Mail Auction 17 / Other Collector`s Domains / Bank Documents, Cheques

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50961 - 1876 Austrian state obligation on/for 1000 guilders, German
1876 Austrian state obligation on/for 1000 guilders, German - French text, issued in Vienna 1.10.1876, Czechosl. postmark from 30.XII.1921, more folded, in/at one fold torn, damaged. upper margin, docela clear
Starting price: CZK
59276 - 1882-1916 2 pcs of debenture bonds Austrian red cross, 1x on
1882-1916 2 pcs of debenture bonds Austrian red cross, 1x on 10 guilders from y 1882 and 1x on/for 20K from y 1916; folds, stains
Starting price: CZK
58577 - 1914 decorated share Czech  joint-stock. company for raffino
1914 decorated share Czech joint-stock. company for raffinování paraffin oil in Kolín on/for obnos 200 Koruna, recognized new Czechoslovak státem, postmark; folds, preserved
Starting price: CZK
59271 - 1915 obligation on/for 100 Koruna Third Austrian war loan wi
1915 obligation on/for 100 Koruna Third Austrian war loan with neoddělenými talons, mounted halving revenue 1 Koruna with cancel. of Tax Office in/at Jaroměř; strong folds, tearing in margins
Starting price: CZK
60189 - 1917 obligation town Wien (Vienna) on/for 1000 Koruna with u
1917 obligation town Wien (Vienna) on/for 1000 Koruna with used talons with cancel. Czechoslovakia, only fold, decorative
Starting price: CZK
58575 - 1884 obligation Magyar Jelzálog-Hitelbank incl. talons, rec
1884 obligation Magyar Jelzálog-Hitelbank incl. talons, recognized new Czechoslovak republikou, 2x Czechoslovak revenue, postmark; folds, partial tearing
Starting price: CZK
59294 - 1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  obligation on 2 Guldeny Hungarian club
1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY obligation on 2 Guldeny Hungarian club/association "Gotes Herz" with Czechosl. official postmark, přeloženo
Starting price: CZK
50968 - 1922-24 2x debenture bond Czechosl state loan from y 1922, b
1922-24 2x debenture bond Czechosl state loan from y 1922, both on/for 100 Liber on/for deliverer, issued 10.4.1922 and 23.5.1924, both part of talons, folded, margins wrinkled, otherwise clear
Starting price: CZK
60188 - 1926 Slosovatelný sovereign bond Czechoslovakia on/for 150C
1926 Slosovatelný sovereign bond Czechoslovakia on/for 150CZK with nepoužitými talons, print A.Haase, Prague; fold, small stains
Starting price: CZK
50698 - 1923 share Steirische Wasserkraft and Elektrizitats stock co
1923 share Steirische Wasserkraft and Elektrizitats stock company in Graz, face-value 1000 Koruna, several talons odstřiženo
Starting price: CZK
59274 - 1941 obligation on/for 1000RM Sudeten Germans kommunal - anl
1941 obligation on/for 1000RM Sudeten Germans kommunal - anleihe, issued in/at Liberec; good condition
Starting price: CZK
50966 - 1944 2x partial debenture bond Club/Association for chemical
1944 2x partial debenture bond Club/Association for chemical and metallurgical production in Prague on/for 5000K and 10.000K, issued in/at únoru 1944, unfolded, nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
59513 - 1918 UKRAINE  obligation on/for 200 hřiven with talons, str
1918 UKRAINE obligation on/for 200 hřiven with talons, strong fold
Starting price: CZK
60186 - 1952 USA  share firm Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. on/for 10$, on
1952 USA share firm Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. on/for 10$, only folds
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 17 / Other Collector`s Domains / Bank Documents, Cheques - Information

Akcie, obligace, šeky - cenné papíry

Sběratelstvím akcií, dluhopisů, hypotečních zástavních listů, vkladových, podílových a kmenových listů, obligací, směnek a dalších cenných papíru se zabývá obor - skripofilie.