Mail Auction 17 / Other Collector`s Domains

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59712 - 1938 silky headscarf with map Czechoslovakia, motives Czech
1938 silky headscarf with map Czechoslovakia, motives Czech history and military weapons in memory of 20. anniv of republic, size 38x38cm; light frayed in corners
Starting price: CZK
58051 - 1920 legionary emblem from netkané textilie, size 6x7cm
1920 legionary emblem from netkané textilie, size 6x7cm
Starting price: CZK
54115 - 1916-36 MILITARIA, selection of various military documents t
1916-36 MILITARIA, selection of various military documents to one person, 2 dovolenky, design povýšení, certificate způsobilosti, conferment Válečného cross, commemorative sheet Czechosl. dobrovolce, document, cut out from map/-s, interesting
Starting price: CZK
54216 - 1910? carton sheet with mounted figures from sheets 5137 and
1910? carton sheet with mounted figures from sheets 5137 and 5085 (sněhuláci and band), issued. William Pick and sons Prague Smíchov, 1x výměna figure, color lithography, embossed, vysekávané
Starting price: CZK
53691 - 1968 PF 1968 editors journal MY67, printing M.Němečka, ver
1968 PF 1968 editors journal MY67, printing M.Němečka, verse Ivana Wernische, printing 315 pcs on hand-made paper, format ca. 60x40cm, folded, well preserved, signature šéfredaktora Vladimíra Matese
Starting price: CZK
59411 - 1908 VYSTŘIHOVÁNKA  exhibition Vilímkova pavilion from an
1908 VYSTŘIHOVÁNKA exhibition Vilímkova pavilion from anniv. exhibition in Prague, in color imprinted sheet A1, folded, good condition
Starting price: CZK
55721 - 1900? comp. 3 pcs of předplatních coupons (perforated) on/
1900? comp. 3 pcs of předplatních coupons (perforated) on/for jízdné in/at trams, 2 pcs of in value 10h on/for tram in Ústí n.L., 1 pcs of in value 10h on/for tram in/at Liberec - broken, interesting, as multiple good condition
Starting price: CZK
58160 - 1936 RAILWAYS  doplatkový traveller's card on/for ride from
1936 RAILWAYS doplatkový traveller's card on/for ride from Čopu to Uzhhorod; only fold
Starting price: CZK
58158 - 1942 RAILWAYS  ticket on/for express train Rájecké Teplice
1942 RAILWAYS ticket on/for express train Rájecké Teplice - Bratislava with perfin traveller's office Želka, on reverse postmark with přerušením ride in/at Trenč. Teplé; only fold
Starting price: CZK
55522 - 1899 letter paper, decorated, embossed and gilt decorative,
1899 letter paper, decorated, embossed and gilt decorative, paste-in lithographic picture with cherubs, described, folded to envelope/-s, interesting
Starting price: CZK
54412 - 1872 decorated letter papers, decorative paper with color mo
1872 decorated letter papers, decorative paper with color motive girl in costume, around embossed lace, used, 1x horiz. and 1x vertical light folded, LR corner 2x fold
Starting price: CZK
58159 - 1921 RATION CARDS  comp. 3 pcs of various cards on/for sugar
1921 RATION CARDS comp. 3 pcs of various cards on/for sugar issued town Bratislava; good condition
Starting price: CZK
58547 - 1940 Un trhací calendar with advertising Paper R. Šubrt, B
1940 Un trhací calendar with advertising Paper R. Šubrt, Brno, with zvýrazněním with lhůtami payment big lot of various daní, interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
54230 - 1930? BILLS  selection of 26 pcs of advertising bills advert
1930? BILLS selection of 26 pcs of advertising bills advertising francovku ALPA, various printings, one also multicolored, i.a. golf, boby, veslování, cycling, Scout, swimming and oths., well preserved
Starting price: CZK
57699 -  NUDE, comp. 15 pcs of  B/W photos,  format ca. 12,5x17,5cm,
NUDE, comp. 15 pcs of B/W photos, format ca. 12,5x17,5cm, some pieces are new issue old, authors : M.Hák 2 pcs of (1944), A.Zych 1 pcs of (1932), K.Ludwig 1x (1950), M.Stibor 1 pcs of, F.Janiš 2 pcs of, Z.Virt 3 pcs of, M.Vojíř 5 pcs of (1x other format), all publ. ORBIS, nice
Starting price: CZK
59244 - 1924 Alphonse Mayer ROTSCHILD (1878 -1942) in Vítkovicích,
1924 Alphonse Mayer ROTSCHILD (1878 -1942) in Vítkovicích, on/for picture L, photo: Tiskový branch presidia ministry council/court, format 18x13cm
Starting price: CZK
59074 - 1923 minister national defence before/(in front of) odletem
1923 minister national defence before/(in front of) odletem to Bratislava of day 21.III.1923, on reverse postmark fotooddělení Czechosl. years. regiment No. 1
Starting price: CZK
59260 - 1914-17 comp. 9 pcs of photos from estate after/around pilot
1914-17 comp. 9 pcs of photos from estate after/around pilotovi Austria-Hungary air forces on a mission on/for Italian front, interesting photos letišť, aircrafts and aerial views, supplemented with sheetlet připraveným to sending family, placed in corners on/for cartons
Starting price: CZK
59075 - 1917 photo country near village Stary Počajov, present Ukra
