Mail Auction 17 / Other Collector`s Domains

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52005 - 1805 permanentní entrance ticket to Brno theatre from y 180
1805 permanentní entrance ticket to Brno theatre from y 1805(!)
Starting price: CZK
51962 - 1808 document Country defence
1808 document Country defence
Starting price: CZK
51929 - 1809 Austrian passport valid on 8 days
1809 Austrian passport valid on 8 days
Starting price: CZK
59467 - 1827 migration book bound in/at hard cover,  revenue signet
1827 migration book bound in/at hard cover, revenue signet 15 Kreuzer from year 1818, data with postmarks places from surroundings Brno, very well preserved
Starting price: CZK
59478 - 1837 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE  for stolaře, issued in Vienna,
1837 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE for stolaře, issued in Vienna, revenue signet 1 gulden, folded
Starting price: CZK
59477 - 1840 passport Margravate Moravian-Silesian with validity for
1840 passport Margravate Moravian-Silesian with validity for 1 year, significant folds, light frayed margins
Starting price: CZK
59474 - 1840 APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA  large apprenticeship diploma wi
1840 APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA large apprenticeship diploma with decorated heading and with symbols craft industry , revenue signet 1 gulden, wax seal, folded, light spots
Starting price: CZK
59503 - 1853 Waffenpass, gun licence issued in Znojmo, revenue signe
1853 Waffenpass, gun licence issued in Znojmo, revenue signet 30kr, folded, light stains in margins
Starting price: CZK
57575 - 1867, 1874 Card/Leaf identification in the name of Čapek Hy
1867, 1874 "Card/Leaf identification" in the name of Čapek Hynek, kramář from Lomnice, Jičínský territory, with mounted revenue 1fl. on reverse, and Austrian due bill on/for 494 guilders written on/for Joh. Walšika from Turnova; significant folds on/for check and worse condition document
Starting price: CZK
59473 - 1869 diploma Moravian-Silesian company for povznesení econo
1869 diploma Moravian-Silesian company for povznesení economy, Brno, gravure, folded
Starting price: CZK
59637 - 1906 document Czech sailor Austro-Hungarian mariny, zajatéh
1906 document Czech sailor Austro-Hungarian mariny, zajatého in China, written Chinese and German, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58548 - 1916 comp. 2 pcs of vocational certificates in the name of J
1916 comp. 2 pcs of vocational certificates in the name of Joseph. Schnitzera from Dvořiska, decorated documents, 1x partial tearing in folds
Starting price: CZK
59081 - 1917 document member Austrian army, K.u.K.. Ers.-Baon No. 44
1917 document member Austrian army, K.u.K.. Ers.-Baon No. 44, slouží to evidence of bydlení outside lágr, military unit postmark K.u.K.. Infanterie-Regiment No.44/ V. Ers.-Kompagnie, issued in/at Liberec 9.V.1917; partial oblique fold
Starting price: CZK
59303 - 1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  militar passport about/by přev
1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 militar passport about/by převedení officer to reserve / advance, sheet format A4 with folds, round and straight line postmark Compensatory batt./guidon Czechosl. infantry reg. No.30 Vysoké Mýto
Starting price: CZK
59080 - 1920 passport card for team, postmark unit Headquarters 7. t
1920 passport card for team, postmark unit Headquarters 7. troop Czechosl. infantry reg. No. 11. (11.), military unit postmark Headquarters II. batt./guidon Czechosl. infantry reg. No. 11. (11.), also with 2 pcs of letters from same soldier; document abraded in margins, light stains
Starting price: CZK
57966 - 1926 school certificate (Lehzeugnis) in the name of Richard
1926 school certificate (Lehzeugnis) in the name of Richard Tengler, geboren in Nesselsdorf (narozen in/at Kopřivnici, dist. Nový Jičín ), format A3, decorated; folds, light stains
Starting price: CZK
