky, dist. Kroměříž, and Malacky, SVK), Portofrei zřízeno on/for family Thurn-Taxis, recipient: Prinzessin Thurn-Taxis; Zdounky with stains, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
59475 - 1853 RAILWAYS  express freight letter for railroad Ferdinand
1853 RAILWAYS express freight letter for railroad Ferdinand's north railway on pink paper, decorated heading with picture train and engine/-s, framed pmk Brünn, traffic data, folded
Starting price: CZK
59524 - 1854 RAILWAYS  freight letter for railroad North state railw
1854 RAILWAYS freight letter for railroad North state railway (Praha–Úsov), railway-station postmark, traffic notice; folds
Starting price: CZK
59505 - 1859 RAILWAYS  freight letter for railroad Ferdinand's north
1859 RAILWAYS freight letter for railroad Ferdinand's north railway, decorated heading with picture engine/-s with tendrem and with attributes shop, postmark, traffic notice, well preserved, folded
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 17 / Historical Documents, Maps - Information

Historické dokumenty a mapy

Do této kategorie řadíme mimo mapy také historické dokumenty jako různé zakládací listiny, vyhlášky a nařízení ve formě plakátů, letáky atd.