1917 photo country near village Stary Počajov, present Ukraine, pořízená from aircraft, postmark K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppen/ Fliegerkompagnie No. 14, size 17y13cm
Starting price: CZK
59675 - 1940 youth and bezmotorový kluzák on/for hillside, signifi
1940 youth and bezmotorový kluzák on/for hillside, significant swastika on/for směrovce, format 24x18cm, wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
53701 - 1957 Mustangové, comp. 4 pcs of  B/W photos musical country
1957 Mustangové, comp. 4 pcs of B/W photos musical countryové group/-s, photo M.Šebek, formats 230x175mm, very fine
Starting price: CZK
50661 - 1976 BOUDA C.: accepted stamp design 20h Anniv AMU, Pof.2197
1976 BOUDA C.: accepted stamp design 20h Anniv AMU, Pof.2197, printing by pencil, format 17x27cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50662 - 1976 BOUDA C.: skica - accepted stamp design 20h Anniv AMU,
1976 BOUDA C.: skica - accepted stamp design 20h Anniv AMU, Pof.2197, printing by pencil, format 18x25cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
59366 - 1950? DILLINGER Peter  (1894-1954), painter in/at landscape
1950? DILLINGER Peter (1894-1954), painter in/at landscape with river, color lithography, 53x36cm, signed
Starting price: CZK
59363 - 1930 DOBROVOLNÝ Jaroslav, (1895),  church (Hradiště), col
1930 DOBROVOLNÝ Jaroslav, (1895), church (Hradiště), color xylograph, size 15x18cm, signed
Starting price: CZK
59416 - 1960 FÁRA Libor (1925-1988), Jazz, printing by Indian ink,
1960 FÁRA Libor (1925-1988), Jazz, printing by Indian ink, 13x19cm, signed
Starting price: CZK
59390 - 1931 HAVRLÍK Svatopluk (1908–1966): From Saint-Jeanu by/o
1931 HAVRLÍK Svatopluk (1908–1966): From Saint-Jeanu by/on/at Monte Carlo, oil, 40x28cm, in/at masivním wooden gilt frame; picture from study road/-s of author after/around France; frame in corners rozklížený
Starting price: CZK
58624 - 1930? HENNING H.: Faust, collection 40 pcs of author prints
1930? HENNING H.: Faust, collection 40 pcs of author prints with signature, placed in special hard cover, printing 245 pcs of, by hand written number –3–, good condition
Starting price: CZK
50665 - 1979 HERČÍK J.: refused stamp design 1,20Kčs issue Fauna
1979 HERČÍK J.: refused stamp design 1,20Kčs issue Fauna in/at Heraldice, colored drawing by Indian ink, format 10x15cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
59415 - 1980? KLIMOVIČOVÁ Marička (1927 - 1993), Z Vrtbovské gar
1980? KLIMOVIČOVÁ Marička (1927 - 1993), Z Vrtbovské garden, combined technology, 10x16cm, author's print 16/100, signed
Starting price: CZK
59369 - 1930? KUČERA Rudolf, (1884), Jihlavka by/on/at Vladislavi,
1930? KUČERA Rudolf, (1884), Jihlavka by/on/at Vladislavi, color lithography, signed, small tearing 2cm in/at sky
Starting price: CZK
50608 - 1974 LIESLER J.: 3 pcs of stamp designes issue Hydrological
1974 LIESLER J.: 3 pcs of stamp designes issue Hydrological Decade, tinted printings kuličkovým by pen, format 3 pcs of 14x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50568 - 1962 LIESLER J.: refused stamp design issue PRAGA 62, format
1962 LIESLER J.: refused stamp design issue PRAGA 62, format 14x24cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50565 - 1962 LIESLER J.: refused stamp design issue PRAGA 62, format
1962 LIESLER J.: refused stamp design issue PRAGA 62, format 24x13cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50601 - 1971 LIESLER J.: refused stamp design issue UNICEF, colored
1971 LIESLER J.: refused stamp design issue UNICEF, colored drawing by Indian ink, format 15x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50671 - 1979 MORAVEC: refused stamp design 1,60Kčs, colored drawing
1979 MORAVEC: refused stamp design 1,60Kčs, colored drawing (women with children), format 16x23cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
59414 - 1930? NĚMEC Charles, (1869-1960),  Piják and amor, xylogra
1930? NĚMEC Charles, (1869-1960), Piják and amor, xylograph, 14x19cm, signed
Starting price: CZK
59364 - 1930? RICHTER John, (1906),  jarní mountain country (the Be
1930? RICHTER John, (1906), jarní mountain country (the Beskids), undated, color lithography 35x40cm, signed
Starting price: CZK
58554 - 1925 SALCMAN: Podobizna industrialist Mr. Thomas Baťa from
1925 SALCMAN: Podobizna industrialist Mr. Thomas Baťa from Zlín, area/region print 23x30cm, light stains in margin
Starting price: CZK
56669 -  SCHMIDT Jindra: portrait girl in/at hanáckém costume, rel
SCHMIDT Jindra: portrait girl in/at hanáckém costume, relief marked "Mědirytina/ JS/ hand-made print", general size 15x21cm, nice
Starting price: CZK
50629 - 1969 STRNAD I.: other refused stamp design Red Cross values
1969 STRNAD I.: other refused stamp design Red Cross values 60h (tree), tempera, format 16x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50627 - 1968 STRNAD I.: other refused stamp design World zdravotnick