53547 - 1926-37 7 pcs of various identity-card, Dorostenecký passpo
1926-37 7 pcs of various identity-card, Dorostenecký passport Sokol 1926, Masaryk's air league 1927, member document Šimonkova relief fund 1937, Čtenářská document 1932, Identity-card for pořadatele on/for Zlaté helmet 1933, Identity-card to dance school 1928, Sokol passport 1931, all good condition, one person
Starting price: CZK
53556 - 1927-38 selection of various personal documents/attributes,
1927-38 selection of various personal documents/attributes, Identity-card Masaryk air-mail league, Dorostenecký passport Sokol, Member passport air-mail circle, Žákovská passport Czechoslovak State Railways, Identity card Electric tracks Prague, Identity card Czechoslovak State Railways on/for dělnickou jízdenku, free entrance ticket to bath, Studentská document, Identity-card odborová, Identity-card pojištěnce
Starting price: CZK
55643 - 1935 Czechoslovak passport issued in/at Uherské Hradiště,
1935 Czechoslovak passport issued in/at Uherské Hradiště, entrance postmark on 3 sides, incl. cover, superb
Starting price: CZK
58642 - 1935-45 selection of 25 pcs of railways tickets, card from r
1935-45 selection of 25 pcs of railways tickets, card from railway scale, tram ticket/-s from Prague and Jihlava, student's měsíční ticket ČSAD, entrance ticket for bridge, entrance ticket to Bohemian Switzerland and entrance ticket for II. place Club/Association theatre amateurs Zlato-Olešnických, various condition
Starting price: CZK
59079 - 1937 Masaryk's air league, group Vysoké Mýto, dorosteneck
1937 Masaryk's air league, group Vysoké Mýto, dorostenecká document, stains in fold
Starting price: CZK
53548 - 1939-44 selection of Bohemian and Moravian documents/attribu
1939-44 selection of Bohemian and Moravian documents/attributes, 2x card on/for oděv, 1x passport for discount of fares, booklet for staffer Trestní regulation of zemězradě and instructions for bezpečnost work, pokutový card, various quality
Starting price: CZK
59085 - 1940 diploma, Projev recognition youth of National Union in/
1940 diploma, Projev recognition youth of National Union in/at the first study soutěži zdatnosti MNS, folded, on reverse spots
Starting price: CZK
57963 - 1941 passport German labour front Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront,
1941 passport German labour front "Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront", KdF-Wagen-Sparkarte, Volkswagenwerk G.m.b.h., in the name of Richard Tengler, Senftleben (= Ženklava, dist. Nový Jičín ), with vložkami; good condition
Starting price: CZK
58632 - 1942 Factory passport/ Werkausweis, Flugzeugwerke Letov, Pra
1942 Factory passport/ Werkausweis, Flugzeugwerke Letov, Prag-Letnian, licence for entrance to plant/race Werk III - Prag VII, in the name of Bohumil Žaba; good condition
Starting price: CZK
58634 - 1942 Factory passport/ Werkausweis, Flugzeugwerke Letov, Pra
1942 Factory passport/ Werkausweis, Flugzeugwerke Letov, Prag-Letnian, licence for entrance to plant/race Werk III - Prag VII, in the name of Rostislav Žahour; torn upper margin
Starting price: CZK
59019 - 1943 Driving Licence (English řidičské licence), for sold
1943 Driving Licence (English řidičské licence), for soldier Czechosl. army in Great Britain, also with 5 pcs of original photos držitele passports, very interesting item
Starting price: CZK
59072 - 1943 mourning card, corporal Luftwaffe (airforce)
1943 mourning card, corporal Luftwaffe (airforce)
Starting price: CZK
58922 - 1943-44 mourning card, 2 pcs of small funeral cards with pho
1943-44 mourning card, 2 pcs of small funeral cards with photo of killed members German army on eastern front
Starting price: CZK
59018 - 1944 document entitling to nošení Czechosl. military memor
1944 document entitling to nošení Czechosl. military memorial medals, issued in London 7.3.1944, bilingual postmark War Office, signature Gen. Ingr
Starting price: CZK
58053 - 1945 document with mounted official confirmation about/by Cz