1968 STRNAD I.: other refused stamp design World zdravotnické federation values 1Kčs, tempera, format 16x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50613 - 1968 STRNAD I.: refused design on/for unissued stamp. to/at
1968 STRNAD I.: refused design on/for unissued stamp. to/at XIV. congress Communist Party of Czechoslovakia values 30h, tempera, format 16x27cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50616 - 1968 STRNAD I.: refused design on/for unissued stamp. to/at
1968 STRNAD I.: refused design on/for unissued stamp. to/at XIV. congress Communist Party of Czechoslovakia values 60h, tempera, format 16x27cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50631 - 1969 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design Red Cross values 1Kčs,
1969 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design Red Cross values 1Kčs, tempera, format 16x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50630 - 1969 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design Red Cross values 60h (f
1969 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design Red Cross values 60h (flower), tempera, format 16x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50623 - 1961 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design issue Sport values 1Kč
1961 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design issue Sport values 1Kčs Ragby, printing crayon, format 16x27cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50620 - 1961 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design issue Sport values 30h
1961 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design issue Sport values 30h Figure skating, printing crayon, format 16x27cm, glass passe-partout (cracked glass)
Starting price: CZK
50621 - 1961 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design issue Sport values 60h
1961 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design issue Sport values 60h Házená, printing crayon, format 16x27cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50639 - 1970 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design values 4,40Kčs (post.
1970 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design values 4,40Kčs (post. envelope) for PC, colored drawing, format 16x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50642 - 1984 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design U.N. International Conf
1984 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design U.N. International Conference on Population values 20c, tempera, format 19x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50626 - 1968 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design World zdravotnické fed
1968 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design World zdravotnické federation values 1Kčs, tempera, format 16x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
50633 - 1970 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design Constitutive conference
1970 STRNAD I.: refused stamp design Constitutive conference SSM values 30h, tempera, format 16x20cm, glass passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
59344 - 1911 ŠTÁFL Otakar (1884–1945): exlibris Rudolf Chrůma,
1911 ŠTÁFL Otakar (1884–1945): exlibris Rudolf Chrůma, 72x108mm, Book, flowers in weight
Starting price: CZK
59289 - 1926 ŠVABINSKÝ Max  publication Twelve xylographs, issued
1926 ŠVABINSKÝ Max publication Twelve xylographs, issued John Štenc, content 12 reproduction original xylographs on free sheets size A3, I. - III. sheet Rajské sonata, August noon, Evening, Golden evening, Diana, J.Mánes, Vlastní portrait, Ička, Podobizna Lady, detail I.listu rajské sonata, good condition
Starting price: CZK
58552 - 1981 ŠVENGSBÍR J.: comp. 3 pcs of author prints with signa
1981 ŠVENGSBÍR J.: comp. 3 pcs of author prints with signatures J. Švengsbír, area/region print 9x17cm; 1x light stain in margin
Starting price: CZK
59359 - 1902 ÚPRKA Joža, (1861-1940), Jožka with klepačků, etch
1902 ÚPRKA Joža, (1861-1940), Jožka with klepačků, etching, size print 9x12cm, without signature, declared in/at Popis graf. product No.15
Starting price: CZK
59319 - 1911 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884–1969): exlibris Ad. from Nagy, 6
1911 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884–1969): exlibris Ad. from Nagy, 65x104mm, Landscape with lake
Starting price: CZK
59333 - 1913 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884–1969): exlibris architect Fr. Ti
1913 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884–1969): exlibris architect Fr. Tichý, 54x100mm, Figure in/at gotickém arc
Starting price: CZK
59324 - 1909 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884–1969): exlibris Božka Grulichov
1909 VÁCHAL Joseph (1884–1969): exlibris Božka Grulichová, 64x120mm, Skála in/at sea, on/for her svíce and book
Starting price: CZK