1945 document with mounted official confirmation about/by Czech nationality from 30.7.1945 in the name of Božena Krejčová, postmark People's Committee Pacelice, dist. Strakonice, document with photo and print fingers, Bohemian and Moravian postmark
Starting price: CZK
59083 - 1945 notification family pilot Joseph Novák, member Czechos
1945 notification family pilot Joseph Novák, member Czechosl. foreign air forces, killed in war 2.6.1940, signed commander air forces brigade. Gen. Alois Vicherek; folded, dark spot
Starting price: CZK
59071 - 1945 mourning card, brothers Čtvrtlíkové, killed pilots R
1945 mourning card, brothers Čtvrtlíkové, killed pilots RAF from Olomouce-Černovíru
Starting price: CZK
59078 - 1955 Military Service Book for officers and generály, War O
1955 Military Service Book for officers and generály, War Office, issued MěVS Pardubice, lot of postmarks, insertion tankist, unstuck photo
Starting price: CZK
59683 - 1968 document member Company for lidská law, member number
1968 document member Company for lidská law, member number 785, passport photo member
Starting price: CZK
50961 - 1876 Austrian state obligation on/for 1000 guilders, German
1876 Austrian state obligation on/for 1000 guilders, German - French text, issued in Vienna 1.10.1876, Czechosl. postmark from 30.XII.1921, more folded, in/at one fold torn, damaged. upper margin, docela clear
Starting price: CZK
59276 - 1882-1916 2 pcs of debenture bonds Austrian red cross, 1x on
1882-1916 2 pcs of debenture bonds Austrian red cross, 1x on 10 guilders from y 1882 and 1x on/for 20K from y 1916; folds, stains
Starting price: CZK
58577 - 1914 decorated share Czech  joint-stock. company for raffino
1914 decorated share Czech joint-stock. company for raffinování paraffin oil in Kolín on/for obnos 200 Koruna, recognized new Czechoslovak státem, postmark; folds, preserved
Starting price: CZK
59271 - 1915 obligation on/for 100 Koruna Third Austrian war loan wi
1915 obligation on/for 100 Koruna Third Austrian war loan with neoddělenými talons, mounted halving revenue 1 Koruna with cancel. of Tax Office in/at Jaroměř; strong folds, tearing in margins
Starting price: CZK
60189 - 1917 obligation town Wien (Vienna) on/for 1000 Koruna with u
1917 obligation town Wien (Vienna) on/for 1000 Koruna with used talons with cancel. Czechoslovakia, only fold, decorative
Starting price: CZK
58575 - 1884 obligation Magyar Jelzálog-Hitelbank incl. talons, rec
1884 obligation Magyar Jelzálog-Hitelbank incl. talons, recognized new Czechoslovak republikou, 2x Czechoslovak revenue, postmark; folds, partial tearing
Starting price: CZK
59294 - 1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  obligation on 2 Guldeny Hungarian club
1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY obligation on 2 Guldeny Hungarian club/association "Gotes Herz" with Czechosl. official postmark, přeloženo
Starting price: CZK
50968 - 1922-24 2x debenture bond Czechosl state loan from y 1922, b
1922-24 2x debenture bond Czechosl state loan from y 1922, both on/for 100 Liber on/for deliverer, issued 10.4.1922 and 23.5.1924, both part of talons, folded, margins wrinkled, otherwise clear
Starting price: CZK
60188 - 1926 Slosovatelný sovereign bond Czechoslovakia on/for 150C
1926 Slosovatelný sovereign bond Czechoslovakia on/for 150CZK with nepoužitými talons, print A.Haase, Prague; fold, small stains
Starting price: CZK
50698 - 1923 share Steirische Wasserkraft and Elektrizitats stock co
1923 share Steirische Wasserkraft and Elektrizitats stock company in Graz, face-value 1000 Koruna, several talons odstřiženo
Starting price: CZK
59274 - 1941 obligation on/for 1000RM Sudeten Germans kommunal - anl
1941 obligation on/for 1000RM Sudeten Germans kommunal - anleihe, issued in/at Liberec; good condition
Starting price: CZK
50966 - 1944 2x partial debenture bond Club/Association for chemical
1944 2x partial debenture bond Club/Association for chemical and metallurgical production in Prague on/for 5000K and 10.000K, issued in/at únoru 1944, unfolded, nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
59513 - 1918 UKRAINE  obligation on/for 200 hřiven with talons, str
1918 UKRAINE obligation on/for 200 hřiven with talons, strong fold
Starting price: CZK
60186 - 1952 USA  share firm Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. on/for 10$, on
1952 USA share firm Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc. on/for 10$, only folds
Starting price: CZK
48542 - 1855 AUSTRIA  Austrian ticket Class - lottery, Classe II., b
1855 AUSTRIA Austrian ticket Class - lottery, Classe II., black and blue color, light stains
Starting price: CZK
48543 - 1855 AUSTRIA  Austrian ticket Class - lottery, Classe III.,
1855 AUSTRIA Austrian ticket Class - lottery, Classe III., B/W, very light stain
Starting price: CZK
59238 - 1908 AUSTRIA  Slosovací calendar for y. 1908, journal Pragu
1908 AUSTRIA Slosovací calendar for y. 1908, journal Prague Mercure, paperback i.a. contains list/roster tahů in Austria all povolených tickets; superb condition, decorative envelope
Starting price: CZK
59226 - 1908-1910 AUSTRIA  comp. 3 pcs of tickets, 1 Koruna lottery
1908-1910 AUSTRIA comp. 3 pcs of tickets, 1 Koruna lottery ticket of Czech benevolent society for ill pulmonary diseases from y 1908 and from y 1911, 1 Koruna lottery ticket for building cheap and zdravých dwelling in Brno; all very good condition
Starting price: CZK
59224 - 1921 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  Lottery Club/Association disabl
1921 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Lottery Club/Association disabled people Czechoslovak legion, ticket in/at price 5CZK, color lithography Hora Prague, without folds, hints after stapler in L margin
Starting price: CZK
59229 - 1922-25 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. 4 pcs of tickets, tick
1922-25 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 4 pcs of tickets, ticket 2CZK Co-operation for building club/federal home/houses in/at diecesi Králové Hradecké, 2CZK lottery ticket humanity club/association for care about/by health/salutes dělnictva in Prague, 5CZK ticket Konvektu merciful Bros in Prague, 5CZK ticket National unity Nort Bohemian in Prague; good condition with light folds
Starting price: CZK
55534 - 1927-31 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. 9 pcs of tickets Czech
1927-31 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 9 pcs of tickets Czechoslovak. class lottery from y. 1927-1931, various class (I-IV), well preserved
Starting price: CZK
59228 - 1928-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. 5 pcs of tickets, 3CZK
1928-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 5 pcs of tickets, 3CZK ticket of raffle Hradčanského institution for education blind children from y 1928, 2x 3CZK ticket Country headquarters care of youth in Bohemia, 5CZK ticket 16. state charitable lottery, 3CZK ticket of raffle for the benefit of building/-s corps České Bros Church Czechoslovak in/at Žamberku; all good condition
Starting price: CZK
56163 - 1931 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 ticket Masaryk air-mail league i
1931 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 ticket Masaryk air-mail league in value 3CZK, draw 4.5.1931, light folded, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
59227 - 1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  5 Koruna ticket National charitable lo
1943 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA 5 Koruna ticket National charitable lottery, good condition
Starting price: CZK
56651 - 1930 Czechoslovakia  selection of 16 pcs of advertising labe
1930 Czechoslovakia selection of 16 pcs of advertising labels Czech towns, for example. Hradec Králové, Městec Králové, Benešov, Moravská Ostrava , Litomyšl, nice quality
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 17 / Other Collector`s Domains - Information

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